Max Enix's news

max enix's news

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Before integrating the definitive lyrics for the next Albums, here are a few vocal lines Taken From a New song called "In this forgotten and Crimson Tomb" ! No Real lyrics, no dubbing or anything, A cappella for fun. Don't mind my head! I'll be recording the final lines (wish I'll polish up) in May/June normally with strong lyrics ! 



*No need for a microphone! The important Is Always to go further an reach New levels ! You Can try AT home ! Some people want to destroy/stop me because they see my potential and don't want it to exist, too - you know, my Great vocal coach is the first to say so! They don't want me to pass like most talented artists (see their career) and wants the fucking throne I will never want by the way! I prefer create ! Now you know the hate networks behind it and their sentinels/instigators/jokers/haters and those who follows because that suits them (and their interests/opinions)! I can yell like a bear or put sentences like a hyena (already done in the past) but I don't see the point if there's no depth and no real emotions conveyed! They think they are All stars you know ahah when I think I m just a creator that Evolve in others dimensions and with a broader Vision (Don t pretend) ! The World Is like that ! It takes all kinds to make a world. Some are clones , some are different (Wars are born like that) ! Continue your way and succeed with all the jackals around ! The more you follow your OWN instincts, the better you are! 



***“I force until I taste blood, then I'm quiet for a month”: Devin Towsend talks about his vocal technique (or lack thereof)! "Interesting!" 

Devin Townsend reveals that he has no formal vocal technique, even admitting that he doesn't like singing and imposes brutal methods on himself to prepare for his tours.

An extraordinary voice, against all odds! "When the first (and only) singing teacher I consulted heard me sing, he said, 'You'll lose your voice with this technique in less than a year.' And here I am, 30 years later, still there."

Max Enix / Far From Home / Review


Max Enix / Far From Home / 8.5 out of 10 / Thanks a lot again MariskalRock from Spain ! Beauty in Darkness & Ocean of Light Albums will go much further on all points without an orchestra (but huge orchestrations) and with very few guests! A promise I'll keep! 

English traduction: The multifaceted musical genius Max Enix returns in style thanks to the release of a new album, which, while maintaining each and every one of the hallmarks that he already demonstrated in his previous work, 'Constellia' (2019), now surprises with the greater depth and complexity of a magnanimous and colossal conceptual creation collected in the format of a double LP that, definitively, elevates the composer as one of the most important creative minds, not only of the international metal scene, but of any musical label worth its salt.

Complete Review: 

*Once again Constellia/ Secret Garden was More simple and made with an other composer (co-composition) ! Not the same methodology as Far From Home (even if my artistic vision and all that goes with was already completely here & printed at almost every level) and the next ones as you probably know ! Very different than Far From Home and the Future ones as Max Enix main composer, Songwriter, singer, Lyricist, Art director, Actor and far more ! Ambitious & cinematic in general (with or without orchestra depending of the projects) ! Always with great musicians and collaborators that work with me on the Albums of course ! Thanks to them and especially Thomas Kubler for orchestrations and some arrangements !

**People will say what they want but sometimes you have to continue on your own path with your own vision to avoid bullshit, stupid trivia/competitions/rivalry and people who want to put themselves forward here & there, wrongly so ! Some Shitheads who've said so much rubbish (so we don't get ahead of them, you know, they can fuck off and shut the fuck up long ago, no need to come back and kiss our ass and change versions again)! Who are they kidding? Thanks !!!

***Far From Home, the last 26-minute song on the double album, acclaimed by those who took the time to listen & understand! The true masterpiece on the double album, in my opinion can be seen and hear everywhere (Youtube, Tiktok, Insta and all the plateforms) ! The orchestral version too and others! Restore beauty in this society gangrened by shit & appearances! 

Light & Darkness


For the next Max Enix Albums to come "Beauty in Darkness" and "Ocean of Light"... That will merging different genres... Away from sectarianism and communautarism.. I'm currently working on my vocal lines at home (I will made on the definitive orchestral parts this time as you can hear on some previous excerpts), which I want to be supernatural, powerful, filmic, emotional, theatrical, expressionist & varied, as well as the placement of a very few guests (Rap/hip hop & Black metal especially and one of the greatest drummer out there)! I can tell you that compared to Far From Home, we're really going to be reaching emotional heights on every level (music, orchestrations, vocals, lyrics, videos clips, shows/concerts and more...)! I have clearly reach new levels on vocals with lots of variation and will be able to show you what I am capable of (without forcing on some parts = Know what suits me or not and with some words better integrated = for even better pronunciation) ! I think these vocals lines will give you shiver (studio & Concerts) ! I will made 90% of it this time so great shows and tours with great stuff from these albums, Far From Home Etc... With modern and futuristic elements ! EPIC ! I can't wait to bring you the original and orchestral versions! Epic composition and radio! See you soon! Be ready for the transcendence beyond words ! I need TOTAL freedom on my creativity to be at the best (even more than in Far From Home) ! As a perfectionist! And I'll keep going and going and going for the next ones! Clearly a different dimension! Not sure you are ready for that ! The goal is to release some of the best Albums ever made (Long Albums = so that people get their money's worth even if I am here to leave a mark and leave messages before all) and I assure you that I will do it By trusting my instincts and with great people with me (and not envious ones or mythomaniacs anymore who also want to put themselves at the forefront of my project at all costs when they don't do even 1/20 of the whole or worst when they are not involved = Who are these clowns who talk without knowing, disinform/manipulate/transform/invert/change versions or open their viperous mouths?) ! I know them , I don't need them and fuck them! ABE  

*On top of my professional activities, Lots of things are coming (Albums, Projects, Collabs, UK/Asia/US shows principally and then others areas in different countries Etc...) ! See you soon and keep the passion Alive !

New Excerpts


Max Enix/Beauty in Darkness/ End of 2025 normally. New excerpt on Facebook ! Art has no borders & no limits! It has to be lived! The recipe will never be the same! Treasure your own ingredients & vision! Towards the natural evolution of creation & the future on earth & in the cosmos! The abyss of souls is open in reality away from the social networks of shame & mediocre minds! Light & Darkness united to Destroy the Leviathan & unhealthy powers once & for all! See you soon (Shows...)

Max Enix: Composer (music), Songwriter, Singer, Art Director, Lyricist, Actor (Videos...) Etc...!
Thomas Kubler: Orchestrator & Arrangements!

Next gen cinematic music with very powerful, emotional and transcendent epic & radio songs !

Destruction Camps


Max Enix: Beauty in Darkness / End of 2025-Beginning 2026 ! New orchestral extract from track 7 on Facebook, which deals with the sensitive subject of concentration camps, horror, memory, the executioners condemnation & the liberation (light at the end of the tunnel)! An animated clip will accompany it! May this never happen again

**Basis (orchestral and original versions): 
Max Enix: Composer (music), Songwriter, Singer, Art Director, Lyricist, Actor (Videos...) Etc...!
Thomas Kubler: Orchestrator & Arrangements!

And to imagine with powerful/transcendent instruments & vocals for the original version (Very powerful/emotional filmscore & metal passages and not only with rap/hip hop, jazz, rock, world/New Age, variety, electro and all kind of music) ! Memorable, unforgettable compositions and melodies that will leave a lasting impression on you ! <3 

Great News


Great employment contract signed in Switzerland yesterday! Thanks to the company for its confidence! Everything must remain strictly confidential! I have an other too for some extra ! I'll be taking Swiss nationality as soon as possible (half of the French principally are rabid & envious and corrupt idiots)! I'm leaving property transactions to one side for the time being (even if i'm still a business introducer for some real estate agencies), despite the new proposals, & will principally be making investments! Big artistic projects (Albums, Shows/Tours, announcements & others) are coming ! Beyond words/music! See you soon

A flawless double Album


Max Enix / Far From Home / Ragebreed Magazine new review/Interview soon ! Wouah "A flawless double Album" as they say ! More news soon and more reviews, interviews, articles Etc... in the coming months Again + Huge announcements and projects 

The most recent one :

Max Enix Facebook page to listen


Max Enix / Beauty in Darkness end of 2025 & Ocean of Light end of 2026 normally ! I try out some vocals at home before going into the studio in Germany with Markus Teske (Bazement Studio) this year to record/perfect all this with different things & then in Sweden with David Castillo & Tony Lindgren (mix/mastering from Fascination street studios & studio Grondahl) as for Far From Home! I always finish the vocal lines at home based on the lyrics first before going to studio! There's nothing definite for now here (lines, placements...) , I will rework on them and things will evolve but It show you some colours ! This time (for the original version # Orchestral) the additional instruments (apart from the piano that will remain like this this time) will be recorded after the recording of my definitive vocals lines ! And then we will see with a few guests! Self taught as Hans Zimmer as you probably know and I've got absolute/perfect ear so it's easier and I can readapt when I need to (just in case some people are lying around as always = that suits some jealous people = They don't want me to have opportunities and want them for themselves, you know = Why I don't work with them anymore by the way = I've been constantly confronted by some envious people/alliances who wants to put themselves forward here and there, create dramas for all and nothing , try to sideline me you know since my youth because very sensitive in general , go further in my mind/reasoning , say what I have in my head, have others strengths and soul connexions Etc... = it's humanity and no more time to lose with them because human stupidity & unhealthy corruption is infinite you know)! So I follow my way/path away from all of them and I'm going above/beyond these circles of idiots!! I've never appreciated the ease of working and I need to be attentive to the smallest details! I need to have complete freedom in my work so that I can be as competent as possible and so that no-one decides for me in general (perfectionist) even if I'm here to listen good advices ! I'm not here to fit into any particular circles, I'm here to keep things Avant garde (hybrid) and combine elements from the greats artists (all genres) who have changed the history of music to go beyond music & words ! Have a good day ! Huge things are coming 

*Lyrics (not the hard parts here = Parental advisory explicit): 

Agnus Dei / Rising / Agnus Dei / Rise

Taste all this blood 
on the battleground
See all these tears
Your soul is freed, 
fleeting away from this Earth
It lights up the soul 
and carves a path 
Through black holes
You decide to activate
Nirvana Keys
Down the line to mechanisms of time

**Basis / 
Max Enix: Composer (music), Songwriter, Singer, Art Director, Lyricist, Actor (Videos...) Etc...!
Thomas Kubler: Orchestrator & Arrangements!

The music, orchestrations, lyrics and others will be far more deeper like the vocal lines will be even more powerful, varied and emotional than before, because I'm now relying solely on myself for my variations and choices (far more than precedently again and I don't allowed myself to be badly influenced by rigid people without true emotions again in every fields = And some of them are control freaks, envious, mythomaniacs and gossip-mongers in addition) ! All the same idiots and their friends they corrupt (just look at their faces , reasoning and you understand or not ahah) ! They can go fuck themselves and go away! I Follow my instincts and I don't listen to the bad opinions that want to make you fit into boxes and take away your sensitivity (or mislead you from your true feelings) ! 

Live this instant classic now


Max Enix / Far From Home ! Thanks a lot again Dimitris Zacharopoulos (Greece) ! Mythofrock  “Far From Home” stands as a mirror to today’s world, addressing the potential consequences of our actions. “Far From Home” creates soundscapes beyond music and words, a universe that extends beyond the confines of traditional musical expression. I enjoyed great vocal performances, intricate arrangements, fantastic music themes, incredible solos etc. It is like watching a great movie, like watching a metal musical! Max Enix’s “Far From Home” shows what artistic courage and creativity may offer. It stands as a beacon in the musical landscape, offering a unique and unforgettable experience. For sure, a must-listen for those who appreciate the limitless potential of musical expression, an over two hours and a half musical adventure, which will cast a spell on you. That’s nothing short of an artistic recital! Live this instant classic now!"

The next ones Beauty in Darkness & Ocean of Light will go further in every respect without orchestra but with huge orchestrations and a few guests this time ! I will be principally on vocals with great lines (Emotional, powerful, varied and far more) based on the orchestrations this time (even more appropriate as you will see) ! ! The Albums/Tours/Shows (especially Jap/Asia, UK, US, South America...) will be very Epic and transcendent !

Prayer of the Gods song


Max Enix/Prayer of the Gods song from the Far From Home Albums! This image represent the result of societal & sectarian conditioning, of sick corruption, of imposters in every fields behind false white paws & so-called clean/fake appearances! Look at the world again, their bloody inversions, fake pyramids & Fuck you Bétharram (temple of violence & shame under Gods)! Legitimate self-defence! ABE

More in the comments of the Main Facebook page ! 

Hans Zimmer different methodology


Great choice! Make a difference to have your own approach (every fields)! Different visions, different choices, time to unite for ART! Some people have to learn that (especially some I have worked with), rather than short-circuiting other people's projects out of jealousy because we have higher or different talent! Who are they (gurus who wants control) ?

“It was two weeks of absolute torture.”
Film composer Hans Zimmer said he took piano lessons for only two weeks before quitting because he was more interested in writing his own compositions.
“I didn’t want to do other people’s music,” Zimmer said.

Hans Zimmer Self-taught = Only 2weeks of piano lessons because he disliked the discipline of formal lessons  and it's why all the others sounds the same) ! Almost the same work methodology as me (composer, songwriter singer, Art director, Lyricist ETC...) ! EMOTION Before All!

There will always be people who try to make a mess of things and destroy other people's projects for their interests and domination, that's just the way it is! We have to move forward! Let them mind their own business ! FUCK !!! And let's not forget that most singers are just performers ! 

Hans Zimmer Methodology: "Hans Zimmer's career has been marked by an unorthodox approach to music and film scoring and part of this lies, he thinks, in his lack of formal training. "I have no technique and I have no formal education, so the only thing I know how to write about is something that's inside of me." : Full Article: 

*** Forum/Hans Zimmer Way of working (some elitist people are boycotting him because of that and that's very sad because you have to respect each other's working methodologies and the talent that goes with it): 

"I have to disagree with Christopher Smith. This is what I often hear at my music college too. I don’t like that attitude of an elite who don’t credit non-formal trained musicians or composers. Thats just rubbish and kind of jealous.

I’m not working for Hans but I know one who has and want to defend him because he deserves what he accomplished.

First, Hans writes a suite for every film at the beginning and does it totally on his own. This is then rehearsed together with the director to show Hans’ ideas about the mood of the film and will serve as a basic tune toolbox later on. It contains basically the theme of the score. All harmonies, sounds and arrangements of the suite will be “re-used” as a template for filler and underlying music. These music parts are usually composed by his co-composers and this has little to do with his ability as a composer but to deliver an incredibly big production in a very short time and to free him from “boring” tasks to be able to concentrate on the major parts of the score. - Hans never got fired from a scoring gig - the deadline thing is one reason why. Btw. other composers also have assistants who work on their scores. Hans has just more…He also works incredible hours and literally lives the film during his scoring work. He is a master at perceiving a story and capturing the feel and atmosphere of a film. This is actually THE ability a film composer must have. He is a genius in that regard.

Hans on not reading music… He can read music of course but is maybe just not as fast as a trained musician. Also sight reading might not be his strength, he reads MIDI rolls like no one else. The jealous composer can say what he wants. This is a skill and its one most classical trained composers most likely do not have. Deal with it.

Hans’ music is powered by simplicity with innovative sound design which serves the picture unbelievable good. And that is the job! Yes, his scores are no Williams tunes. But there is already a Williams. There is also a Newman and an Elfmann - you get the picture….Hans is just another kind of signature. He manages to get gigs and the movies he scored become usually hits. That speaks for him too.

And no composer orchestrates the whole score by themselves. Even John Williams writes his scores just on the piano and pass the raw piano score to his orchestrator. To claim Hans is not a real composer because he cannot orchestrate on paper is bollocks. In fact, he started the whole MIDI orchestration thing. In other words, he already orchestrates while writing the score. Just not on paper. Ok, maybe he makes some voice leading mistakes when things get complex but the orchestrater will rule that out later on - thats his job. But again, even the likes of Williams has got own orchestrators. So come on, give him what he deserves."

Greater Emotions and sensitivity you know that are not understand by mediocre minds or some conditioned elites ! But we continue our ways !

Dream Theater support


Official Message from James (Kevin) Labrie before the release of Far From Home when he was supposed to guest on one of the tracks but couldn't finally because the songs weren't definitive (After discussions)! Before a show I went to! It's always amazing to read this again, along with the reviews of cult band Dream Theater! Parasomnia is another masterpiece in this respect!

*"Everyone loving the songs they have heard thus far from the Album!"

**The address mail was on his official approved facebook page before (I'm not giving it away, of course): but he has delete it since because people don't stop to annoying him (but you can contact him on his website now for serious business enquiries)! Good luck ! !



As I did before the release of Far From Home on a large scale, I'm going to get the ball rolling again and send out as many emails and messages as I can to get reviews, interviews and other promotional material for the albums (as some of them don't do anything unless you pay them)! Some are coming already! Sometimes you're better served by yourself, especially with all the organisation required for projects like mine, which are out of the ordinary (and rival those of today's top artists) ! I've been monopolised lately by various activities and this will be even more the case in the coming months, but it's important to do it again! I'll be announcing the signing of a new label soon and organising some transcendent tours and shows (UK/US/Asia Etc...) after the release of Beauty in Darkness at the end of the year Etc... Develop projects instead of underhandly undermining them (like some sons of bitches if you are not by their side anymore or don't pay them once again)! I'm starting to get fed up with all these mythomaniacs , jealous & crooks! Sodomizing the snakes song & video in the future Album is for them all and they will recognize themselves in a tragic way (bunch of fuckers) ! It's time to look in the mirror and brush your peeling (some stink of shit 10 km away)! We're not part of your masquerade of puppets! See you soon IN REALITY (away from the social networks where some assholes wants to control/delete us) before a possible new world war ! PEACE

In Far From Home, my original strings and piano parts were reworked almost identically to mine, but with a bit more substance (apart from the songs or parts that didn't have any piano in them to begin with)! Great work ! Not to mention Secret Garden, which was a co-composition (and completely different way of working)! But for Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light to come and the future Albums/Projects in general my string parts and especially piano parts will be kept almost exactly the same by Thomas Kubler, which will help to reinforce the atmosphere and avoid losing the deep mood! To have a more pharaonic , deep and huge atmosphere and go beyond! I'll be using my own unique style, just like my vocals, which will be even more varied, emotional and powerful! Unique and millions miles away ! So now the liars can shut their mouths too ! Transcendent things are coming ! To reach the artistic level of the next 2 albums , shows and not only, I can tell you that some of you are going to have to work very very very hard!

Max Enix: Composer (Music), Songwriter, Vocals, Art director, Story, Lyrics, Actor (Videos...) , Etc...
Thomas Kubler: Additional arrangements, Orchestrator

I have made more than 450 improvisations and book interpretations like Shining from Stephen King before the release of Far From Home ! And now I continue towards new landscapes, Albums and projects

Banana New Art ???


New video clips are coming for Beauty in Darkness & Ocean of Light, as you may know! A report on the reality of our world, the conditioning, corruption, horrors, huge lies around us, the eternal restart of wars & injustices, but also a lot of beauty, poetry, transcendence & parodies! Huge things are coming in this upside down reality! The clown! What? The Free Alien who sees the world! Millions miles away! Love !

*Get out Covered ! Dont forget to protect yourself. The song and video "Sodomizing the Snakes" Is coming. Censored & Uncensored version! This video clip will represent A guy (people spit at him) who follows a negative spiral of this world and all the horrors (gore and violence everywhere and people who sickly caution that = steamroller of the society WITHOUT OUR CHOICES) we see and ends up sinking further and further into madness before committing suicide! Parenthesis of Apocalyptic Love ! You know who are the culprits since millenas and this banana is for them all (those fuckers in position of unhealthy power who think they can justify their crimes and abuse others free of charge and under threats) ! The opposite of the clip The seagull later on, with a story of love and an extraordinary positive spiral aside the sea and sand (among other things)! 

**9 sentences out of 10 by my/our side are true when 7 sentences out of 10 by their side are fake ! You just have to see around you ! You know, they can't keep up with the others on a regular basis! They need scoundrel techniques and spying! Throughout history, certain (fake) leaders, fuckers or assholes (depend of the names you give to them) have won victories with the worst lies and data manipulation, and the masses have followed! They have tries to poison their rival by diverse strategies (if they were not on their side again and not loyal to them anymore)! What the fuck ? Are they so stupid or so jealous ? But things are reversing/changing now! Humans cannot continue in the same fucking way and nonsense ! Some have an inferiority complex (want to put themselves forward at all costs), but not me! I am not these kind of jokers ! Fuck unhealthy competition , snakes/Judasses in disguise ! Some sentinels will always be here to stir troubles you know ! They want monopoly or they want your fall ! Some wants to destroy lives to take strength they don't really have ! No rivality or stupid wars by my side ! Question: Are you going to let the scoundrels' techniques win like in the past and history (the meek/weak and submissive masses), or are you going to revolt once and for all and let nature win (with higher talents)? I/We go above this bullshit and I don't need that to win because I know my talent, skills and vision ! Only Union with the great ones ! The souls gulf is open ! You will see just a matter of time ! You have to know your natural strength !!! Freedom and Victory in REALITY ! Ours ouls are Unique and different ! Love for everyone is the fucking key

***Contemporary art ??? And the people who need to eat and are suffering/dying around us ??? After buying the banana for 6 million dollars, he eats it
Chinese-American entrepreneur Justin Sun tasted Maurizio Cattelan's work in Hong Kong on Friday, after winning it at auction last week. Wasn't she a bit rotten ??? It will be better to invest on great projects than shitty ones or million dollars banana isn't it ?

**** If anyone's not happy... or has anything to say... Let them come and tell me directly (rather than through opposites and spying boars)! I'll let them know the price of my banana before they can use/eat it and the rates for my services aside ! They owe me lots of money for all I have do for them ! Let them pay for what I've done for them ! Of course my body is not to sell and I will use some parts of my body in one of the next video clip and song so that they will be able to understand some messages ! Some fuckers need to understand that we don't play with people bodies without their consent or stop their evolution if we are not by their side anymore with propaganda and bullshit ! We are not in a fucking zoo with people who kill others behind fake white paws !!!! That's called rape and we're going to shove it right back up their arses! They should stop playing donkey games or the answer will be more than apocalyptic for them! Do they think I am afraid of them tssssssahahah ? They are weak and hide themselves behind total nonsense and shit ! They can take their smirk with them in the dark and behind prison bars or padded cells! Be careful ! I'm not part of a rotten vision that wants to control the world! FUCK YOU to the core and go away !!! Each to his own, each to his own path and that's ALL! I don't want to be part of the arena of shame and their puppets who swim in a pool of shit and piss ! Opposite vision ! You can shove your earthly vision of foamy Care Bears up your arse! Don't blurred our freedom , we are not slaves and we are not like you ! We are not weak with others but strong alone ! And with the great ones ! ABE !

***** Devin Townsend my sensitive brother 



My vision is getting clearer by the day! Both pharaonic and futuristic! Avant garde for both albums & stage! The phoenix will change colors & gradually move away from social networks! Surprises aplenty! Have a great Sunday! Great announcements soon! See you soon in reality

My ‘pharaonic’ projects are not subject to any rigid societal rules, but are cosmic & Telluric  and my emotions are guided by an elsewhere (like many composers as Hans Zimmer, singers and others, I'm not looking for the note or the chord in general, but the transcendence of the natural feeling)! That's why my musical universe is so unique and very different from what's being done in general! And I have a fantastic orchestrator too who retake my strings/Piano parts and others and transcend the whole ! This will always be the case, because I don't like to be like everyone else, or to fit into the boxes that the conditioned elites (who all sound similar) want us to fit into at all costs! Huge/transcendent things are coming with the great ones ! A dimension millions miles away from societal formatting and bullshit ! That's why we'll be hunted down because we don't meet society's standards! I don't give a fuck about joining the ranks! I don't submit to clones ! My pharaonic music/Vision is Beyond words, understanding and cloning! Others Emotions/Strengths ! A Unique VISION ! A far cry from the worst human bullshit/Nonsense!
*Live, I'll be mainly singing, developing my universe between day and night and colour codes! I can also play keyboard and guitar live, it's not a problem and I've got the level to work like I do in the studio, but I'd rather be singing! Avant Garde! My voice is so powerful that I don't even need a microphone to cover a room in general, but of course it's all about subtlety, variation, delicacy, strength and emotional power!

Pho"Enix" Tattoo


New Tattoo in my Back soon (or something similar) ! Water Pho"Enix" Supernatural & fascinating ! With Maybe some others elements on it like Fire but the water will dominate like in the Cosmos, above creation and others water intelligences/souls! Angels marks (not the wrong beast ones = Not Leviathan "spirit of confusion" & things associated) ! Universal languages/souls! ABE!

"So will it be at the end of the age: The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous, and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.…
Don't you know that we judge angels? And would we not, a fortiori, judge the things of this life?" Preserve (y)our souls and beware of impostors who use names

*Symmetrical or non-symmetrical inscriptions! 

Think ot the invert ! Water Intelligences and souls create Humans and beings bodies , create dimensions, interactions, planets, elements and others... ! We are Souls and Fields of Consciousness ! The memory of water, billions of interactions in cortexes and in the cosmos! The materialization of bodies! Parallel dimensions! The resonance of everything in eternity! Others forces, paths and choices far away from the simple humans appearances and tools but a multitude of appearances and forms ! Not things created by humans ! The eyes of the Universe and portals are watching you in different places ! 

Gravitational Waves... Movements ! The medecine of the future on Earth will be based on that and it's already the case on others ways

Some humans will always try to kill the divine and others forces you know ! Some are limited in their minds/heads because they are only drafts and experiences (only piece of shit or simple papers) ! Not more ! Their souls are not enough evolved ! They don't understand so they detroy as always ! Mediocre minds ! But others are stronger and Beautifil soul

Billions of galaxies, Dimensions and others ! But stronger things and forces Above ! Far more More than a Matrix ! Inscriptions, programmations, Soul Age, Connexions... ! Beware of all these tiny dusts on Earth who think they know better than others because they will remain dust and will not really evolve ! It's not their/our fault it's written in the Universe because they only know how to make gossips and based themselves on simple humans futilities since millenas ! These ones in all cases will not understand these words ! They will remain ignorant of others perspectives and imprisoned in their ideals that they will share to others (without knowing) ! Beware of the sankes/judasses in disguise who mislead you all ! They will be up against forces they don't know but the Universe has no time to lose with these weak souls ! Stronger ones are here 

Black Holes are Alive ! Beware of those who wants death to (y)our souls (Sauron and unhealthy power assimilated to the Leviathan in the lord of the rings movie is a good exemple you know = That want only chaos and Evil domination (crush others) on Earth WITHOUT OUR CHOICES = Imposition = Difference but imagine all that in the actual society and people of power = Not the same images because more clean with fake white paws but all depends you know but the same sense with all their sentinels, imps and impostors who manipulate words/data and others to their advantage and acts for gratuitous hatred) ! Not blood and flesh = Existence but unhealthy power who unbalances the fundamental principles and values of the Universe and its intelligences! Shameful inversion of the cosmic order and all infinite senses (behind a simple human computer or behind humans networks)! Better forces are there for those who understand in REALITY above all that shit ! The Eyes of the Universe are watching you ! Some souls are already damned and lost ! Reflection of our pupils in others huge scales and beyond when we become blind, paralyzed, lose our senses, our memory and regain our sight and our freedom in other spheres! Universe is in us ! So keep your feet on the ground and eyes to the Universe and you will found keys to after life or not ! Beware of the parasites who let you think they know when they know almost nothing ! Who are they ahahah ? LOVE for All is the Fucking Key !

Grammy Awards 2025


Bravo Gojira (FR)! You've never won a Victoires de la Musique award (or anywhere else) in France, but the United States knows how to reward you (Grammy Awards prize in the middle of lots of different genres) with this superb performance at the Olympic Games (and not only with your last Album Etc...)! You've always pushed your limits! Creativity and commercialism (good equilibrium), and it's paying off after 30 years of work! You've got something more than most French bands or artists in this category, and that's what's made the difference!

Joe Duplantier dedicated the win to ‘all the bands who push the boundaries’. ‘Support your local artists, support your local bands’, he said alongside Marina Viotti as he received the award at the pre-ceremony.

Gojira are currently being boycotted by a section of the French public because they've become too commercial, too pop or not metal enough! Who can't stand the fact that the price of their t-shirts is too high, or whatever! They said it was better before their worldwide success and are now associated with Ego and all this kind of stupid bullshit you know! Etc... But they have reached a new status and have the right to assert their rights! Great values come from this! You always have to push your limits and create other avenues to succeed sooner or later on a large scale! Risk-taking and differentiation are essential!

I think that Good music doesn't need borders or divisions! Universal music! Universal soul! Well done to all the other artists in various fields, especially Rap and RNB, who have won awards, etc... As you know the next Max Enix's Albums, Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light will merge genres (Film Music, Rap/RnB, Rock/Metal/Prog, Electro, World/New Age, Jazz, International Variety Etc...) for a commercial and emotional impact that will transcend communitarianism and unite peoples! Radio & Epic songs ! My vision of the Future that will open doors (when others will closed them in a more sectarian way) !

*A special mention to Johann Meyer, Gojira's sound engineer, with whom I'll certainly be working for my future shows in London/UK (principal goal for now), America, Asia/Japan, South America and Europe, among other places! Huge promotions to promote the shows Etc... You'll find me with a unique vocal configuration and colour-coded day and night effects (certainly generated by Mike St Jean, one of Devin Townsend's best friends)! Very cinematic, contemporary and avant-garde! Like I wanted to do after Far From Home already with some goodies but not the right time ! Now it will be OK and will worth the wait believe me ! Very powerful and Emotional as for the Albums to come (completely in tune with the current time) !


“It’s none of that (satanism),” Duplantier told Rolling Stone. “It’s French history. It’s French charm, you know, beheaded people, red wine, and blood all over the place — it’s romantic, it’s normal. There’s nothing satanic (laughs).

“France is a country that made a separation between the state and religion during the revolution. And it’s something very important, very dear to the foundation of republican France. We call it laïcité. It’s when the state is not religious anymore, so therefore it’s free in terms of expression and symbolism.

“It’s all about history and facts. We don’t look too close closely at symbolism in terms of religion.”

Far From Home Review

03/02/2025 Thanks Trashocore (FR) ! UK/US/Asia and others Max Enix is coming soon ! No cheating ! No competition! Revolution is coming far from (y)our home 


In June of this year 2023, there was an album that shook up the progressive metal scene: “Far From Home” by France's MAX ENIX. Yes, before being a band, MAX ENIX is first and foremost a multi-faceted man: singer, songwriter, composer, artistic director, manager, actor and so on. He's a guy as active as he is talented, who set out to write a story revolving around spirituality, as well as a critique of modern society (corruption, communitarianism, propaganda, indoctrination, fanaticism...), ultimately giving birth to two hours and forty (!) minutes of music, divided into fourteen chapters ranging in length from three to twenty-six minutes (re!) for the eponymous composition that closes the double LP.
Yes, on paper alone, it's already impressive. But what's even more impressive is that Max, with his acknowledged talent, could probably have done it all on his own, with some good MAO software and a few singers to accompany him. Not so. For one thing, he called on the Budapest Symphony Orchestra. Secondly, he surrounded himself with talented musicians to form the backbone of the band (for example, Jean-Jacques Moréac on bass, Léo Margarit from PAIN OF SALVATION on drums).

Thirdly, he has managed to play an absolutely phenomenal number of Guests (you'll find the official list at the end of this article), and I'd just as soon tell you that they're not your next-door neighbor! There's nothing but heavy stuff here, and I can't think of anyone better than AYREON to rival such an address book.

And yes, I was going to mention the Dutchman at some point, as it seems obvious to me that fans of the former are bound to appreciate the latter, if they haven't already. It's true that vocally it's perhaps a little below par, especially where the female vocals are concerned (there's no equivalent to Anneke Van Giersbergen or Sharon Den Adel), even if we're talking about top-level performances, but I'm far more seduced by the male voices, both in terms of the choice of tessitura and the way they're married to each other, positioned according to variations in intensity, the desired climates and so on. Once again, it's impressive to have brought such a program to fruition, from an organizational point of view alone. I'm curious to know how he did it... Was there a critical path? A Gantt? A PERT? How did he manage all the stakeholders? I'm not sure anyone really realizes how much planning goes into an album like this.

Far From Home" should not, however, be reduced to the mere interest of its guests or the effort required to bring it to fruition. Indeed, as with AYREON, no matter how well known the guest is, he's not there to take the limelight, but to put his talent at the service of the work. In this respect, it's a perfect success, at least in my opinion, since when I listen to the album I don't feel like trying to recognize who's doing what. You just let yourself be carried along by the narrative, that's all. Of course, I could be picky: the album is ultra-long, and I'd have liked to see more pure prog metal passages, like on “The Dark And Bright Tunnel”, and fewer symphonic or simply quiet moments, but that would really be trying to criticize an album that clearly doesn't deserve it. I'm not going to start quibbling about the fact that there's a lot of piano, while at the same time some of the guitar parts are pure knockouts (the solo on “The Broken Face”, for example, among dozens of other possible choices), and that the melodies are rich, varied and orchestrated without unnecessary emphasis... This is a near flawless album, that's for sure.

Not being a musicologist myself, it would be difficult for me to go into more detail about the technical characteristics of the various songs, but I can only say that the composer has not fallen into the trap of making music for musicians, and that he always strikes the right balance between technique and melody, the complexity of demanding music made accessible to the widest possible audience. To put it another way, “Far From Home” can be enjoyed by all ears, whether you're a neophyte, a professional, a novice, an experienced artist or a weekend guitarist. And that's really great, especially for a guy like me who listens to very little of this musical genre.
For the more die-hard fans, there's now an orchestral-only version of the album. Personally, I'm already less keen on it, as the cinematic side leaves me rather cold, but it should prove an interesting experience to accompany some good comics or an RPG. It took me a while to get into it, and although I was scared by its ambition, I don't regret the discovery.

New Label & Shows


I've got a big business card now with Far From Home, Reviews Etc... So I Will announce new Label signature this year (different possibilities) for Beauty in Darkness & Ocean of Light + Film/Games/Serie Music + Others creations/proposals/collaborations Etc... Etc...! So I Will announce new Label signature this year (different possibilities)! No definitive choice for the moment but a great one (or major = Fusion) US/UK/Jap or South America and European (Even if there's a gulf between Europe & some continents now = mentalities/open mindedness/projects =  France is the worst = Time to take risks) or others that will believe hard in my projects in these hard days and do the best as I will do = Shows/Goodies (UK/US/Jap principally but to see) are coming for sure this time as I wanted after Far From Home and especially after the release of Beauty in Darkness = with a unique configuration alone on stage with Black/White effects and colours & powerful/emotional vocals = Avant Garde) and new big announcements in different fields (Film Music, Acting, Label Creation Etc...) as you probably know ! Anglo saxon culture is awesome for that (like the artists of the past) = So Tour and others ! Great things are coming there ! I'd love to perform in the East and on African soil too, as well as doing humanitarian work on that continent! I've always felt that my soul was quite close to Arabic/Oriental/African lands, particularly in the way I sing, compose and express my emotions, but it all depends! Sort of natural pharaonic/prophetic side (if you hear)! An Album will be dedicated for this continent in the Future! Our souls are above all universal.

Never forget that if people feel targeted by comments... They'll turn things around to their advantage, to make themselves feel less guilty about their actions and the horrors they commit! They'll accuse others of what they're doing to avoid suspicion, & ask others to support them in their destructive endeavors (even if they have good intentions too)! That way, they'll look clean when they're the worst scum on earth! They send sentinels and people don't reflect more ! Human nature and history ! Some have a very serious mental problem (especially some people in position of power) ! Justice will always win against the worst people on this Earth! A new Future is being created, and they'll have to put up with it (like it or not)! They cannot block us in reality and continue to spread bullshit! I'm gradually leaving social networks! You'll mainly see me on stage and in real life! New articles, reviews , interviews Etc... OUR/MY CONSCIENCE IS MORE THAN CLEAR & AT PEACE (to their contrary) ! PEACE 

Max Enix


The streets are no longer safe! Corruption is everywhere & in every field! Sick obscure elites continue to mislead you and screw with your sanity (by playing on fake public opinion = we are lost if they continue = dirty/mediocre minds)! Music is also the language of the divine at times & echoes into eternity! The bloodshed going on before our very eyes must stop! Max Enix's new albums: Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light are here soon and not only! A revolution that will mark you forever & go beyond music: ART! The frequencies of the Apocalypse and the trumpets are sounding in this upside down society! Beyond most current productions! I think you're far from imagining what's coming & the forces that will be mobilized! The original versions will include other instruments (more or less hard)! The orchestral versions as you hear here will be just as transcendent! 10 times further than Far From Home in every respect! Music from the future & the divine! Dimensions beyond Earth & the horrors that we see! The battle's on! The sorting souls! You're not ready for that! Look at the horizon & save your soul ! Enter transcendence soon ! Excerpts Facebook ! 

*Max Enix: Composer (music), Songwriter, Singer, Art Director, Lyricist, Actor (Videos...) Etc...!
Thomas Kubler: Orchestrator & Arrangements!

**See comments if you want ! Point of view about society... Huge things are coming with the great ones (Abums/Projects/Film Music Etc... But more US, UK , Jap Etc... And then Some European Areas too

New Albums, projects & Videos


Max Enix / Beauty in Darkness Album (End of 2025 normally) / Parental Advisory Lyrics / Deep front cover will come (I will be on it in an unexpected way) ! Temporary Tracklist (10 tracks):

1. Ghosts of Yesterday (intro)
2. A pale Light in the Darkness (Video Unreal 3D)
3. The Sacrificial Dove
4. In this Golden and Crimson Tomb
5. Sodomizing the Snakes (Violent Video censored & uncensored version)
6. Hacked A.I. of Death (radio song)
7. Destruction Camps (Video Anime)
8. Beauty in Darkness
9. Deliverance of a Soul (radio song)
10. Remembrance (outro)

*Max Enix / Ocean of Light (End of 2026)! Deep front cover will come (I will be on it in an unexpected way too) ! Tracklist later (10 tracks with epic and radio songs = The Seagull, Ocean of Light Etc... And then the track number 11 of 20min called New Souls Ages (20min transcendent Finale) ! A new, transitional song will be released between the 2 albums (So 22 songs new tracks) ! Original and orchestral Albums (Approximatively 79min each Albums)!

*Sodomizing the snakes song/video will be a detail in the whole Albums but with a deep importance ! It will represent the most total horror on Earth (very gory)! I'll be playing a possessed, tormented character who splits into different characters and commits suicide at the end! It's going to be very, very hard and dark (a Stranger Things-style apocalyptic atmosphere in the upside-down world, only gory)! A descent into the underworld of our inverted society and the steamroller that inhabits it! There will be a parenthesis in the form of a divinatory dream that will be an exorcism of my past in a more senseless/huge way = period in X area some months as actor under a different name (Porn which is now in the hands of everyone, especially young people and that's dangerous), but not only (against the dirty people of our society, the rapists who rape and kill under threat, among others). This passage, which will be a detail of the clip, will be erotic = public censored version and pornographic = uncensored version with a parental control for those who wants to see = More hard with more details of the whole )! Porn is available everywhere now and some of it doesn't represent respect for women at all (depending on how perverse the subject is of course because some love to be threaten as shit you know)! This is a point I'm going to firmly emphasize, because it's time to stop representing women as objects! I'll be playing all the characters except, of course, the female character in this particular part (I'll leave it to you to imagine who will be present with different masks too, certainly, and so on)! Everything will be very detailed, even if there will be some blurring effects among other things! Quite a challenge for the clip's director! I'll be playing various characters in this scene = The Joker, a mobster, Batman and more aside the main character)! Quite a program! It's a very risky decision (aimed at history and the horrors perpetrated, but also at people who are too rigid and locked into their ideals to impose the worst horrors and behind fake white paws), but I assure you that the result will exceed all expectations and will be an anthology clip that will leave a lasting mark on people's minds, with very deep and powerful messages about the sick society we live in! False appearances! It's a long shot, but it'll leave a deep impression on you! A monumental synthesis of the darkest aspects of our society in one clip!Apart from the emotional, visual and other shocks, I think it will leave a mark on you and make you think! Just like a Stanley Kubrick film in the past! Like a transcendental whodunit (but more visionary and Avant garde = See the Jacob's ladder movie or Silent Hill) ! Some won't understand this choice, others will approve! Shocking things actually work (as we can see everywhere but not in the right way = We'll be bringing you the latest in bloody, gossipy revenge ahah! = The same rotten, idiotic, reheated movies for ages and the same killings with guns since the youth (going round in circle)! The same diabolical and angelic sauces clash! The same confrontations between hot & cold and some politicians and cases ! Time to go above! And some people gloat! Stop! So Revert the Inversion and nonsense for the next generations)! It's time! The society is violent and will be more and more in a near future with new wars again ! Remember history! But then again, that's just a detail in the context of all the Albums, which are packed with epic, transcendent passages that go beyond what you might expect on every level! The compositions will be even more memorable than in my previous releases, and the vocal lines (I'll be doing 90% this time) will be dazzling, inspired and varied like the choruses (you will have some rap/hip hop and black metal vocals too) ! Different genres of music! The shows that follow will be unique, inhabited, powerful and memorable with different ideas (Light and Darkness) ! Never seen/heard before! Visionary once again, steps ahead and millions miles away ! Towards evolution in the right way against the same history and acts since millenas ! People can say what they want but ART (censored or uncensored) and Messages are more important than childish quarrels from an other age! See you soon ! Now it's time to stop the unhealthy corruption and their sentinels/puppets/clones! The souls gulf is open! Great opportunities are coming! The future is here

*Max Enix: Composer (Music), Songwriter, Vocals, Art director, Story, Lyrics, Actor (Videos...) , Etc...

**When do you think the end of humanity will arrive? The end of common sense in the right way is over since a long time ago! New (Souls) Era is here with others forces ! A far cry from mediocre, over-conditioned and limited minds! See you in an other dimension ahah

**The front covers will have very deep sense (Light & day, Apocalyptic , sunny , obscure, poetic and dark elements on the two) ! The future water & fire Phoenix on my back will play a role on it too! I think it will be important to show that to ignorant people who don't know really in which world and upside down society we are living in ! For the next generations before the final Apocalypse ! Light and darkness united in the end against the scumbags of this Earth

**If some people don't understand the Alien that's not a problem ! The Alien understand them (money, money, money and unhealthy powers/interests you know ahahahah = They have to watch above their heads if they want to preserve their souls from the leviathan or whatever names you give = Better forces are there)! Human masses are so inert and stupid you know as Einstein said! Huge things are coming in an other reality/level of understanding and apart from the repetition of exploding bodies tssss! ABE ! PEACE 

Music of the Future


Max Enix Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light upcoming Albums ! On Facebook you can hear A vocal extract (on orchestral) to introduce you to the colors of the radio song that will be called "Hacked AI of Death" (Radio edit version 4min & Album version 5min)! No real lyrics or definitive lines here... Just a trial run at home as before on the intro (which will be cut to 4min by the way). To be imagined with rap/Hiphop vocals on the first part, which will be done by Michael Herrington Onetwenty and powerful/emotional vocals I will made Etc... ! Just like the other 22 songs (very epic or radio), this song will be powerful, punchy, memorable and gripping! Revolution is coming with emotional & commercial impact ! Instruments later (Fusion = More alternative rock and hybrid = my trademark)! Never heard/seen before ! ART ! Music of the Future for all kind of public and genres ! After Far From Home a new sledgehammer that will go beyond words and expected things! Completely in tune with the current time ! You'll get shocking and sultry stuff and electro, rap, orchestral, contemporary music, variety, (black) metal = Niklas Kvarforth and blastbeats, jazz, RnB, world/New Age, a female singer sometimes, videos and more surprises ! To the next level of symphony! I'm here to expand and not to please just one community (as All I do)! Inside (interior) and outside (exterior) the society ! Wonderful, avant-garde shows with unique atmospheres (color schemes, night & day, Halos...)! BROADER VISION/UNION/EVOLUTION 

*Max Enix: Composer (music), Songwriter, Singer, Art Director, Lyricist, Actor (Videos...) Etc...!
Thomas Kubler: Orchestrator & Arrangements!

**In the future an Album/book/movie called "Pho"Enix about my life will come (radio songs principally and epic ones too) ! Very ambitious ! My next tattoo will certainly be a Phoenix in the back ! Thousands of album ideas at once!
It's funny, because in the history of music... a pattern is often repeated! When various huge/big labels , majors or producers didn't believe in a project... All it took was one to believe in it (take the risks), and everything changed before it hit the world (in reality, shows Etc... = social networks are just a facade to present work)! Robbie Williams, Freddie Mercury, Era, Linkin Park (producers wanted only chester at the beginning of the project and no rap) and so many other examples! I think that's the rule now! In all cases we are not here to play the games of construction and then deconstruction by some people (Not ping pong games to justify their ideas it's serious to create new worlds and good advices)

Max Enix


My future albums will be Avant Garde, Innovative & punchy. Sometimes cinematic, sometimes rock or pop, sometimes emotional or hard Etc... Epic or radio! All will depend. They'll never leave you indifferent! Some of the best songs ever! I'm here to make a lasting impression in the studio, & very soon on stage (Shows, Tours...)! Unique like some Artists! See you soon here or there ! Huge announcements come! They'll have to get used to Max Enix



If some assholes with brooms inside their asses come to talk to you! It's normal! Tell them not to change a thing! The broom is perfectly placed for them! Some are just french (but it's depends) you know! They have to justify their rooster status and prove to themselves that they are more than that ! But we can help ! By dint of farting higher than your ass you see the result ! See you soon !

*Nothing against witches (or whatever names you give) here (on the contrary) who remain perched on their broomsticks and are targeted by these ones too! The witch-hunt is supposed to be over, isn't it? Is it open again? The pyres and flaming torches are lit again? Inquisition and perversion! Again and Again until the final end! But They don't understand ahahah ! Not only fake lambs you know (they can wear every colours, every masks, every masquerade costume, every faces...) ! Under the suns they kill and have blood on their hands since so many times ! Time to Targets the true culprits ! The divine sees all and some will fall ! A fair return !

**Max Enix / Prayer of the gods epic song against the snakes and judasses in disguise that wants to blurred our freedom ! The hatred of outdated peoples! Now after all these tragedies the passion & punishment are united against the scumbags of this Earth ! This time they will be defeated by higher forces once again ! The forces beyond them that they want to destroy! Our conscience is clear ! We're going to smash their faces in! Only VICTORY

Universal Goal


My projects are there to show you the limits of human reasoning when you go beyond a certain threshold (which they can't understand, believe or justify) & of the conditioning imposed by society, which makes them more and more corrupt slaves and gagas clones every day! That's why it's so important to find other ways (if it's not too much to ask of the average human being eager for comfort, power & glory)! And even if these same people will send stupid or brainless sentinels to stop/block you because you are a danger for them, their interests/images & the whole society ! Some people just can't challenge themselves, that's the limit! They live and die just for themselves in their limited bodies ! They're just looking to get on with their tidy lives (nothing very exciting) while preserving their coins like Scrooge! They think they're right when they're wrong, and they're dragging us all down and straight into the wall! Change the codes ! Mankind is already doomed! It's time to think about the aftermath! Preserve your souls ! ABE! The Alien

Peaks of my career


Now I'm telling you! The new Max Enix albums Beauty in Darkness & Ocean of Light (original & orchestral versions) will reach levels of excellence & emotion almost never before achieved in the world of music! The peaks of my career so far after Far From Home! I'm working hard for it even if Ideas are always very natural & spontaneous for me! Shows & others projects! An ode to transcendence and self-improvement! See you soon !

Max Enix composer & Thomas Kubler orchestrator


I'd like to introduce you to the website of Thomas Kubler, orchestrator and arranger of Far From Home and upcoming Max Enix albums/projects (Beauty in Darkness, Ocean of Light Etc...) when available! You'll find his work as orchestrator of course, but also as composer on other projects! See you soon!

Max Enix: Composer (music), Songwriter, Singer, Art Director, Lyricist, Actor (Videos...) Etc...!
Thomas Kubler: Orchestrator & Arrangements!

Some jealous people (even composers sometimes), haters or others will come to stir troubles with the media and people Etc... ! Because we reach higher emotional spheres ! That's the way of the success ! We are Unique and create our own paths 

*Hans Zimmer Self-taught = Only 3hours of piano lessons in his own life (it's why his music is Unique and better than 90% of all the others who sounds the same) ! Almost the same work methodology as me (composer, singer, Art director, Lyricist ETC...) ! EMOTION Before All !

There will always be people who try to make a mess of things and destroy other people's projects for their interests and domination, that's just the way it is! We have to move forward! Let them mind their own business ! FUCK !!! And let's not forget that most singers are just performers ! 

Hans Zimmer Methodology: "Hans Zimmer's career has been marked by an unorthodox approach to music and film scoring and part of this lies, he thinks, in his lack of formal training. "I have no technique and I have no formal education, so the only thing I know how to write about is something that's inside of me." : Full Article: 

*** Forum/Hans Zimmer Way of working (some elitist people are boycotting him because of that and that's very sad because you have to respect each other's working methodologies and the talent that goes with it): 

"I have to disagree with Christopher Smith. This is what I often hear at my music college too. I don’t like that attitude of an elite who don’t credit non-formal trained musicians or composers. Thats just rubbish and kind of jealous.

I’m not working for Hans but I know one who has and want to defend him because he deserves what he accomplished.

First, Hans writes a suite for every film at the beginning and does it totally on his own. This is then rehearsed together with the director to show Hans’ ideas about the mood of the film and will serve as a basic tune toolbox later on. It contains basically the theme of the score. All harmonies, sounds and arrangements of the suite will be “re-used” as a template for filler and underlying music. These music parts are usually composed by his co-composers and this has little to do with his ability as a composer but to deliver an incredibly big production in a very short time and to free him from “boring” tasks to be able to concentrate on the major parts of the score. - Hans never got fired from a scoring gig - the deadline thing is one reason why. Btw. other composers also have assistants who work on their scores. Hans has just more…He also works incredible hours and literally lives the film during his scoring work. He is a master at perceiving a story and capturing the feel and atmosphere of a film. This is actually THE ability a film composer must have. He is a genius in that regard.

Hans on not reading music… He can read music of course but is maybe just not as fast as a trained musician. Also sight reading might not be his strength, he reads MIDI rolls like no one else. The jealous composer can say what he wants. This is a skill and its one most classical trained composers most likely do not have. Deal with it.

Hans’ music is powered by simplicity with innovative sound design which serves the picture unbelievable good. And that is the job! Yes, his scores are no Williams tunes. But there is already a Williams. There is also a Newman and an Elfmann - you get the picture….Hans is just another kind of signature. He manages to get gigs and the movies he scored become usually hits. That speaks for him too.

And no composer orchestrates the whole score by themselves. Even John Williams writes his scores just on the piano and pass the raw piano score to his orchestrator. To claim Hans is not a real composer because he cannot orchestrate on paper is bollocks. In fact, he started the whole MIDI orchestration thing. In other words, he already orchestrates while writing the score. Just not on paper. Ok, maybe he makes some voice leading mistakes when things get complex but the orchestrater will rule that out later on - thats his job. But again, even the likes of Williams has got own orchestrators. So come on, give him what he deserves." 

So now you have to count on us/me !

Far From Home Review


Dutch to English / Thanks Peter Marinus !

Max Enix is a French, highly versatile, artist, who may be known for the 2019 album ‘Secret Garden’, which he released under the name Constellia (co-composition) ! Very different than Far From Home and the Future ones as Max Enix main composer and far more ambitious & cinematic in general (with or without orchestra).

His versatility is already evident from the fact that he is a composer/songwriter, singer, lyricist, art director, actor, producer and manager.

He now comes up with a true concept album consisting of 2 CDs. A concept album about humanity making a mess of things on earth, but also about hope and spirituality. And all this in a prog rock manner with old-fashioned long songs in which all kinds of things happen.

Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, the film score of Hans Zimmer, the prog rock of Dream Theater, for instance, and the sound of Ayreon and you will get a bit of an idea of what to expect on this album.

Max is assisted on the album by a huge laundry list of musicians with the Budapest Symphony Ochestra led by François Rousselot in particular deserving special mention with their powerful pompous sound. The number of vocalists is almost uncountable.

The album kicks off with the tuneful Budapest Symphony Orchestra in The End Of An Era, accompanied by a powerful choir. Elise Wachbar is the guest vocalist on this track alongside Max's powerful vocals. A song that switches effortlessly from tuneful to thundering riffing progmetal with a starring role for Per Nilsson's slicing guitar.

Derek Sherinian (ex-Dream Theatre) is a guest on Tears Of Earth. A track, which soon thunders majestically with insanely raging bass drums, ingenious tempo changes and breaks, the Ronnie James Dio-like vocals of Fabio Lione (aka Rhapsody), the rap vocals of Michael Onetwenty and the intimate voice of Elise Wachbar.

City Of Mortals sounds almost jazzy with again Elise Wachbar's crystal-clear vocals but also Toby Driver in the fiercely prog rocking part of the song. The raging guitar solo comes from Xavier Boscher, who plays an important role on this album.

Prayer Of The Gods bangs right into it quickly. Massive rocking in which, besides Max's vocals, the voices of Andy Kuntz (aka Vandenplas) and the ‘ethnic vocals’ of Angèle Macabès can be heard.

In This Forgotten Paradise, opens with rustic piano sounds and Max's sensitive vocals, combined with Elise Wachbar's sultry vocals. The track develops into a pompously orchestrated and angularly rocking track that also features Farhad Hossain's intimate voice and Celtic influences.

Pumping rocking start with An Illusional Kiss featuring a duet by Max and Elise Wachbar and Tom Englund (aka Evergrey). Above all, it is Luciana Lys' imposing operatic rock that demands attention here.

The lived-in raw vocals of David Readman (aka Pink Cream 69) can be heard in the dark ballad The Dark And Bright Tunnel, which (of course) develops again into a fierce prog rocker with a majestic climax. The Forsaken Ocean is about ocean pollution and has a suitably grim sound with the warm voice of Devon Graves (a.k.a. Psychotic Waltz), again fine orchestrations and Mattias Eklund's frenzied screeching guitar.

Childhood Emotions begins as a fragile ballad with Johanna Red's sultry voice. As the song progresses, it becomes increasingly fierce. The influence of Karl Orff is clearly present and Xavier Boscher and Michael Romeo let their guitars scream hard. The Broken Face then features singer Marcela Bovio, Michael Romeo's screeching guitar and Carl Orff-like choir work.

Mahdi Khemakhem (aka Carthagods) guests with his penetrating raw voice on the massively pumping Beyond My Blood. Mirrors Of Time closes the second disc in a Hans Zimmer-like fashion with guest singers Heather Findlay and Damian Wilson.

‘Far From Home’ by Max Enix has become a very impressive concept album. and one that should effortlessly find a place in every progmet al fan's collection!

*The very nicely designed lyric book should also be mentioned.

Castle of Emotions


A very simple thing to explain! Far From Home! A lot of people didn't believe it, especially my detractors/haters from the past! They thought he was going to fail, he's only got long songs, a 2h40 double album, trying to fit such complex elements into an orchestra, interweaving all that, etc.... Etc... And I succeeded brilliantly ! They all looked like idiots! So they tried to trick me or manipulate other people, media, festival-goers and others to try and destroy the statue! I made them lie about everything, so they looked for other ways to attack me! And they did everything they could (mainly on the net using scoundrel techniques) to try and bring me down to their level and stop me evolving (retaking that or that...)! They want me to be destitute so that I can't release new albums or projects, or avoid opportunities, possibilities, etc. if not under their control you know (only under their control so that they can manage our success as they see fit and manipulate as they want) ! They know this will happen if they don't act (they have invent/spread some much crap)! Some people have allied themselves with them because they're also jealous of the abilities, resources and strengths that we have, among other things (in an attempt to get the spotlight on them by setting up groups of haters = Worse still, by distancing themselves from them)! But they won't be able to avoid the new blow they're going to take to the head with future Albums and projects that will go even further with the excellent contacts we have and the innovative and avant-garde ideas I have! They'll never be able to destroy my/our VISION, even if they build 1,000 walls or Trojan Horse etc...! We'll get over it every time by building bridges! They're still going to look like big idiots and too bad for them! Most of the French people (you know them by now) thought I was going to fall 10 floors on the ground, but the opposite happened! I went up 10 floors to the sky! So they're trying to get me back down to their level or lower! But I'm not going to give them that pleasure! We're not doing these projects for them (they're the opposite of us) but to make the world a better place and avoid the disasters that are coming closer every day! Transcendence is coming, and it's going to go even further than you can imagine! New compositions, videos, shows, reviews/interviews/articles and announcements are coming very soon, especially at the end of the year and in real life! No more time to waste on the social networks of shame! Some people will always use their skills or false power, which are not the same as ours, to corrupt, but they are not us and they need to understand that! We have a broader Vision much less rigid/conditioned and therefore much more open and liberating! They can justify as they want it's not our problem but theirs ! They can go fuck themselves and go away from us ! Huge things are coming in reality and all is under construction/control ! The year 2025 will be the year when investors and people in Europe take risks for evolution IN A GOOD WAY again, or it will be their definitive downfall (if they continue in the same path again and again and serve shit and idiocy to the masses) to the benefit of the USA and other continents which do take risks (good ones if possible)! By dint of this, some european (completely out of reality and real issues) are developing an increasingly weak Europe with followers who are making people regress or stagnate (going round in circles) ! Why we have to make choices and question the actual society (found an equilibrium between the old society and the new one = Yin and Yang so that all will explodes = We are already in the Matrix/Blade Runner movie)! We know the culprits from both sides who wage wars in Love and confusion (Leviathan) ! Max Enix will be Cinematic Music (not others cases) ! Max Enix enteprises will be Freedom for ART and in General = Not dictatorship as some wants to impose on us (they will certainly block us for that by the way)! A word of advice: Don't leave your projects in the hands of people who are at odds with your values! They won't do what's necessary (or only for their images), unlike those who believe in your albums and your visions! They are leading Europe and the whole world straight into the wall by trying to make others follow a rotten and completely outdated path! They try to convince people to listen to them but they lead everyone into the disaster ! Wake up or it will be too late for Europe (and the whole society) ! But you know some people are deaf ! RESISTANCE is here (in front of the misinformation machines and their gurus) and we will succeed for a better Future (and found an alternative solution in all that shit) ! If the brainless sheeps follow the wrong codes , propaganda and the true morons (those who accuse others to be morons too by the way) it's all over for humanity anyway! If some continue to follow in the footsteps of penguins, jokers of Vices, hyenas and other crooks in the reality you're in big trouble. If you keep distracting us from the problems of our world, you'll get it up your arse! That's the aim of one of my future songs and videos as you know! Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light soon In an increasingly decomposed and decaying society! 10 times further again at every levels! See you soon here or there ! ABE ! PEACE 

Nobody decides for us and choose our paths ! We are free from our chains ! The Beast with a great heart will transform things into Beauty again against the ugly ones who wants to betrayed/destroyed us

Exclusively the first excerpts of the radio song 9 "Deliverance of a soul" on the upcoming Beauty in Darkness Album to come end of the year! Transcendence will have a name! From the darkness to the light & vice versa towards new paths! Huge things are coming with some of the best in the world! Cinematic music ! Enjoy
*Max Enix: Composer (music), Songwriter, Singer, Art Director, Lyricist, Actor (Videos...) Etc...!
Thomas Kubler: Orchestrator & Arrangements!

Albums Nosferatu


Max Enix's Beauty in Darkness (End of 2025) & Ocean of Light (End of 2026) Albums ! A unique & inimitable universe! An other dimension away from unhealthy communautarism that leads to cloning! I'm a perfectionist & my vision of things is constantly evolving! Here's an intro I'm sharing again called “Ghosts of Yesterday” with some vocals ! Nothing is definitive here (the whole thing was worked out on my sofa in the castle ahah with a simple microphone) but it allows you to see the rather Nosferatu-like (or Beauty & the beast) atmosphere here if you've seen the film! But this is just a sample and a rough draft of what's to come (original versions with voices & instruments to be imagined and orchestral versions only as for Far From Home)! Beyond words and never seen/heard before! I'll never be a clone who blends in with the crowd, contrary to what some people would like, but I'll remain a chameleon who changes colors from album to album, as was the case with artists like Bowie and as is the case with Devin Townsend or Hans Zimmer Etc...! I need total artistic freedom, and even more so now than on previous albums like Far From Home! I think these albums will reach a level of transcendence, depth and emotion rarely seen before (music, orchestrations, lyrics, vocals = 85% of which I'll be doing, videos...)! Can't wait to bring you all this in the coming months and years! ART and not shit to the masses (if some people and new generations understand TRUE emotions again AND evolution = or if they prefer deconstruct what's construct Etc... and go round and round in mediocrity ! That's an other question) ! Things are changing again and again and a new soul Era is coming ! Video on Facebook... Stay safe! Coming soon 

*Max Enix: Composer (music), Songwriter, Singer, Art Director, Lyricist, Actor (Videos...) Etc...!
Thomas Kubler: Orchestrator & Arrangements! Etc...

** Lyrics /
Dying In The Dark

I can feel those whispery breaths in the wind and that
storm in the distance.
I can see those pale colours coming to life and those
drumbeats echoing into eternity.
These evanescent dances erased by time and
Demonic shapes that taunt the innocent.
Earthquakes that decimate gloomy landscapes and the
blazing fire that erupts from our entrails!

Hold On...
Images of horror and innocent people crucified,
tortured and killed for nothing.
Hold On...
In these dark alleys they talk of Hell but Hell is in their

Give my life
Blood and flesh
So that this Earth
Will rise from Ashes

(A) Glimmer
The path
Of the damned

How can we really rejoice in a disembodied, lost
In a society created by madmen who want to dominate
and crush others
We're constantly waiting for the End, that is getting
closer and closer… With each new day…
We lie on the bed and we stare at the nooks and crannies of the walls stained with the blood of our


Those voices again... again... again...

The end of humanity ? Visions…"



Picture from the past here (precedent project under Constellia with a mask and Luciana Lys) ! Once again! Thank you so much for the compliments on my voice (on the different Albums/shows in general) and especially to my vocal coach Milo Lee (ex-Star Academy and Gregory Lemarchal coach among others = Master class US who was always impressed with the power of my voice Etc... during our sessions)! I'd like to make it clear that I'll always try to offer different nuances in my vocal lines! Never like everyone else, because 85% of today's singers and their attitudes bore me (they sound/look too much alike)! I'll never do hard rock or Deicide-style vocals, among others (not my type) ! I'm much more seduced by the voices of David Bowie, Arcturus, Devin Townsend and others, and anything Avant Garde or different (with a real soul and emotions)! It takes all kinds to make a world! I can't stand false pretenses! A minority of people had taken me to task in an attempt to oust me, but as my coach had told me, there's no point listening to them (it happens all the time and worst in France and some areas)! So I'll continue along this path and never try to have something similar to what's out there, but with a unique touch that sets me apart from the rest! After Secret Garden under Constellia and Far From Home under Max Enix, the next 2 Max Enix's Albums: Beauty in Darkness (Autumn 2025) and Ocean of Light (on which I'll be doing 85% of the vocal lines with a few very important guests = Next level Rap/Hip hop and black metal...) will allow you to see the evolution and much more advanced variations than on the previous creations! I need to have total artistic freedom in what I do! If people don't like it, I don't give a damn! I do what I like! That's my Vision (not against everyone, but against people who are too formatted, conditioned and schooled)! In any case, you'll see it in future shows/tours/concerts and on the 2 new albums, which will be transcendental and surpass my previous achievements on every level (music, orchestrations, vocals based on orchestrations for a more emotional and powerful impact, lyrics, videos...)! Not sure you are ready for that ! Max Enix is unique and doesn't need to justify itself! It's recognizable among thousands of others ! That's my goal, just as it is for some artists or even groups (not always easy to sound different and stand out from the crowd)! Different, powerful, emotional and prophetic forces that feed my projects! Some people know I have huge potential and want to destroy it because without my voice they think I won't be able to perform on stage (which is also wrong) = They know lots of influential people to stir trouble as they said but we know more to do better things ! Not for one scene in general or sectarian paths, but for ALL origins, kind of music and colours as everything I do ! In concert, it's even more powerful and transcendent! Film music will always be the basis of my projects in general! If that doesn't speak to some people, they don't need to watch or talk! Like my acting and other things! I prefer to be natural and spontaneous! My vision of unformatted professionalism/creativity that allow us to reach others levels/approaches! Thank you

*See Facebook if you want... With some drafts of the future music and vocals Etc...

Sodomizing the Snakes song


The beauty in Darkness album, due out at the end of the year, will be, I promise you, transcendent! Please note that the song “Sodomizing the snakes” and the video (in which I will play in an apocalyptic and possesed way) will not attack cults and traditions, but will materialize the unheard-of violence in our society, the steamroller that crushes the hopes of all those who don't fall into line, the innocent, the disenfranchised, who are trampled underfoot by elites (obscure or not) and crucified by the masses! One of the most violent, unhealthy, unbearable, chocking and meaningful video/clips ever released! Very dark and desesperate (with some hope too) ! Censored and uncensored version (private)! A gigantic time bomb in the faces of all the dirty people on this Earth who wage wars on Love and invert (upside down world)! The hard & deep sodomy of this society and of the bastards of our era who mislead us, play unhealthy games and blurred/raped our freedom, ideas, visions and not only (behind fake white paws or fake clean appearances since millenas)! While the masses dance under the bombs, laughs sickly in front of their falls and remain ignorant (a hellsend for them)! It's time to stop submitting to them! Quite the opposite of the “The Seagull” clip, which will be one of the most beautiful, poetic and magnificent ever made on the next album! Get ready for the unbearable and the wonderful too! Never seen before! See you soon and sorry if you recognize yourself on the first one !!! They will all suffer under the blows of time and history ! A godsend whatever the name you give to it! JUSTICE for the Innocents in an outmoded, vermin-ridden society run by bloody scarecrows and their puppets ! Masters of lies and misinformation! FUCK THEM ALL to the core ! And We'll rip out their hearts and eat them in front of the crucified (a feast around a table they'll no longer be part of) ! There's no need to repent and go down on your knees begging for mercy! The gaping hole emanating from your guts and asshole will explode into the hell of your thoughts ! The abyss will suck you in before these emaciated bodies that once walked in the wind! Your land is not ours! Your false images of fake lambs and their sweet voices will be sodomized and banished for eternity! A definitive sacrifice ! You are nothing but impure beings who gargle in the misfortune of others like the worst nazis! You have no place in the cosmic order! The bastard race is finished ! The sorting souls is merciless 

*Don't worry! The worst idiots on Earth will think we're crazy or something like that because they don't understand higher/different/emotional intelligences and sensitivity, never question themselves (with all their acts by the way) and point their fingers on the only points that made us crazy (and that they try to manipulate to their advantage) when our souls are far away from these fucking IDIOTS ! Giving themselves fake airs of superiority or arrogance in the wind, like the rigid, uptight asses they are (that's why we're going to loosen them up) ! They're desperate to be proven right when they're wrong (and want all costs the people follow them in their crucifixions games without a choice) ! So the response is apocalyptic and justified to get the shit out of their arses! But we know who we are! We're going to give them lessons they don't know! Their limited condition will see them inflicted with the punishment they once made public right in their fucking asses and conditioning ! The trap that lead to crucifixions will this time close in on them like a stake slowly but surely sinking into their flesh and rotten hearts! Love will triumph against their stupid wars since millenas ! The crucified passion and now Passion and punition that will destroy the impostors souls and their ugly lies/traps !!! From the higher spheres of Divine Justice they will be condemned, will perish and they will be unmasked !!! Just a matter of time I'm sorry for them !!! The 20-minute finale song called "New souls Age" on Ocean of Light will see darkness and light unite against the leviathan (and the attached souls of all kind)! Passion, punishment, sacrifice, victory and finally, after pain and love, a new age of souls and new universal languages Etc... ! Final FREEDOM 


04/01/2025 9.7/10 like the last Opeth (we're on the same level)! The dark melody webzine (link comments)! The average of all the Far From Home scores I've received so far (dozens) is approximately 9/10 (if you take away one shameful review made by haters = it takes all kinds to make a world)! New reviews and more are on the way, and I intend to go much further on future Albums and projects (with a few guests and no orchestra apart for film music) on all levels (transcendent music and orchestrations, even more varied and powerful and emotional vocals, deep lyrics, sultry and magnificent videos, serious messages, expanded Vision, epic and radio compositions, more or less guitars, for all genres combined Etc...) while continuing to counter certain unhealthy foundations in the wheel of today's society and propose other alternatives! And above all, to offer superb shows and Tours with a modern, unique and avant-garde configuration! Beauty in Darkness will come end of the year normally , Ocean of light next year Etc...! However Not for narrow-minded, mediocre minds ! USA, Asia are my priorities, then UK and then other countries because, as you know, Europe and certain regions are starting to be gangrened by ultra-awful people/behaviors who want to impose a disgusting vision that will lead us all to our doom! But it become worldwide now but open minds are different here and there! We construct with them, not the others! Announcements coming soon! 

*By the way You sign up to a label to be promoted (especially for a huge project like this one = to the contrary of mediocre ones), not to be destroyed for the sake of their images because we go further! Give and take , take and give! Ok ! But Not take, take and take for their own interests ! But you know that suits lots of people for different things/interests! So some people want to have coverage at the expense of ours! But it does help separate the crap from the beauty! Our beautiful paths is not theirs (even if they have some good intentions too like hell you know) ! We're on the right track, because the more people try to put obstacles in our way (see previous posts), the more some people will try to block on the networks! But reality will show them that their games don't work with the great ones! Huge things are coming ! Peace

No I'm not a product like lots of others ones ! So when you see the day of the release that you are announced in the middle of 4 or 5 others signatures (for a candidate of best 2023 Albums = On the list for some) you have understand the priorities ahah I work for just causes and a better world, not for crappy causes and people who want to bring us down to their level for their Egos (haters, jealous and mediocre minds) and spread the worst rumors in the same time ! I go foward and reach higher levels when some people don't want! The Future is here <3

You can see some videos on a youtube channel ! I dissociate from them but they have to keep the videos on it with my infos (to avoid lawsuits for different things) !

Freedom and Freedom of expression is dead in this new upside down society ! FIGHT

New Year


In this new year 2025, 2 words only: Courage and Hope! For my part, I'll be proving that I'm definitely a sure value in the music world with the release of the Beauty in Darkness album (original & orchestral versions) at the end of the year (Ocean of Light will be out in 2026), which will be transcendent (Music, Orchestrations, Lyrics, Videos, Vocals...) and within reach of the biggest labels and record companies, followed by unique, powerful and emotional shows (me only on stage on vocals for now with soundtrack and things never seen before = All professional of course), creations, big official announcements and plenty of surprises Etc... Outside my job in Switzerland! And of course I'll try to share less of my feelings, which can sometimes be anxyogenic ahah! See you soon, and we hope for peace in the world, even if it's very complicated with the current situation ! And don't forget to fuck the assholes of course ! See you soon ! Kisses

New Facebook Pages


This private page under my real name/nickname Maxime Million (link in the comments) is dedicated to people who matter to me (like on my phone or others), who seem to me to be of good will , open minded and are moving approximatively in the same direction (artistically speaking and not only) for a more united world , just and filled with Love and beautiful values just like what I'm building! A beautiful vision of Freedom and spirituality far removed from sectarian, toxic movements and their gurus (that take you in their clutches = grip and make you believe in absurdities to make you commit atrocities since millenas) that wage wars in Love for territories, interests or others ! The Max Enix ones will be dedicated to professionnal stuff and feelings principally ! See you soon here or there ! Huge things are coming after the Max Enix's Far From Home Albums and others (Albums, Projects, Shows, Official announcements, Label creation Enix records for all kind of music and especially Rewarding people with real talent of any kind, a unique vision and not mere products, clones or puppets devoid of emotion and flavor! Etc...) ! An different Island/dimension where EMOTIONS are at the heart of it all ! Gradually expand this vision to counter the ugly ones aside and the new industrial society they want to impose on us ! Beautiful, intelligent, open souls working in roughly the same direction and don't present fake white paws like the sharks of the industry ! Ready to work hard with the good ones only ! Reality is the most important thing of all! Add me if this speaks to you and I will add some people already! We have to regain our FREEDOM ! Not a society based on power but Love ! All is guided ! Restore beauty of things and communication or we are definitely lost in these apocalyptic times ! LOVE (all its forms) or wars you choose ! Some make you believe what they want you to believe and soften you up with societal sweeteners (sugar-coated words) to better abuse you and stab you sooner or later (remember my words)! Some People who kill in arenas and people who gloat! They haven't changed and not evolve in their heads! You'll see 2 opposing worlds/Societies that fight each others ! The one that has failed for millennia = Harakiri for humanity (justify because of all the horror around perpetrated for free WITHOUT our choices, abuse/thirst of power, unhealthy interests, fanaticism, corruption, conditioning... = Leviathan to destroy), or a new one that will take you out of your comfort zone! ART is not violence but self-defense! Social networks and those who want to control them! What a charade ! They'll never control us in real life, let alone our way of thinking! The cancel culture is not ours ! When we realize that we are caught in the nets of sinners, we turn away so as not to be eaten, but to eat them and multiply the miracles ! They think they've got us, but we've got them and succeed in what they will never be able to accomplish ! Some people use you for their own pleasure/interests and climb to the detriment of you/others while telling big lies or trashing others (immoral and breach of trust = Serious)! Then buy your friends or people behind your back and side with dirty ones without questioning themselves! And then leave you or worst if you don't continue their way ! Divine Justice (all its forms) and the attached forces/strengths will triumph against them all ! The next 2 Albums Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light will have some answer (battle and then Union towards the true culprits) and in the end will remain Pain & Love and a new souls Era ! A new paradise, new intelligences and Universal languages ! We are above all that and will create an Empire in the right sense in this upside down society ! Save (y)our SOULS when it's still time (away from those who wants to destroyed them) ! Don't be afraid of those who want to destroy our bodies (humanity is lost) but those who want to destroy our souls! The body and mind are one, and the soul is the vector of all kinds of emotions = One whole! Regain/keep our vision and don't let it be eaten up by others assholes ! They want to blurred our Free will ! When we create FREEDOM paths against them ALL and create bridges above their stupid stones, cases and jokes ! The cup is full! The bread turns blood red! Anger is at its peak! Ignorant minds will remain! The future is here and huge things are coming far away from alliances of mediocre minds who stir confusion everywhere and lulled the masses again and again ! Peace ! Welcome Home ! 

Max Enix (Maxime Million)

How to make good songs


You know how to make good songs... Any good songwriter can do that, but creating works of ART is much more difficult! In any case, if you liked Far From Home (mainly epic songs) and Secret Garden (co-composition with mainly radio songs), you should know that the future will be a condensed version of all that (Beauty in Darkness , Ocean of Light Albums Etc...) ! But there's a lot more to come at every level and everything's will go further ! My choices will reflect my moods, emotions and feelings at the time! Epic songs and radio songs Etc...! Different genres ! It's just as easy for me to create one or the other, even entirely instrumental or other, no worries! But not just any songs, whatever the format, my vision is to offer tracks that are well thought-out and natural, very emotional while retaining a high degree of accessibility (with chorus in general). Tracks that appeal to all audiences, whatever the length (direct or not) and with an extra touch of soul! I think the difficulty is greater but I like challenges and it's all very natural and spontaneous for me! I've never liked working and doing things the easy way! I always want everything to be as enjoyable as possible and that's why I need to lay the foundations on my own, especially starting with Far From Home! Of course, I can compose much more convoluted and labyrinthine tracks, but for the time being I'm sticking to this vision (which will constantly evolve over the years to offer innovation and different plans)! The same goes for the voices! I don't want to be like the others! I want to create a unique universe like certain artists! No cloning, among other things! Like my life, I don't like to stick to just one thing/idea at a time, but lots of ideas/things! I can't wait to show you all these different and varied worlds and especially on stage around some concerts/Tours in a very unique and modern configuration Etc... ! Avant Garde ! See you soon 

*The ones who will try to block the way are those who want to make us fit into their unhealthy boxes with silly jokes, manipulation and jealousy sometimes ! My/our VISION is different than them and I will defend it ! Let them do it ahahah ! You'll find some of the worst idiots around that wants to control our paths when they cannot and who don't want to be outdone and outclassed for their stupidity (and they are certainly behind the fake maxenixfan Alsace page and deep fake or fake accounts = I know them = Rats faces who love to stir troubles behind clean images or fake white paws) ! I have worked with some of them and not only ! They spy contacts, people, media and manipulate all around because they are afraid that all their lies fall on their heads and afraid to be unmasqued! They're in a fog and they want light! They like to block opportunities for others and base their lives on that to get ahead! It's impossible to believe that when you see them and that's what's dangerous (like Dahmer or these people) and some alliances/people are fooled too ! They can take our identity or others to confuse more Etc... or worst ! Be careful (== Asylum) ! All I can tell you is that there are some horrible people behind this and we're going to investigate seriously and take further legal action and lawsuits ! They don't know how to stop their wars/games so we will stop them (all levels) ! We have all the proofs against them (some French and not only those you think that I have take to the court 10 February 2025 = others with deep fake and manipulated images, some italian, some greek, some fake networks...) ! All in the same crab basket ! Some (alliances) will fall ! You will see it's just a matter of time ! Measures are going to be tougher on them now ! By dint of playing again and again you lose all and it will come back on you !!! Some people think they can't be attacked, but they'll soon realise that's not the case (Justice all its forms and ART)! They laughed and now they're going to cry! I can assure you of that! We've got the people to stop them and they don't believe it! They'll see! They try all to destroy me but they will not succeed ! Their only last solution will be to kill me but even here they wont succeed and in any cases my soul will fuck them all ! My friends Be careful where you are at this moment !!! In any case we are near new world (European) wars more than ever and the signals/signs are here around !!!

From Another Dimension


From another Dimension

*Max Enix / Beauty in Darkness Album (Autumn 2025) / Parental Advisory Lyrics / Temporary Tracklist:

1. Ghosts of Yesterday (intro)
2. A pale Light in the Darkness (Video Unreal 3D)
3. The Sacrificial Dove
4. In this Golden and Crimson Tomb
5. Sodomizing the Snakes (Violent Video = Forbidden Under 18years old)
6. Hacked A.I. of Death
7. Destruction Camps (Video Anime)
8. Beauty in Darkness
9. Deliverance of a Soul
10. Remembrance (outro)

*Max Enix / Ocean of Light (Autumn 2026) Tracklist later = The Seagull, Ocean of Light, New Souls Ages (20min Finale) Etc... !

*Max Enix : Composer (music), Songwriter, Singer, Artistic director, Lyricist, Actor (Videos...) Etc... ! Thomas Kubler : Orchestrator & Arrangements !

**If you don't join the ranks of the stupid and their gossips, you'll make more and more enemies! And vice versa ! Not here to control the masses like them but to deliver the masses from the clutches of the oppressors, tyrants, snakes in disguise, Judasses that mislead people with huge lies (see precedent posts) and their bloody inversions that leads us to crucifixions ! Remember my words M ! FREEDOM , LOVE AND VICTORY

Fireworks Review


Thanks for All Again ! I'm ready for the next projects ! In my whole life I have always work very hard in every fields In spite of the stones thrown incessantly for all and nothing (SINCE my youth) ! The road to success certainly that some don't want ! Huge things are coming in different fields and like Devin Townsend or Hans Zimmer (very different from one to another) ! The Future (that some don't want) is here ! A hammer blow in the face of those who didn't believe! 

Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag) / Far From Home Review excerpt (Original and Orchestral) : "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music." 

Max Enix/ Far From Home / 100 out of 100 TMM . Review Link on the net: 

Bat Signal


Bat Signal Activated! They will know our names! In one of the future video clip called "Sodomizing the Snakes" The Batman and Bruce Wayne (I will play between lots of different characters)  will literally fuck their Asses (Jokers, dirty people...) and not only ! Epic and gore video with some sex passages with a huge sense! Unprecedented violence that will represent the steamroller of society! Almost unbearable (pack your bags)! You will see (The frontier between the Apocalyptic and true Love), the opposite of the Seagull video (Love story & serenity) in the other one !

Enix Records in the Future


Definitely, I'm convinced that a truly serious international label that really cares about its artists and, above all, that really develops them (at different levels), must sign ultra-quality artists who offer strong visions (if possible in all genres, without restricting themselves to just one = unless a specific decision is made)! If I create an Enix records label in the near future (for all kind of awesome music with a great team), I'll only do it for this purpose and to allow artists with a truly original and powerful vision to shine in the eyes of everyone! Not sects ! To have their own brand that is recognised! I won't be doing it for commercial reasons, just to keep on coming in to meet targets that don't really give artists the recognition they need, and who find themselves drowned out by hundreds of others! Not just for their own financial or economic gain, but for their passion for ART and artistic transcendence, to make a clear and precise difference! So I'm inviting the excellent labels and majors to take risks in this direction, and I'm looking forward to your proposals for my albums , shows and future projects in this direction (which will evolve in different genres and different musical spheres = Fusion), and in the meantime without getting stuck in a single box but opening up wider visions (like David Bowie, Devin Townsend, Hans Zimmer...) ! New codes against those of the past and clones/used puppets ! EVOLUTION ! By imposing these  codes on others and in repeat and your unhealthy control/power, you're suffocating them in a mould that doesn't suit them and they lose their ways ! I think Chester from Linkin Park or Michael Jackson between others paid the price at the end of their careers and before they died! By repeating the same codes again and again (in every fields), society will never evolve and will explode in on itself sooner or later! Ouroboros that turned round in circle and explode in front of the blurred/haggard/manipulated masses ! But some people can always continue to play instruments, games, repertoires well to fool people and the masses ! It's all over and done with! You know the stupidity of the masses of history and their masters that control them as slaves ! We need to innovate! You're making people explode by imposing your ideals on them! What they need is creative freedom, not sick formatting/conditioning as your fathers (WRONG WAY) ! We are the OPPOSITION of the methods that you submit to everyone ! Let's work together to create a better future, a better Vision that's more qualitative and beautiful at every level! The addition of paths to a broader one ! Unite once and for all without imposition ! The steamroller must/will reverse! Our EMOTIONAL souls are working towards this goal! The divine help to guide our paths and it's enough ! We are free against oppressors and dictators of all kinds! We will never submit in front of these fuckers (better to die) ! Fuck them ALL and SMILE !!! Choose your path, but I'm still going to have to sort through my contacts! I can't stand puppets and submissive slaves who obey their old-fashioned rules any more! STOP Go Away !!! 2025 is coming ! See you soon and FIGHT 

Far From Home Booklet


In the images section in the end you can see my work Far From Home (already consider as classic for some people who have Heard it) and my vision with the lyrics and more! The project , the Statue or the pyramid that some have tried to destroy and are still trying in vain because this one is set in stone and you will certainly understand why by reading the lyrics among others! The project that redefined the rules and created a new breath, a new way that vengeful and incapable minds are trying to destroy. Not just for one sectarian stage, but for the union of peoples, genders and origins (stop boxes) !People destroy beautiful things by various means, especially when you dare to say what you think! I leave the booklet at your disposal! The magnificent illustrations were done by Thomas Ewerhard following a quick sketch I gave him for each illustrations ! You can of course listen to the double album here: ? and on various platforms and the videos can be found on the net! The 26min Far From Home video is in the comments as it has been deleted! Happy listening and see you soon! Don't hesitate to support me! This double album will be re-released later by an international label after the release of the 2 new albums Beauty in Darkness (Autumn 2025) and Ocean of Light (Autumn 2026)! Big things are coming (Wonderful, powerful and emotional Projects, Videos, Shows finally Etc...) that goes Beyond words and expectations ! See you soon ! Far From Home song 26min video for a better world after the disasters and orchestral versions:

Many people are afraid of the greater power of peace, Justice and Love but the solution is here for a better world ! Some prefer power of wars, destruction and hatred (all the same in the end and they are the same as those they target = Dogs without morals) ! But some things are paradoxal and senseless ! Humanity has never change since millenas and the end of this bastard race is near ! Your definition of Union Is not mine/ours and you are already defeated in the Universal chessboard ! 

*My work is already finished and no one can take it away from me! It will show you the dirty people around us, those who destroy Love for the sake of War! Those who try to divide and conquer behind inverted and manipulated words! The future will go even further on many levels and the venomous/poisonous sentinels will try to attack us more than ever (or will take a different direction = More easy for their minds) !

Sodomizing the Snakes song and Video


Max Enix "Sodomizing the Snakes" Song and Video in 2025 ! Orchestral excerpt here ! Come on, children of the motherland/fatherland, kill all these snakes and Judas "Iscariot" in disguise! Miracles are coming once again in the faces of the weak and strong! Beauty in Darkness Album (Autumn 2025) and Ocean of Light (Autumn 2026) ! A few powerful guests and no orchestra this time but 10 times more powerful and emotional in every ways ! 

Max Enix : Composer (music), Songwriter, Singer, Artistic director, Lyricist, Actor (Videos...) Etc... ! Thomas Kubler : Orchestrator & Arrangements !

Leviathan is known to lie and manipulate the truth in order to break covenants with others and with God. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” Some may think that causing confusion is a game. The end result can be deadly. Homes have been broken up over the spirit of confusion. Churches have split. Wars have been started. “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.”
Those who want to hide the truth from the masses and silence the bearers of truth will be destroyed once and for All ! The sorting souls ! In the end will remain only Pain and LOVE (all its forms) before a new Souls Age ! The reality/Future is here and now and will resonate into eternity against the mediocre/harmful minds ! I am/We are their Enemies ! But The true Enemies will be defeated !!! You will see just a matter of time ! 

Video on Facebook ! 

Shows and Promotion


New promotion for Far From Home in 2025 (Reviews, Interviews, Articles...) in addition to the forthcoming new Albums Beauty in Darkness (Autumn 2025) and Ocean of Light (Autumn 2026), especially after what happened, the stoppage and exploitation you know even if it's late! I've got to pick up where I left off before signing with the label for promotion in part in 2023. And, above all, schedule concerts in venues. I'll check with a booker or book myself and organize shows and then a tour when the new album is out and I will signed with a Great international label that will really help me develop my projects (Strategy) this time! What's important is that my vision has expanded even further now for future projects and concerts with my new look and innovative, futuristic ideas (never seen before)! Mixing darkness and color, then lighting! With music, voice and all, it's going to be very filmic and powerful! For all types of scenes, genres and not one in particular, because I want to bring together all the projects I undertake. But to see and there are lots of possibilites. Avant Garde!

*You know, after all the promotion I did before the release of the double album Far From Home and after in 2023 (Reviews, Interviews Etc... ) I wanted to set some concert dates in the continuity of things. So I called in a Greek PR agency. I wanted to play venues and book concerts. But they told me they had much better opportunities for me and offered me expensive festivals. I have to trust her and a Greek media guy and not the others in Greece as she Said. They used people I really liked under the pretext that it would be better to offer all this and play at festivals while charging me thousands of Euros. So I got into some of the bigger festivals and was happy, but things didn't work out as planned in the end (with some very confusing things going on)! They owe me more than 25,000euros that they haven't paid back (in addition to the 750euros I gave to the person in charge to help her)! They won't reimburse me because they can't afford it! A russian Guy was very annoyed with their way of doing and have decided to stop working with them because not Serious enough. They just reimbursed me indirectly 2/3 festivals which were not confirmed or because with false contract Etc... As explained in previous posts. So I really feel like I've been seriously swindled and I'm angry with them. I didn't want to do it under those conditions! They clearly shouldn't have made me go down the festival route, but rather the venue route, as I wanted since the beginning ! It's not a good way to do things like that. What's more, the label didn't react and didn't offer me any date plans because apparently they don't really take care of that, contrary to everything noted in the contracts. And that's not all as already said! In short! A lot to say ! People constantly abuse the kindness of others and manipulate everything to their advantage to make themselves feel less guilty about their actions, then continue to lie! As Keanu Reeves says, "I don't want to live in a world where kindness is considered a weakness!" Be nice to those who are, and the rest will be fucked (Sodomizing the Snakes) ! Just like some other people from the past (You know crooks Covered crooks), but I'm going ahead and creating the Future! That makes it possible to see the music environment more clearly day by day and learn. And Managing everything on your own isn't always easy! Great Things are Coming in different ways ! I have the solutions and contacts to go away From all that in different Areas! See you 

**Strange because the sentence "crooks are Covered by others crooks" was deleted 2 Times when I write it ! I have to rewrite ! There are people From them who try to have the control on my posts and people around as I think ? Networks of criminals around certain (French) European festivals and people in the industry? Near the mythomaniacs in France near festivals too who have promised to destroy me , my evolution and their traps too I will take to court ? Near all my Haters behind who make a mess ? We're going to go further if this continues and I will talk more, give more proofs  and dismantle the entire networks ! Some Lawsuits already are coming. All Is possible and some things, blockages and interactions are really strange !!! The impression of being constantly watched or even spied on by people ready to intervene (Oppression more and more each days) ! They are afraid that I TALK but if all that continue it will be more and more the case in every ways !!! Blocking people in their projects by various means, manipulating their images, their conversations, taking their identity only proves one thing to people. These people are complete idiots and I've already found ways to get past you. Your mass manipulation won't stop me/us from succeeding, quite the contrary! Thanks for All because Thanks to you I will succeed in everything you dont want and can't wait to délivrer to the World the Transcendental video In which I will play  and song called "Sodomizing the Snakes" even if you will have a beautiful Love ballad too that will be called The Seagull between others 

Destroy what destroys you


Destroy what destroys you ! Let go of the past, trust in the future and concentrate on the present moment!

The Future is Here


The Future is Here

Max Enix Website:


100/100 TheMetalMag ! "A living dream we all need. A worldwide collaboration of artists spreading love using music the strongest way to spread the biggest message the world needs right now. A masterpiece to own without hesitation ! Human beings are destroying this beautiful world we are living in. Music is the peace of mind and helps fly away from this madness. Added to an orchestra team, it elevate the usual albums you are used to listen to. Sometimes closed to a movie soundtrack, each track has its own life. You are embarked into a world of imagination spilling beauty and happiness expressing what the world is going through at the moment."

10/10 by Metal Zenith (USA):

10/10 Frenzy Fire and Metal Gods TV (UK): "Majestic, magnificent, meandering and moving. For the entire two hours and forty minutes, 'Far From Home' is a captivating and engaging slab of grandeur - definitely not an anthemic driving album!
'Far From Home' has something for every one, whether you're a fan of Dream Theater, Opeth, Nightwish, Katatonia, Pink Floyd, Freddie Mercury, or David Bowie. And as an added bonus, there's gonna be an "orchestral version" of the album released later this year! As if 'Far From Home' couldn't get any better - yes it will!
Overall, an extraordinary and elegant journey of atmospheric symphonic rock and metal, and so much more."

10/10 by Onsnieuws (Holland): "The album is a big 10. It’s just one of a kind and very special. And the only thing I can advise you is listen to the album. And not one time, but listen several times. And you will find out new things every time you listen to it. With your headphones on I gives you the ones in a lifetime experience."

4.9 Stars on 5 Music Existence (US): "It is truly a work of art."

9,7/10 The Dark Melody: "By God, it is not possible for people to overlook a work so well done! My question is whether Max will be able to surpass what has been achieved with this monument so full of art , since the level of quality is something that exceeds all conventional limits on a full scale."

18/20 by Metal Integral (Fr): "The most ambitious project in the history of French metal?"

Solid MASTERPIECE by Rock Era Magazine (Egypt): "Far From Home with both versions is an extremely enjoyable ride, Max Enix took his time in polishing and perfecting every detail making every moment count, creating a solid masterpiece of an album that’ll get him and the listener on the same wavelength emotionally and musically."

MASTERPIECE by Metal1on1 (USA): “A Universe of Epic, emotional & Engaging Musical Journey”

ASTONISHING by Adriconelrock (Es): "You immerse yourself in a world of fantasy, mysticism and perfect relaxation to enjoy well-constructed music from its foundations."

MASTERPIECE Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag): "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music."

MASTERPIECE Brutally Delicious (US): "It's been a long time since I've heard anything at all like this ! It's a true and Grandiose undertaking."

CHEF D'OEUVRE by Ahasverus Cornelius (Fr): "Monumental/Magistral Mieux qu'un opéra métal, au-delà des productions qu'on nous présente habituellement sous cette bannière, Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Le résultat global est proprement impressionnant, réalisé sans temps mort ni fausse note. " Max Enix artiste du mois de Juin 2023!"

MASTERPIECE Orkus Magazin (De): "Far From Home is called as Epic Cinematic Masterpiece! "Far From Home" is like a varied adventure, so that the double album, which does not shy away from pieces of more than 10 minutes, should be enjoyed from beginning to end."

MASTERPIECE ! Kick Ass Forever ! Max Enix’s “Far From Home” is a monumental double album that defies categorization and transcends musical boundaries. This ambitious release takes listeners on an immersive and profound journey spanning nearly three hours. Enix’s exceptional talents as a singer-songwriter and composer shine brilliantly throughout this album. He masterfully weaves together an astonishing array of genres, including progressive metal, alternative rock, new age, jazz, and even surprising hints of hip-hop elements. It’s a testament to his compositional prowess and artistic vision that these diverse influences seamlessly coalesce into a cohesive and immersive musical experience. Whether you are a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a musical adventure that defies expectations, “Far From Home” is a must-listen experience that leaves an indelible impression. This album is an epic masterpiece that showcases the boundless potential of contemporary music.

MASTERPIECE / Black Night Radio: "Probably one of the best Metal albums of 2023, from Mr Max Enix. A Great Masterpiece."

MASTERPIECE Pete rock news and views: "Max Enix’s “Far From Home” is a remarkable release that transcends the boundaries of musical genres, offering listeners an immersive and profound experience that stretches over two captivating discs. Enix’s prowess as a singer-songwriter, composer, and producer shines brilliantly in this ambitious double album. Enix’s ability to seamlessly blend these diverse elements is a testament to his compositional prowess and artistic vision. Whether you are a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a musical odyssey that defies expectations, “Far From Home” is a must-listen experience that leaves a lasting impression."

MASTERPIECE/ Loud and Enough Magazine: More than a concept album, not quite a musical, this is an ambitious project and an extraordinary achievement. Rock, symphonic, prog and power metal combine for a multi-genre musical extravaganza with a full cast of voices, the Budapest Symphony Orchestra, and numerous guest musicians. The music has the rich melodic tones of symphonic metal and musical theatre, the expressive and visual feel of cinematic film scores, the power and energy of metal and the complexity of progressive rock. Rather than the traditional musical structure of acts and scenes, these are long songs where the different voices, rather than characters, present different aspects of an epic tale that spans millennia; of a paradise and corruption, apocalyptic retribution and, perhaps, a second chance. It is sung with theatrical feeling and expression, bright and clear, and even has a little rap, where the sharp rhythmical delivery emphasises the ideas and contrasts with powerful and dramatic opera tones. It is also available as a semi-instrumental orchestral version, with only the full choir backing vocals adding an ethereal feel to an intense musical score, carefully orchestrated for a very different listening experience.

TOUR DE FORCE ! Big Bang Magazine (FR): "Never before... A musical project brought together so many different forces, and Far From Home is nothing short of titanic.
The vocal duets are seductive, and Max Enix does magnificently well in the midst of these exceptional singers, where fury and lyricism battle it out.
Somewhere between Hans Zimmer and Devin Townsend. Far From Home reveals its highly cinematic potential.
Unique and exceptional character of Far From Home, a veritable river rock opera driven by the talent and ambition of a single man, who deserves to be saluted for his extraordinary tour de force. The self-sacrifice of an artist at the service of his work."

Tour de Force by
"Unique work, halfway between cinema and opera. With credits worthy of the greatest Hollywood productions (see list at the end of this review), this project with outsized ambitions sees Max Enix wear the multiple hats of author, composer and performer, in an approach not unlike that of Arjen Lucassen with Ayreon. The different musical styles intersect, blend and/or respond to each other to build a rich musical framework, teeming with ideas and details that make this work a real tour de force and an absolute success. And while Far From Home requires a minimum of investment and several listens to reveal all its treasures and subtleties, the listener is greatly rewarded by the discovery of an album that is grandiose, epic and enthralling from the first note to the last. So enthralling, in fact, that the two and a half hours pass without you ever feeling bored.
To top it all off, there's an orchestral version of the album, on three discs featuring exclusive audio special effects to make listening even more immersive and give the whole thing an even more cinematographic feel, more focused on the film music aspect of the project."

MASTERPIECE ! Rocker United (Local stage worldwide): "“Far From Home” rewards a unique musical experience that is almost incomparable to any other release I can think of.
"Far From Home" is a monumental achievement that showcases Max Enix's remarkable musical talents and his ability to craft a diverse and emotionally resonant body of work.
This album is a breath-taking journey through sound, with each track offering a unique and immersive experience.
Max Enix and his collaborators have created a masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on fans of progressive music and anyone seeking a profound and transformative musical adventure.
"Far From Home" is an epic odyssey that invites listeners to explore the boundless possibilities of contemporary music."

9/10 World Of Metal TV: "A real treasure for fan of progressive music where Max Enix shows his Enormous talent!"

4,5/5 ! (Hungary) ! Excerpt: In conclusion, „Far From Home” is an extraordinary musical odyssey that invites listeners to explore its sonic wonderland. Max Enix’s innovative composition and fusion of different styles create an immersive and profound experience that defies expectations. Whether you’re a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a unique musical journey, „Far From Home” is a must-listen masterpiece that leaves an indelible and lasting impression. This album is a testament to the boundless potential of contemporary music and a remarkable addition to the world of music.

8.5/10 Mariskal Rock (Es): "The Multifaceted metal Genius/ definitely elevates the composer as one of the most important creative minds, no longer on the international metal scene, but on any music label that self-respect."

8.5/10 Rock Garage (De): Excerpt: "The use of male and female vocals alone brings a lot to the table, and as far as the songs are concerned, they already offer a lot of variety with their suspense arcs and both tempo and heaviness changes.
The orchestral version is what it says, the songs were recorded in orchestral style and are reminiscent of the soundtrack of the Schwarzenegger film "Conan".
In conclusion, a varied work with many twists and intelligent compositions. The entire album is worth a listen."

8.5/10 ! Mythofrock (Greek) : That’s nothing short of an artistic recital! Live this instant classic now! This musical masterpiece promises an unparalleled sonic journey, boasting a fusion of progressive-symphonic-post rock/metal, film score and a myriad of diverse elements, including world/new age, hip hop, jazz and avant-garde influences, never heard before. “Far From Home” transcends musical boundaries, weaving a tapestry of epic, emotional and complex compositions. This double album is not a simple collection of ordinary tracks, but a conceptual music gem. “Far From Home” creates soundscapes beyond music and words, a universe that extends beyond the confines of traditional musical expression. I enjoyed great vocal performances, intricate arrangements, fantastic music themes, incredible solos etc. It stands as a beacon in the musical landscape, offering a unique and unforgettable experience. For sure, a must-listen for those who appreciate the limitless potential of musical expression, an over two hours and a half musical adventure, which will cast a spell on you.

8.5/10 ! Trashocore (FR): Something as ambitious as this, in France, is frankly something I've rarely (never?) seen! It's a near-flawless achievement, that's for sure.
I'm much more seduced by the male voices, both in terms of the choice of tessitura and the way they're combined, positioned according to the variations in intensity, the desired climates, etc. It's impressive, once again, in the way it's done.
Not being a musicologist myself, it would be difficult for me to go into more detail about the technical characteristics of the various songs, but I can only say that the composer has not fallen into the trap of making music for musicians, and that he always strikes the right balance between technique and melody, the complexity of demanding music made accessible to as many people as possible. In other words, you can enjoy Far From Home whatever your level of expertise: neophyte, professional, novice, experienced artist or weekend guitarist. And that's really great, especially for a guy like me who doesn't listen to much of this musical genre.

84% Excellent Review by Via Nocturna (Portugal): "I was thrown into the idea of this album by Max Enix, Far From Home: with three hours of music, an endless list of guests, with the Bupapest Symphony Orchestra leading a set of gigantic songs and with the most unexpected twists and turns. Far From Home is an album that revisits various musical scenes, some of them outside the metal spectrum, such as some passages of hip hop, jazz or new age. A creative and instrumental richness (with a highlight for the sensational piano textures) always accompanied by symphonic, orchestral and choral elements, for all the vocal diversity imprinted by a group of vocalists, each one as its own record."

8,3/10 by Profil Prog (Canada): "A titanic work with inevitable redundancies on the titles, their lengths and structures which should not be synthesized too quickly; we talk about the beauty of life, faith, the human condition, we talk about a rock opera fresco whose last flowing title should be listened to first to help you understand the musical structure of this French artist extraordinary."

Josh Rundquist (Heavy Debriefings USA): "Far From Home is one of the Best Album of the month (June)"

Awesome Review (nl) Excerpt: "Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned."

8/10 Metal Digest (Greek): " ‘Far From Home’ is an opportunity for you and your “everything” friend to embark on a wondrous journey of choral arrangements, multiple vocalists of every stripe, ripping guitars, and multicultural inflections."

Heavy HQ (Us): "The scale of the album does feel like a Devin Townsend and Hans Zimmer hybrid."

8/10 Saitenkult (De): "This year's monumental work of progressive rock and progressive metal comes from Max Enix, bears the concise title 'Far From Home' and captivates for other 160minutes!"

8/10 AWESOME Review ! SoundMagnet (De): "Densely packed Cineastic Progressive Metal with orchestral violence. In addition to the vocals of Max Enix himself, who does a great job and is quiet varied, the female vocals are sung by Elise Wachbar and cut an equally good figure. For fans of symphonic metal with cinematic means and a lot of mass and class, Max Enix has a musical feast in store."

10/15 by Betreutesproggen (De): "If you look at the album purely musically, fans of concept albums in the style of symphonic prog metal will quickly feel at home here. There are countless beautiful melodies, wonderful orchestral arrangements and outstanding vocal parts."

80/100 Rock Overdose (Greece): "Max Enix's "Far From Home" is a magical musical journey, a musical adventure full of surprises. As a songwriter, composer and producer, Enix shows off his extraordinary talent by creating an ambitious double album that perfectly combines many different genres into a single body of work.
"Far From Home" is a work that transcends and breaks the boundaries between musical genres, presenting a work with a truly fresh sound and inspiring ideas that is definitely worth a listen."

8/10 METAL HAMMER GREECE: "Passion is the beginning and the end of Far From Home. Passion for Art without limits, for unbridled creation and the elevation of man as a being and not as a consumer product. Listen to it again and again and you will constantly discover something new.
"An extremely talented artist, one of those who doesn't just do calculations and measurements with the eyes on the number of sales, but dedicated himself soul and body to his Art. Max Enix brings out his innermost soul, both musically and lyrically, in a way that you cannot resist and what he tells us is indicative of what it happens in his mind."

8/10 ROCK HARD GREECE AWESOME! "The overall result is a triumph for Max Enix, who succeeded in creating something remarkable, something that fans of progressive music, but also those who like their sounds adventurous and provocative, will appreciate above all. He who takes risks and dares wins in the end."

PowerPlay Magazine: "The genuine emotion Enix has for his music is clear to pick up in his vocals. I can't say I loved them , but there's no doubt he has talent. Enix should be proud of his achievement; this is a monumental project he's put together, and he should be applauded for the sheer effort it must have taken."

Awesome Rockallica (Greece). Far From Home is a project that take risks and wins. This is a double Album that Highlights Max Enix's ability as a composer and artist. It is a musical journey that transcends the boundaries of musical genres. Far From Home is one of those Albums that is worth listening to without a second thought..."

7.8/10 by Music Connection Magazine (Uk)

RockHard Italy AWESOME review by Emanuele Biani, DPRP (Holland) AWESOME Words, Rocknytt (Swe), Radio Erdorin (Fr), This is Rock (Es)

Masterpiece/Awesome/Brillant by some listeners (world), advices and Many Others...

Metal Alliance Mag / An ambition that exceeds the boundaries of the imaginable! The highest spheres of symphonic and European metal (Opeth, Ayreon, Therion...)! Max and Elise make a fine vocal duo. Max's multiple nuances and Elise's soft, charming timbre are a perfect match. Max's own performance on Beyond my Blood, where he embodies several characters through the nuances of his voice - and through his acting in the video clip - delivering a dialogue with himself full of expressiveness and emotion.
Emotion is the very essence of what Max Enix and co are trying to convey with Far From Home, and it's present at every moment, filled with passion and heart.
Listening to Far From Home, there's no doubt that it's an extraordinary album, in the first sense of the word, in terms of its ambitions, which go beyond boundaries rarely reached, and in terms of the musical journey it invites listeners to take part in. Just imagine what a feat it must have been at every level (logistical, financial, writing, musical arrangement...)!
As well as the practical aspects, it's also the more abstract ones that make Far From Home stand out from the crowd, because of the immensity of the heart and soul that went into it. Far From Home finds added strength in its ability to rediscover itself with each new listen, allowing it to improve like a fine wine.

Lots of others to come..."

Those who have listen to it put me (in General) in the Top Albums of 2023 !

Rowan G Tepper (Layered Reality Production USA) and Lily Wardzala ! Far From Home Best Album of the Year 2023 ! It's a rare three-way tie for Album of the Year between:
Max Enix's magnum opus, "Far From Home"
Temperance's "Hermitage: Daruma's Eyes Part II"
Katatonia's "Sky Void of Stars"
[It's no coincidence that all three feature at least one person who was on stage as part of Ayreon this September in Tilburg]

Michael Prado Fernandez (The dark Melody 9.7/10 South America webzine) / "Such an amazing album ?? My favorite one in Progressive music from this year."

Fab Borré (Nawak Posse FR) this morning with the top french artist ! I am Number 5 in front of Mass Hysteria but he said that there was not really specific ranking !

New order from Rafael (Spain) yesterday with this comment: "I did not know your music and it's a real discovery and one of the best new music I have listened to in the last years." Many people wrote this to me ! It's an honor !

Top 100 Albums of the year : 71/100 in front of some of the biggest names !

Top 40 Albums of the year / Thierry François (Metal Integral) = Number 37

Just outside the top 23! In the nominees 13th, next to Peter Gabriel who is 15th (Profil Prog) by Alain Massard!

Best Albums of 2023 Here too:

Thanks for your support

#MaxEnix #NewAlbum #FarFromHome #OutNow #OrchestralVersion #ComingSoon #Wormholedeath #ProgressiveMetal #AlternativeRock #Music #Composer #Singer #Artist

Max Enix / Far From Home
One of the Best and most Ambitious Double Album ever made ! A colossus ! Expect things you've never heard / see before !

"Trying to review this album is like trying to review a skyscraper; it doesn't care; it just keeps going! And let me be absolutely clear those are words of praise. Monstruous, Monumental. Let's just say that Far From Home is so good that I've listened to it 8 times since he shared it with us last week. It gets better with each time. It's the one album that I consider to be "perfect, I think yours may be the first -out of the more than 8,000 I've heard in the last 5 years . It gets better with each time. Since I'm in "techie-mode" now, I'll translate my praise into a number: that comparison means your is in the top 0.0119% of all the albums I've heard since the beginning of 2018. The voices are impressive. Already in the top Albums of 2023 ! A Future classic !" Between many outstanding feedback in the world !

Never heard since David Bowie, Pink Floyd... There is one in a million like you ! Completely in tune with our times ! An earthquake ! A double album that will change the face of the world"

"As one continues their musical journey -a musical journey that is epic, grand, powerful, unique and magical and something different, fresh -again special and truly will capture the listener’s ears, heart and soul—simultaneously, as I was inking this review, I was so lost and transfixed with this release and with this feeling that “Far From Home” is a release where this whole thing should be played without skipping any tracks, a release to find that right moment, sit back and chill and let this musical spectrum flow through your ears and speakers.

A Universe of epic, emotional & engaging Musical Journey ”
At the same time, “Far From Home” is delivered and provided by impressive and skilled (all wrapped professionally/sophisticated arrangements) craftsmanship, musicianship and showmanship, and not just Max but a handful of guests that gives the listener this masterpiece that consists of incredible music, instrumentation, lyrics, story-concept that’s all well-executed, beautifully score and composed -where each composition/characteristics are convenient to place at the right moment. Thus, giving the listener this “Music is art, and art should know no boundaries” of Avant Garde never heard before fusion that consists of awe-inspiring multi-verse of instrumentation artistry of (technical/complex) guitar and drum work that utilises various tones, tempos, atmosphere, moods, virtuoso riffs/multi-cords, rhythms, melodic passages, various drum beats/fills and patterns, vocal work consists of multiple tones, ranges, and clean male/female singing/operatic sections. In contrast, one will find other elements within the musical spectrum/instrumental and vocals (pulls the music together!), which included progressive-symphonic-post rock/metal, film scores/sound effects with diverse aspects of world/New Age, Hip hop, Jazz, international variety and others.

A compelling and astonishing result -with a magical spark of beauty, epic, grand, bold and breathless sensation. At the same time, the Orchestral version of “Far From Home” hit me and transported me away to somewhere tranquil and the loss of time… truly the second part is unique and breathtakingly beautiful. Take a moment to listen to both versions—simultaneously, the piano work gives me that “Freddie Mercury” and sometimes, sections of the music (within the songs) give that (German acts) “Helloween/Gamma Ray” vibe -spine-chilling sensation."

"I have checked your album "Far From Home" and wow... I have been blown away. These songs are absolutely killer...
Where to start...well for sure from the part where I say that I love it. It’s absolutely great, Symphonic and Technical but in a catchy way and tuneful.

It is very difficult to find precise influences, because the conceptual level of the compositions ranges between various stylistic strands, keeping in a very precise way, centred and very focused on a certain Symphonic Prog with a Metal vein. The project has a lot of personality, thanks also to a fluid writing and an absolutely convincing execution. The double album has no weak points thanks to unquestionable compositional skills. This is the decisive union that gives you a unique stylistic imprint that always maintains a high maturity and intensity. The songs as well as the project itself have their own specific identity that is extremely personal. The vocal work is awesome as well as all the instrumental parts. Guitars, orchestrations, keyboards and rhythm section are powerful and they do a great job in the composition and arrangements. An epic project full of quality ideas, lyrics and sounds are highly researched and original. I haven't listened to a record of this sound matrix for a long time.

There’s quite a lot of variation in the songs but it sounds like a solid album and doesn’t sound like a compilation....This means that you are really mature songwriting-wise. The level of the album is always high, (from the beginning to the end) and there are no boring or low moments. I think that your style and sound are quite original. A combination of many, ranging from Symphonic Prog to Technical and more Metal influences, but I can’t relate you to any other act in particular and this is a great point, this means that you sound unique. Professional production, recordings and mix....Well done, I really like your product! We can absolutely talk further."

 Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag) / MASTERPIECE "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music."

8.5/10 Rock Garage (De)
The orchestral version is what it says, the songs were recorded in orchestral style and are reminiscent of the soundtrack of the Schwarzenegger film "Conan".
In conclusion, a varied work with many twists and intelligent compositions. The entire album is worth a listen.

Finish note, if one wants to go deeper within the music, grab some headphones (I suggest this to capture the atmosphere of the piece), turn off all modern devices, and find that right moment to drift away and relax with the orchestral version of “Far From Home,” which was recorded with the “Budapest Symphony Orchestra” will offer a unique sound and atmosphere—much more epic, emotional, engaged and complex/hard songs this time than before.

DPRP: Its synchronously offered orchestral version, available separately or as a package deal with the release described above, adds a whole new view and complementary experience. It was recorded with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra and contains a completely instrumental, immaculate performance of the total concept, with exclusive sound effects and choirs that narrate the story. Recognisable through recurring melodies and themes, it offers unique transformed sounds and atmospheres. The serene breeze of Angels Of The Apocalyptic Storm is a striking example, which will delight those in favour of film scoring composers likes John Williams, Hans Zimmer, and Philip Glass.

Rock Era Magazine from Egypt ! Max Enix / Far From Home Original and Orchestral Review (more than 5 Hours of music) ! Solid Masterpiece !

"Highlighting the effort made by himself, Thomas Kubler (orchestrator), François Rousselot (Conductor), and the Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Max Enix released a bonus orchestral version of Far From Home. Removing the vocals, solos, and heavy instruments has shed light on Far From Home’s brilliant orchestrations and made me look at the songs from a whole new perspective. This version will make you realize how carefully the vocal melodies were written and how strong they were backed by the atmospheric orchestrations, creating the perfect smooth build-ups and guiding the songs’ dynamics turning soft sparkling melodies into roaring waves smoothly and without losing their flow. The power of vocal harmonies and chores shine brightly in the version, the threatening effect they have and how they can lift the song’s energy up is quite amazing. Those arrangements have their very own character, it is strong and fierce and sometimes paints a complete picture with breathtaking soundscapes, acting like a well-crafted movie score, showing musicianship and high attention to detail. They helped me connect with the songs on a deeper level emotionally, I believe I’ll be playing those for quite a while.

Far From Home with both versions is an extremely enjoyable ride, Max Enix took his time in polishing and perfecting every detail making every moment count, creating a solid masterpiece of an album that’ll get him and the listener on the same wavelength emotionally and musically. Looking forward to more from Max Enix. Cheers!" Awesome Review (nl) ! Excerpt: Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned.

Some Videos Clips on Youtube and others to come !

Beauty in Darkness (Autumn 2025) and Ocean of Light Albums (2026) will go much further again on many points and will transcend your way of thinking (Fusion of Filmscore, black/progressive rock and metal, Hip hop/Rap, electro, variety, jazz, world/New Age and others genres) ! Never heard/See before ! Original and orchestral versions ! Epic and radio songs ! Less guests and no orchestra but 10 times more powerful and emotional in every ways ! Huge Announcements to come in various fields (Albums, Cinema, Collaborations, Festivals, Modern and Futuristic Tour in Asia, UK and US principally, Music Industry...! Follow YOUR WAY ! 

Max Enix: Composer (Music), Songwriter, Vocals, Art director, Story, Lyrics, Actor (Videos...) , Etc...

Thomas Kubler: Additional arrangements, Orchestrator

And Great Musicians Etc...

The Classic Far From Home


Max Enix / Far From Home / Big Bang Magazine / France / Interview in the commentary ! 

*Some Excerpts (English traduction):

-Never before... A musical project brought together so many different forces, and Far From Home is nothing short of titanic.

-The vocal duets are seductive, and Max Enix does magnificently well in the midst of these exceptional singers, where fury and lyricism battle it out.

-Somewhere between Hans Zimmer and Devin Townsend. Far From Home reveals its highly cinematic potential.

-Unique and exceptional character of Far From Home, a veritable river rock opera driven by the talent and ambition of a single man, who deserves to be saluted for his extraordinary tour de force. The self-sacrifice of an artist at the service of his work.

-The theme of Far From Home is universal. Conceived as a case study, or rather an inventory of the deleterious behaviours governing today's society, it denounces corruption, daily divisions, oppression, religious fanaticism - all the dramatic consequences to which we are exposing ourselves in the more or less long term - and tries to open our eyes to the beauty of the world, of life, of the human condition, and to the positive way of approaching them. It's an epic tale of mixed emotions, dreamlike and tragic, a collective wake-up call before the inexorable happens. A story worthy of a feature-length screenplay.

Far From Home Awesome reviews already:

-10/10 by Metal Zenith (USA):
-8.5/10 Mariskal Rock (Es) The Multifaceted metal Genius/ definitely elevates the composer as one of the most important creative minds, no longer on the international metal scene, but on any music label that self-respect:
-18/20 by Metal Integral (Fr):
-Solid Masterpiece by Rock Era Magazine (Egypt):
-A Big 10/10 by Onsnieuws (Holland):
-8/10 Saitenkult (De): This year's monumental work of progressive rock and progressive metal comes from Max Enix, bears the concise title 'Far From Home' and captivates for other 160minutes !
-MASTERPIECE by Fireworks Magazine (UK) the biggest UK Magazine / Sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future.
-Brutally Delicious (US) : Awesome Audio review / It's been a long time since I've heard anything at all like this ! It's a true and Grandiose undertaking /
-Masterpiece by Ahasverus Cornelius (Fr) / "Monumental/Magistral Mieux qu'un opéra métal, au-delà des productions qu'on nous présente habituellement sous cette bannière, Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Le résultat global est proprement impressionnant, réalisé sans temps mort ni fausse note. "
-Josh Rundquist (Heavy Debriefings USA): Far From Home is one of the Best Album of the month ! And Ahasverus Cornelius (Fr): Max Enix artist of the month !
-Orkus Magazin (De): Far From Home is called as Epic Cinematic MASTERPIECE ! "Far From Home" is like a varied adventure, so that the double album, which does not shy away from pieces of more than 10 minutes, should be enjoyed from beginning to end.
-AWESOME REVIEW / 4.9 Stars on 5 Music Existence (US) !
It is truly a work of Art."
-AWESOME Review 8/10 ! SoundMagnet (De)  "Densely packed Cineastic Progressive Metal with orchestral violence. In addition to the vocals of Max Enix himself, who does a great job and is quiet varied, the female vocals are sung by Elise Wachbar and cut an equally good figure. For fans of symphonic metal with cinematic means and a lot of mass and class, Max Enix has a musical feast in store. "
- Awesome Review (nl) ! Excerpt: Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned.
-Pete rock news and views / MASTERPIECE / Max Enix’s “Far From Home” is a remarkable release that transcends the boundaries of musical genres, offering listeners an immersive and profound experience that stretches over two captivating discs. Enix’s prowess as a singer-songwriter, composer, and producer shines brilliantly in this ambitious double album. Enix’s ability to seamlessly blend these diverse elements is a testament to his compositional prowess and artistic vision. Whether you are a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a musical odyssey that defies expectations, “Far From Home” is a must-listen experience that leaves a lasting impression.
-9,7/10 The Dark Melody:
"By God, it is not possible for people to overlook a work so well done! My question is whether Max will be able to surpass what has been achieved with this monument so full of art , since the level of quality is something that exceeds all conventional limits on a full scale."
Album Of the Year for now
-9/10 World Of Metal TV / A real treasure for fan of progressive music where Max Enix shows his Enormous talent !
-Many others grandiose ones you can read...

-Lots of others to come SOON and many things... The next Albums will go 10 times further with a few guests only, no orchestra (except for filmscore), Huge vocals and variations , Videos ETC... <3

*So when I hear the idiots I've worked with (or not) trying to kill him off by spreading the worst lies, it makes me laugh (especially coming from a label in question when they have a gem in their hands = are they out of touch with reality, side with the haters/destroyers/myth mongers or fake hackers networks who have promised to stop my evolution and destroy me, completely crazy or what) ? There are some jealous rats around who are sympathetic to all these people believe me (who want to see me fall at any price since many times)! But since that's not the case and some of them still can't control me or have grip on me, they're going crazy and trying other ways! For futilities or just because I leave them ! If that's the case, they'll clearly reveal their nature of snakes in disguise and pure shit ! But I destroy everything that tries to destroy me ! All these stupid networks are crushed by my success/victory and there's nothing they can do about it ! They can't take it away from me! In the end, it's going to come back on them with a force they don't know! Bad losers who want the trophy back ! HUGE Things are Coming with the good ones like before and far more !!! Stay tuned 

Hard and Deep Sodomy of Society


After the worldwide acclaimed Max Enix's Far From Home Albums (New Reviews/Interviews/Articles/Goodies and finally modern/futuristic and unique Shows to come especially Asia, US, UK... between others and the possible creation of an international label for all kind of music: Enix records)! Beauty in Darkness (Autumn 2025) and Ocean of Light (Autumn 2026) between others projects (Cinema...) to come ! Each Albums completely different from another in different artistic universe ! Enter the transcendence soon (every levels) ! An explosion of emotion is imminent!  Video on the Max Enix Facebook Page...

Some lyrics already I have wrote (taken from Sodomizing the snakes song and already protected) ! Parental advisory like some videos that will target all these legions of bastards around us :

The dark and increasingly cloudy sky
Corporate snakes devour each other, slither unleashed
Devilish insecurity in the alleys and sodomised lambs
The smell of sulphur and poisons injected into the
genitals of procreators
I feel so Alone in this rotten humanity
Snakes in disguise, cruel and naked lies

The endless circle closes in on their blistered heads
Those still in the middle are dissolved in acid
Death waits around the corner, as they cry
They’ve done too much harm around them
Divine retribution, the sorting of souls is merciless
I see the fear in your eyes scum, I’ll gag you
I’m gonna cum in your dirty ass before you die

Look at these people
Don’t talk to others
They wage war on love…
Have Hate in their hearts
Deep frenzy and shame
Saw those demonic couples
Those Dirty people rape the frightened in the streets
Their heads are crushed down
Dicks forced in their mouths
Arses spread wide
a gun shoved up
Their clitoris ripped off
Cum in the creative hole,
The sacred hole
That gave them birth and power.

Hard and deep sodomy of society

“Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, the Son of Man must also be lifted up." "So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and separate the wicked from among the righteous"


*Max Enix : Composer (music), Songwriter, Singer, Artistic director, Lyricist, Actor (Videos...) Etc... ! Thomas Kubler : Orchestrator & Arrangements !

Beauty in Darkness will be a total outlet for human horror and what I've experienced too. Ocean of Light will represent the total beauty of things before the 20min apocalyptic finale between light and darkness uniting against the worst people/monsters on Earth. And a shattering finale.

Beauty in Darkness temporary Tracklist: 1. Ghosts of Yesterday, 2. A pale Light in the Darkness, 3. The Sacrificial Dove, 4. In this Golden and Crimson Tomb, 5. Sodomizing the Snakes, 6. Hacked A.I. of Death, 7. Destruction Camps, 8. Beauty in Darkness, 9. Deliverance of a Soul, 10. Remembrance

Ocean of Light Tracklist later (The Seagull, Ocean of Light, New Souls Ages (20min Finale) Etc...) !

Future albums (if the world is not completely destroyed since there) will deal with very different, magnificent, transcendent and/or mysterious themes. Original and orchestral versions always !

**Maybe I will create new Max Enix pages with only Great people on it and people of trust because some diabolical people tries to control these ones (and all the people around) and not only (put filters to avoid visibility) with cyber hackers/spies ! These lyrics and projects are against them too ! They will All suffer in the corridors of their stupidity and big lies ! They don't want to destroy my projects only but they want to destroy my life ! But for what ? Networks of hate ! I don't know what they have in their heads ! But my soul is safe to their contrary ! Their souls are already damned and destroyed by forces they don't know ! Beauty of things will win against ugliness in the end !!!

Rolling Stones Ranking

Only one metal Album in the Rolling Stones 2024 ranking! Now, more than ever, is the time to merge genres! That's why you'll find me on the front covers of the next 2 albums, notably with parental advisory Etc... lyrics. Fusion. Modern look. Film music, Rap/Hip Hop, Rock/Metal Etc... It may not appeal to pure metalheads, but that's not/never my aim! That won't stop me from making a pure metal album at a later date (based on electric guitars), why not but If I do it, it will be very, very hard! But for now I keep my Vision and create a new broader Future...

*Remember that All innovators have at some time found themselves faced with people who told them not to go down these roads, and yet they went ahead and succeeded THEIR ways ! Most of the time, don't listen too much to those who preach and wants to impose their vision at all costs because they are most of the time wrong and mislead everyone !!! Keep YOUR VISION and one of these days the good ones will come to you and believe in your projects (the same for every innovators/creators like Devin Townsend and others who took a long time to make themselves understood) !!! Dont listen some people that often leads you straight into the wall !!! Some have not succeeded their own way after numerous attempts, are bitter and want to impose their choices in the same time ! We're certainly not going to take their advice! OUR VISION !!!

The albums of 2024 hit us hard and soft, all year long. The music world was full of explosive chaos, all over the stylistic map, from the pop espresso on the airwaves to the club classics in your eardrums. A new generation of world-beating pop queens claimed the top of the charts—and the top of our albums list—while radical innovators made noise in the margins. Brat Summer happened. Shaboozey happened. Beyoncé claimed country. MJ Lenderman channeled the sound of a human hangover through a guitar. Taylor Swift devised a 31-part song cycle in her spare time. Charli conquered the planet.

All through 2024, you heard brash young artists kept stepping up to introduce themselves. You also heard legends swerving somewhere new, whether that meant Kendrick Lamar or Nick Cave. Billie, Doechii, Zach, Ariana, Sabrina — they all kept pushing. Our albums list has the Puerto Rican rap of Young Miko and Álvaro Díaz, the raw country of Lainey Wilson, the mystic folk-jazz of Arooj Aftab. We’ve got teenagers and we’ve got eighty-somethings. We’ve got Afropop innovators from Tyla to Rema to Arya Starr. We’ve got rap bangers from Tyler, the Creator to Future and Metro Boomin. We’ve got the Appalachian twang of Gillian Welch and David Rawlings, the bold urbano of RaiNao, the mighty guitar roar of Lenderman, Jack White, and Mannequin Pussy. These were the albums that helped us push on through 2024. And they’re all albums we’ll keep turning to next year.

Future Albums


I'm warning you that the lyrics on the Beauty in Darkness album due in Autumn 2025 will often be merciless, radical and extremely violent, just like some of the music videos (Parental advisory ) I'm going to play in a possessed way but Always full of meaning. A reflection of the actual society and history. The opposite of the magnificent poetic lyrics and videos of Ocean of Light (Autumn 2026) before the Apocalyptic finale of 20min. Very powerful, emotional and Grandiose music. See you soon.

*Not the True Albums front covers here (because I will be on it in an obscure and lightning way = Deep/powerful senses behind) but simple illustrations. Networks or people who try to block will also be severely penalized and targeted.

**Some Apocalyptical Lyrics From Niklas Kvarforth and Michael Herrington Onetwenty will be written too !!! A huge spit in the face of certain people and certain aspects of society.

Lots of projects to Come...


We are the set of Elements. Fire, Air, Earth... I am/we will remain in the end the water and the fountain, the waterfall, the Afterlife on Earth that will naturally extinguish All fires, hatred, the world's wars (Destruction of Bad souls) and will remain eternally in all its forms, here and beyond.

*Max Enix / Beauty in Darkness (Autumn 2025), Ocean of Light (Autumn 2026) Albums and the next ones will explode the Far From Home worldwide acclaimed Albums and almost everything you know (Original and Orchestral versions...) ! Never heard/seen before ! I promise you !

New Look / New Start


New look! ! Congrats Vlora and Dany coiffure (Switzerland/Collombey)! Great Shows are coming ! The Future is Here ! See you soon 

Plan for the Years to come


Niklas Kvarforth, Michael Herrington, George Kollias, Max Enix etc.... Some of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse will be featured on Max Enix's next 2 albums, 'Beauty in Darkness (Autumn 2025)' and 'Ocean of Light' (Autumn 2026), which brings together most of the musicians from Far From Home (with the exception of the piano part, which will be reworked almost identically to mine and the music I did).

Among other things, a fusion of film music, rap/hiphop, progressive black metal, alternative rock and theatre. Music from the future, but also lyrics, videos/clips, illustrations, vocals, sounds, avant-garde, modern and theatrical performances/shows (Already in 2025), many effects, a Blade Runner/Futuristic look with white hair and blue stripes, etc..... Not too far from the 2024 Olympics, in a way but less kitsch. We need modernity. It's right up there with the times.

Everything will be more detailed than in Far From Home Albums. Among other things, other projects for the cinema should see the light of day. Cinematic music/fusion. Gradually create a futuristic, avant-garde Enix Records label for all musical genres (especially innovators and those who push the boundaries and conventions). A Great Vision and Team with Serious/Passionate Collaborators. A Great Enterprise. Art Before All. Sign only Great music. Website, artwork, announcements coming soon. To see which new (major) international label I'll be signing (or not). 

Lots of new reviews, interviews, promotions to come too for the worldwide acclaimed Far From Home Albums. Lots of other surprises. Theatre Is my way of living/Working like Real Estate work too Etc... Etc... Devin Townsend IS one of my main influence like Hans Zimmer, David Bowie, Opeth, Anathema and many many others... But my Artistic Universe , way of composing/thinking and Personality Is Unique.

The future is here and it's under construction. It takes Time. No hurry. In reality, nothing is impossible. Stay Strong. See you soon .

*Far From Home Albums and the Future:
Max Enix: Composer (music), Songwriter, Singer, Art Director, Lyricist, Actor (Videos...) Etc...!

Thomas Kubler: Orchestrator & Arrangements! 

And of course the musicians who are with us and play their parts, collaborators Etc....

The Link


I am the link between the old world and the awful new one in construction. Except that I'm not merging into the 2, but take another path. My vision of the Future. Hard to understand for some, imprisoned in their confort zone and the same codes again ! Good News ! I am/We are absolutely not here to Please them ! They follow a path of regression or stagnation that takes them straight into the wall, new wars and a mind-numbing slope. I don't hear them and don't enter in the ranks. I am/ we are following a path of evolution in 2024 (Music, Illustrations, Videos, Shows, Label creation or others, Movies, Vocals, Fusion, Look,  Work...) ! Time to Evolve ! A different Vision ! We are the Enemies of Reality ! The reality is here and more powerful than anything ! I am the bug in the Matrix ! And you ?

Next Gen


Beauty in Darkness (Autumn 2025) will be a very hard, dark and poetic album ! Ocean of Light (Autumn 2026) will be an ode to reverie and delicacy. The calm before the final Apocalypse on the final 20min track (Light & Darkness United against the Excited Scumbags and jokesters of this Earth), the end of humanity and dirty people, sickly corruption, a new era of souls and other perspectives! Avant Garde ! Reality ! Away From the social networks, All the condemned idiots circles around and their stupid games. No I will never stop for them even if they throw stones everywhere and tries to block all issues. These sons/daughters of Bitches are already in the hell's fires. Everyone will finally see their traps, manipulation and Fake promises. Go away From them when Theres still time. Never heard/Seen before ! See you soon ! LOVE.

*Sodomizing the Snakes song/video will be for them and not only ! A flick in the face then An Atomic Bomb  for them before turning it all into Pain and Love. Our souls are safe.

Future Shows


Before the release of the 2 new Max Enix Albums, Beauty in Darkness (Autumn/Winter 2025) and Ocean of Light (Autumn 2026), I'm already thinking about certain live conditions for representing Far From Home, selling Albums, Tshirts (goodies...) etc.... And above all to meet you! The configuration will be unique and never seen before to mark a difference. Alone on stage (or maybe with a female singer but not sure), singing among other things (with a new futuristic, even steampunk look = pastel blue/white hair, powerful/sensitive/theatrical vocals and many surprises), with incredible fluorescent lighting to symbolise certain guests and colour codes (Universe, Planets, Constellations, Dimensions...). Orchestral intermissions Etc... All to be developed on a larger scale at a later date with huge things/means/collaborators. To see. A vision of the future! My vision, my representation. Night and day. Telluric and cosmic. A fusion of colours, smoke, effects and Universes for all audiences, just like the music. But not always the lyrics/Videos ! Not the same codes as everyone (some prefer clones). Unique ! The Future is here (Evolution = We are in 2024) ! But not for everyone ! Ready ? See you soonBefore the release of the 2 new Max Enix Albums, Beauty in Darkness (Autumn/Winter 2025) and Ocean of Light (Autumn 2026), I'm already thinking about certain live conditions for representing Far From Home, selling Albums, Tshirts (goodies...) etc.... And above all to meet you! The configuration will be unique and never seen before to mark a difference. Alone on stage (or maybe with a female singer but not sure), singing among other things (with a new futuristic, even steampunk look = pastel blue/white hair, powerful/sensitive/theatrical vocals and many surprises), with incredible fluorescent lighting to symbolise certain guests and colour codes (Universe, Planets, Constellations, Dimensions...). Orchestral intermissions Etc... All to be developed on a larger scale at a later date with huge things/means/collaborators. To see. A vision of the future! My vision, my representation. Night and day. Telluric and cosmic. A fusion of colours, smoke, effects and Universes for all audiences, just like the music. But not always the lyrics/Videos ! Not the same codes as everyone (some prefer clones). Unique ! With this configuration, I'll be able to do hundreds of wonderful concerts a year on every continent (Tours and especially Asia, US, UK, South America, Europe, East, Africa Etc...) and introduce you to a wealth of music, a unique artistic universe, unstoppable emotional power, engaged words and indestructible energy... Before Huge festivals as planned and far more. All Is possible. Transcendent things are coming. Stay tuned... The Future is here (Evolution = We are in 2024) ! But not for everyone ! Ready ? See you soon

Huge Things to Come


Hello I've reached a stage where I don't have any more time to waste with all these assholes around, there are far too many of them. I'm going to keep my opinions to myself as much as possible, in the lyrics/videos of Albums Etc..., and devote myself to my artistic projects and Real Estate as always among others. I have already Said enough things. I've never been into competition and people who wants to put themselves forward here and there. I dont understand what s in their heads. They Can Say what they want its not my problem Anymore. I don't need to justify myself in the end. We are free to do what We want and nobodies control our lives. The total average score for Far From Home for now is around 9 out of 10 and far more. See you soon for Huge things to Come 

Blue Pastel


Let bad dogs/people bark or howl on the lead. They need control. They need security. They need a (Fake) leader to follow like brainless sheeps and feel secure/stronger. They need unhealthy power. They need to hear sweet words that resonate with them only. This is the upside down society we are living in since decades. Wrong way again and again. They don't evolve in their heads and go back to the same codes or Stone Age = Regression or stagnation. Just make sure they don't pee themselves sooner or later in a pool of shit. All Is possible. We are Not with them Anymore !  Ouf ! ABE ! We need EVOLUTION. But do they understand (Fear of change) ? All paths are possible. There s no one way... Except for condemned or damned souls ahahah ! Awesome things to Come with the good/clever ones only. See you...

*You can see this photo and those below in the comments... It's highly likely that I'll opt for an ephemeral Pastel Blue colour scheme with white overtones for future concerts, some pictures or videos among other things, to reinforce the futuristic, Blade Runner-style, theatrical, avant-garde feel...

Far From Home New Review


Stunning new Far From Home review in Loud Enough magazine. Thank you so much for your Amazing words . Many more reviews to come. 90% of Reviews come from my research and investment. 3% from the Italian label (out of the game on many points apart From dogs & Girls =  Expert in manipulation and disinformations like others around) and 7% from a Greek PR agency in the past. So I'm continuing to work on my own (more efficient) while waiting to sign with a much better label for future Max Enix Albums and to re-release the Far From Home Albums. See you soon.

Halloween Improvisation


Here's a succession of improvisations and moods done in 5 hours yesterday. Bug to share it on Facebook (don't know why again) so here's a TikTok link: and Instagram: Simple themes with no real in-depth research. I didn't have time to do more as agreed because I wanted to get it out on Halloween day and I would have needed another day to get out an improvisation of an hour or even 2. I didn't really have the Halloween themes in mind here (except for certain atmospheres), but we have a fairly avant-garde mix with occasional vocals (without any real lyrics)! I always base my work above all on emotions and creativity. The rest comes later, especially for the official compositions. Anything goes. I'll put progressively links to previous improvisations in the comments on Facebook, and above all a medley of some of the very first demos from the 2 new albums to come in 2025 (Beauty in Darkness) and 2026 (Ocean of Light) before definitive ones and orchestrations Etc... These Albums which will be even more elaborate and grandiose than Far From Home. These 2 New Albums Composed in 2 weeks by the way (One album per week) ! Far From Home was composed in a few months. But of course it takes more time to add the lyrics, vocals, others instruments Etc... Always different, Always better than the previous ones Etc... See you soon and don't be afraid by this improvisation ahah 



Work for Stéphane Plaza Immobilier now. The best in France. Commercial/Real Estate again. With beautiful office and others. This allows me to work hard on my artistic projects at the same time. Don't hesitate if you have property for sale or are looking for a property Etc... The cards are coming in. See you soon 



Constellia : Secret Garden Album (Winter 2019)
Max Enix : Far From Home Albums (Spring 2023)
Max Enix: Beauty in Darkness Albums (Autumn/Winter 2025)
Max Enix : Ocean of Light Albums (Summer/Autumn 2026)
Others to Come...

Divine Forces


History repeats itself again and again. Remember. Fake, clean-looking people destroying Innocents in different ways and in different directions. And life goes on... Far From Home will remain an artistic lesson to the masses. Beauty in Darkness (Autumn 2025) and Ocean of Light (Autumn 2026) will be the tomb of the executors' souls, traitors and their definitive end. They can do nothing against divine forces and the sorting of souls. Light and darkness united against all these dirty people. Passion remains and joins in the final punishment. A test of time that the jokesters and cheaters cannot understand. Above all expectations and Beyond words. Before a New Soul Age. Our kingdom is definitely not theirs. We evolve differently.  Transcendence is priceless. Reality Is the Key. See you soon.

*Max Enix / Prayer of the Gods song illustration here.


As you may know, I worked 10 years in Real Estate and have made many Properties sales. I've been offered now a job as an independent sales agent for The famous Stéphane Plaza, known throughout France and beyond or Olivier Serveau Immobilier, among others. Now I'm going to work 100% again in this field, in parallel with my many upcoming artistic/Business projects to come and all that goes with (Creation). It's going to be a tough choice. I don't think I'll have time to continue with Domitys. I let you know. See you soon.

*And dont forget... People who are jealous or angry will always take people who are smarter than them (or have something they dont have...) for idiots (that they are = Closed minded). Let them even if they corrupt all the Assholes around and create armies of haters. They are not strong Alone. We have no time to lose with these kind of people whatever they are. Our souls are above them (even if We dont know better than others) !

**"They Laugh At me/us because I m/We are  different. I/we laugh at them because they're all the same" Ahah Kurt Cobain 



In the artistic fields... Some people's visions are entirely/purely commercial and profit-driven, aimed at the masses. Even more so these days with increasingly formatted products. Others have purely artistic visions in search of the timeless, memorable work that will resonate into Eternity. I think you have to find a mix between the 2, and Enigma succeeded in doing just that some years ago, but it's not always easy to find the right formula. And Time change. The aim of my projects is along these lines, but more modern and futuristic now. Anchored in our time in every ways. And this will be all the more obvious in the 2 new albums to come (Music, Lyrics, Videos, Vocals Etc...). In any case... Do what you like, never give in to society's dictates, don't become clones and above all never let anyone decide for you or impose their visions on you (even if good advice is to be taken sometimes). I think Devin Townsend Is very good At that actually. Never let anyone destroy your projects before they're even released, as we're seeing everywhere now. I'm not sure what's going on at the moment. And people are starting to fear sensible people in favor of bloody, unhealthy money and pure idiots. The fools corruption. They lose their time and saliva. The next 2 albums Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light will be a response to all this, just like the previous one, but the whole thing will go further (The worst and the best of society and beings). Just getting them out will be a pleasure for the idiots of our time/era who have been going around in circles for so long and are responsible for the execution of innocent people. Infamous idiots who know how to pull society's strings but have understood nothing about emotional intelligence and past wars. Then, if humanity isn't definitively decimated, the next ones will be lighter, more magical. It all depends. Social networks (the net) are a breeding ground for disinformation, bullshitters, data/figures manipulation and hackers now, where the worst individuals are now fighting for their interests. Reality is the most important thing. And never forget, the harder it is, the better off you are because you have things that others don't have, that they want to destroy. But intelligent people know that. The height of idiocy is that sometimes you work with people and they try to destroy you underhand because they no longer have any interest in you. Instead of leaving us alone. They want to be right At all costs, even when they are wrong. The fucker races with their stupid Evil childs what wants to Fuck for money hihi ahah They are not tired ? Tssss. Fuck you. There's more to intelligence than playing the pipe or others. The donkey dance of the masses Is their choices. Some look like adults but fight wars over territory or childishness. Strange souls. It s a whole. Your path, your journey, your vision is unique. Good Listening.

*Enigma has established itself as one of the leading bands of the last quarter of a century, selling 70 million of its seven albums, reaching 60 number 1 positions in charts around the world and winning over 100 platinum discs.


On the Road Again


Working at Domitys Senior Residence, taking over real estate as a commercial agent (Properties) again, Huge artistic projects and Transcendent Albums to come (With Videos and All that goes with...), New Reviews/Interviews/Articles, Collaborations, Shows-Concerts/Fests in a near Future+ Creation of a wonderful and Serious Label called Enix Records for All kind of music (With Great team) if I have time and depending of the others  Proposals/international Labels aside Etc... Etc... Ideas and work Everywhere as Always ! Busy schedule ! See you soon

Working at Domitys Senior Residence, taking over real estate as a commercial agent (Properties) again, Huge artistic projects and Transcendent Albums to come (With Videos and All that goes with...), New Reviews/Interviews/Articles, Collaborations, Shows-Concerts/Fests in a near Future+ Creation of a wonderful and Serious Label called Enix Records for All kind of music (With Great team) if I have time and depending of the others  Proposals/international Labels aside Etc... Etc... Ideas and work Everywhere as Always ! Busy schedule ! See you soon 


*I'm a strong independent and always have been. I don't need others to live and be strong. Lots of ideas everywhere always. My values have always been peace, love, freedom, justice and union between peoples and Great souls. Not always well understood by some or misused but I am here and do everything with my heart. I don't submit to the stupidity of sectarian/conditioned idiots who are legions. I dont submit to their traps, manipulation and nonsense. I'm stronger than that. Fuck the traitors Is my way of life. Always words of Truth. Drink your wine.

New Amazing Review Prog EtPlus


After a trying, rewarding and exciting New full day working for Domitys senior residence in Brittany, where I hold a number of important positions with a great deal of responsibility... Between others. I had the pleasure of reading this magnificent new Max Enix "Far From Home" review by Prog Etplus you Can read here: 

Translation (Eng):

"Far From Home, the fruit of two and a half years' hard work, is a unique work, halfway between cinema and opera. With credits worthy of the greatest Hollywood productions (see list at the end of this review), this project with outsized ambitions sees Max Enix wear the multiple hats of author, composer and performer, in an approach not unlike that of Arjen Lucassen with Ayreon.

This musical fresco, with its kaleidoscope of sounds, has already been much talked about. It stands out for its daring fusion of genres, brilliantly interweaving pure Black Metal riffs, the complex structures of Progressive Metal, the soaring flights of Progressive Rock, the sophistication of classical music, Rap flow and the grandiose atmospheres of film soundtracks. The author makes no secret of his admiration for the works of composer Hans Zimmer, the great master of film music.

Through the story of Far From Home, Max Enix shares his concerns about the state of the world and its excesses. He tackles themes as crucial as corruption, fake news, propaganda, indoctrination, mass blindness, oppression and religious fanaticism.

And yet, far from being moralistic, it highlights the noble values, the beauty of life and the inherent need for spirituality that is sorely lacking in today's society.

The different musical styles intersect, blend and/or respond to each other to build a rich musical framework, teeming with ideas and details that make this work a real tour de force and an absolute success. And while Far From Home requires a minimum of investment and several listens to reveal all its treasures and subtleties, the listener is greatly rewarded by the discovery of an album that is grandiose, epic and enthralling from the first note to the last. So enthralling, in fact, that the two and a half hours pass without you ever feeling bored.

Methodology and Future


You know... Whatever your technical level or methodology... There are good, very good and bad composers. And it's not a race, let alone a competition. It all depends on the soul, the intention and the emotion you put into it, in my opinion. It all depends on whether you want to produce shaped, self-interested products for the masses or whether you want to produce disinterested works of Art. I think you have to find a balance there. It's easy to churn out albums, but if the quality isn't really there... What's the point? We don't make money off people. In any case, I'll never respect people who want to change us in their image, who don't understand true emotional intelligence and/or think that the problem never comes from them. They are oblivious to the true beauty of things around us and responsible for stupid wars again and again. What's more, there are certain people in this society who try to destroy games, albums, series, people... Before they're even released. Or once again try to block or block the way (by putting themselves forward and corrupting at every turn). The cancel culture or the ignorance of conditioned idiots. At the end of the day, who are they in the chessboard of the Universe? Max Enix "Beauty in Darkness" (Autumn 2025) and "Ocean of Light" (Autumn 2026) Albums will be a gigantic atomic bomb aimed at them. And a beautiful Storm of emotions and thrills for everyone. I think that such depth has rarely been achieved in this way. The finale of these 2 Albums (Connected) will be apocalyptic, radical and the bearer of a new Hope, a new breath and a new era for souls in perdition. I can't wait to share it all with you.

Far From Home Orchestral Albums Reviews


Thanks again for all the fabulous reviews for the original double album and also for the Orchestra albums, which include exclusive FX sounds and a different listening experience. Here are a some words of the orchestral ones... More reviews to come for both versions and already being written. Before the 2 new Albums Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light (Without orchestra and only a few guests but more powerful, Emotional Etc... On every levels) that will transcend our vision of things. 

*Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag) / MASTERPIECE "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music."

*The orchestral version is what it says, the songs were recorded in orchestral style and are reminiscent of the soundtrack of the Schwarzenegger film "Conan".
In conclusion, a varied work with many twists and intelligent compositions. The entire album is worth a listen.

*DPRP: Its synchronously offered orchestral version, available separately or as a package deal with the release described above, adds a whole new view and complementary experience. It was recorded with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra and contains a completely instrumental, immaculate performance of the total concept, with exclusive sound effects and choirs that narrate the story. Recognisable through recurring melodies and themes, it offers unique transformed sounds and atmospheres. The serene breeze of Angels Of The Apocalyptic Storm is a striking example, which will delight those in favour of film scoring composers likes John Williams, Hans Zimmer, and Philip Glass.

*Rock Era Magazine from Egypt ! "Max Enix released a bonus orchestral version of Far From Home. Removing the vocals, solos, and heavy instruments has shed light on Far From Home’s brilliant orchestrations and made me look at the songs from a whole new perspective. This version will make you realize how carefully the vocal melodies were written and how strong they were backed by the atmospheric orchestrations, creating the perfect smooth build-ups and guiding the songs’ dynamics turning soft sparkling melodies into roaring waves smoothly and without losing their flow. The power of vocal harmonies and chores shine brightly in the version, the threatening effect they have and how they can lift the song’s energy up is quite amazing. Those arrangements have their very own character, it is strong and fierce and sometimes paints a complete picture with breathtaking soundscapes, acting like a well-crafted movie score, showing musicianship and high attention to detail. They helped me connect with the songs on a deeper level emotionally, I believe I’ll be playing those for quite a while.

Far From Home with both versions is an extremely enjoyable ride, Max Enix took his time in polishing and perfecting every detail making every moment count, creating a solid masterpiece of an album that’ll get him and the listener on the same wavelength emotionally and musically. Looking forward to more from Max Enix. Cheers!"

* Awesome Review (nl) ! Excerpt: Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned.

Review 100/100


Max Enix/ Far From Home / 100 out of 100 TMM . Review Link on the net: 

= A masterpiece to own without hesitation.

While certain conditioned (down to Earth) specimens continue to kill each other around the world indefinitely over territory, egos and the desire to dominate (often those stronger and more intelligent than themselves, to assert an unhealthy and scandalous hold), while human donkeys laugh at the worst absurdities, traps and stupidity (society is often a breeding ground for morons who need others to feel strong, not to mention social networks, which are the height of human stupidity at times) and can't see beyond their human condition, while the Earth burns and a new souls era begins progressively... You can listen to the Far From Home albums, which will be reissued by a bigger label in a near Future and will do justice to these compositions, which have received Awesome reviews in the press. Not to mention Haters, of course. They're everywhere, and it takes all kinds to make a world.

Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light, with very few guests this time and without an orchestra but with massive orchestrations, will go much, much further on all levels, and I want everything to be as close to perfection as possible, because yes, I am and always will be a perfectionist. If not, I dont do it. No commercial crap aimed at the masses again and again, please with Fake people who play their roles/bullshit badly. We've had enough of them. Fuck your fucking faces. I'll never agree with you even if you use every trick in the book. It may work with the manipulable and naive, who are legion, but not with me. My Friends keep y(our) Personality and way of doing things even if some tries to block or destroy you/us. You ll see their Infinite stupidity. 

Listen the Albums here:

Actual Great Reviews below. Lots of others to Come I will put in place with some webzines, Magazines Etc... again like in the beginning before working with the label (before the release).

?100/100 TheMetalMag ! "A living dream we all need. A worldwide collaboration of artists spreading love using music the strongest way to spread the biggest message the world needs right now. A masterpiece to own without hesitation ! Human beings are destroying this beautiful world we are living in. Music is the peace of mind and helps fly away from this madness. Added to an orchestra team, it elevate the usual albums you are used to listen to. Sometimes closed to a movie soundtrack, each track has its own life. You are embarked into a world of imagination spilling beauty and happiness expressing what the world is going through at the moment."

?10/10 by Metal Zenith (USA):

?10/10 Frenzy Fire and Metal Gods TV (UK): "Majestic, magnificent, meandering and moving. For the entire two hours and forty minutes, 'Far From Home' is a captivating and engaging slab of grandeur - definitely not an anthemic driving album!
'Far From Home' has something for every one, whether you're a fan of Dream Theater, Opeth, Nightwish, Katatonia, Pink Floyd, Freddie Mercury, or David Bowie. And as an added bonus, there's gonna be an "orchestral version" of the album released later this year! As if 'Far From Home' couldn't get any better - yes it will!
Overall, an extraordinary and elegant journey of atmospheric symphonic rock and metal, and so much more."

?10/10 by Onsnieuws (Holland): "The album is a big 10. It’s just one of a kind and very special. And the only thing I can advise you is listen to the album. And not one time, but listen several times. And you will find out new things every time you listen to it. With your headphones on I gives you the ones in a lifetime experience."

?4.9 Stars on 5 Music Existence (US): "It is truly a work of art."

?9,7/10 The Dark Melody: "By God, it is not possible for people to overlook a work so well done! My question is whether Max will be able to surpass what has been achieved with this monument so full of art , since the level of quality is something that exceeds all conventional limits on a full scale."

?18/20 by Metal Integral (Fr): "The most ambitious project in the history of French metal?"

?Solid MASTERPIECE by Rock Era Magazine (Egypt): "Far From Home with both versions is an extremely enjoyable ride, Max Enix took his time in polishing and perfecting every detail making every moment count, creating a solid masterpiece of an album that’ll get him and the listener on the same wavelength emotionally and musically."

?MASTERPIECE by Metal1on1 (USA): “A Universe of Epic, emotional & Engaging Musical Journey”

?ASTONISHING by Adriconelrock (Es): "You immerse yourself in a world of fantasy, mysticism and perfect relaxation to enjoy well-constructed music from its foundations."

?MASTERPIECE Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag): "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music."

?MASTERPIECE Brutally Delicious (US): "It's been a long time since I've heard anything at all like this ! It's a true and Grandiose undertaking."

?CHEF D'OEUVRE by Ahasverus Cornelius (Fr): "Monumental/Magistral Mieux qu'un opéra métal, au-delà des productions qu'on nous présente habituellement sous cette bannière, Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Le résultat global est proprement impressionnant, réalisé sans temps mort ni fausse note. " Max Enix artiste du mois de Juin 2023!"

?MASTERPIECE Orkus Magazin (De): "Far From Home is called as Epic Cinematic Masterpiece! "Far From Home" is like a varied adventure, so that the double album, which does not shy away from pieces of more than 10 minutes, should be enjoyed from beginning to end."

?MASTERPIECE ! Kick Ass Forever ! Max Enix’s “Far From Home” is a monumental double album that defies categorization and transcends musical boundaries. This ambitious release takes listeners on an immersive and profound journey spanning nearly three hours. Enix’s exceptional talents as a singer-songwriter and composer shine brilliantly throughout this album. He masterfully weaves together an astonishing array of genres, including progressive metal, alternative rock, new age, jazz, and even surprising hints of hip-hop elements. It’s a testament to his compositional prowess and artistic vision that these diverse influences seamlessly coalesce into a cohesive and immersive musical experience. Whether you are a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a musical adventure that defies expectations, “Far From Home” is a must-listen experience that leaves an indelible impression. This album is an epic masterpiece that showcases the boundless potential of contemporary music.

?MASTERPIECE / Black Night Radio: "Probably one of the best Metal albums of 2023, from Mr Max Enix. A Great Masterpiece."

?MASTERPIECE Pete rock news and views: "Max Enix’s “Far From Home” is a remarkable release that transcends the boundaries of musical genres, offering listeners an immersive and profound experience that stretches over two captivating discs. Enix’s prowess as a singer-songwriter, composer, and producer shines brilliantly in this ambitious double album. Enix’s ability to seamlessly blend these diverse elements is a testament to his compositional prowess and artistic vision. Whether you are a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a musical odyssey that defies expectations, “Far From Home” is a must-listen experience that leaves a lasting impression."

?TOUR DE FORCE ! Big Bang Magazine (FR): "Never before... A musical project brought together so many different forces, and Far From Home is nothing short of titanic.
The vocal duets are seductive, and Max Enix does magnificently well in the midst of these exceptional singers, where fury and lyricism battle it out.
Somewhere between Hans Zimmer and Devin Townsend. Far From Home reveals its highly cinematic potential.
Unique and exceptional character of Far From Home, a veritable river rock opera driven by the talent and ambition of a single man, who deserves to be saluted for his extraordinary tour de force. The self-sacrifice of an artist at the service of his work."

?MASTERPIECE ! Rocker United (Local stage worldwide): "“Far From Home” rewards a unique musical experience that is almost incomparable to any other release I can think of.
"Far From Home" is a monumental achievement that showcases Max Enix's remarkable musical talents and his ability to craft a diverse and emotionally resonant body of work.
This album is a breath-taking journey through sound, with each track offering a unique and immersive experience.
Max Enix and his collaborators have created a masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on fans of progressive music and anyone seeking a profound and transformative musical adventure.
"Far From Home" is an epic odyssey that invites listeners to explore the boundless possibilities of contemporary music."

?9/10 World Of Metal TV: "A real treasure for fan of progressive music where Max Enix shows his Enormous talent!"

?4,5/5 ! (Hungary) ! Excerpt: In conclusion, „Far From Home” is an extraordinary musical odyssey that invites listeners to explore its sonic wonderland. Max Enix’s innovative composition and fusion of different styles create an immersive and profound experience that defies expectations. Whether you’re a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a unique musical journey, „Far From Home” is a must-listen masterpiece that leaves an indelible and lasting impression. This album is a testament to the boundless potential of contemporary music and a remarkable addition to the world of music.

?8.5/10 Mariskal Rock (Es): "The Multifaceted metal Genius/ definitely elevates the composer as one of the most important creative minds, no longer on the international metal scene, but on any music label that self-respect."

?8.5/10 Rock Garage (De): Excerpt: "The use of male and female vocals alone brings a lot to the table, and as far as the songs are concerned, they already offer a lot of variety with their suspense arcs and both tempo and heaviness changes.
The orchestral version is what it says, the songs were recorded in orchestral style and are reminiscent of the soundtrack of the Schwarzenegger film "Conan".
In conclusion, a varied work with many twists and intelligent compositions. The entire album is worth a listen."

?8.5/10 ! Mythofrock (Greek) : That’s nothing short of an artistic recital! Live this instant classic now! This musical masterpiece promises an unparalleled sonic journey, boasting a fusion of progressive-symphonic-post rock/metal, film score and a myriad of diverse elements, including world/new age, hip hop, jazz and avant-garde influences, never heard before. “Far From Home” transcends musical boundaries, weaving a tapestry of epic, emotional and complex compositions. This double album is not a simple collection of ordinary tracks, but a conceptual music gem. “Far From Home” creates soundscapes beyond music and words, a universe that extends beyond the confines of traditional musical expression. I enjoyed great vocal performances, intricate arrangements, fantastic music themes, incredible solos etc. It stands as a beacon in the musical landscape, offering a unique and unforgettable experience. For sure, a must-listen for those who appreciate the limitless potential of musical expression, an over two hours and a half musical adventure, which will cast a spell on you.

?8.5/10 ! Trashocore (FR): Something as ambitious as this, in France, is frankly something I've rarely (never?) seen! It's a near-flawless achievement, that's for sure.
I'm much more seduced by the male voices, both in terms of the choice of tessitura and the way they're combined, positioned according to the variations in intensity, the desired climates, etc. It's impressive, once again, in the way it's done.
Not being a musicologist myself, it would be difficult for me to go into more detail about the technical characteristics of the various songs, but I can only say that the composer has not fallen into the trap of making music for musicians, and that he always strikes the right balance between technique and melody, the complexity of demanding music made accessible to as many people as possible. In other words, you can enjoy Far From Home whatever your level of expertise: neophyte, professional, novice, experienced artist or weekend guitarist. And that's really great, especially for a guy like me who doesn't listen to much of this musical genre.

?84% Excellent Review by Via Nocturna (Portugal): "I was thrown into the idea of this album by Max Enix, Far From Home: with three hours of music, an endless list of guests, with the Bupapest Symphony Orchestra leading a set of gigantic songs and with the most unexpected twists and turns. Far From Home is an album that revisits various musical scenes, some of them outside the metal spectrum, such as some passages of hip hop, jazz or new age. A creative and instrumental richness (with a highlight for the sensational piano textures) always accompanied by symphonic, orchestral and choral elements, for all the vocal diversity imprinted by a group of vocalists, each one as its own record."

?8,3/10 by Profil Prog (Canada): "A titanic work with inevitable redundancies on the titles, their lengths and structures which should not be synthesized too quickly; we talk about the beauty of life, faith, the human condition, we talk about a rock opera fresco whose last flowing title should be listened to first to help you understand the musical structure of this French artist extraordinary."

?Josh Rundquist (Heavy Debriefings USA): "Far From Home is one of the Best Album of the month (June)"

?Awesome Review (nl) Excerpt: "Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned."

?8/10 Metal Digest (Greek): " ‘Far From Home’ is an opportunity for you and your “everything” friend to embark on a wondrous journey of choral arrangements, multiple vocalists of every stripe, ripping guitars, and multicultural inflections."

?Heavy HQ (Us): "The scale of the album does feel like a Devin Townsend and Hans Zimmer hybrid."

?8/10 Saitenkult (De): "This year's monumental work of progressive rock and progressive metal comes from Max Enix, bears the concise title 'Far From Home' and captivates for other 160minutes!"

?8/10 AWESOME Review ! SoundMagnet (De): "Densely packed Cineastic Progressive Metal with orchestral violence. In addition to the vocals of Max Enix himself, who does a great job and is quiet varied, the female vocals are sung by Elise Wachbar and cut an equally good figure. For fans of symphonic metal with cinematic means and a lot of mass and class, Max Enix has a musical feast in store."

?10/15 by Betreutesproggen (De): "If you look at the album purely musically, fans of concept albums in the style of symphonic prog metal will quickly feel at home here. There are countless beautiful melodies, wonderful orchestral arrangements and outstanding vocal parts."

?80/100 Rock Overdose (Greece): "Max Enix's "Far From Home" is a magical musical journey, a musical adventure full of surprises. As a songwriter, composer and producer, Enix shows off his extraordinary talent by creating an ambitious double album that perfectly combines many different genres into a single body of work.
"Far From Home" is a work that transcends and breaks the boundaries between musical genres, presenting a work with a truly fresh sound and inspiring ideas that is definitely worth a listen."

?8/10 METAL HAMMER GREECE: "Passion is the beginning and the end of Far From Home. Passion for Art without limits, for unbridled creation and the elevation of man as a being and not as a consumer product. Listen to it again and again and you will constantly discover something new.
"An extremely talented artist, one of those who doesn't just do calculations and measurements with the eyes on the number of sales, but dedicated himself soul and body to his Art. Max Enix brings out his innermost soul, both musically and lyrically, in a way that you cannot resist and what he tells us is indicative of what it happens in his mind."

?8/10 ROCK HARD GREECE AWESOME! "The overall result is a triumph for Max Enix, who succeeded in creating something remarkable, something that fans of progressive music, but also those who like their sounds adventurous and provocative, will appreciate above all. He who takes risks and dares wins in the end."

?PowerPlay Magazine: "The genuine emotion Enix has for his music is clear to pick up in his vocals. I can't say I loved them , but there's no doubt he has talent. Enix should be proud of his achievement; this is a monumental project he's put together, and he should be applauded for the sheer effort it must have taken."

?Awesome Rockallica (Greece). Far From Home is a project that take risks and wins. This is a double Album that Highlights Max Enix's ability as a composer and artist. It is a musical journey that transcends the boundaries of musical genres. Far From Home is one of those Albums that is worth listening to without a second thought..."

?7.8/10 by Music Connection Magazine (Uk)

?RockHard Italy AWESOME review by Emanuele Biani, DPRP (Holland) AWESOME Words, Rocknytt (Swe), Radio Erdorin (Fr), This is Rock (Es)

?Masterpiece/Awesome/Brillant by some listeners (world), advices and Many Others...

?Metal Alliance Mag / An ambition that exceeds the boundaries of the imaginable! The highest spheres of symphonic and European metal (Opeth, Ayreon, Therion...)! Max and Elise make a fine vocal duo. Max's multiple nuances and Elise's soft, charming timbre are a perfect match. Max's own performance on Beyond my Blood, where he embodies several characters through the nuances of his voice - and through his acting in the video clip - delivering a dialogue with himself full of expressiveness and emotion.
Emotion is the very essence of what Max Enix and co are trying to convey with Far From Home, and it's present at every moment, filled with passion and heart.
Listening to Far From Home, there's no doubt that it's an extraordinary album, in the first sense of the word, in terms of its ambitions, which go beyond boundaries rarely reached, and in terms of the musical journey it invites listeners to take part in. Just imagine what a feat it must have been at every level (logistical, financial, writing, musical arrangement...)!
As well as the practical aspects, it's also the more abstract ones that make Far From Home stand out from the crowd, because of the immensity of the heart and soul that went into it. Far From Home finds added strength in its ability to rediscover itself with each new listen, allowing it to improve like a fine wine.

? Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag) / MASTERPIECE "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music."

?8.5/10 Rock Garage (De)
The orchestral version is what it says, the songs were recorded in orchestral style and are reminiscent of the soundtrack of the Schwarzenegger film "Conan".
In conclusion, a varied work with many twists and intelligent compositions. The entire album is worth a listen.

?Finish note, if one wants to go deeper within the music, grab some headphones (I suggest this to capture the atmosphere of the piece), turn off all modern devices, and find that right moment to drift away and relax with the orchestral version of “Far From Home,” which was recorded with the “Budapest Symphony Orchestra” will offer a unique sound and atmosphere—much more epic, emotional, engaged and complex/hard songs this time than before.

?DPRP: Its synchronously offered orchestral version, available separately or as a package deal with the release described above, adds a whole new view and complementary experience. It was recorded with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra and contains a completely instrumental, immaculate performance of the total concept, with exclusive sound effects and choirs that narrate the story. Recognisable through recurring melodies and themes, it offers unique transformed sounds and atmospheres. The serene breeze of Angels Of The Apocalyptic Storm is a striking example, which will delight those in favour of film scoring composers likes John Williams, Hans Zimmer, and Philip Glass.

?Rock Era Magazine from Egypt ! Max Enix / Far From Home Original and Orchestral Review (more than 5 Hours of music) ! Solid Masterpiece !

"Highlighting the effort made by himself, Thomas Kubler (orchestrator), François Rousselot (Conductor), and the Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Max Enix released a bonus orchestral version of Far From Home. Removing the vocals, solos, and heavy instruments has shed light on Far From Home’s brilliant orchestrations and made me look at the songs from a whole new perspective. This version will make you realize how carefully the vocal melodies were written and how strong they were backed by the atmospheric orchestrations, creating the perfect smooth build-ups and guiding the songs’ dynamics turning soft sparkling melodies into roaring waves smoothly and without losing their flow. The power of vocal harmonies and chores shine brightly in the version, the threatening effect they have and how they can lift the song’s energy up is quite amazing. Those arrangements have their very own character, it is strong and fierce and sometimes paints a complete picture with breathtaking soundscapes, acting like a well-crafted movie score, showing musicianship and high attention to detail. They helped me connect with the songs on a deeper level emotionally, I believe I’ll be playing those for quite a while.

Far From Home with both versions is an extremely enjoyable ride, Max Enix took his time in polishing and perfecting every detail making every moment count, creating a solid masterpiece of an album that’ll get him and the listener on the same wavelength emotionally and musically. Looking forward to more from Max Enix. Cheers!"

? Awesome Review (nl) ! Excerpt: Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned.

*Those who have listen to it put me (in General) in the Top Albums of 2023 !

?Rowan G Tepper (Layered Reality Production USA) and Lily Wardzala ! Far From Home Best Album of the Year 2023 ! It's a rare three-way tie for Album of the Year between:
Max Enix's magnum opus, "Far From Home"
Temperance's "Hermitage: Daruma's Eyes Part II"
Katatonia's "Sky Void of Stars"
[It's no coincidence that all three feature at least one person who was on stage as part of Ayreon this September in Tilburg]

?Michael Prado Fernandez (The dark Melody 9.7/10 South America webzine) / "Such an amazing album ?? My favorite one in Progressive music from this year."

?Fab Borré (Nawak Posse FR) this morning with the top french artist ! I am Number 5 in front of Mass Hysteria but he said that there was not really specific ranking !

?New order from Rafael (Spain) yesterday with this comment: "I did not know your music and it's a real discovery and one of the best new music I have listened to in the last years." Many people wrote this to me ! It's an honor !

?Top 100 Albums of the year : 71/100 in front of some of the biggest names !

?Top 40 Albums of the year / Thierry François (Metal Integral) = Number 37

?Just outside the top 23! In the nominees 13th, next to Peter Gabriel who is 15th (Profil Prog) by Alain Massard!

?Best Albums of 2023 Here too:

?Max Enix / Far From Home
One of the Best and most Ambitious Double Album ever made ! A colossus ! Expect things you've never heard / see before !

?"Trying to review this album is like trying to review a skyscraper; it doesn't care; it just keeps going! And let me be absolutely clear those are words of praise. Monstruous, Monumental. Let's just say that Far From Home is so good that I've listened to it 8 times since he shared it with us last week. It gets better with each time. It's the one album that I consider to be "perfect, I think yours may be the first -out of the more than 8,000 I've heard in the last 5 years . It gets better with each time. Since I'm in "techie-mode" now, I'll translate my praise into a number: that comparison means your is in the top 0.0119% of all the albums I've heard since the beginning of 2018. The voices are impressive. Already in the top Albums of 2023 ! A Future classic !" Between many outstanding feedback in the world !

?Never heard since David Bowie, Pink Floyd... There is one in a million like you ! Completely in tune with our times ! An earthquake ! A double album that will change the face of the world"

?"As one continues their musical journey -a musical journey that is epic, grand, powerful, unique and magical and something different, fresh -again special and truly will capture the listener’s ears, heart and soul—simultaneously, as I was inking this review, I was so lost and transfixed with this release and with this feeling that “Far From Home” is a release where this whole thing should be played without skipping any tracks, a release to find that right moment, sit back and chill and let this musical spectrum flow through your ears and speakers.

A Universe of epic, emotional & engaging Musical Journey ”
At the same time, “Far From Home” is delivered and provided by impressive and skilled (all wrapped professionally/sophisticated arrangements) craftsmanship, musicianship and showmanship, and not just Max but a handful of guests that gives the listener this masterpiece that consists of incredible music, instrumentation, lyrics, story-concept that’s all well-executed, beautifully score and composed -where each composition/characteristics are convenient to place at the right moment. Thus, giving the listener this “Music is art, and art should know no boundaries” of Avant Garde never heard before fusion that consists of awe-inspiring multi-verse of instrumentation artistry of (technical/complex) guitar and drum work that utilises various tones, tempos, atmosphere, moods, virtuoso riffs/multi-cords, rhythms, melodic passages, various drum beats/fills and patterns, vocal work consists of multiple tones, ranges, and clean male/female singing/operatic sections. In contrast, one will find other elements within the musical spectrum/instrumental and vocals (pulls the music together!), which included progressive-symphonic-post rock/metal, film scores/sound effects with diverse aspects of world/New Age, Hip hop, Jazz, international variety and others.

A compelling and astonishing result -with a magical spark of beauty, epic, grand, bold and breathless sensation. At the same time, the Orchestral version of “Far From Home” hit me and transported me away to somewhere tranquil and the loss of time… truly the second part is unique and breathtakingly beautiful. Take a moment to listen to both versions—simultaneously, the piano work gives me that “Freddie Mercury” and sometimes, sections of the music (within the songs) give that (German acts) “Helloween/Gamma Ray” vibe -spine-chilling sensation."

?"I have checked your album "Far From Home" and wow... I have been blown away. These songs are absolutely killer...
Where to start...well for sure from the part where I say that I love it. It’s absolutely great, Symphonic and Technical but in a catchy way and tuneful.

It is very difficult to find precise influences, because the conceptual level of the compositions ranges between various stylistic strands, keeping in a very precise way, centred and very focused on a certain Symphonic Prog with a Metal vein. The project has a lot of personality, thanks also to a fluid writing and an absolutely convincing execution. The double album has no weak points thanks to unquestionable compositional skills. This is the decisive union that gives you a unique stylistic imprint that always maintains a high maturity and intensity. The songs as well as the project itself have their own specific identity that is extremely personal. The vocal work is awesome as well as all the instrumental parts. Guitars, orchestrations, keyboards and rhythm section are powerful and they do a great job in the composition and arrangements. An epic project full of quality ideas, lyrics and sounds are highly researched and original. I haven't listened to a record of this sound matrix for a long time.

There’s quite a lot of variation in the songs but it sounds like a solid album and doesn’t sound like a compilation....This means that you are really mature songwriting-wise. The level of the album is always high, (from the beginning to the end) and there are no boring or low moments. I think that your style and sound are quite original. A combination of many, ranging from Symphonic Prog to Technical and more Metal influences, but I can’t relate you to any other act in particular and this is a great point, this means that you sound unique. Professional production, recordings and mix....Well done, I really like your product! We can absolutely talk further."



Hello, just for information! In parallel with my artistic projects (in particular those to come = Orchestral & Original Albums, Collaborations, Cinema, Shows/Concerts Etc...) and the future creation of an international label Enix Records for all kind of music/genres I'd like to announce that I'm starting work at Domitys, which is a specialist residence for senior citizens that I'll be supporting in various ways. A great job and a fantastic Team (Mostly Women). Thank you for your confidence, because you need a lot of it at this level, and guarantees of good behaviour and security are required. I hesitated with prison guard too, but I prefer that. Of course We dont have a criminal record for this kind of job (unlike others if you know what I mean ). I also have the possibility of getting back into real estate with Olivier Serveau and his team as a sales agent (he's offered me an office in the centre of Quimper = Finistère/Bretagne) but I'm not sure that my tight schedule will allow it and I have priorities for now. All my experiences in different fields and my reliability, compassion to others lead to that. As a perfectionist, I always want to do things 100%, so there are choices to be made. Have a good day and see you soon for new adventures.

New Look


New Autumn Face. Huge Announcements soon in different fields. Have a great day. And For the idiots who create Endless Wars and have never learn the lessons of History... Fuck you !



Nilou the Dog presents... Constellia/Secret Garden (2019) the very beginning, Max Enix/ Far From Home Original and orchestral worldwide acclaimed Albums (2023) called masterpiece/ classic for some. Beauty in Darkness (2025) and Ocean of Light (2026) Transcendental Albums to Come. Etc... Have a great day 

Max Enix Review

28/09/2024 Max Enix / Far From Hom Review. 4.5/5 Others to Come soon Etc...

Beauty in Darkness (Autumn 2025) and Ocean of Light (Autumn 2026) will go even further in every respect (Music, Orchestrations, Lyrics, Vocals, Compositions, Videos Etc...)! A gigantic storm of emotions. I'll be doing 80% of the vocal lines this time, so you'll be able to see even more of the range of possibilities, the variations and the constant evolution. It'll be a transcendent performance on every level and beyond words if you like originality, Avant Gardism and so much more. Completely different from anything you know. Visionary.


*And then the professionnal concerts/shows/Tour with great Sound/Lights/Visuals will finally come with enough material/stuff. No hurry. I'm a perfectionist and want everything to be almost perfect each time. If not, I dont do it. 

Stop Corruption


Hi my friends it s Time to restore the communication in this upside down society. So many fools and liars all around. It's time to put a stop to this sick, deceptive & unhealthy corruption/competition too. Wish you a Great day and See you soon 

Deep Lyrics


In exclusivity... Some lyrics I have wrote for the Beauty in Darkness Album to come Autumn 2025 ! Ocean of Light (Autumn 2026) Album later ! The music and all will be magnificient with huge orchestrations , Very deep and emotional vocals and many surprises. Parental Advisory Lyrics!


"Trumpets pierce the Night
Delicate and deafening


Blood flows in your veins…
You see demons dancing and vomiting on impure souls.
Angels fuck each other, ejaculate and fall over the cliff
of pleasure.


Agnus Dei
Agnus Dei


Inquisition and revolution
Fanaticism and perversion


I take your ass…
You offer yourself to me before the altar of passion.
Take your punishment…
Cash in before the guillotine cuts off your head.


You hide in the meanders of this deep shame.
killing each other for so long my friends.
Taste all this blood on the battleground
See all these tears
Your soul is freed, fleeting away from this Earth
It lights up the soul and carves a path through black holes
You decide to activate nirvana Keys
Down the line to mechanisms of time 


Look at these people
Don’t talk to others
They wage war on love…
Have Hate in their hearts
Deep frenzy and shame
Saw those demonic couples
Those Dirty people rape the frightened in the streets 
Their heads are crushed down
Dicks forced in their mouths
Arses spread wide
a gun shoved up
Their clitoris ripped off
Cum in the creative hole,
The sacred hole
That gave them birth and power."


Elina Englezou (Greece) have check the lyrics to see if there are some mistakes and correct if necessary. Thanks a lot 

Chameleon or Alien


The Chameleon or the Alien (your choice) greets you. Don't forget to check out the new interview here: and listen the Far From Home Albums here : & All digital plateforms Etc... See you soon 

New Interview 2024 Ragebreed


Many thanks to Karina Sher and Ragebreed (UK) for this great interview last night. See it here: We talk about the worldwide acclaimed "Far From Home" Albums, the future ones Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light to Come Autumn 2025 and 2026, future live shows and projects, among other things. See you soon for more surprises and Awesome things to come. Thanks for the support.



Go away From all the Assholes who abuse and use you for their own interests. We have to found an Equilibrium in all this nonsense and break the codes. Others perspectives and paths are possible. It's why I will create an international label Enix Records (All kind of music and origins away From sectarian behaviors and unhealthy communautarism like everywhere) with a fantastic Team with great people and why I will made a video called Sodomizing the Snakes and an other one The Seagull in the upcoming Albums Beauty in Darkness (Autumn 2025) and Ocean of Light (Autumn 2026). The horror and the Beauty. We want people who work hard for us to feel that we are not working alone. Fuck All these alliances of degenerates and long-toothed (mytho)maniacs. Let's re-establish honest communication because Apparently some people dont know how to talk Anymore. People are fed up with all these idiots who abuse the kindness of others behind Fake smiles and promises (In general). Together create a New Society and New companies with Beautiful Values for a better World for everyone . Always Time to change the Laws. A New VISION.  Hope you listen the Far From Home Albums. Look At the World around you and all the Jokers of Farce who laughs like brainless monkeys. Who are they in the chessboard of the Universe? We cannot continue like this for the next generations if We have enough time. You don t like the taste of shit right ? See you soon. Max Enix

*French, Italian, Greek people or others. Fuck the Assholes and Smile. No Time to lose. We have an honor. Dont let anyone block you and your dignity. We are nobodies puppets or slaves. In any case, if people continue to tell the worst bullshit, lies and misinform/invert things as we see all around the world. They will be my/our enemies and will pay a very, very high price (diverse ways) sooner or later. Justice Is here. Dont play Fake games with me/us. Our Justice and Freedom  

Videos and Projects...


Hello everyone,

Here are the outfits I'll be wearing in the upcoming Video clips. "The Seagull" song from the Ocean of Light album (Autumn 2026) will be filmed on the beach next to the sea and will be a Wonderful and very Emotional radio composition (Love song) where I'll be dressed in blue/white (Light, poetry, romanticism...) and the other video clip "Sodomizing the Snakes" from the Beauty in Darkness album (Autumn 2025) will be an epic and tormented song where I'll be dressed in black (Hard, Parental advisory, tortured...)! 2 others videos normally (One anime and the other one With Unreal Engine 3D...) ! Yin and yang. Transcendent, ultra-emotional compositions (music, orchestrations, vocals, lyrics, videos, vision, etc.)! Some beautiful illustrations and Album covers Etc... Everything worked out to every details. I want to follow the steps of Artists like David Bowie and Devin Townsend between others who have Always tried to create something New, modern and Avant Garde on each Albums but with some commercial aspects too. But of course I have my Own Artistic Universe. Unique.

2 new video interviews are already scheduled for 17 September among others and will be published a few days after At the end of September or beginning of October and new Reviews of Far From Home are being written by some websites and magazines. More to come. In addition to various possible collaborations for the cinema, music for films/series/games among others. Business, investments... I'm in the process of creating a magnificent international label "Enix Records" for all kinds of music and origins with magnificent images of the surrounding nature and very beautiful vibrations and universal values to the contrary of some. I'm putting together a great team with good, well-balanced people in various fields for the Best image possible. 

And I'll be associated with certain media outlets, sponsors, international labels (major labels), why not, etc... This will allow me to promote my projects in parallel and to sign with great companies. Other activities too in different fields... And let's not forget the future Max Enix Tours, Shows and Concerts finally which will be very elaborate and professionnal on every areas with extraordinary visuals, Great/famous people and technical configurations (Avant garde). I'm waiting for other proposals because Always Want to innovate and work hard everywhere.

I'll keep you informed of everything. A lot of work and extraordinary things are going to happen. Thank you for your continued support. I will be much less on social networks in general (or only for work) and will devote myself to reality. Always step by steps, Faster and Faster. Always on the road with Infinite ideas. See you soon...



A beautiful video clip "The Seagull" will be made in the Ocean of Light (Autumn 2026) Album (Love story near the sea Etc...). This one will oppose the other sultry video "Sodomizing the Snakes" which will be in the album Beauty in Darkness (Autumn 2025) and which will represent the Dark, hard and Apocalyptic side of Love among others. The upcoming Albums will be the Best of my career for now on every points. The most Emotional ever on every areas. Can t wait to present you all that. I have endured lots of things in my existence and very recently again. Huge Announcements to Come. See you...



The name of this site with the review of the Far From Home double album has changed. Here's the new link: I'm working hard on the 2 new albums Beauty in Darkness (October 2025) and Ocean of Light (October 2026), which I think will go 10 times further on all levels, especially emotionally. I'm also working on various projects, collaborations, Albums and Business including the creation of an international label for all kinds of music and origins. Many new Far From Home Reviews are coming, some of them absolutely incredible + Interviews, Articles... Etc... More great surprises to come. I wait your Proposals too. 



As a total exclusivity, I'd like to present part of the intro to the Beauty in Darkness album, due out in Autumn 2025. You can listen it on the Max Enix Facebook page, Instagram or Tiktok. Ocean of Light, meanwhile, will be released in Autumn 2026. Here are the vocal drafts I'm working on at home before going into the studio with David Castillo in Sweden to make everything as professional as possible. Nothing definitive here (lots of dubbings but any effects or echoes in the end...), and there will be a guest on a few parts. The sound is not good and all is approximative. Just to give you an idea of the general atmosphere, even if the final result will be 10 times more elaborate and transcendent on every level (Vocals, with drums, guitars, bass, huge sound...) ! So you will be able to see all I can do because I need total freedom on my creativity. Very cinematic ! Radio and epic songs with strong emotions and choruses. 1h20 each original Albums so 2h40 of music with 21 songs and a special bonus song so 22. 2 radio Songs will be sing in English and french. The orchestral Albums will be a bit more long as for Far From Home with maybe some Exclusive FX sounds again. For fans of Devin Townsend, Opeth, Hans Zimmer, Pain of salvation, Anathema, Shining, Rhapsody, Pink Floyd, Queen, Dream Theater, Genesis, Therion, Era, Enigma, David Bowie or Mike Patton for exemple between others but with a Universe on its own. Some rap/hip hop/Rnb, Black metal (guests) and many others vocals style too (huge ranges I will made) ! More Far From Home reviews, interviews etc... coming soon. See you soon and thanks for the support !

*Max Enix: Composer (music), Songwriter, Singer, Art Director, Lyricist, Actor (Videos...) Etc...! Thomas Kubler: Orchestrator & Arrangements! Etc...

New Albums


Max Enix New Albums Beauty in Darkness & Ocean of Light will be released separately finally. Original & orchestral versions in each case, though. A bundle combining the 2 will be released later. Beauty in Darkness will be ready for Autumn 2025 & Ocean of Light for Autumn 2026. The corresponding videos (Epic or radio, some of them sultry = Sodomizing the snakes for all the idiots/jokers around) and promotional photos will be unveiled gradually. An atomic bomb in the face of masses jerks, obscure elites and others... Big announcements to come. See you soon Max Enix New Albums Beauty in Darkness & Ocean of Light will be released separately finally. Original & orchestral versions in each case, though. A bundle combining the 2 will be released later. Beauty in Darkness will be ready for Autumn 2025 & Ocean of Light for Autumn 2026. The corresponding videos (Epic or radio, some of them sultry = Sodomizing the snakes for all the idiots/jokers around) and promotional photos will be unveiled gradually. An atomic bomb in the face of the masses jerks, the obscure elites and their dogs/henchmen. Ocean of Light will be Deep and relaxing with a video of true Love between 2 people around the sea and positive things before the Apoccalyptic final. 2 opposites Albums but complementary . Storm/Explosion of Emotions. Big announcements to come. See you soon 



Max Enix "Beauty in Darkness" & "Ocean of Light" Albums (Autumn 2026) after the worldwide acclaimed Far From Home Albums! 3 New excerpts! Max Enix: Composer (music), Songwriter, Singer, Art Director, Lyricist, Actor (Videos...) Etc...! Thomas Kubler: Orchestrator & Arrangements! Etc... The power of the Divine & Love always against the mediocre/conditioned minds ! The whole will go 10 Times further than FFH (Vocals variations, Music, videos Etc...)! EVOLUTION ! The Future is Here! Ready ?

*Videos on the Max Enix official Facebook Page !

Smile and Freedom


"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." Jimi Hendrix 

Max Enix Beauty in Darkness & Ocean of Light new Albums (Autumn 2026)! Epic, modern, Avant Garde, in tune with our time (Like the Future US, Asian, UK shows etc... With a fantastic and very renowned/famous team in Light & sound)! A Few guests = Niklas Kvarforth & Michael Onetwenty on 7 songs, George Kollias (Nile drummer), Chiara Di Mare, David Galas and to see (Others genres and maybe extreme guitar guest...)! All will go much further again than the Far From Home worldwide acclaimed double Album in every fields! 1 or 2 songs in french (Epic and radio songs). Mix & recording by David Castillo (Fascination street studios and Studio Grondahl Sweden)! Some surprises (Albums covers...)! Approximatively the same musicians & team as Far From Home! Etc... An atomic bomb in the face of jerks (Videos, music, lyrics, vocals, illustrations and All...)! Original Albums and orchestral Albums for movies again with huge orchestrations ! Imminent Explosion of pain and Love ! Light & Darkness United against the unhealthy fondations of this upside down society

Max Enix Beauty in Darkness & Ocean of Light new Albums (Autumn 2026)! Epic, modern, Avant Garde, in tune with our time (Like the Future US, Asian, UK shows etc... With a fantastic and very renowned/famous team in Light & sound)! A Few guests = Niklas Kvarforth & Michael Onetwenty on 7 songs, George Kollias (Nile drummer), Chiara Di Mare, David Galas and to see (Others genres and maybe extreme guitar guest...)! All will go much further again than the Far From Home worldwide acclaimed double Album in every fields! 1 or 2 songs in french (Epic and radio songs). Mix & recording by David Castillo (Fascination street studios and Studio Grondahl Sweden)! Some surprises (Albums covers...)! Approximatively the same musicians & team as Far From Home! Etc... An atomic bomb in the face of jerks (Videos, music, lyrics, vocals, illustrations and All...)! Original Albums and orchestral Albums for movies again with huge orchestrations ! Imminent Explosion of pain and Love ! Light & Darkness United against the unhealthy fondations of this upside down society 


*Post priorities for now ! Reviews, Interviews, Articles, Illustrations, Albums, Videos clips, New professionnal photos, Promotion, Collaborations, Proposals, Big International Label signature and creation of one for all kind of music & Origins, Compositions, Big Shows/Fests with 2026/2027 US/UK/Asian Tour, principally and sometimes a few others (more private life)! A brighter Future for All and create a New Society all together ! Fuck Regression & Stagnation in this upside down society but Welcome EVOLUTION and a New Era for clever people. When we see stupidity and brainless sheeps all around (Idiocracy) not Always easy but nothing Is impossible ! Huge things are coming. The Aliens !

Enix Records § Future


Enix Records/Company for all kind of music & Origins in a near Future ! Attached to some majors companies and some collaborators , sponsors and others ! To see ! Will use all my skills (Business, Investments, as estate agent...) For that. But will sign first with one Big international Label or major for now, the Future Albums or projects ! And we will see all together ! But to see Will let you know but Huge things are coming in different ART (Music, Cinema...) , Business (Music Industry...) and fields

*1 euro donated for each purchase of all Albums for an association fighting against inequality, human suffering and gratuitous violence against women, children etc... Not sign as many bands as possible just to boost sales or pocket the dough, and then leave them out in the cold, or almost out in the cold, while manipulating the stats and sometimes even worse (screwing people over and abusing their trust)! Worse when you actually work for them, because they use you! But with me, I will sign extraordinary bands in every fields (All kind of music progressively) with a great vision and superb compositions or values, and take full care of them (Reviews, interviews, Articles, Sales, shows , partnerships and more...)! The minimum of a great company for them and the maximum if possible. Not just develop sales or money on their backs like some or worst= Buy their dignity behind Fake promises (And pretend the contrary = Inversion of all) ! Don t want to be part of these mascarades and mislead people like some people around and unhealthy/toxic alliances. Besides, it's a whole thing! To run a company honestly, have a solid structure and not with whore-like or scoundrel techniques. The basis of a truly reliable and serious company that no longer serve their unhealthy interests only but those of the others who work with them too (not one exception here or an other There). Not pretence! And especially if they pay an amount to Come in the company. There are limits who are not tolerable ! No limits with me/us but only respect for those who are with us (Artists/Bands/Collaborators/Sponsors/Media/Venues/Partnerships etc...). Not our own pleasure or interests. It's easy to use pretty words, pretty smiles and show your fake white paws. But if it's just to fool people and do a few things for them, it's a load of crap. Covering up for the biggest crooks on a case-by-case basis to make money is pathetic. My/Our Visions are Huge and Infinite to their contrary. We will put things in the right place again So that people will feel good everywhere and valued. Not only take, take and take but give, give and give too. Giving Giving. Great Logo, Great Images, Great Visions, Great music and Albums, Great step forward for everyone and far more. The Future Is here too.



Yesterday's Olympic Games ceremony was absolutely remarkable! It embodies, in part, my vision of avant gardism, of antiquity and modernity at the same time! A union of origins, musical genres (very symphonic and epic) and flavors! A profound message behind unity, peace, freedom and love! It gives us great hope for the Future! It's been a long time since I've been proud to be French! Having said that, I don't think we need flags anymore! Our souls are universal! With my projects (Albums, creation of an international label for all musical genres and origins in a near Future..., Humanitarian work etc...) it confirms me in the fact that I'm totally in tune with the times and in innovation (Fusion of genres and for The future shows with great and modern visuals, sound = Avant Garde)! No longer in the excessive use of old codes, but in proposing new paths/schemes! That's where evolution starts for me! I'll continue to spread my very broad vision, on my own scale, throughout the world, and to bring people together around the same cause, far from sectarian aberrations/behavior, and even if humanity is what it is and some people are narrow-minded , rigid and locked into their ideals and methodologies! ART has no limits, no boundaries! All IS guided and WE must follow our feelings in every areas! Emotional intelligence will succeed intellectual regression! Our souls united for a single goal, far from territorial wars, far from human stupidity and from people who want to decide for us and make us swallow the same pills for decades! If we maintain a collective vision that is spiritual, beautiful, epic and profound, the world won't sink definitively into chaos, and society won't go straight to the wall! But ART is just a facade, and reality is much more painful! Some people are not ready for that and some others yeah! I will progressively leave the social networks to concentrate on reality and huge things to Come! I wish you all a wonderful day! Restore communication and common sense approach in a toxic World in decay ! Let's build the future! Max

Advice to young people


Advice to young people: Never let yourself be controlled by idiots/morons/clowns who only have banknotes on their minds = that leads to new wars, bloodshed and hatred again and again ! Reality is not here (they are out of reality) = Infernal circles of idiots ! The beauty of the world will be destroyed by all these people ! Money or not = Get out of the wheel ! Find your equilibrium ! True ART is Universal and have no Boundaries/Limits ! Have a great week and save (y)our soul ! LOVE 

The Future is Universal


As said already before I'm going to gradually disassociate myself from the pure metal scene and certain scenes in order to merge the genres! Filmscore, Prog, Rock, metal, Rap/Hip Hop/Rnb, Pop, Variety, Jazz, World/New Age, Electro, Dark/New Wave Etc... Etc... And get away from sectarianism, sickly communitarianism and ingratitude! The metal scene now is gangrened by Some nazis, idiots, Snakes in disguise, People with a mental age worthy of kindergarten (close to 5 years of mental Age/Soul)! Reach Higher worlwide Levels like some Artists of the past and like some actual one (modern , futuristic and Avant Garde = New Codes)! Towards EVOLUTION, not Regression or Stagnation ! Some need to evolve in their heads and innovate ! Instead of proposing the same crap over and over again and justifying it to the masses, the sharks of farce and the brainless sheep! It s because of them that the world going round in circle again and again and that we hear always the same thing in repeat! They are locked into their ideals and want to impose them on others ! STOP !!! Break the codes ! We are STRONG Alone and with the good ones not Weak ! Be ready for the new EVOLUTION ! Light & Darkness united against the scumbags of this Earth ! Take care ! The Alien

New International Label Creation


As said already before... I will certainly create a new international Label too for the transcendent (and Epic) Bands/Artists around us in every countries/continents (every kind of music and all the colors) = UNION ! Create a different VISION that the closed minded/rigid/sectarian sharks of farce/Jokers of vice wanted to impose on us and those who mislead us from great values, emotional intelligence, soul beauty and others ! But will sign with major ones already and we will see (with the label or not)! Create a new Society, a Better and beautiful world full of LOVE (not shit as some and counter/catch all these guys) !!! TRUE ART and PASSION (not a product for money or pleasure only) ! Look at their stupid faces and their poisoned words behind fake smile and appearances, look at their long teeths (Idiots with some skills like some politicians and obscure elites) ! Will restore the beauty in this upside down world and FUCK ALL THESE JOKERS/GUYS/WHORES , DIRTY PEOPLE , MYTHOMANIACS and UGLINESS (some networks like that apparently ahahah)! If they don't go to prison or an asylum (Invert All) ! I know some of them because I have worked with some of them in the past (They have mediocre minds, are sell out, weak, think only of their images and out of reality about our world) ! The world need that now with all the stupid wars around ! The sheeps will not be the same because they will evolve to something more smart, clever and they will become phoEnix's! My/our VISION is not theirs ! They will not block us ! We don't mix with the mud and their toxic egos! Millions of people are more clever than that ! We are millions miles away from their bullshit! But They're not intelligent enough to understand because they're locked up in their own comfort zone! They protect the society foundations like brainless rats! Time to put things back in order and re-establish communication in this upside down society! You know, the masses are so stupid in general ! The REALITY/FUTURE is here (only with the good ones/souls) ! + Humanitarian work all around the world with them ! An Isle of Love (Paradise) away from sectarian and conditioned behaviors 

Relaxing away from social networking!


Relaxing away from social networking!

New Interview


Rock Era Magazine ! New Max Enix Interview for the upcoming Albums "Beauty in Darkness" and "Ocean of Light" to come (Autumn 2026) and others ! Thanks for All ! Our society is violent so we have to change things in a radical and Apocalyptic way and targets the real monsters and culprits ! We're going to put things right in this topsy-turvy society gangraped by scum, jokers and whores!!!

Interview Part 1/2 for Rocked


Max Enix Interview for Rocked with Jake Kussmaul !
Part 1/2 ! Talk about Far From Home, The upcoming projects and my opinion about the society we are living in ! The other part about my life tomorrow ! Good Viewing

Interview 2/2 Rocked Personal Life


Max Enix with Jake Kussmaul for Rocked ! Second part of the interview about my Life ! And important things I have to said ! Good watching ! !

Shock and Sultry Interview


Interview with Max Enix | Rocked ! By Jake Kussmaul ! and Youtube ! Friday Jul 12, 2024 ! I Will publish the link some days after ! This interview is going to be a sultry one (2Hours), and I'm going to say everything I think about the society we are living in, humanity & some people/dogs who cover each others (BIG kick in the ant hill & All liars around = ALL targeted = without naming them directly/publicly but will explain ALL stories & the TRUTH) ! If they feel targeted that's their problem and it'll will mean a lot = Dangerous/mad me ? Of course ! Some dogs will be on the spotlight don t worry ! ALL these mythomaniacs without exception will be fucked one by one ! And your stupid human trivia too! Autobiographic question too where I will explain all I have endured in my life ! They will ALL (Alliances/Networks) falls into a huge hole full of shit and cliffs and it s only a beginning believe me (because JUSTICE all its forms and the TRUTH Always win in the end sooner or later and will put huge means for that)! Nothing to reproach myself (I will say everything when I'm right or wrong) ! All these Alliances and serpents in disguise behind fake or kind appearances (abuse of trust/kindness), fake words, traps, unhealthy games Etc... will be destroyed ! The circle is about to closing in on them) ! And we will talk about Far From Home & my upcoming projects! Nothing to hide ! I will use massively the media machine again (like in the precedent years) ! An other one programmed First week of September for Savage ladies of metal (Fran Svgladies) and lots of others to come

*AND Always remember ! Some people change strategies to have people they have annoyed in their pockets again with sugar words (solve the problem innocently and cover their tracks with some big lies on it too) ! And after they use the new words or proofs against you to said that they have no problem but that the problem comes from you and that you are paranoid , Crazy or others (Target Inversion) ! That people love them and they have no problem by their side ! NEVER FORGET THAT !!! NEVER FORGET HISTORY and the crucified and genocided (all hidden behind fake or kind appearances) ! And you can see that in the actual wars and the new technologies and like Hitler (lovers of animals) in the past (dirty and vicious Souls) !!! They use/Abuse you and if you are not on their side again they do things to sideline you and put them in the spotlight and continue sneakily (by trying to recruit people with them) that will hate you (because they don't have the control on you anymore) !!! And sometimes said that they have no problem with you after joke/scam and worst! (False) promises to be able to control others and keep them! And then they say we're disgusting because they had opportunities for us and money to give us! They offer you only things for their own INTERESTS ! If not they hate you and tries to have people that hate you with them ! But money can't buy our dignity ! At any moments they can say the collaboration is over and we are fucked so we have to take the decisions first ! Especially when my artistic projects hardly involve any advertising (or those I have paid) and we have to get by on the side! They only want money and power for themselves, and they don't want to be outdone! And they tries to have good advices around to spread to people! The people involved in it hardly have any escapades any more because they track them down, and I feel sorry for them (especially some girls who work with them , very close and under control = so they said to them to said that and not that because if not threaths or a gun to the head = Mafia) ! They can do what they want but not the others bu their side ! Hence the need to get away from them as soon as possible! But I'm going to go further down the road! Welcome in our world ! Welcome REALITY of some humans beahaviors !!! You are fooled and manipulated so get out of the unhealthy circle if it's still time ! For those who understand ! The Divine sees all and some will Fall ! I will made a song called Sodomizing the snakes once again in the next Albums with a sultry & hard video clip ! WAKE UP and Save (y)our souls (sorting out) ! <3

Mix & Mastering


As you probably know, David Castillo (Studio Grondahl and Fascination Street Studios = Katatonia, Opeth, Leprous, Dark Tranquility Etc...) mixed Far From Home brilliantly and Tony Lindgren mastered it just as well! For Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light (Autumn 2026) we're back with the same winning team! But I'll also be going to Sweden in Stockholm to record the vocals there next year! See you soon

The Circle End and Souls Deliverance


Some CONSPIRACIES will be destroyed in the circle that imprisoned them & all their Devils with them! You will see! Just a matter of time! They will be confronted to forces they don't know! They didn't pass the most important test in the Universe chessboard: TIME! They remain ignorant & uneducated about the real issues of this world & the human condition! Their souls are already dead like their ignorance! They will continue to burn, burn & burn... in the flames of their stupidity! Only will remain LOVE and TRUTH in an APOCALYPTIC way! There's still time to get out of the circle imposed by some (Obscure) Elites that's trapping your ideals before it's too late!

I work only with great people with values and a great and broader VISION like mine ! Not shit and networks of fuckers and whores only ! I don't want to be lumped in with the worst unscrupulous/mythomaniacs people (jokers of vice) anymore like in the past !



Far From Home the worldwide acclaimed first Max Enix double Album is already considered a classic! Thanks a lot! You can listen to it and buy it here: and on all platforms! See the videos on Youtube here: ! The aim is to release Albums/projects that will marks their time (since these ones) and everytime ! Not just other ones that drowns out the others like some sharks/snakes/mythomaniacs do (Albums that nobody knows = funny promotion = they lead them straight into the wall yes and for what ? To fool them & take the money and pleasure aside ahah = Different Vision of mine = See the inversion = You're finished with these people = All they do is take it off your back and joke on you = Mislead you ALL by diverse strategies/accounts Etc... Buy others = Traps to better abuse them, control them and the others around for their unhealthy interests , fake power and OWN pleasure Etc... = They dangle a carrot in front of your nose or up your arse to get you to move on, make false promises and then sully you = And so as not to be unmasked, they will point the finger at certain things about you and continue their horrible activities = Scams, rapes, etc... to lull the masses and accuse you of all the names! = Vicious = They've got you on their clutches = Make sure you get out before it's too late, even if they continue to hunt you down so that we love them to their place = They do ALL for that and play crazy games = They want you to adopt they way of life and trample on your freedom = But they continue to keep trying to prove themselves right when they are wrong =The biggest snakes go to an Asylum = Make sure they don't use you the way they used me and may still use me to catch people... So that they'll be won over to their cause! When they've got nothing to do with Far From Home and my artistic vision (which, incidentally, is the opposite of theirs = The only problem is that they use the stupidity of the masses to their own ends and manipulate them = They are Puppets for them and the naive ones are driven in their clutches = Politicians do that = The Art of manipulation behind skills or bloody and fake money/power = Like the nazis in the past or the colonialists and the slaves they have create! Remember: “The thing about smart people is that they seem like crazy people to dumb people.”) ! SO I AM the opposite of them all ! And one of The difference between them and me is very simple! I don't need to buy off others to get what I want! Things come naturally! But you know, some people are just cash cows and like some toxic milks ahahah ! How stupid they are Muuuuh ! Epic/radio compositions, original/Orchestral... it doesn't matter! Big announcements to come! Keep your VISION and Make true ART ! The future is here! The Alien

Max Enix / Far From Home / Review / MASTERPIECE


Max Enix / Far From Home double Album Review (FR) ! Ahasverus ! When Metal rhymes with Monumental! Thanks a lot !

English traduction : "Ambitious, titanic, pharaonic - these are just some of the words that come up in reviews of this double album. It's because we admire what it must have taken to bring this project to fruition, and we salute Max Enix's prowess in achieving an extraordinary result in a very short space of time.
We pay tribute first and foremost to his ambition and his ability to manage this mammoth project, because it takes a madman or an unconscious person to undertake such a project, and a genius to bring it to fruition in such a way.
Better than a metal opera, beyond the productions we are usually presented with under that banner, Max Enix has created here a veritable symphony, an extraordinary work that is as much progressive metal as it is classical music. Off-piste without losing its way, it incorporates unexpected hip-hop or extreme elements with which it blends very well. The overall result is truly impressive, achieved without a break or false note. "Far From Home" is a masterpiece in its own right, and stands out for several reasons: its scope, its cast and its production. It will be of interest to fans of progressive metal as well as film or symphonic music (some passages are deeply symphonic). Particularly dense, the work never wears out over the course of several listenings, and always has something in store for you. "

*Let the jealous talk my friends... There are not me/us ! We are FREE and We don't have the same VISION !

Nevermore: Enemies of Reality

Nevermore ! Enemies of Reality ! We are Enemies of Reality ! Fuck the Real fools and the TRUE Mytho(Maniacs) my friends ! They want to destroy us (slyly, silently and innocently) ! Remember that ! There are Legions of Jealous/Bastards people like that (Snakes in disguise) who mislead you from the TRUTH 

We are the nothing grating against the norm
We are the something that will not conform
No one understands what we've been given
We are the useless by-products of soulless meat
We are all gone we all sing the same tragedy
Open wide and eat the worms of the enemy
We are the enemies of reality, in a world that's unforgiving
Waiting to sanitize bastard tongues
To purify the ignorance that hides the sun
The less you understand the more you're driven
Packaged and processed the masses are force fed
The standards they judge us on swallow the rot we shed
Open wide and eat the worms of the enemy
We are the enemies of reality, in a world that's unforgiving
Breathing dust and decay while I'm sipping
Human trust and betrayal
Losing faith once again
Take my hand my friend, my foe, I am enemy
Open wide and eat the worms of the enemy
We are the enemies of reality, in a world that's unforgiving
Open wide, eat the words, become what you most fear

Max Enix / Far From Home / 9.7 out of 10


Max Enix / Far From Home / 9.7 out of 10 ! Thanks a lot !
By God, it is not possible for people to overlook such a well-crafted work! A work that, at least for me, is the best that I have been able to serve my ears in this year that is still ongoing.  My question is whether Max will be able to surpass what he has achieved with this rich monument to art , since the level of quality is something that surpasses all conventional limits on any scale.

The next ones "Beauty in Darkness" and "Ocean of Light" (autumn 2026) will go much further again on every areas ! And tour will be plan after etc... Lots of things are coming and big announcements but I take my time so that everything is fine ! No hurry ! All have to be the most professionnal possible everywhere ! The goal is to release masterpiece or classic Album, not simple Albums between all others (It would be too easy and that wouldn't get you very far) ! We're taking our time to attack ! The quick assault would destroy us... not good (We have to remain Aliens and strategists)! We have to pull out and attack at the right time! Sometimes we even have to cover our tracks to come back even stronger! So Hard and intelligent work Always ! 



You can watch the various videos from Max Enix's Far From Home double album here: Image here from The Broken Face video by Dronicon film ! Video against violence, bullying to women, children, some men around the world Etc...! Against feminicide, infanticide etc... One of the scourge of our time ! Beware of those who feel targeted (thousands of torturers/rapists that kills each years) ! They will block because unmasked so that they can accuse the others at their place (inversion = Vicious guys ;) Special guest Marcela Bovio and Michael Romeo (Symphony x) for 2 guitars solos Etc.. Link in comments !

*And just one point of clarification: Love in all its forms, under all its names, with one or many people (at the same time) and which is even sometimes practised in apocalyptic form or language, is not violence IF there is consent on both sides (sometimes even ART censored or uncensored) ! We are Free ! Take care !

Stay focused


Stay focused on your work, on the positive things & on your qualities! The rest, parasites/jealous/bitter/mythomaniacs/jokers who want to stand in your way & want to block us, whoever they may be, you'll fuck them over! They're not you! Continue on your path & don't let anyone dictate your behaviour or make you look like something you're not! We know who we are & what we've been through better than them! Huge things are coming! See you soon

City of Mortals and Future Albums


Max Enix / City of Mortals directed by Lucas Bastian can be viewed here: ! FYI / Max Enix Beauty in Darkness (2026) will be a dark, gothic album that will serve as an outlet for everything my soul has been through and seen! It's going to be a very violent criticism of society, with hard, raw lyrics! This album will showcase the horror of our world! I'll be playing a character in a very hard, violent and provocative video clip (lots of blood, guns, horrors...) with a censored version (long erotic passage) and an uncensored version (porn) protected by advanced parental control where I'll be playing myself with other girl(s) with a deep meaning behind it about today's society and violence (to see like a Stanley Kubrick movie for exemple)! Note that this scene will take place with a gun to the head or elsewhere, the butt of the gun in the ass, the money in her mouth or others (and that the person will love it and enjoy it, rolling spades together with the tongue)  = The aim is to show the unhealthy society we live in! A reminder of a period of my past where I have play porn movies to exorcise my demons too even if here it will be far more trash ! The hard and deep sodomy of the society! "Sodomizing the Snakes" will be the name of the song ! Nothing shocks in this society so I'm going to shock! But it will be only a detail in the 2 Albums because so much more to offer !

I'll be playing a character who gradually sinks into madness because of the world around us! This character will dissociate into several other characters that I'll play (in the sulphurous scene I'll play, for example, in a sort of transcendental dream, the completely mad Joker who will be hit by a mobster who's not joking and will continue in a different way, then Batman who will shoot the gun and save the woman before also taking her, etc.). And then the character continues down the path of insanity to the point of no return! Just the opposite of the bright and clear clip with a serene character who will live peacefully and love with unconditional love! Bruce Wayne and Batman as opposites (in one) and horror all around! 

 I will wear black clothes in a sort of Batman/Matrix way (front cover of the Album by the way in an obscure/deep way = surprise)! Silent Hill/Stranger Things/Alien atmosphere ! The songs themes will be the concentration camps and its nazis, the cancel culture, the fanaticism, the law of do or die, the slavery, the conditioning, the corruption of fools, the oppression, the media/masses control, the brainless sheeps who follows the worst idiots, the territories wars, the politicians, the rapes, Sequestration, the fake kindness and use of white pawn to better fool, the stupid sacrifices perpetrated by clowns, Bullshit and blackmail, Porn and its excesses, decadence, the Jokers, the hackers, the narcisstic perverts and their vicious behaviours (mythomania, disinformation, big lies, scams, traps and control over people), Abuse and thirst of power behind bloody statuts, Animals abandonment, the torture, the data/words manipulation and the networks of cowards, the suicide, the people left behind who suffer in silence, the ego of the self-centered who want to decide for us, the gratuitous violence and massacres, climate change and its storms, Sick people who don't know they're sick, Some Perverted doctors, mad psychiatrists/ /teachers/company directors, paedophilia in churches and those who cover their crimes (Vatican...), Schools in danger, with courses that don't teach them the real issues of life and emotional intelligence, the ravages of certain medicines on health prescribed on a large scale, the pharmaceutical industry and malfunctions, the deplorable economic system, the bullying, dirty killings for money, the frustration and bitterness of jealous people, the sectarian aberrations, the crucifixions of innocents, black magic and voodoo for murderous purposes, forced prostitution, The gangs of idiots, unhealthy competition, people who want to crush, divide and rule/conquer ! Etc... There will be on vocals An apocalyptic guest and another rap/hip hop (already present in Far From Home Etc...)! A mix of film music, progressive rock, black metal, rap/hip hop etc... ! Parental advisory ! Ocean of Light (2026), the other album, will be luminous and showcase the beauty of things! This time I'll be playing a calm, serene character in a bright video clip around the sea etc...! I will wear white/blue clothes (front cover of the Album by the way in a clear way aside the sea and horizon = surprise)! The themes/lyrics will be much clearer (Spirituality, Universe/Cosmos, Animals, Beauty of things, God/Satan/or others names (Union of people towards a goal) and the attached metaphor, natural medicine and medicine of the future = Gravitational waves as Einstein have predicts, black holes, Dimensions, string theory, other possible society, mondial concertation to have less inequalities, the prophets, pyramids and landscapes, The divine and its forces, LOVE <3 etc...)! Fusion of filmscore, progressive rock/metal, variety, electro, jazz, world, new age Etc... ! The 20-minute finale will be apocalyptic, transcendent and spectacular (fusion of the 2 Albums) that will be a battle between darkness & Light before Light&Darkness fusion all together against the bastards/executioners of our time ! Before a new world (nuclear) war , the end of humanity, a new souls Era and perspectives/paths ! 1h 20 each approximatively with 21 songs (some epic, some radio) ! Original and orchestral versions ! Terrific, emotional, powerful and very varied vocals and huge orchestrations Etc... A few guests ! Quite a programme! Completely in tune with our time ! An atomic Bomb ! I'll let you discover all that! Never seen/heard before ! Big tour will come after that (Asia, USA Etc...) with great visuals... ! The Albums/projects that will come after these ones (original, filmscore, collaborations...) will be filmic with different themes and in general much lighter (but it's depends) with a deep story but each time very very different from each others (Blade Runner, Halloween, Cartoon...) !

*Far From Home and Future Albums:
Max Enix: Composer (music), Songwriter, Singer, Art Director, Lyricist, Actor (Videos...) Etc...! 
Thomas Kubler: Orchestrator and Arrangements!
Musicians to be announced progressively !

Trashocore / Max Enix Review


Max Enix / Far From Home Review 8.5/10 Trashocore (FR) ! Thanks a lot ! 

Excerpt (EN traduction): Something as ambitious as this, in France, is frankly something I've rarely (never?) seen! It's a near-flawless achievement, that's for sure. 
I'm much more seduced by the male voices, both in terms of the choice of tessitura and the way they're combined, positioned according to the variations in intensity, the desired climates, etc. It's impressive, once again, in the way it's done.
Not being a musicologist myself, it would be difficult for me to go into more detail about the technical characteristics of the various songs, but I can only say that the composer has not fallen into the trap of making music for musicians, and that he always strikes the right balance between technique and melody, the complexity of demanding music made accessible to as many people as possible. In other words, you can enjoy Far From Home whatever your level of expertise: neophyte, professional, novice, experienced artist or weekend guitarist. And that's really great, especially for a guy like me who doesn't listen to much of this musical genre.

Solid Masterpiece Far From Home Albums Original and Orchestral


Rock Era Magazine from Egypt ! Max Enix / Far From Home Original and Orchestral Review (more than 5 Hours of music) ! Solid Masterpiece ! Thanks a Lot !

"Highlighting the effort made by himself, Thomas Kubler (orchestrator), François Rousselot (Conductor), and the Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Max Enix released a bonus orchestral version of Far From Home. Removing the vocals, solos, and heavy instruments has shed light on Far From Home’s brilliant orchestrations and made me look at the songs from a whole new perspective. This version will make you realize how carefully the vocal melodies were written and how strong they were backed by the atmospheric orchestrations, creating the perfect smooth build-ups and guiding the songs’ dynamics turning soft sparkling melodies into roaring waves smoothly and without losing their flow. The power of vocal harmonies and chores shine brightly in the version, the threatening effect they have and how they can lift the song’s energy up is quite amazing. Those arrangements have their very own character, it is strong and fierce and sometimes paints a complete picture with breathtaking soundscapes, acting like a well-crafted movie score, showing musicianship and high attention to detail. They helped me connect with the songs on a deeper level emotionally, I believe I’ll be playing those for quite a while.

Far From Home with both versions is an extremely enjoyable ride, Max Enix took his time in polishing and perfecting every detail making every moment count, creating a solid masterpiece of an album that’ll get him and the listener on the same wavelength emotionally and musically. Looking forward to more from Max Enix. Cheers!"

***Note: Beware of all the liars (or worst mythomaniacs) around you who are covering up for their own interests because they want to get proposals in your place and crush/sideline you! They think you are stupid and corrupt you/others and play games with you/us ! The human nature/jungle ahah ! Be smarter than that ! We know who we are and we know what are our directions/destinations better than them !

WOM 9/10 Far From Home


Max Enix : Far From Home 9/10 ! Watch the review here on youtube: World Of Metal TV / A real treasure for fan of progressive music where Max Enix shows his Enormous talent !

See an other one here: Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned.

If you want only professionnal stuff it's here on the Max Enix Fan Page:

Just to let you know... Like Gojira and others, I will mainly be exporting to America, Asia and the UK in the future for my various projects (Albums/Tours/Shows/Fests/Cinema...) Etc...! I'm less and less interested by Europe in terms of mentalities, even though there are some superb countries, some extraordinary people and awesome things to do! But as far as my ambitions and the avant-garde nature of my projects, that's how I see the Future... ! These continents are more evolved for these kind of projects ! Continents/countries where artists such as Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Freddie Mercury, Pink Floyd, Hans Zimmer, Devin Townsend and many others have proved their worth... Max Enix follows in the footsteps of these artists, but is rooted in our times and the evolution of our society (hence the fusion of genres)! Not stagnation or regression (you can see all around you) but EVOLUTION ! For the music industry it's approximatively the same even though I continue to work everywhere ! I will put the social networks on hold progressively too (there are legions of conditioned idiots/bastards out there who can say anything and everything or trying to block/corrupt/justify their crimes like rabid dogs = My opposite) ! Above all I need to be with open-minded people ! FUCK the rest ! I have my own VISION (not a narrow one) ! A VISION that is light years away from some who are not evolving in their heads ! I go Forward and will create The music (projects) of the future to partially change this upside down society and its unhealthy/vicious/distorted foundations/leaders who are driving everyone up the wall ! It's A challenge and that takes time but It starts now ! Far From Home ! Lots of things to come !

10/10 Max Enix / Far From Home


Max Enix / Far From Home 10/10 on Frenzy Fire and Metal Gods TV (UK) too ! Thanks a Lot ! And Majestic, magnificent, meandering and moving. For the entire two hours and forty minutes, 'Far From Home' is a captivating and engaging slab of grandeur - definitely not an anthemic driving album! 
'Far From Home' has something for every one, whether you're a fan of Dream Theater, Opeth, Nightwish, Katatonia, Pink Floyd, Freddie Mercury, or David Bowie. Overall, an extraordinary and elegant journey of atmospheric symphonic rock and metal, and so much more.

-10/10 by Onsnieuws (Holland):

4.8/5 Max Enix / Far From Home


Max Enix / Far From Home Review 4,8.5 out of 5 by Music Existence and Jake Kussmaul ! Overall, Far From Home succeeds in creating a profound, pertinent, and immersive experience. The album’s sound is balanced and clear, making each vignette to the concept – through all its demonstrable complexities – easy to follow along with. By way of its numerous and distinctive vocals and instrumentation, the album comes across as a bunch of friends supporting one another through a multilayered journey, and doesn’t cop out by choosing to pander through sheer virtuosity alone; it is truly a work of art.

10/10 Metal Zenith


10 out of 10 / Metal Zenith / Max Enix First double Album called "Far From Home" ! Considered now as a future classic for some ! Thanks a lot 

*See Comments for others ! Articles, Videos on the net Etc...

***Wonderful Reviews already (New ones to come + Interviews + Articles Etc...):

?100/100 TheMetalMag ! "A living dream we all need. A worldwide collaboration of artists spreading love using music the strongest way to spread the biggest message the world needs right now. A masterpiece to own without hesitation ! Human beings are destroying this beautiful world we are living in. Music is the peace of mind and helps fly away from this madness. Added to an orchestra team, it elevate the usual albums you are used to listen to. Sometimes closed to a movie soundtrack, each track has its own life. You are embarked into a world of imagination spilling beauty and happiness expressing what the world is going through at the moment."

?10/10 by Metal Zenith (USA):

?10/10 Frenzy Fire and Metal Gods TV (UK) ! And Majestic, magnificent, meandering and moving. For the entire two hours and forty minutes, 'Far From Home' is a captivating and engaging slab of grandeur - definitely not an anthemic driving album!
'Far From Home' has something for every one, whether you're a fan of Dream Theater, Opeth, Nightwish, Katatonia, Pink Floyd, Freddie Mercury, or David Bowie. And as an added bonus, there's gonna be an "orchestral version" of the album released later this year! As if 'Far From Home' couldn't get any better - yes it will!
Overall, an extraordinary and elegant journey of atmospheric symphonic rock and metal, and so much more.

?-10/10 by Onsnieuws (Holland):

?4.9 Stars on 5 Music Existence (US) !
It is truly a work of Art."

?9,7/10 The Dark Melody:
"By God, it is not possible for people to overlook a work so well done! My question is whether Max will be able to surpass what has been achieved with this monument so full of art , since the level of quality is something that exceeds all conventional limits on a full scale."
?? Album Of the Year for now ????

?18/20 by Metal Integral (Fr): Le projet le plus ambitieux de l'histoire du metal francais ?

?Solid MASTERPIECE by Rock Era Magazine (Egypt):

?MASTERPIECE by Metal1on1 (USA):

?ASTONISHING by Adriconelrock (Es):

?MASTERPIECE Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag) / "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music." ?

?MASTERPIECE Brutally Delicious (US): « It's been a long time since I've heard anything at all like this ! It's a true and Grandiose undertaking /

?CHEF D'OEUVRE by Ahasverus Cornelius (Fr) / "Monumental/Magistral Mieux qu'un opéra métal, au-delà des productions qu'on nous présente habituellement sous cette bannière, Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Le résultat global est proprement impressionnant, réalisé sans temps mort ni fausse note. " Max Enix artiste du mois de Juin 2023 !

?MASTERPIECE Orkus Magazin (De): Far From Home is called as Epic Cinematic Masterpiece! "Far From Home" is like a varied adventure, so that the double album, which does not shy away from pieces of more than 10 minutes, should be enjoyed from beginning to end. ????

? MASTERPIECE ! Kick Ass Forever ! Max Enix’s “Far From Home” is a monumental double album that defies categorization and transcends musical boundaries. This ambitious release takes listeners on an immersive and profound journey spanning nearly three hours. Enix’s exceptional talents as a singer-songwriter and composer shine brilliantly throughout this album. He masterfully weaves together an astonishing array of genres, including progressive metal, alternative rock, new age, jazz, and even surprising hints of hip-hop elements. It’s a testament to his compositional prowess and artistic vision that these diverse influences seamlessly coalesce into a cohesive and immersive musical experience. Whether you are a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a musical adventure that defies expectations, “Far From Home” is a must-listen experience that leaves an indelible impression. This album is an epic masterpiece that showcases the boundless potential of contemporary music.

?MASTERPIECE / Black Night Radio: "Probably one of the best Metal albums of 2023, from Mr Max Enix. A Great Masterpiece ??????"

?MASTERPIECE Pete rock news and views / Max Enix’s “Far From Home” is a remarkable release that transcends the boundaries of musical genres, offering listeners an immersive and profound experience that stretches over two captivating discs. Enix’s prowess as a singer-songwriter, composer, and producer shines brilliantly in this ambitious double album. Enix’s ability to seamlessly blend these diverse elements is a testament to his compositional prowess and artistic vision. Whether you are a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a musical odyssey that defies expectations, “Far From Home” is a must-listen experience that leaves a lasting impression.

?TOUR DE FORCE ! Big Bang Magazine (FR)/
Never before... A musical project brought together so many different forces, and Far From Home is nothing short of titanic.
The vocal duets are seductive, and Max Enix does magnificently well in the midst of these exceptional singers, where fury and lyricism battle it out.
Somewhere between Hans Zimmer and Devin Townsend. Far From Home reveals its highly cinematic potential.
Unique and exceptional character of Far From Home, a veritable river rock opera driven by the talent and ambition of a single man, who deserves to be saluted for his extraordinary tour de force. The self-sacrifice of an artist at the service of his work.

?MASTERPIECE ! Rocker United (Local stage worldwide) <3
“Far From Home” rewards a unique musical experience that is almost incomparable to any other release I can think of.
"Far From Home" is a monumental achievement that showcases Max Enix's remarkable musical talents and his ability to craft a diverse and emotionally resonant body of work.
This album is a breath-taking journey through sound, with each track offering a unique and immersive experience.
Max Enix and his collaborators have created a masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on fans of progressive music and anyone seeking a profound and transformative musical adventure.
"Far From Home" is an epic odyssey that invites listeners to explore the boundless possibilities of contemporary music.

?9/10 World Of Metal TV / A real treasure for fan of progressive music where Max Enix shows his Enormous talent !

?4,5/5 ! (Hungary) ! Excerpt: In conclusion, „Far From Home” is an extraordinary musical odyssey that invites listeners to explore its sonic wonderland. Max Enix’s innovative composition and fusion of different styles create an immersive and profound experience that defies expectations. Whether you’re a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a unique musical journey, „Far From Home” is a must-listen masterpiece that leaves an indelible and lasting impression. This album is a testament to the boundless potential of contemporary music and a remarkable addition to the world of music.

?8.5/10 Mariskal Rock (Es) The Multifaceted metal Genius/ definitely elevates the composer as one of the most important creative minds, no longer on the international metal scene, but on any music label that self-respect:

? New Awesome Max Enix / Far From Home review ! Thanks a Lot Gary Hill ????

?8.5/10 Rock Garage (De)
Excerpt: The use of male and female vocals alone brings a lot to the table, and as far as the songs are concerned, they already offer a lot of variety with their suspense arcs and both tempo and heaviness changes.
The orchestral version is what it says, the songs were recorded in orchestral style and are reminiscent of the soundtrack of the Schwarzenegger film "Conan".
In conclusion, a varied work with many twists and intelligent compositions. The entire album is worth a listen.

?8.5/10 ! Mythofrock (Greek) : That’s nothing short of an artistic recital! Live this instant classic now! This musical masterpiece promises an unparalleled sonic journey, boasting a fusion of progressive-symphonic-post rock/metal, film score and a myriad of diverse elements, including world/new age, hip hop, jazz and avant-garde influences, never heard before. “Far From Home” transcends musical boundaries, weaving a tapestry of epic, emotional and complex compositions. This double album is not a simple collection of ordinary tracks, but a conceptual music gem. “Far From Home” creates soundscapes beyond music and words, a universe that extends beyond the confines of traditional musical expression. I enjoyed great vocal performances, intricate arrangements, fantastic music themes, incredible solos etc. It stands as a beacon in the musical landscape, offering a unique and unforgettable experience. For sure, a must-listen for those who appreciate the limitless potential of musical expression, an over two hours and a half musical adventure, which will cast a spell on you.

?8.5/10 ! Trashocore (FR): Something as ambitious as this, in France, is frankly something I've rarely (never?) seen! It's a near-flawless achievement, that's for sure.
I'm much more seduced by the male voices, both in terms of the choice of tessitura and the way they're combined, positioned according to the variations in intensity, the desired climates, etc. It's impressive, once again, in the way it's done.
Not being a musicologist myself, it would be difficult for me to go into more detail about the technical characteristics of the various songs, but I can only say that the composer has not fallen into the trap of making music for musicians, and that he always strikes the right balance between technique and melody, the complexity of demanding music made accessible to as many people as possible. In other words, you can enjoy Far From Home whatever your level of expertise: neophyte, professional, novice, experienced artist or weekend guitarist. And that's really great, especially for a guy like me who doesn't listen to much of this musical genre.

?84% Excellent Review by Via Nocturna (Portugal) !

?8,3/10 by Profil Prog (Canada):

?Josh Rundquist (Heavy Debriefings USA): Far From Home is one of the Best Album of the month (June) !

? Awesome Review (nl) ! Excerpt: Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned.

?8/10 Metal Digest (Greek):

?Heavy HQ (Us) The scale of the album does feel like a Devin Townsend and Hans Zimmer hybrid.

?8/10 Saitenkult (De): This year's monumental work of progressive rock and progressive metal comes from Max Enix, bears the concise title 'Far From Home' and captivates for other 160minutes !

?8/10 AWESOME Review ! SoundMagnet (De) ? "Densely packed Cineastic Progressive Metal with orchestral violence. In addition to the vocals of Max Enix himself, who does a great job and is quiet varied, the female vocals are sung by Elise Wachbar and cut an equally good figure. For fans of symphonic metal with cinematic means and a lot of mass and class, Max Enix has a musical feast in store. "

?10/15 by Betreutesproggen (De):

?80/100 Rock Overdose (Greece) !
Max Enix's "Far From Home" is a magical musical journey, a musical adventure full of surprises. As a songwriter, composer and producer, Enix shows off his extraordinary talent by creating an ambitious double album that perfectly combines many different genres into a single body of work.
"Far From Home" is a work that transcends and breaks the boundaries between musical genres, presenting a work with a truly fresh sound and inspiring ideas that is definitely worth a listen.

?8/10 METAL HAMMER GREECE ! Passion is the beginning and the end of Far From Home. Passion for Art without limits, for unbridled creation and the elevation of man as a being and not as a consumer product. ?? Listen to it again and again and you will constantly discover something new.
"An extremely talented artist, one of those who doesn't just do calculations and measurements with the eyes on the number of sales, but dedicated himself soul and body to his Art. ?? Max Enix brings out his innermost soul, both musically and lyrically, in a way that you cannot resist and what he tells us is indicative of what it happens in his mind." ?

?8/10 ROCK HARD GREECE AWESOME! "The overall result is a triumph for Max Enix, who succeeded in creating something remarkable, something that fans of progressive music, but also those who like their sounds adventurous and provocative, will appreciate above all. He who takes risks and dares wins in the end."

?7.8/10 by Music Connection Magazine (Uk)

?RockHard Italy AWESOME review by Emanuele Biani, DPRP (Holland) AWESOME Words, Rocknytt (Swe), Radio Erdorin (Fr), This is Rock (Es), PowerPlay Magazine / The genuine emotion Enix has for his music is clear to pick up in his vocals. I can't say I loved them , but there's no doubt he has talent. Enix should be proud of his achievement; this is a monumental project he's put together, and he should be applauded for the sheer effort it must have taken.

?Awesome Rockallica (Greece). Far From Home is a project that take risks and wins. This is a double Album that Highlights Max Enix's ability as a composer and artist. It is a musical journey that transcends the boundaries of musical genres. Far From Home is one of those Albums that is worth listening to without a second thought..."

?Masterpiece/Awesome/Brillant by some listeners (world), advices and Many Others...

?Metal Alliance Mag / An ambition that exceeds the boundaries of the imaginable! The highest spheres of symphonic and European metal (Opeth, Ayreon, Therion...)! Max and Elise make a fine vocal duo. Max's multiple nuances and Elise's soft, charming timbre are a perfect match. Max's own performance on Beyond my Blood, where he embodies several characters through the nuances of his voice - and through his acting in the video clip - delivering a dialogue with himself full of expressiveness and emotion.
Emotion is the very essence of what Max Enix and co are trying to convey with Far From Home, and it's present at every moment, filled with passion and heart.
Listening to Far From Home, there's no doubt that it's an extraordinary album, in the first sense of the word, in terms of its ambitions, which go beyond boundaries rarely reached, and in terms of the musical journey it invites listeners to take part in. Just imagine what a feat it must have been at every level (logistical, financial, writing, musical arrangement...)!
As well as the practical aspects, it's also the more abstract ones that make Far From Home stand out from the crowd, because of the immensity of the heart and soul that went into it. Far From Home finds added strength in its ability to rediscover itself with each new listen, allowing it to improve like a fine wine.

?Lots of others to come...

Those who have listen to it put me (in General) in the Top Albums of 2023 !

?Rowan G Tepper (Layered Reality Production USA) and Lily Wardzala ! Far From Home Best Album of the Year 2023 ! It's a rare three-way tie for Album of the Year between:
Max Enix's magnum opus, "Far From Home"
Temperance's "Hermitage: Daruma's Eyes Part II"
Katatonia's "Sky Void of Stars"
[It's no coincidence that all three feature at least one person who was on stage as part of Ayreon this September in Tilburg]

?Michael Prado Fernandez (The dark Melody 9.7/10 South America webzine) / "Such an amazing album ?? My favorite one in Progressive music from this year."

?Fab Borré (Nawak Posse FR) this morning with the top french artist ! I am Number 5 in front of Mass Hysteria but he said that there was not really specific ranking !

?New order from Rafael (Spain) yesterday with this comment: "I did not know your music and it's a real discovery and one of the best new music I have listened to in the last years." Many people wrote this to me ! It's an honor !

?Top 100 Albums of the year : 71/100 in front of some of the biggest names !

?Top 40 Albums of the year / Thierry François (Metal Integral) = Number 37

?Just outside the top 23! In the nominees 13th, next to Peter Gabriel who is 15th (Profil Prog) by Alain Massard!

? Best Albums of 2023 Here too:

? Soul.and.Feelings Top 9 of the 2023 year ! Max Enix : Far From Home number 8

?Ahasverus / Top Albums 2023 ! Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Elle a quelque chose de magistral et s'impose en référence à plusieurs titres : son ampleur, sa durée, son casting, sa réalisation. Il fallait être fou pour mettre en chantier une oeuvre de la sorte, et génial pour la mener à bien de cette manière.

Others to come...

Mariskal Rock


8.5/10 Mariskal Rock (Es) ! Traduction : The Multifaceted musical Genius Max Enix returns in style thanks to the publication of a new Album ! This double Album surprises with the greatest depth and complexity compared with his precedent work under Constellia ! Far From Home is a magnanimous and colossal conceptual creation collected in the format of a two-LP that, definitively elevates the composer as one of the most important creative artists, not only on the international metal scene, but of any self-respecting musical label !

Far From Home and Future / Max Enix: Composer (Music), Songwriter, Vocals, Art director, Story, Lyrics, Actor (Videos) Etc... and Thomas Kubler: Additional arrangements, Orchestrator

*Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light Albums (2026) will go much further again on many points ! Original and orchestral versions ! Huge Announcements to come in various fields (Albums, Cinema, Collaborations, Festivals, Modern and Futuristic Tour in Asia, UK and US principally, Music Industry...! Follow YOUR WAY



100/100 Far From Home FIRST Max Enix Double Album Review ! Listen/Buy here and all the digital plateforms ! Interview in the comments ! Excerpt: "A living dream we all need. A worldwide collaboration of artists spreading love using music the strongest way to spread the biggest message the world needs right now. A masterpiece to own without hesitation ! Human beings are destroying this beautiful world we are living in. Music is the peace of mind and helps fly away from this madness. Added to an orchestra team, it elevate the usual albums you are used to listen to. Sometimes closed to a movie soundtrack, each track has its own life. You are embarked into a world of imagination spilling beauty and happiness expressing what the world is going through at the moment."


?10/10 by Metal Zenith (USA):

?10/10 Frenzy Fire and Metal Gods TV (UK) ! And Majestic, magnificent, meandering and moving. For the entire two hours and forty minutes, 'Far From Home' is a captivating and engaging slab of grandeur - definitely not an anthemic driving album!
'Far From Home' has something for every one, whether you're a fan of Dream Theater, Opeth, Nightwish, Katatonia, Pink Floyd, Freddie Mercury, or David Bowie. And as an added bonus, there's gonna be an "orchestral version" of the album released later this year! As if 'Far From Home' couldn't get any better - yes it will!
Overall, an extraordinary and elegant journey of atmospheric symphonic rock and metal, and so much more.

?-10/10 by Onsnieuws (Holland):

?4.9 Stars on 5 Music Existence (US) !
It is truly a work of Art."

?9,7/10 The Dark Melody:
"By God, it is not possible for people to overlook a work so well done! My question is whether Max will be able to surpass what has been achieved with this monument so full of art , since the level of quality is something that exceeds all conventional limits on a full scale."
?? Album Of the Year for now ????

?18/20 by Metal Integral (Fr): Le projet le plus ambitieux de l'histoire du metal francais ?

?Solid MASTERPIECE by Rock Era Magazine (Egypt):

?MASTERPIECE by Metal1on1 (USA):

?ASTONISHING by Adriconelrock (Es):

?MASTERPIECE Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag) / "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music." ?

?MASTERPIECE Brutally Delicious (US): « It's been a long time since I've heard anything at all like this ! It's a true and Grandiose undertaking /

?CHEF D'OEUVRE by Ahasverus Cornelius (Fr) / "Monumental/Magistral Mieux qu'un opéra métal, au-delà des productions qu'on nous présente habituellement sous cette bannière, Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Le résultat global est proprement impressionnant, réalisé sans temps mort ni fausse note. " Max Enix artiste du mois de Juin 2023 !

?MASTERPIECE Orkus Magazin (De): Far From Home is called as Epic Cinematic Masterpiece! "Far From Home" is like a varied adventure, so that the double album, which does not shy away from pieces of more than 10 minutes, should be enjoyed from beginning to end. ????

? MASTERPIECE ! Kick Ass Forever ! Max Enix’s “Far From Home” is a monumental double album that defies categorization and transcends musical boundaries. This ambitious release takes listeners on an immersive and profound journey spanning nearly three hours. Enix’s exceptional talents as a singer-songwriter and composer shine brilliantly throughout this album. He masterfully weaves together an astonishing array of genres, including progressive metal, alternative rock, new age, jazz, and even surprising hints of hip-hop elements. It’s a testament to his compositional prowess and artistic vision that these diverse influences seamlessly coalesce into a cohesive and immersive musical experience. Whether you are a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a musical adventure that defies expectations, “Far From Home” is a must-listen experience that leaves an indelible impression. This album is an epic masterpiece that showcases the boundless potential of contemporary music.

?MASTERPIECE / Black Night Radio: "Probably one of the best Metal albums of 2023, from Mr Max Enix. A Great Masterpiece ??????"

?MASTERPIECE Pete rock news and views / Max Enix’s “Far From Home” is a remarkable release that transcends the boundaries of musical genres, offering listeners an immersive and profound experience that stretches over two captivating discs. Enix’s prowess as a singer-songwriter, composer, and producer shines brilliantly in this ambitious double album. Enix’s ability to seamlessly blend these diverse elements is a testament to his compositional prowess and artistic vision. Whether you are a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a musical odyssey that defies expectations, “Far From Home” is a must-listen experience that leaves a lasting impression.

?TOUR DE FORCE ! Big Bang Magazine (FR)/
Never before... A musical project brought together so many different forces, and Far From Home is nothing short of titanic.
The vocal duets are seductive, and Max Enix does magnificently well in the midst of these exceptional singers, where fury and lyricism battle it out.
Somewhere between Hans Zimmer and Devin Townsend. Far From Home reveals its highly cinematic potential.
Unique and exceptional character of Far From Home, a veritable river rock opera driven by the talent and ambition of a single man, who deserves to be saluted for his extraordinary tour de force. The self-sacrifice of an artist at the service of his work.

?MASTERPIECE ! Rocker United (Local stage worldwide) <3
“Far From Home” rewards a unique musical experience that is almost incomparable to any other release I can think of.
"Far From Home" is a monumental achievement that showcases Max Enix's remarkable musical talents and his ability to craft a diverse and emotionally resonant body of work.
This album is a breath-taking journey through sound, with each track offering a unique and immersive experience.
Max Enix and his collaborators have created a masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on fans of progressive music and anyone seeking a profound and transformative musical adventure.
"Far From Home" is an epic odyssey that invites listeners to explore the boundless possibilities of contemporary music.

?9/10 World Of Metal TV / A real treasure for fan of progressive music where Max Enix shows his Enormous talent !

?4,5/5 ! (Hungary) ! Excerpt: In conclusion, „Far From Home” is an extraordinary musical odyssey that invites listeners to explore its sonic wonderland. Max Enix’s innovative composition and fusion of different styles create an immersive and profound experience that defies expectations. Whether you’re a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a unique musical journey, „Far From Home” is a must-listen masterpiece that leaves an indelible and lasting impression. This album is a testament to the boundless potential of contemporary music and a remarkable addition to the world of music.

?8.5/10 Mariskal Rock (Es) The Multifaceted metal Genius/ definitely elevates the composer as one of the most important creative minds, no longer on the international metal scene, but on any music label that self-respect:

? New Awesome Max Enix / Far From Home review ! Thanks a Lot Gary Hill ????

?8.5/10 Rock Garage (De)
Excerpt: The use of male and female vocals alone brings a lot to the table, and as far as the songs are concerned, they already offer a lot of variety with their suspense arcs and both tempo and heaviness changes.
The orchestral version is what it says, the songs were recorded in orchestral style and are reminiscent of the soundtrack of the Schwarzenegger film "Conan".
In conclusion, a varied work with many twists and intelligent compositions. The entire album is worth a listen.

?8.5/10 ! Mythofrock (Greek) : That’s nothing short of an artistic recital! Live this instant classic now! This musical masterpiece promises an unparalleled sonic journey, boasting a fusion of progressive-symphonic-post rock/metal, film score and a myriad of diverse elements, including world/new age, hip hop, jazz and avant-garde influences, never heard before. “Far From Home” transcends musical boundaries, weaving a tapestry of epic, emotional and complex compositions. This double album is not a simple collection of ordinary tracks, but a conceptual music gem. “Far From Home” creates soundscapes beyond music and words, a universe that extends beyond the confines of traditional musical expression. I enjoyed great vocal performances, intricate arrangements, fantastic music themes, incredible solos etc. It stands as a beacon in the musical landscape, offering a unique and unforgettable experience. For sure, a must-listen for those who appreciate the limitless potential of musical expression, an over two hours and a half musical adventure, which will cast a spell on you.

?8.5/10 ! Trashocore (FR): Something as ambitious as this, in France, is frankly something I've rarely (never?) seen! It's a near-flawless achievement, that's for sure.
I'm much more seduced by the male voices, both in terms of the choice of tessitura and the way they're combined, positioned according to the variations in intensity, the desired climates, etc. It's impressive, once again, in the way it's done.
Not being a musicologist myself, it would be difficult for me to go into more detail about the technical characteristics of the various songs, but I can only say that the composer has not fallen into the trap of making music for musicians, and that he always strikes the right balance between technique and melody, the complexity of demanding music made accessible to as many people as possible. In other words, you can enjoy Far From Home whatever your level of expertise: neophyte, professional, novice, experienced artist or weekend guitarist. And that's really great, especially for a guy like me who doesn't listen to much of this musical genre.

?84% Excellent Review by Via Nocturna (Portugal) !

?8,3/10 by Profil Prog (Canada):

?Josh Rundquist (Heavy Debriefings USA): Far From Home is one of the Best Album of the month (June) !

? Awesome Review (nl) ! Excerpt: Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned.

?8/10 Metal Digest (Greek):

?Heavy HQ (Us) The scale of the album does feel like a Devin Townsend and Hans Zimmer hybrid.

?8/10 Saitenkult (De): This year's monumental work of progressive rock and progressive metal comes from Max Enix, bears the concise title 'Far From Home' and captivates for other 160minutes !

?8/10 AWESOME Review ! SoundMagnet (De) ? "Densely packed Cineastic Progressive Metal with orchestral violence. In addition to the vocals of Max Enix himself, who does a great job and is quiet varied, the female vocals are sung by Elise Wachbar and cut an equally good figure. For fans of symphonic metal with cinematic means and a lot of mass and class, Max Enix has a musical feast in store. "

?10/15 by Betreutesproggen (De):

?80/100 Rock Overdose (Greece) !
Max Enix's "Far From Home" is a magical musical journey, a musical adventure full of surprises. As a songwriter, composer and producer, Enix shows off his extraordinary talent by creating an ambitious double album that perfectly combines many different genres into a single body of work.
"Far From Home" is a work that transcends and breaks the boundaries between musical genres, presenting a work with a truly fresh sound and inspiring ideas that is definitely worth a listen.

?8/10 METAL HAMMER GREECE ! Passion is the beginning and the end of Far From Home. Passion for Art without limits, for unbridled creation and the elevation of man as a being and not as a consumer product. ?? Listen to it again and again and you will constantly discover something new.
"An extremely talented artist, one of those who doesn't just do calculations and measurements with the eyes on the number of sales, but dedicated himself soul and body to his Art. ?? Max Enix brings out his innermost soul, both musically and lyrically, in a way that you cannot resist and what he tells us is indicative of what it happens in his mind." ?

?8/10 ROCK HARD GREECE AWESOME! "The overall result is a triumph for Max Enix, who succeeded in creating something remarkable, something that fans of progressive music, but also those who like their sounds adventurous and provocative, will appreciate above all. He who takes risks and dares wins in the end."

?7.8/10 by Music Connection Magazine (Uk)

?RockHard Italy AWESOME review by Emanuele Biani, DPRP (Holland) AWESOME Words, Rocknytt (Swe), Radio Erdorin (Fr), This is Rock (Es), PowerPlay Magazine / The genuine emotion Enix has for his music is clear to pick up in his vocals. I can't say I loved them , but there's no doubt he has talent. Enix should be proud of his achievement; this is a monumental project he's put together, and he should be applauded for the sheer effort it must have taken.

?Awesome Rockallica (Greece). Far From Home is a project that take risks and wins. This is a double Album that Highlights Max Enix's ability as a composer and artist. It is a musical journey that transcends the boundaries of musical genres. Far From Home is one of those Albums that is worth listening to without a second thought..."

?Masterpiece/Awesome/Brillant by some listeners (world), advices and Many Others...

?Metal Alliance Mag / An ambition that exceeds the boundaries of the imaginable! The highest spheres of symphonic and European metal (Opeth, Ayreon, Therion...)! Max and Elise make a fine vocal duo. Max's multiple nuances and Elise's soft, charming timbre are a perfect match. Max's own performance on Beyond my Blood, where he embodies several characters through the nuances of his voice - and through his acting in the video clip - delivering a dialogue with himself full of expressiveness and emotion.
Emotion is the very essence of what Max Enix and co are trying to convey with Far From Home, and it's present at every moment, filled with passion and heart.
Listening to Far From Home, there's no doubt that it's an extraordinary album, in the first sense of the word, in terms of its ambitions, which go beyond boundaries rarely reached, and in terms of the musical journey it invites listeners to take part in. Just imagine what a feat it must have been at every level (logistical, financial, writing, musical arrangement...)!
As well as the practical aspects, it's also the more abstract ones that make Far From Home stand out from the crowd, because of the immensity of the heart and soul that went into it. Far From Home finds added strength in its ability to rediscover itself with each new listen, allowing it to improve like a fine wine.

?Lots of others to come...

Those who have listen to it put me (in General) in the Top Albums of 2023 !

?Rowan G Tepper (Layered Reality Production USA) and Lily Wardzala ! Far From Home Best Album of the Year 2023 ! It's a rare three-way tie for Album of the Year between:
Max Enix's magnum opus, "Far From Home"
Temperance's "Hermitage: Daruma's Eyes Part II"
Katatonia's "Sky Void of Stars"
[It's no coincidence that all three feature at least one person who was on stage as part of Ayreon this September in Tilburg]

?Michael Prado Fernandez (The dark Melody 9.7/10 South America webzine) / "Such an amazing album ?? My favorite one in Progressive music from this year."

?Fab Borré (Nawak Posse FR) this morning with the top french artist ! I am Number 5 in front of Mass Hysteria but he said that there was not really specific ranking !

?New order from Rafael (Spain) yesterday with this comment: "I did not know your music and it's a real discovery and one of the best new music I have listened to in the last years." Many people wrote this to me ! It's an honor !

?Top 100 Albums of the year : 71/100 in front of some of the biggest names !

?Top 40 Albums of the year / Thierry François (Metal Integral) = Number 37

?Just outside the top 23! In the nominees 13th, next to Peter Gabriel who is 15th (Profil Prog) by Alain Massard!

? Best Albums of 2023 Here too:

? Soul.and.Feelings Top 9 of the 2023 year ! Max Enix : Far From Home number 8

?Ahasverus / Top Albums 2023 ! Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Elle a quelque chose de magistral et s'impose en référence à plusieurs titres : son ampleur, sa durée, son casting, sa réalisation. Il fallait être fou pour mettre en chantier une oeuvre de la sorte, et génial pour la mener à bien de cette manière.

Albert Einstein Quotes


"I Believe in intuition and inspiration ! Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. Serves as a reminder that our ability to think creatively and see beyond the constraints of our current reality is an essential ingredient for human progress." 

"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."

Albert Einstein

Evolution or Regression/Stagnation you choose but I think it is time to see things differently ! To stop the world going round in circles and society destroying itself and human beings in the process! But you know... "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." 

Apocalyptic , Poetic and Beautiful Albums


A lot of people have been asking me what the Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light Albums, which will be released in autumn 2026, will look like!

Max Enix: Beauty in Darkness (2026)! This album, lasting around 1 hour 20 minutes, will be a fusion of film music, progressive rock, black metal, hip hop and other genres... Huge orchestrations and lots more loud guitars! The most violent and most beautiful album of my young career! The lyrics on the album will be very harsh towards humanity and are subject to a parental warning! Apocalyptic and marvellous at the same time! It will represent the darkest side of humanity (concentration camps, extreme violence in our streets and since the beginning of this era, wars, torture, cyber-terrorism, sick corruption, fake news, the decline of humanity and the new generations in perdition, Politics and its mythomaniacs and arrogant sharks who set a bad example for the entire population, terrorist attacks around the world, Satan's Supos who are not who we think they are and who hide behind bloody statuses = Most of them are in key positions in the society to better fool people who follows like brainless sheeps ! , the Bloody cucifixions and fanaticism in every ways/senses , anti-humans and some extremists who are worse than humanity itself and are responsible for the destruction of our civilisation and are driving people straight into the wall and mediocrity! etc.... ), abuse of kindness for unhealthy interests, the law of do or die, Mass blindness, the destruction of Love by Haters , Idiots that follows the legions of idiots since the beginning of our Era Etc... ! All the horrors of humanity will be revealed in the lyrics, which will be poetic but also very direct and raw! Without pity, because some don't deserve it!

Max Enix: Ocean of Light (2026) will be a fusion of film music, progressive rock/metal, electro, variety and jazz, among other genres! Bright, sunny, poetic and magnificent! Like a return to lost values and a paradise regained! The beauty of things, spirituality, enlightenment, hope, freedom, the power of the divine, love, joy, melancholy, flora and fauna, justice, common sense, Union, the hope of another world and a new society! The duality of emotions! But the final, transcendent 20min song will be a blend of the 2 Albums (between light and darkness, between violence and calm, between 2 worlds and 2 opposing atmospheres) and a perfect end to it all! It'll be an apocalyptic finale, this time definitively ending humanity (I can't see how it could be otherwise in the years to come, given current events and intellectual regression and human stupidity) in pain and suffering, but also in the hope of renewal! The sleeping water that will put out the burning fire with the help of others elements! All that will remain is Love and the opening up to a new era on earth, but above all a spiritual era and a spiral of souls who may or may not move on to other cosmic spheres and dimensions ! An overture and a dialogue to others intelligences all around in the Universe/Cosmos and its hundreds of billions of galaxies, planets, suns , moons , languages and beyond all that (Lights, Colours, Paradises...) ! 1h20 approximately too!

For fans of Opeth, Devin Townsend, Hans Zimmer, Therion, Dream Theater, Arcturus, Pain of Salvation, David Bowie , Anathema, Katatonia , James Horner, Shining , Danny Elfman, Dream Theater , Pink Floyd, Vangelis , John Williams , Dodheimsgard, Steven Wilson Etc... But with a Universe on its own (Unique) !

I will do Very varied, emotional and powerful voices in the 2 Albums (based on the orchestrations this time and very poignant and powerful) and a few guests will do too = Some already present on the Far From Home Albums! Epic and radio-friendly songs like for the Future!

A REVOLUTION (even more so than Far From Home) like the album covers and videos, which will be unexpected and very personal, even intimate! 2 Visions coming together in one! A lesson for the ignorant and people who are too down-to-earth, too closed minded that will allow them to see others perspectives they don't know/realize (if they can) behind others Angles ! A far cry from the materialism and futilities that simple thinking/simple minds idolises (only) ! A blow on their limited faces/brains ! The telluric AND the Cosmic ! Not one or an other ! Avant Garde and Futuristic ! Original and orchestral versions once again! Beyond words! Never heard, never seen! Yeah like some others people I'm not like Everyone, I don't do things like everyone and I'm not here to please everyone! We are Unique, We are Free ! The body and the spirit are one, and the soul conveys all kinds of emotions that ordinary mortals can't always perceive! Restore Communication and stop manipulate words / stories / others to your advantage or the End is definitely near ! When we are wrong Ok ! When we are right Ok ! No need to hide behind fake appearances ! Awareness/Consciousness and understanding of the whole is there! Stay tuned 

*They'll hunt us down for telling the truth too, but that'll just show their boundless and infinite stupidity since so many decades ! If they feel targeted and guilty, they go crazy relentlessly and tries to preserve their fake images til the end ! Ridiculous but true ! Go forward my friends !

Help each others for just causes (not for your unhealthy interests only) while there's still time or it will be the End of humanity sooner or later ! It's never too late ! The new technologies are devastating and the wars for stupid interests ruthless ! Don't need to justify it any further ! The nonsense is infinite ! Some people don't deserve your/our sympathy and are the opposite of your/our visions (That's why they want to block you at any costs and diverse means = They want a world to their Evil images and want people that follows) ! No more time wasted on pointless explanations! The Obscure elites (impostors) have already manipulated you (tries to win by cheating/joking = They can't win any other way! They're too weak! but they will loose all in the end) enough for their power ! Lots of positive things are coming for those who can see the darkness and the light in the same time ! Find your way in all the humanity bullshit (your qualities, your faults and your mistakes), you are more clever than that and follow your right path, your own truth as opposed to those who execute in vain ! JUSTICE FOR THE INNOCENTS, the MARTYRS and the SCAPEGOATS ! PEACE AND FREEDOM ! LOVE ALWAYS WIN IN THE END ! NOBODY CONTROL US (only the worst Idiots do that and it's why the world is dying) ! Divide and conquer and proving they are right when they are wrong to better fooled the masses and dominate Etc... again and again AHAHAH What a Joke ! The worst idiots on Earth do that and they think they are more clever AHAHAH ! They are already dead for our intelligences and they are an insult to our common sense...

James Labrie and Dream Theater Support


It's always very cool to find a message from James Labrie (who was supposed to be guest on Far From Home but couldn't make it at the last minute like Arjen Lucassen between others) from Dream Theater in my inbox, along with some great words from the band about Far From Home! Nostalgia ! The email was received just before one of their concerts in Geneva in 2022! 



Thanks Again Stéphane Aguilera ! Max Enix / Far From Home Double Album Review ! TOUR DE FORCE ! Big Bang Magazine (FR)/ For all the jealous people out there who were waiting for me to crash (or pretend the contrary sneakily) and are still waiting! Do all that and we'll talk again! Make ART, not the crap/shit you make other people eat!

*English traduction excerpt: Never before... A musical project brought together so many different forces, and Far From Home is nothing short of titanic.
The vocal duets are seductive, and Max Enix does magnificently well in the midst of these exceptional singers, where fury and lyricism battle it out.
Somewhere between Hans Zimmer and Devin Townsend. Far From Home reveals its highly cinematic potential.
Unique and exceptional character of Far From Home, a veritable river rock opera driven by the talent and ambition of a single man, who deserves to be saluted for his extraordinary tour de force. The self-sacrifice of an artist at the service of his work.

Others (And many others to come) :

?100/100 TheMetalMag ! "A living dream we all need. A worldwide collaboration of artists spreading love using music the strongest way to spread the biggest message the world needs right now. A masterpiece to own without hesitation ! Human beings are destroying this beautiful world we are living in. Music is the peace of mind and helps fly away from this madness. Added to an orchestra team, it elevate the usual albums you are used to listen to. Sometimes closed to a movie soundtrack, each track has its own life. You are embarked into a world of imagination spilling beauty and happiness expressing what the world is going through at the moment."

?10/10 by Metal Zenith (USA):

?10/10 Frenzy Fire and Metal Gods TV (UK) ! And Majestic, magnificent, meandering and moving. For the entire two hours and forty minutes, 'Far From Home' is a captivating and engaging slab of grandeur - definitely not an anthemic driving album!
'Far From Home' has something for every one, whether you're a fan of Dream Theater, Opeth, Nightwish, Katatonia, Pink Floyd, Freddie Mercury, or David Bowie. And as an added bonus, there's gonna be an "orchestral version" of the album released later this year! As if 'Far From Home' couldn't get any better - yes it will!
Overall, an extraordinary and elegant journey of atmospheric symphonic rock and metal, and so much more.

?-10/10 by Onsnieuws (Holland):

?4.9 Stars on 5 Music Existence (US) !
It is truly a work of Art."

?9,7/10 The Dark Melody:
"By God, it is not possible for people to overlook a work so well done! My question is whether Max will be able to surpass what has been achieved with this monument so full of art , since the level of quality is something that exceeds all conventional limits on a full scale."
?? Album Of the Year for now ????

?18/20 by Metal Integral (Fr): Le projet le plus ambitieux de l'histoire du metal francais ?

?Solid MASTERPIECE by Rock Era Magazine (Egypt):

?MASTERPIECE by Metal1on1 (USA):

?ASTONISHING by Adriconelrock (Es):

?MASTERPIECE Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag) / "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music." ?

?MASTERPIECE Brutally Delicious (US): « It's been a long time since I've heard anything at all like this ! It's a true and Grandiose undertaking /

?CHEF D'OEUVRE by Ahasverus Cornelius (Fr) / "Monumental/Magistral Mieux qu'un opéra métal, au-delà des productions qu'on nous présente habituellement sous cette bannière, Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Le résultat global est proprement impressionnant, réalisé sans temps mort ni fausse note. " Max Enix artiste du mois de Juin 2023 !

?MASTERPIECE Orkus Magazin (De): Far From Home is called as Epic Cinematic Masterpiece! "Far From Home" is like a varied adventure, so that the double album, which does not shy away from pieces of more than 10 minutes, should be enjoyed from beginning to end. ????

? MASTERPIECE ! Kick Ass Forever ! Max Enix’s “Far From Home” is a monumental double album that defies categorization and transcends musical boundaries. This ambitious release takes listeners on an immersive and profound journey spanning nearly three hours. Enix’s exceptional talents as a singer-songwriter and composer shine brilliantly throughout this album. He masterfully weaves together an astonishing array of genres, including progressive metal, alternative rock, new age, jazz, and even surprising hints of hip-hop elements. It’s a testament to his compositional prowess and artistic vision that these diverse influences seamlessly coalesce into a cohesive and immersive musical experience. Whether you are a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a musical adventure that defies expectations, “Far From Home” is a must-listen experience that leaves an indelible impression. This album is an epic masterpiece that showcases the boundless potential of contemporary music.

?MASTERPIECE / Black Night Radio: "Probably one of the best Metal albums of 2023, from Mr Max Enix. A Great Masterpiece ??????"

?MASTERPIECE Pete rock news and views / Max Enix’s “Far From Home” is a remarkable release that transcends the boundaries of musical genres, offering listeners an immersive and profound experience that stretches over two captivating discs. Enix’s prowess as a singer-songwriter, composer, and producer shines brilliantly in this ambitious double album. Enix’s ability to seamlessly blend these diverse elements is a testament to his compositional prowess and artistic vision. Whether you are a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a musical odyssey that defies expectations, “Far From Home” is a must-listen experience that leaves a lasting impression.

?TOUR DE FORCE ! Big Bang Magazine (FR)/
Never before... A musical project brought together so many different forces, and Far From Home is nothing short of titanic.
The vocal duets are seductive, and Max Enix does magnificently well in the midst of these exceptional singers, where fury and lyricism battle it out.
Somewhere between Hans Zimmer and Devin Townsend. Far From Home reveals its highly cinematic potential.
Unique and exceptional character of Far From Home, a veritable river rock opera driven by the talent and ambition of a single man, who deserves to be saluted for his extraordinary tour de force. The self-sacrifice of an artist at the service of his work.

?MASTERPIECE ! Rocker United (Local stage worldwide) <3
“Far From Home” rewards a unique musical experience that is almost incomparable to any other release I can think of.
"Far From Home" is a monumental achievement that showcases Max Enix's remarkable musical talents and his ability to craft a diverse and emotionally resonant body of work.
This album is a breath-taking journey through sound, with each track offering a unique and immersive experience.
Max Enix and his collaborators have created a masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on fans of progressive music and anyone seeking a profound and transformative musical adventure.
"Far From Home" is an epic odyssey that invites listeners to explore the boundless possibilities of contemporary music.

?9/10 World Of Metal TV / A real treasure for fan of progressive music where Max Enix shows his Enormous talent !

?4,5/5 ! (Hungary) ! Excerpt: In conclusion, „Far From Home” is an extraordinary musical odyssey that invites listeners to explore its sonic wonderland. Max Enix’s innovative composition and fusion of different styles create an immersive and profound experience that defies expectations. Whether you’re a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a unique musical journey, „Far From Home” is a must-listen masterpiece that leaves an indelible and lasting impression. This album is a testament to the boundless potential of contemporary music and a remarkable addition to the world of music.

?8.5/10 Mariskal Rock (Es) The Multifaceted metal Genius/ definitely elevates the composer as one of the most important creative minds, no longer on the international metal scene, but on any music label that self-respect:

? New Awesome Max Enix / Far From Home review ! Thanks a Lot Gary Hill ????

?8.5/10 Rock Garage (De)
Excerpt: The use of male and female vocals alone brings a lot to the table, and as far as the songs are concerned, they already offer a lot of variety with their suspense arcs and both tempo and heaviness changes.
The orchestral version is what it says, the songs were recorded in orchestral style and are reminiscent of the soundtrack of the Schwarzenegger film "Conan".
In conclusion, a varied work with many twists and intelligent compositions. The entire album is worth a listen.

?8.5/10 ! Mythofrock (Greek) : That’s nothing short of an artistic recital! Live this instant classic now! This musical masterpiece promises an unparalleled sonic journey, boasting a fusion of progressive-symphonic-post rock/metal, film score and a myriad of diverse elements, including world/new age, hip hop, jazz and avant-garde influences, never heard before. “Far From Home” transcends musical boundaries, weaving a tapestry of epic, emotional and complex compositions. This double album is not a simple collection of ordinary tracks, but a conceptual music gem. “Far From Home” creates soundscapes beyond music and words, a universe that extends beyond the confines of traditional musical expression. I enjoyed great vocal performances, intricate arrangements, fantastic music themes, incredible solos etc. It stands as a beacon in the musical landscape, offering a unique and unforgettable experience. For sure, a must-listen for those who appreciate the limitless potential of musical expression, an over two hours and a half musical adventure, which will cast a spell on you.

?8.5/10 ! Trashocore (FR): Something as ambitious as this, in France, is frankly something I've rarely (never?) seen! It's a near-flawless achievement, that's for sure.
I'm much more seduced by the male voices, both in terms of the choice of tessitura and the way they're combined, positioned according to the variations in intensity, the desired climates, etc. It's impressive, once again, in the way it's done.
Not being a musicologist myself, it would be difficult for me to go into more detail about the technical characteristics of the various songs, but I can only say that the composer has not fallen into the trap of making music for musicians, and that he always strikes the right balance between technique and melody, the complexity of demanding music made accessible to as many people as possible. In other words, you can enjoy Far From Home whatever your level of expertise: neophyte, professional, novice, experienced artist or weekend guitarist. And that's really great, especially for a guy like me who doesn't listen to much of this musical genre.

?84% Excellent Review by Via Nocturna (Portugal) !

?8,3/10 by Profil Prog (Canada):

?Josh Rundquist (Heavy Debriefings USA): Far From Home is one of the Best Album of the month (June) !

? Awesome Review (nl) ! Excerpt: Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned.

?8/10 Metal Digest (Greek):

?Heavy HQ (Us) The scale of the album does feel like a Devin Townsend and Hans Zimmer hybrid.

?8/10 Saitenkult (De): This year's monumental work of progressive rock and progressive metal comes from Max Enix, bears the concise title 'Far From Home' and captivates for other 160minutes !

?8/10 AWESOME Review ! SoundMagnet (De) ? "Densely packed Cineastic Progressive Metal with orchestral violence. In addition to the vocals of Max Enix himself, who does a great job and is quiet varied, the female vocals are sung by Elise Wachbar and cut an equally good figure. For fans of symphonic metal with cinematic means and a lot of mass and class, Max Enix has a musical feast in store. "

?10/15 by Betreutesproggen (De):

?80/100 Rock Overdose (Greece) !
Max Enix's "Far From Home" is a magical musical journey, a musical adventure full of surprises. As a songwriter, composer and producer, Enix shows off his extraordinary talent by creating an ambitious double album that perfectly combines many different genres into a single body of work.
"Far From Home" is a work that transcends and breaks the boundaries between musical genres, presenting a work with a truly fresh sound and inspiring ideas that is definitely worth a listen.

?8/10 METAL HAMMER GREECE ! Passion is the beginning and the end of Far From Home. Passion for Art without limits, for unbridled creation and the elevation of man as a being and not as a consumer product. ?? Listen to it again and again and you will constantly discover something new.
"An extremely talented artist, one of those who doesn't just do calculations and measurements with the eyes on the number of sales, but dedicated himself soul and body to his Art. ?? Max Enix brings out his innermost soul, both musically and lyrically, in a way that you cannot resist and what he tells us is indicative of what it happens in his mind." ?

?8/10 ROCK HARD GREECE AWESOME! "The overall result is a triumph for Max Enix, who succeeded in creating something remarkable, something that fans of progressive music, but also those who like their sounds adventurous and provocative, will appreciate above all. He who takes risks and dares wins in the end."

?7.8/10 by Music Connection Magazine (Uk)

?RockHard Italy AWESOME review by Emanuele Biani, DPRP (Holland) AWESOME Words, Rocknytt (Swe), Radio Erdorin (Fr), This is Rock (Es), PowerPlay Magazine / The genuine emotion Enix has for his music is clear to pick up in his vocals. I can't say I loved them , but there's no doubt he has talent. Enix should be proud of his achievement; this is a monumental project he's put together, and he should be applauded for the sheer effort it must have taken.

?Awesome Rockallica (Greece). Far From Home is a project that take risks and wins. This is a double Album that Highlights Max Enix's ability as a composer and artist. It is a musical journey that transcends the boundaries of musical genres. Far From Home is one of those Albums that is worth listening to without a second thought..."

?Masterpiece/Awesome/Brillant by some listeners (world), advices and Many Others...

?Metal Alliance Mag / An ambition that exceeds the boundaries of the imaginable! The highest spheres of symphonic and European metal (Opeth, Ayreon, Therion...)! Max and Elise make a fine vocal duo. Max's multiple nuances and Elise's soft, charming timbre are a perfect match. Max's own performance on Beyond my Blood, where he embodies several characters through the nuances of his voice - and through his acting in the video clip - delivering a dialogue with himself full of expressiveness and emotion.
Emotion is the very essence of what Max Enix and co are trying to convey with Far From Home, and it's present at every moment, filled with passion and heart.
Listening to Far From Home, there's no doubt that it's an extraordinary album, in the first sense of the word, in terms of its ambitions, which go beyond boundaries rarely reached, and in terms of the musical journey it invites listeners to take part in. Just imagine what a feat it must have been at every level (logistical, financial, writing, musical arrangement...)!
As well as the practical aspects, it's also the more abstract ones that make Far From Home stand out from the crowd, because of the immensity of the heart and soul that went into it. Far From Home finds added strength in its ability to rediscover itself with each new listen, allowing it to improve like a fine wine.

?Lots of others to come...

Those who have listen to it put me (in General) in the Top Albums of 2023 !

?Rowan G Tepper (Layered Reality Production USA) and Lily Wardzala ! Far From Home Best Album of the Year 2023 ! It's a rare three-way tie for Album of the Year between:
Max Enix's magnum opus, "Far From Home"
Temperance's "Hermitage: Daruma's Eyes Part II"
Katatonia's "Sky Void of Stars"
[It's no coincidence that all three feature at least one person who was on stage as part of Ayreon this September in Tilburg]

?Michael Prado Fernandez (The dark Melody 9.7/10 South America webzine) / "Such an amazing album ?? My favorite one in Progressive music from this year."

?Fab Borré (Nawak Posse FR) this morning with the top french artist ! I am Number 5 in front of Mass Hysteria but he said that there was not really specific ranking !

?New order from Rafael (Spain) yesterday with this comment: "I did not know your music and it's a real discovery and one of the best new music I have listened to in the last years." Many people wrote this to me ! It's an honor !

?Top 100 Albums of the year : 71/100 in front of some of the biggest names !

?Top 40 Albums of the year / Thierry François (Metal Integral) = Number 37

?Just outside the top 23! In the nominees 13th, next to Peter Gabriel who is 15th (Profil Prog) by Alain Massard!

? Best Albums of 2023 Here too:

? Soul.and.Feelings Top 9 of the 2023 year ! Max Enix : Far From Home number 8

?Ahasverus / Top Albums 2023 ! Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Elle a quelque chose de magistral et s'impose en référence à plusieurs titres : son ampleur, sa durée, son casting, sa réalisation. Il fallait être fou pour mettre en chantier une oeuvre de la sorte, et génial pour la mener à bien de cette manière.

Interviews in the Comments ETC...

Work Hard For Shows


Work Hard in the sport Area and even more in the coming weeks/months before the shows! Ready to Fight

Be at Peace !


Have a great week end ! Stay true to yourself ! Lots of things and surprises are coming for you All ! Take care and stay safe! Be at Peace !

Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm


Max Enix / Far From Home Double Album /Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm Video clip here: With special guests Niklas Kvarforth, Derek Sherinian, Benjamin Guerry... Good Listening ! More videos for each songs on youtube !


Max Enix : Beauty in Darkness (2026) will be in the same veins as this in one Album of approximatively 1h20 ! Fusion of filmscore, black metal and hip hop etc... this time but far more hard and poetic in the same time ! Huge orchestrations and far more high and loud guitars ! The most violent Album I've ever done in my life ! Parental advisory lyrics with hard words against humanity ! Apocalyptic and wonderful in the same time !

Max Enix: Ocean of Light (2026) will be luminous , sunny, poetic and beautiful but the last song of 20min will be a mix of the 2 Albums (between light and darkness, between violence and calm) and a perfect ending to all this (The End of All and everyone ?) ! 1h20 approximatively too ! Very varied , emotional and powerful vocals in the 2 Albums I will made and a few guests = Some already here on the Far From Home Albums ! Epic and radio songs 

A REVOLUTION like the unexpected Albums covers and Videos !

Music of the Future


My music & musical universe are unique & incomparable! The same will apply to future festivals & concerts/tours/albums! Avant-garde & completely unexpected (voices, giant screen, smoke...)! Completely different from anything else you'll see! A marked difference from all the others! It's deliberate, because my music is a fusion of genres & doesn't fit into any one box! It will appeal to some and not to others! It's a bias & a unique vision! Big announcements coming soon! Music of the Future!

Thank You


I'd like to thank everyone who has supported me since the start of my career! Thanks to you and a lot of hard work I've become a reference in the modern music world/industry (for those who know me)! And this is just the beginning! Developing as an artist takes time, and Rome wasn't built in 1 day! Big announcements to come in the near future (Festivals/Shows/Tours/Albums/collaborations/Cinema/Business Etc...) ! See you soon

Now and The Future


Hello everyone,

I've finally taken the final decision to cancel the big festivals signed up for 2024/2025 (Pannonian Rock, Midalidare, Metal Fest, Ostrava, Master of rock, Master of rock winter, Rock castle, MetalHead, Metal days Etc...)! I think the idea of being alone on stage is a risky one at the moment and that the whole thing needs to be worked on very carefully! There's no point in launching yourself in front of a huge crowd straight away! It's better to get used to venues and gigs first! A few fests will be keep maybe ! I will let you know !

As a result, concerts and venues should be organised from next year onwards, and above all a major tour should be organised in 2026 in Asia, the USA and Europe for the release of the 2 albums Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light (2026)! Original and Orchestral Versions for more than 5 hours of music again ! Big promotion in sight! Stay tuned!

The set-up is good (lots of visuals on a giant screen, lights, effects etc...) but I'm a perfectionist and want everything to be as polished as possible! Everything will be professional (sound, images, visuals, stagecraft, vocals, etc.)! The vocals will be very emotional, powerful, varied and advanced in the 2 albums to come! Even more so than before ! Important for the best shows possible !

Mike St Jean, one of Devin Townsend's best friends who has performed many shows with him, will be on hand for visuals and lights, along with Johann Meyer, Gojira's sound engineer (depending on dates and availability)! Other surprises will be announced shortly!

Note that 2 vocals guests should be back on Beauty in Darkness: Niklas Kvarforth from Shining (Black Metal) and Michael Onetwenty (Hip Hop) ! Drums guest George Kollias (Nile) ! Black metal Guitars guests maybe or others (to see) ! Fusion of Filmscore, Black Metal, Hip Hop , Jazz Etc...) ! For the Ocean of Light album, a few guests will be announced (female and male)! I will be the principal singer and performer ! I'll let you know more in the near future! But never one genre at a time (always Fusion) !

Max Enix : Music, songwriter, composer, singer, art director, lyricist, actor etc...
Thomas Kubler: Orchestrator and arrangements, piano
Xavier Boscher: Guitars
Jean Jacques Moréac (Misanthrope): Bass
Leo Margarit (Pain of Salvation): Drums

David Castillo (Studio Grondahl): Mix
Tony Lindgren (Fascination Street Studios): Mastering
Vocals Recording Studio : To see
Milo Lee: Photos

Videos director : Bloudengaztia Wolfgang , Lucas Bastian and Mathieu Buccholzer , DMPX Web again normally ! To confirm !

Lots of work with WormHoleDeath, Epictronic and Carlo Bellotti Publishing in the coming months (signing artists and much more in the music industry)! I can't be everywhere at once and there are priorities! Especially with the parallel pace of life, my moving to Italy very soon, my private life, sport, constant singing training, writing, preparing future videos, ideas for future Albums (Illustrations...), new interviews and reviews to come, projects and collaborations that are taking shape (singing, composing, cinema Etc Etc...)! + Private Things to sort out !

I'll keep you posted and thank you for your support! All the good things take time ! And don't forget to listen the Far From Home Albums here : and the Constellia Album here:

Always futuristic and Avant garde !

See you soon 

Max Enix

Beauty in Darkness & Ocean of Light Albums (2026)


Beauty in Darkness & Ocean of Light Albums (2026)

Max Enix : Composer & Thomas Kubler : Orchestrator

New Orchestral Excerpt on the Max Enix Facebook Pages !

Huge things are coming !

These Albums will be a Fusion of Filmscore, Black/Gothic Metal-Rock, Prog, Variety, Jazz, Hip Hop Etc...! Original and orchestral versions again !

Constellia / Secret Garden (2019)


Constellia / Secret garden (2019) cover by Claudia Mckinney !

Co/composition for this one with an other composer (producer) ! But I'm the Art director, lyricist, singer between others too (Videos here on Facebook) ! I have composed the themes and he the rest, then after the piano parts was made all the elements was based on the vocals parts I have created ! I wanted something very direct ! Radio songs (my choice for this one) ! Different from Far From Home (2023) with only Epic songs and where I am the main composer (music etc...), Songwriter, Art director, Lyricist, Singer Etc... ! And Thomas Kubler the orchestrator/Arranger Like for the future !

Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light (2026) that will go much further than Far From Home on every areas will have epic songs and radio songs like for the Future (and certainly more instrumental parts) !

Bandcamp link and other plateforms to listen the album, see the album booklet and read the lyrics:


I won't be playing these tracks live again because of shared rights issues and for other reasons! So everything will be focused on Far From Home and future albums for upcoming concerts, festivals and tours!

Videos here: Secret Garden: , Candle of Hope: , The Ocean of Dreams: , Spirit of Peace live: , Shining Stars Live: and TV7 3 Songs Live: 

Next Albums Line Up


*Jean-Jacques Moréac (Bass) and Xavier Boscher (Guitars) will be back on the 2 forthcoming albums "Beauty in Darkness" and "Ocean of Light" (2026)! I'll be keeping all my piano parts too this time = no other pianist (in addition of the strings...), which will be taken over by Thomas Kubler (Orchestrations and additional arrangements)! As for the drummer who will take over the programmed drum parts (if we don't keep all like that), Leo Margarit (Pain of Salvation) may be back! There'll be a few guest guitars and vocals again (maybe drums), which I'll let you know about! Although I'll be doing at least 3/4 of the vocals this time (Extremely varied = 10 times more than in Far From Home with some Avant garde effects on it too sometimes) ! There will also be more instrumental parts Etc... The music and the whole thing will eclipse many things you know, and Far From Home too!

*Max Enix / Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light Albums:

Max Enix: Music, Vocals, Art director, Lyricist, Actor(videos) Etc...
Thomas Kubler: Orchestrator and additional arrangements
Jean Jacques Moréac: Bass
Xavier Boscher: Guitars
Leo Margarit: Drums = to be confirmed (or others or programmed)

*Professional Festivals / Shows / Tours Etc... ! Max Enix will be alone on stage (Vocals) with awesome lightings, visuals, sound Etc... ! Very powerful and Emotional ! Announcements soon ! And others things to come...

Fireworks Magazine


Far From Home / Max Enix: Music, Vocals, Art Director, Lyricist Etc... and Thomas Kubler: Orchestrator/additional arrangements  like for the Future Albums ! Musicians (or guests) aside will (of course) adapt their parts to the compositions/orchestrations/Vocals already created (depending on what I wish in general) !

Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag) / Far From Home Review excerpt (Original and Orchestral) : "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music." 

The next Albums Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light (Original and Orchestral Versions with exclusive sounds FX = Approximatively 1h20 Each = 5hours whole) will be for fans of Opeth, Hans Zimmer, Shining, Devin Townsend, Danny Elfman, Pain of Salvation, Marillion, David Bowie, Dream Theater, Dodheimsgard, Vangelis, Rhapsody (first period), Howard Shore, Katatonia , Arcturus and Far From Home of course ! 

***"They wanna see you do good but never better than them. Remember that." That's why some people push you aside, want to control media/people around (kiss people's asses for that) and want to dominate some areas = push themselves forward (to get opportunities instead of you) ! They don't want that you overshadow them ! The law of the jungle ! I don't work like that (and see precedent post with Hans Zimmer Self Taught without formal educations and methodology) Etc... 

Hans Zimmer Work Methodology


*EN: AGAIN (for some Elites, jealous ones, some assholes I have worked with and malicious tongues who have not his talent)! Hans Zimmer Self-taught = Only 3hours of piano lessons in his own life (it's why his music is Unique and better than 90% of all the others who sounds the same) ! Almost the same work methodology as me (composer, singer, Art director, Lyricist ETC...) ! EMOTION Before All ;)

There will always be people who try to make a mess of things and destroy other people's projects for their interests and domination, that's just the way it is! We have to move forward! Let them mind their own business ! FUCK !!! And let's not forget that most singers are just performers !

Hans Zimmer Methodology: "Hans Zimmer's career has been marked by an unorthodox approach to music and film scoring and part of this lies, he thinks, in his lack of formal training. "I have no technique and I have no formal education, so the only thing I know how to write about is something that's inside of me." : Full Article:

*** Forum/Hans Zimmer Way of working (some elitist people are boycotting him because of that and that's very sad because you have to respect each other's working methodologies and the talent that goes with it):

"I have to disagree with Christopher Smith. This is what I often hear at my music college too. I don’t like that attitude of an elite who don’t credit non-formal trained musicians or composers. Thats just rubbish and kind of jealous.

I’m not working for Hans but I know one who has and want to defend him because he deserves what he accomplished.

First, Hans writes a suite for every film at the beginning and does it totally on his own. This is then rehearsed together with the director to show Hans’ ideas about the mood of the film and will serve as a basic tune toolbox later on. It contains basically the theme of the score. All harmonies, sounds and arrangements of the suite will be “re-used” as a template for filler and underlying music. These music parts are usually composed by his co-composers and this has little to do with his ability as a composer but to deliver an incredibly big production in a very short time and to free him from “boring” tasks to be able to concentrate on the major parts of the score. - Hans never got fired from a scoring gig - the deadline thing is one reason why. Btw. other composers also have assistants who work on their scores. Hans has just more…He also works incredible hours and literally lives the film during his scoring work. He is a master at perceiving a story and capturing the feel and atmosphere of a film. This is actually THE ability a film composer must have. He is a genius in that regard.

Hans on not reading music… He can read music of course but is maybe just not as fast as a trained musician. Also sight reading might not be his strength, he reads MIDI rolls like no one else. The jealous composer can say what he wants. This is a skill and its one most classical trained composers most likely do not have. Deal with it.

Hans’ music is powered by simplicity with innovative sound design which serves the picture unbelievable good. And that is the job! Yes, his scores are no Williams tunes. But there is already a Williams. There is also a Newman and an Elfmann - you get the picture….Hans is just another kind of signature. He manages to get gigs and the movies he scored become usually hits. That speaks for him too.

And no composer orchestrates the whole score by themselves. Even John Williams writes his scores just on the piano and pass the raw piano score to his orchestrator. To claim Hans is not a real composer because he cannot orchestrate on paper is bollocks. In fact, he started the whole MIDI orchestration thing. In other words, he already orchestrates while writing the score. Just not on paper. Ok, maybe he makes some voice leading mistakes when things get complex but the orchestrater will rule that out later on - thats his job. But again, even the likes of Williams has got own orchestrators. So come on, give him what he deserves."

New Awesome Review

01/03/2024 New Awesome Max Enix / Far From Home review ! Thanks a Lot Gary Hill

Sorting Souls


They think they control people, but they're controlled by their own stupidity and Ignorance (misplaced intelligence based on futilities and their limited conditions = See the Test) ! No more, no less ! If they base their lives on control, they've understood nothing about existence! The DIVINE sees all and some will Fall ! You will see it's just a matter of Time ! Their souls are already dead ! They are responsible for the end of this Era and have blood on their hands! Of course these people won't understand, because they're only interested in materialism and Money (they can't see any further than the end of their noses and their/our bodies)! They crucify the spirit and the soul that goes with and will be damned in return! Remember the history, remember their arrogance and malice ! They do it again (they have not changed) ! I am/We are on the right path = The TRUTH Path # The executioners' path ! FIGHT to our last Breath ! Don't forget what humans can do ! They'll be up against forces they don't know soon (the sorting souls) ! Their madness stops there! And they can laugh all they want! They're already doomed! The FUTURE is Here (APOCALYPSE) and some will cry like children (if they still can) ! The conspiracies will explode with everyone inside! A Gigantic Army for True Justice and Goodness is here (Billions of souls against some thousands) ! The roots of all Evil will be destroyed ! The universe and its forces are far more powerful than mere earthlings! The trick of true evil and brainless jokers is to keep you away from good to continue its reign ! The sacrifice was not made in vain! It made it possible to separate the good souls from the bad who instrumentalise all behind fake apparences ! And mediocre minds will drift away because they won't seek to understand and will turn to the evil and sectarian ones (and their henchmen/gurus) ! If you step into the light, they'll say you've got ego! If you stay in the shadows, they won't say anything! They lost out to the tests of time (they remained blind) and led corruptible souls to their downfall (the Devil's ruse who will tempt to justify himself and tempt others behind different strategies, in vain Finally) ! WAKE UP ! The Elements win (remember creation and beyond, fields of consciousness, black holes, dark matter/energies, memory of water and all its forms = steam... )  ! CHECKMATE ! 

*The devil aside Jesus Christ doesn't look like a demon with horns ! It's a representation! Evil is the thirst/abuse of power, abusive interests, fanaticism, the I don't care attitudes, sectarianism, oppression, The Snakes/Sharks/Judas in disguise... ! FIGHT

*The Spirit and Beyond...

*Not Black or White ! Not Earth or Universe ! Not Day or Night ! Not Angel or Demon ! Not God or Devil (or others names) ! Not Humans or Aliens ! Not symbols of Peace or Hate ! Not Intelligence or Emotional intelligence ! Not Earth paths or Spiritual paths ! Not Body or the Spirit or the Soul ! But Black AND White = ALL TOGETHER = UNIVERSAL EQUILIBRIUM 



Beauty in Darkness Album (2026) = 78min will represent horror on Earth (Hell) made by humans and torturers with fascinating music (a mix of film music, black metal and hip hop Etc...)! A composition will be made about concentration camps (with an anime video clip)! Parental advisory lyrics (Very Harsh and crude words against some people and society) !!! Ocean of Light Album (2026) = 78min will represent beauty on Earth and Divine = Paradise (mix of film music, variety, rock, jazz etc...) before a finale (20min composition) where light and darkness will battle before coming together against some human hearts and executioners since the beginning of our Era for an APOCALYPTIC and transcendent finale! I've outdone myself (Music, Vocals and All) like Thomas Kubler for the orchestrations Etc... ! Epic and radio songs with a few Awesome guests ! More instrumental passages ! Vocals = 10 times more variation in my voice than in Far From Home (who already has quite a few) given that I'll be practically the only one singing with a handful of guests! You'll see my whole range of possibilities (Work Hard)! I'll try to pay more attention to the pronunciation too! Let's not forget that I was originally supposed to be the only singer on Far From Home and that I opted for guests who covered all the vocal lines I sang and created (who then interpreted them in their own way) in addition of mine! You'll find this duality everywhere (music videos, illustrations, album covers (unexpected), concert atmospheres, etc...). Never heard/seen before ! Above and beyond the norm ! The liberation/sorting of the souls and Innocents Finally = FREEDOM 



*** VISION ! APOCALYPSE IN THE COMING MONTHS/YEARS ! The Russians are going to conquer Europe with the help of Asian and African countries and will rise up against the USA ! Nuclear attacks will be carried out on their territory and around (World War 3)! By dint of being blinded by bullshit... This is what will happen!



Max Enix / Far From Home / New Review / Didn't see this one before ;) Thanks a Lot Odayrox ! Highly Recommended ! 

Extract: ”Far From Home” is an extremely enjoyable ride, Max Enix took his time in polishing and perfecting every detail making every moment count, creating a monster of an album that’ll get him and the listener on the same wavelength emotionally and musically. It’s a long piece of work to dissect in one listen, but well worth of your time as it’s very enjoyable.

France Metal Awards

21/02/2024 Merci Beaucoup de m'avoir inclus dans la liste des France "Metal" Awards (même si ma musique est plus hybride et fusionne divers genres) !

Video Clips


Max Enix Beyond my Blood video clip photo ! They don't understand you and will pass you off as "Crazy or Unconscious" because that's the only way they can get rid of their inconsistencies! CONSCIOUSNESS is there! You're "crazy" to all those who can't manipulate you! I'm not here to base myself on trivia (childish things) and listen others, but to build my own legend!

Video clips on youtube: Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm:  , Far From Home (orchestral):  , City of Mortals:  , Tears of Earth:  , The Broken Face:  , Beyond my Blood:  , FULL Album (video) orchestral:  , FULL Album (video) original: Between many Interviews , Reviews, Articles and on the Website too:

Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light (2026) Albums are coming and will transcend your way of seeing things (much further than Far From Home in every respect) ! Festivals are coming / Tours (Asia...) and Shows , projects, collaborations, Cinema, Music Industry bigger responsibilities ETC... The FUTURE is Here



Video on Facebook and Instagram ! Working on the vocals (based on the orchestrations this time) at home for the Future Albums to be released in 2026, before the rhythms, Guitars Etc...  I need total freedom in everything I do (to have the best result possible) ! No real lyrics here (the real one will be very deep) but it'll give you an idea of the atmosphere in Beauty in darkness, with the narration, the instrumentals, the vocals...! It's only a beginning and draft here of course (no dubbings here...) ! Good Night ! 

Break the Codes


Work Hard ! Create your own rules ! Follow your own path ! You're not other people's puppets/slaves ! The Future is Here ! FREEDOM !

"Find someone who enjoys your Madness. Not an idiot who forces you to be normal."

New EPIC Interview


New Epic and very actual Interview here ! Thanks a Lot Dimitris Zacharopoulos who rated Far From Home as an instant classic in his review! I would like to add that I work actually on the vocals at home for the 2 New Albums to come in 2026 and these vocal lines will explode everything I have done in term of Emotions, variations and power like the music ! Can't wait to share that with you !

Extract: "The last months the name Max Enix has been been heard many times. The talented artist and his debut album, “Far From Home”, are in the spotlight of the worldwide heavy metal community, because Max managed to release something spectacular, a music miracle, which starts from the realms of progressive/symphonic metal and moves towards strange soundscapes that mesmerize the listener. It is usually said that Max Enix’s music is a wonderful kind of film-score metal!"

Nilou Albums


Nilou the Dog is soaking wet and looks at me strangely ! It's raining hard here! He's brought back the beast... The Max Enix "Far From Home" double Album (internationally acclaimed)! And the previous one under Constellia (more simple) called Secret Garden ! New Albums "Beauty in Darkness" and "Ocean of Light" (2026) in the pipeline and big news for big festivals/shows to come (names of the well-renowned lights and sound technicians that will come with me for the epic and impressive solo concerts/Tours soon Etc...) ! I will sing all my parts and some of the guests parts too (with strong visuals/lightings/sound...) ! It will be Powerful and emotional with lots of modulations ! The best possible formula finally ! Real shows, with lots of surprises in store! All will be filmed ! Transcendent and professional! Different from what's out there, like albums (with a Universe on its own) ! Never seen/heard before like the Future stuff/projects ! Some people didn't believe in Far From Home and were dealt a monumental blow in their face! Some people didn't believe in concerts and they're going to be taught a huge lesson (Vocals, Shows Etc...)! Some people didn't believe in my future projects and they're going to be hit with an atomic bomb at home! 



Taylor Swift: «Je suis aux infos tous les jours pour plein de raisons. Et parfois, si vous laissez vos angoisses prendre le dessus, on peut avoir l’impression que tout le monde attend que vous vous plantiez, et qu’après vous soyez finie», ajoute-t-elle. «Je pense que je dois prendre un peu de congé. Et les gens ont peut-être aussi besoin de moins me voir. Je vais passer du temps avec mes amis. Ecrire de nouveaux morceaux, ou peut-être pas. Je ne sais pas», a-t-elle confié au magazine. Ils la poussent à faire un break !

La nature humaine ! Ils veulent détruire les gens qui ont du succès, gagnent de l'argent ou veulent casser les codes (changement) depuis le début de notre ère ! Trop d'exemples ! Encore pire quand ils sont au sommet (ils mentent, inventent des histoires, des rumeurs...) ! Il faut rester fort face à tous ces gens envieux et jaloux qui dézinguent à tout va et qui veulent garder le monopole !

Même entre personnes célébres c'est le bordel (ils veulent dominer et garder le monopole du succès) = Regardez le cas d'Amber Heard manipulatrice hors pair (avec de fausses images) contre Johnny Depp (qui a gagné fort heureusement) ! La nature humaine !

Le prochain Album Beauty in Darkness sera apocalyptique sur la nature humaine et les atrocités qu'elle a commise (sans compromis et avec des paroles très dures)! Ocean of Light sera lumineux et montrera les merveilleux coté de celle ci aussi (l'Amour, la compassion, la bonté...) mais la dernière chanson épique (20min) qui sera transcendente remettra les pendules à l'heure avec toutes ces bandes de chiens qu'incarne la race humaine !

"They wanna see you do good, but never better than them. Remember that."

*Des articles très intéressants:
-"Je n'ai pas été le seul mais j'ai été le plus esquinté de tous. On ne voulait pas de moi, on voulait me balayer mais ils ont eu dû mal... ce sont eux qui ont été balayés", Charles Aznavour
- Article ultra intéressant ! On voit à quel point certains artistes en ont bavé (les foudres de la critique) avant de réussir mondialement !

Festivals, Shows, Concerts, Tours...


Hello everyone, finally I may be keeping some of the big festivals I have signed but in a different configuration (more profitable for me because for a solo project all the musicians I have together are too expensive = or to see with a production company in the future )! I'll be alone on stage singing (Powerful/emotional and transcendent vocals) with an excellent sound engineer (sequences behind), lighting engineer and some superb visuals in the background! All will be professionnal ! It can be tricky (risk taking) in this configuration when you're playing after established bands with famous musicians (and requires a good dose of courage), but I'll see and it will be wonderful too ! I'll keep you posted if it's possible!

In any case, I'll probably be organising a Tour in 2025 in Europe or the UK in this configuration (with futuristic elements projected) in various venues where Far From Home will be played and sung in its entirety! And another tour in 2026/2027 in Asia, US or elsewhere with this configuration (normally) when the 2 new albums Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light will be released! By the way, I've got 3 or 4 exceptional vocals guests in store who'll add a masterful soul to these 2 albums (Some of them present on the Far From Home Albums) even though I'll be singing 80% of the vocal parts this time ! FUSION with apocalyptic ones on Beauty in Darkness and Softer ones on Ocean of Light !

Safety is going to have to be top notch too, believe me, with all those crazies around! And all liars (different areas) who wanted to put me aside or blocked me will be destroyed by the TRUTH in everything I do ! Reality will give them a lesson AGAIN !

I'll keep you posted for All ! Lots of announcements in the coming months ! See you soon!

The Future is Here !

New Max Enix Review 8.5/10 Trashocore


8.5/10 / New Max Enix Far From Home Review / Thanks a Lot Trashocore (FR) for the beautiful words !

Some words here (English Translation): Something as ambitious as this, in France, is frankly something I've rarely (never?) seen! It's a near-flawless achievement, that's for sure.

I'm much more seduced by the male voices, both in terms of the choice of tessitura and the way they're combined, positioned according to the variations in intensity, the desired climates, etc. It's impressive, once again, in the way it's done.

Not being a musicologist myself, it would be difficult for me to go into more detail about the technical characteristics of the various songs, but I can only say that the composer has not fallen into the trap of making music for musicians, and that he always strikes the right balance between technique and melody, the complexity of demanding music made accessible to as many people as possible. In other words, you can enjoy Far From Home whatever your level of expertise: neophyte, professional, novice, experienced artist or weekend guitarist. And that's really great, especially for a guy like me who doesn't listen to much of this musical genre.

New Max Enix Far From Home Review 8.5/10 Mythofrock


And an other review 8.5/10 ! Max Enix Far From Home from Mythofrock ! Thanks a lot Dimitris Zacharopoulos for your wonderful words !

Some words: That’s nothing short of an artistic recital! Live this instant classic now! This musical masterpiece promises an unparalleled sonic journey, boasting a fusion of progressive-symphonic-post rock/metal, film score and a myriad of diverse elements, including world/new age, hip hop, jazz and avant-garde influences, never heard before. “Far From Home” transcends musical boundaries, weaving a tapestry of epic, emotional and complex compositions. This double album is not a simple collection of ordinary tracks, but a conceptual music gem. “Far From Home” creates soundscapes beyond music and words, a universe that extends beyond the confines of traditional musical expression. I enjoyed great vocal performances, intricate arrangements, fantastic music themes, incredible solos etc. It stands as a beacon in the musical landscape, offering a unique and unforgettable experience. For sure, a must-listen for those who appreciate the limitless potential of musical expression, an over two hours and a half musical adventure, which will cast a spell on you.

Future Priorities


Hello everyone,

I've made a personal, difficult but necessary decision!

I'm going to devote myself mainly to studio albums, film music, collaborations (Singing, Music, Cinema...), to Carlo Bellotti Publishing (WormHoleDeath/Epictronic etc...) as Head of A&R (signing bands/artists) and much greater responsibilities in the future, to my family, to Valou my girlfriend... ! I need to structure things and focus on the essentials!

So I'm going to cancel all the 10 big festivals I've already signed up for 2024(Metal Fest, Rock Castle, Pannonian Rock Fest, Master of rock winter ETC...) and 2025 (Master of rock, Ostrava, Prague Rocks, metalHead, MetalDays and Sonic Park) for personal and financial reasons too, because yes, it costs too much money when you have a one man project = Musicians repetitions/Travels/Accomodations/fees etc... (and too much pressure)! The surrounding environment is unhealthy too! And it's better for my mental health too, with all these crazies around (you end up going mad especially when you are too nice = they take advantage of your kindness) ! I'm staying away from anything toxic (people) and from some childishness games ! Some humans are just too stupid and I have no time to lose with them ! I have an honour and I don't want to sacrifice it !

Thanks for the great team who was ready to come and play/sing with me (Paula Teles on Vocals, Patrice Guers on Bass, Olivier Lapauze on Guitars, Pierre-Emmanuel Desfray on Drums Etc...) ! See you later !

What's more, I want to gradually merge musical and artistic genres (fusion) and I don't want to be attached to any particular scene! There'll probably be concerts in the future when the 2 new albums come out in 2026, but in different configurations (you'll find me with a reduced line-up, magnificent images, superb lighting, excellent sound, Transcendent vocals etc.) ! All will be professional as always ! Good things take time!

For future albums and projects I'll be calling on very few people around me (the best ones and the most involved = Thomas Kubler for orchestrations, Hugo Williame for programmations , Xavier Boscher for guitars and bass even if all can be programmed too with the indications I give and a very few guest), and I promise you that the result will be just as Dantesque and even more so! The more personal the projects are, the more successful they are in my opinion! Remember that most artists are just performers! I've chosen to be a songwriter, composer, singer, performer, lyricist, art director, actor and more (Music industry responsibilities for international Label ETC...) ! I have my OWN vision (OWN work Methodology) ! You can see that on Far From Home (Constellia/Secret Garden was different with an other way of working but was just a draft of the future) and you will see that far more on all my future projects (Music, Vocals and All) ! So Some people can just keep their mouths shut and stop spread shit or I will shut them down myself again and again until they understand) !

Have a great day! Wonderful things are happening! Thank you for your support and for the trust ! See you soon !

The Future is Here !

Beauty in Darkness first Extract


Max Enix / Beauty in Darkness Album (2026)
First 2 Extract on Facebook:  and fan page here: !
Ocean of Light Album (2026) Later !
Ready for Transcendence ? Have a great day !
Max Enix: Composer / Thomas Kubler: Orchestrator

Then you'll know what divine justice is Against oppressors and executioners on all sides ! For the Innocent ones ! AMEN !

Parental Advisory Content


Max Enix / Beauty in Darkness Album (2026) will be classified " Parental Advisory Content" (Some very raw/rough/hard words about the society we are living in and some mentalities) ! I'm going for it! I won't spare anyone (in every areas) ! These sons of bitches will be fucked! It's going to be a Time Bomb! I'm going to make even more enemies ahah ! But more friends too ! Ocean of Light (2026) will be the opposite ! More Informations soon ! 2 special guests on it normally (already here in the Far From Home double Album) !

Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light will be for fans of Opeth, Hans Zimmer, Shining, Devin Townsend, Danny Elfman, Pain of Salvation, Marillion, David Bowie, Dream Theater, Dodheimsgard, Katatonia , Arcturus and Far From Home of course !

The Metal Mag Front Cover


Thanks a lot Franck Michaud and TheMetalMag ! Max Enix / Far From Home 100/100 and front cover of the magazine ! Interview too on it and in the Facebook page ! Have a Great day ! All the Best, Max

Aim of my Projects


The aim of my projects is to make you realise things about human nature and the world we live in (Earth and Universe)! Mediocrity and Beauty! We are going to create a new Future for the (new) generations (in perdition) because some do not have any or more! Some are backward, regressing or stagnating ! Wake up and open your eyes! I'm not here to do the same promotion or use the same codes as everyone else! I'm doing it my way! It's going to take time, but I'm here to set an example, and some nasty people will try to kill me just like they killed the innocent in the past! Stay away from their whorish ways or your soul is already dead ! The domination of idiots and their stupid instrumentalisations/caricatures is about to end! We need to change Society ! Evolution ! I'm not here to keep my mouth shut like far too many people (without Courage) ! I say what people think in silence and I'm here to stand up for the Innocents since the beginning of our Civilization ! A New Era come for All ! The Future is Here !

Ready for Transcendence


Max Enix / Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light Albums (2026) ! First Beauty in Darkness audio extract this month ! Be ready for Transcendence (Music, Vocals, Videos, Photos...) ! In the meantime, a gigantic plan of attack for Far From Home is being put in place (dozens and dozens of new reviews, interviews, major festivals, concerts...) and collaborations (Singing, Music, Film, Music Industry, etc...)! Via WormHoleDeath I will sign new contracts for the great Artists/Bands too



Max Enix / Far From Home / Double Album
Thanks for All (Everyone) ! Dozens of new ones to come 

*100/100 TheMetalMag ! "A living dream we all need. A worldwide collaboration of artists spreading love using music the strongest way to spread the biggest message the world needs right now. A masterpiece to own without hesitation ! Human beings are destroying this beautiful world we are living in. Music is the peace of mind and helps fly away from this madness. Added to an orchestra team, it elevate the usual albums you are used to listen to. Sometimes closed to a movie soundtrack, each track has its own life. You are embarked into a world of imagination spilling beauty and happiness expressing what the world is going through at the moment."

*10/10 by Metal Zenith (USA):

*10/10 Frenzy Fire and Metal Gods TV (UK) ! And Majestic, magnificent, meandering and moving. For the entire two hours and forty minutes, 'Far From Home' is a captivating and engaging slab of grandeur - definitely not an anthemic driving album!
'Far From Home' has something for every one, whether you're a fan of Dream Theater, Opeth, Nightwish, Katatonia, Pink Floyd, Freddie Mercury, or David Bowie. And as an added bonus, there's gonna be an "orchestral version" of the album released later this year! As if 'Far From Home' couldn't get any better - yes it will!
Overall, an extraordinary and elegant journey of atmospheric symphonic rock and metal, and so much more.

*-10/10 by Onsnieuws (Holland):

*4.9 Stars on 5 Music Existence (US) !
It is truly a work of Art."

*9,7/10 The Dark Melody:
"By God, it is not possible for people to overlook a work so well done! My question is whether Max will be able to surpass what has been achieved with this monument so full of art , since the level of quality is something that exceeds all conventional limits on a full scale."
Album Of the Year for now

*18/20 by Metal Integral (Fr):

*Solid MASTERPIECE by Rock Era Magazine (Egypt):

*MASTERPIECE by Metal1on1 (USA):

*ASTONISHING by Adriconelrock (Es):

*MASTERPIECE Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag) / "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music." 

*MASTERPIECE Brutally Delicious (US): « It's been a long time since I've heard anything at all like this ! It's a true and Grandiose undertaking /

*CHEF D'OEUVRE by Ahasverus Cornelius (Fr) / "Monumental/Magistral Mieux qu'un opéra métal, au-delà des productions qu'on nous présente habituellement sous cette bannière, Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Le résultat global est proprement impressionnant, réalisé sans temps mort ni fausse note. " Max Enix artiste du mois de Juin 2023 !

*MASTERPIECE Orkus Magazin (De): Far From Home is called as Epic Cinematic Masterpiece! "Far From Home" is like a varied adventure, so that the double album, which does not shy away from pieces of more than 10 minutes, should be enjoyed from beginning to end. 

*MASTERPIECE / Black Night Radio: "Probably one of the best Metal albums of 2023, from Mr Max Enix. A Great Masterpiece 

*MASTERPIECE Pete rock news and views / Max Enix’s “Far From Home” is a remarkable release that transcends the boundaries of musical genres, offering listeners an immersive and profound experience that stretches over two captivating discs. Enix’s prowess as a singer-songwriter, composer, and producer shines brilliantly in this ambitious double album. Enix’s ability to seamlessly blend these diverse elements is a testament to his compositional prowess and artistic vision. Whether you are a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a musical odyssey that defies expectations, “Far From Home” is a must-listen experience that leaves a lasting impression.

*TOUR DE FORCE ! Big Bang Magazine (FR)/
Never before... A musical project brought together so many different forces, and Far From Home is nothing short of titanic.
The vocal duets are seductive, and Max Enix does magnificently well in the midst of these exceptional singers, where fury and lyricism battle it out.
Somewhere between Hans Zimmer and Devin Townsend. Far From Home reveals its highly cinematic potential.
Unique and exceptional character of Far From Home, a veritable river rock opera driven by the talent and ambition of a single man, who deserves to be saluted for his extraordinary tour de force. The self-sacrifice of an artist at the service of his work.

*MASTERPIECE ! Rocker United (Local stage worldwide) <3
“Far From Home” rewards a unique musical experience that is almost incomparable to any other release I can think of.
"Far From Home" is a monumental achievement that showcases Max Enix's remarkable musical talents and his ability to craft a diverse and emotionally resonant body of work.
This album is a breath-taking journey through sound, with each track offering a unique and immersive experience.
Max Enix and his collaborators have created a masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on fans of progressive music and anyone seeking a profound and transformative musical adventure.
"Far From Home" is an epic odyssey that invites listeners to explore the boundless possibilities of contemporary music.

*9/10 World Of Metal TV / A real treasure for fan of progressive music where Max Enix shows his Enormous talent !

*4,5/5 ! (Hungary) ! Excerpt: In conclusion, „Far From Home” is an extraordinary musical odyssey that invites listeners to explore its sonic wonderland. Max Enix’s innovative composition and fusion of different styles create an immersive and profound experience that defies expectations. Whether you’re a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a unique musical journey, „Far From Home” is a must-listen masterpiece that leaves an indelible and lasting impression. This album is a testament to the boundless potential of contemporary music and a remarkable addition to the world of music.

*8.5/10 Mariskal Rock (Es) The Multifaceted metal Genius/ definitely elevates the composer as one of the most important creative minds, no longer on the international metal scene, but on any music label that self-respect:

*8.5/10 Rock Garage (De)
Excerpt: The use of male and female vocals alone brings a lot to the table, and as far as the songs are concerned, they already offer a lot of variety with their suspense arcs and both tempo and heaviness changes.
The orchestral version is what it says, the songs were recorded in orchestral style and are reminiscent of the soundtrack of the Schwarzenegger film "Conan".
In conclusion, a varied work with many twists and intelligent compositions. The entire album is worth a listen.

*84% Excellent Review by Via Nocturna (Portugal) !

*8,3/10 by Profil Prog (Canada):

*Josh Rundquist (Heavy Debriefings USA): Far From Home is one of the Best Album of the month (June) ! Awesome Review (nl) ! Excerpt: Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned.

*8/10 Metal Digest (Greek):

*Heavy HQ (Us) The scale of the album does feel like a Devin Townsend and Hans Zimmer hybrid.

*8/10 Saitenkult (De): This year's monumental work of progressive rock and progressive metal comes from Max Enix, bears the concise title 'Far From Home' and captivates for other 160minutes !

*8/10 AWESOME Review ! SoundMagnet (De)  "Densely packed Cineastic Progressive Metal with orchestral violence. In addition to the vocals of Max Enix himself, who does a great job and is quiet varied, the female vocals are sung by Elise Wachbar and cut an equally good figure. For fans of symphonic metal with cinematic means and a lot of mass and class, Max Enix has a musical feast in store. "

*10/15 by Betreutesproggen (De):

*80/100 Rock Overdose (Greece) !
Max Enix's "Far From Home" is a magical musical journey, a musical adventure full of surprises. As a songwriter, composer and producer, Enix shows off his extraordinary talent by creating an ambitious double album that perfectly combines many different genres into a single body of work.
"Far From Home" is a work that transcends and breaks the boundaries between musical genres, presenting a work with a truly fresh sound and inspiring ideas that is definitely worth a listen.

*8/10 METAL HAMMER GREECE ! Passion is the beginning and the end of Far From Home. Passion for Art without limits, for unbridled creation and the elevation of man as a being and not as a consumer product.  Listen to it again and again and you will constantly discover something new.
"An extremely talented artist, one of those who doesn't just do calculations and measurements with the eyes on the number of sales, but dedicated himself soul and body to his Art.  Max Enix brings out his innermost soul, both musically and lyrically, in a way that you cannot resist and what he tells us is indicative of what it happens in his mind." 

*8/10 ROCK HARD GREECE AWESOME! "The overall result is a triumph for Max Enix, who succeeded in creating something remarkable, something that fans of progressive music, but also those who like their sounds adventurous and provocative, will appreciate above all. He who takes risks and dares wins in the end."

*7.8/10 by Music Connection Magazine (Uk)

*RockHard Italy AWESOME review by Emanuele Biani, DPRP (Holland) AWESOME Words, Rocknytt (Swe), Radio Erdorin (Fr), This is Rock (Es), PowerPlay Magazine / The genuine emotion Enix has for his music is clear to pick up in his vocals. I can't say I loved them , but there's no doubt he has talent. Enix should be proud of his achievement; this is a monumental project he's put together, and he should be applauded for the sheer effort it must have taken.

*Awesome Rockallica (Greece). Far From Home is a project that take risks and wins. This is a double Album that Highlights Max Enix's ability as a composer and artist. It is a musical journey that transcends the boundaries of musical genres. Far From Home is one of those Albums that is worth listening to without a second thought..."

*Masterpiece/Awesome/Brillant by some listeners (world), advices and Many Others...

*Metal Alliance Mag / An ambition that exceeds the boundaries of the imaginable! The highest spheres of symphonic and European metal (Opeth, Ayreon, Therion...)! Max and Elise make a fine vocal duo. Max's multiple nuances and Elise's soft, charming timbre are a perfect match. Max's own performance on Beyond my Blood, where he embodies several characters through the nuances of his voice - and through his acting in the video clip - delivering a dialogue with himself full of expressiveness and emotion.
Emotion is the very essence of what Max Enix and co are trying to convey with Far From Home, and it's present at every moment, filled with passion and heart.
Listening to Far From Home, there's no doubt that it's an extraordinary album, in the first sense of the word, in terms of its ambitions, which go beyond boundaries rarely reached, and in terms of the musical journey it invites listeners to take part in. Just imagine what a feat it must have been at every level (logistical, financial, writing, musical arrangement...)!
As well as the practical aspects, it's also the more abstract ones that make Far From Home stand out from the crowd, because of the immensity of the heart and soul that went into it. Far From Home finds added strength in its ability to rediscover itself with each new listen, allowing it to improve like a fine wine.

*Lots of others to come (Dozens of others...) !

Those who have listen to it put me (in General) in the Top Albums of 2023 !

*Rowan G Tepper (Layered Reality Production USA) and Lily Wardzala ! Far From Home Best Album of the Year 2023 ! It's a rare three-way tie for Album of the Year between:
Max Enix's magnum opus, "Far From Home"
Temperance's "Hermitage: Daruma's Eyes Part II"
Katatonia's "Sky Void of Stars"
[It's no coincidence that all three feature at least one person who was on stage as part of Ayreon this September in Tilburg]

*Michael Prado Fernandez (The dark Melody 9.7/10 South America webzine) / "Such an amazing album ! My favorite one in Progressive music from this year."

*Fab Borré (Nawak Posse FR) this morning with the top french artist ! I am Number 5 in front of Mass Hysteria but he said that there was not really specific ranking !

*New order from Rafael (Spain) yesterday with this comment: "I did not know your music and it's a real discovery and one of the best new music I have listened to in the last years." Many people wrote this to me ! It's an honor !

*Top 100 Albums of the year : 71/100 in front of some of the biggest names !

*Top 40 Albums of the year / Thierry François (Metal Integral) = Number 37

*Just outside the top 23! In the nominees 13th, next to Peter Gabriel who is 15th (Profil Prog) by Alain Massard!

*Best Albums of 2023 Here too:

Soul.and.Feelings Top 9 of the 2023 year ! Max Enix : Far From Home number 8

Ahasverus / Top Albums 2023 ! Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Elle a quelque chose de magistral et s'impose en référence à plusieurs titres : son ampleur, sa durée, son casting, sa réalisation. Il fallait être fou pour mettre en chantier une oeuvre de la sorte, et génial pour la mener à bien de cette manière.

Please Vote


Max Enix / Far From Home is in the List ! New End of the year charts here (Between many others, Metal, Rock, Prog, Epic music and Others...) ! Thanks a lot Jan Bracke. Please vote if you want !


Voting is easy, click on your favorite album (maximum 10), enter your name and email address and click Vote!
You can vote until January 21!

New Rankings


Thanks a lot Alain Massard (Profil Prog) ! Just outside the top 23! In the nominees 13th, next to Peter Gabriel who is 15th 

People Love and People Hate


Some people will love you, some will hate you and some will remain neutral! We're not here to please everyone! If you don't like someone, cut him of your life and stop pissing him off. Full stop. Do what you like! Talk to who you want and about what you want respecting aspirations of both sides! Freedom of expression! Stay free against dictators/Monsters/Those who play the Victims wrongly, invert All and those who want to decide for you! Saying nothing in this society? It's like turning a blind eye to the killings, injustices (Submission) and giving the torturers a free hand! There are people suffering in the world (Each days dying because of wars) ! Stop thinking about yourself only in 2024 once and for all and take actions ! Wake Up with Courage and Fuck the tyrants ! Otherwise the world will continue to go round in circles with new wars etc... Before the end of our bastard era! Give LOVE and Compassion it s Better ! FREEDOM ! HUGE Things are coming ! More in the comments ! The Future is Here !

Thanks for All


I hope you have a wonderful evening! Before the 2024 greetings on this page, I'd like to thank you for your support and encouragement all along the 2023 year ! Thanks to you, in part, some very big things are in the pipeline for the years to come! It's all down to a lot of hard work too! We had to avoid having stones thrown at us by some closed minded people (in France, Alsace and the surrounding area), but Victory is here! Thank you to those who didn't believe in it, you gave me the strength to do it! The artistic world is dangerous, merciless and you have to fight constantly (adversity, unhealthy competition, haters, people who want to push you aside...)! Yes, I'm a perfectionist and I never want to neglect any detail! Thank you from the bottom of my heart 

-2024/2025 Already 10 very big festivals have been signed up! Bands and artists will be announced in early 2024! We'll be playing (Mainstage) with some of the best bands on the planet (Epica, Dimmu Borgir, Sonata Arctica, Septic Flesh, Amorphis, Amon Amarth, Kreator, Tarja already confirmed etc... + maybe more Huge names) in front of the crowds! Metal and non metal scene (so maybe Muse, Sting or these kinds of artists/Bands too) on some fests! A fantastic line-up will be accompanying me, as previously announced! Thank you for your confidence! Everything will be professional (vocals, musicians, etc.)! The power on stage will be devastating ! The whole thing will be filmed! There will also be smaller concerts with different configurations (with background images/videos, dynamic lighting, etc.)! Modern and futuristic as ever!

-Many new reviews of Far From Home (already one of the best Albums of the year, even the best for some), Interviews, Articles, Proposals, Collaborations etc... will be released (Singing, Music, Cinema etc...) !

-2 transcendent albums will be released in 2026! Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light! Complementary albums like Opeth's Deliverance/Damnation or Devin Townsend's Ghost/Deconstruction etc.! There will be a succession of very hard and quieter passages, and the fusion of genres will once again be in evidence! Aggressive passages and others that will make you dream! Very few guests this time! Epic and radio-friendly compositions too! Even more personal! Avant garde! Never heard or seen before! Everything will be thought out and worked on down to the last detail! You'll be amazed by the album covers, music videos, lyrics and more (completely unexpected and different) ! Dreams come true for some ! These albums will explode Far From Home in terms of emotion and atmosphere (just like the following albums, which will constantly exceed expectations)! My artistic choices will be thoughtful and powerful! PASSION and ART above all!

-Tours (US, Asia, Europe...) will be planned progressively as proposals and opportunities arise!

-Very big responsibilities await me in the industry (artistic/musical) at WormHoleDeath (where I'm already Head of A&R and sign numerous artists), Epictronic, Warner, Carlo Bellotti publishing... Between others!


I'm not telling you any more at the moment, as there are plenty of surprises in store! The future is here! Have a great New Year's Eve and see you tomorrow for the greetings !



Next Max Enix Movie: Far From Home orchestral (2h43) which you can see/listen here: !

Beauty in Darkness (2026) will be dark, hard, melancholic, powerful, haunting, mysterious, harsh and raw!

Ocean of Light (2026) will be lighter, sweeter, more poetic, romantic, Enigmatic etc... !

Avant Garde Transcendence ! Completely in tune with our Time ! Modern and Futuristic ! Always very Cinematic and Fusion ! I'll give you powerful, soulful, emotional vocal lines that very few people will ever be able to sing! Etc...

I have my own vision, my own methodology, and I'll never go for simplicity (the best work is made through difficulty and bloodshed)! I don't just make commercial music for the masses. I make ART ! I m a million miles away from the masses, alliances of fools and mediocre minds (I'd never listen to them and I follow my own path... Even if they'll do everything they can to push me aside!) ! I continue with the good ones and I Fuck the others and especially the backstabbers and the jealous and toxic ones (Whoever they are. I have worked with or not) ! No time to lose with those who don t understand me !

First excerpts (Piano/Strings/Choirs january 2024) ! Big Announcements soon ! The Future is here !



Thank you Marseille and Thierry François! Far From Home is in the top Albums of 2023 too. Numerous rankings for the moment (those who have listened to it), some of which put me at number one! A lot more promotion in 2024 and 2025 to make it known (Festivals with a fantastic line-up, live videos, Reviews, Articles, Concerts, Label work Etc...)!

Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light Albums in 2026, which will be transcendent and will go much further on many points, will get, as a result, a lot more media exposure and even more for the future (Albums, Collaborations, Worldwide Tours, Proposals, Cinema, responsibilities in the music industry etc...)!

The future is here!



Thanks for the Christmas Cigars! 1 or 2 a week seems enough! I don t smoke in general but I like cigars from time to time, especially the big ones (relax)! But smoking kills, don't forget! So sparingly or not like alcohol! Big festivals are coming (Announcements beginning of 2024) with transcendent, powerful vocals and Awesome Musicians ! Etc...

Merry Fucking Christmas


Merry Fucking Christmas and All the Best for everyone ! <3 

Far From Home in many end of the year list


Thanks a Lot Fab Borré (NawakPosse Webzine)! Far From Home, Max Enix's first proper album, is in many people's end-of-year charts all over the world (those who have listen it & Number 1 for some)! Many big festivals are coming up, concerts, collaborations, music industry responsabilities etc... The next 2 albums "Beauty in Darkness" and "Ocean of Light" (2026) and the following ones will go much further than Far From Home! Thanks for everything ! The future is here 

Alien Cats Recommandations


This year the alien cats recommend Far From Home (one of the best albums of the year for those who have listened to it)! Listen here and on all the digital platforms ! Metal Zenith review : Guitars - 10 , Rhythms - 10 , Vocals - 10 , Songwriting - 10 , Production - 10 , Overall - 10.00 (Between many and many others) ! 

Thomas Kubler


This is Thomas Kubler (26years old), who has worked with me on the Far From Home double Album at the very beginning of the adventure! He has taken the music I have fully composed/wrote (2h40) on the keyboard (strings/piano/indications) and then orchestrated the compositions! I then called on musicians who has performed their parts (arrangements) to my music wonderfully well (I have compose/written Almost all the piano/strings parts before except on some songs and all the drums was written too for info) ! Thomas, thank you again for your wonderful work!

I'll be revealing the artists who will accompany me (to play along my music, arrange their parts) on future albums as I go along (everything will depend on the albums, just like the concerts) but I'll still be working with Thomas Kubler for the orchestrations and some of the arrangements (that's for sure) ! Maybe he will program my piano parts too directly finally (We will see = no real need to expand the piano parts and have an other piano player because the emotions are the most important and it's my trademark) ! It can be an other orchestrator of course but Thomas is the best for me actually ! I will certainly made all my vocals lines on the orchestrations and piano parts directly this time and will incorpore progressively the others instrumental elements (Rythmic, lead guitars etc...) to have a complete osmose (EMOTIONS before All) !

I'm not interested in working with musicians who aren't capable of sharing the work that's been done (want to push them forward and use this for their own interests, take the cash and that's all)! Haters, say what you like, but you're not capable of releasing albums like that (not only music but the whole thing around) ! So shut up with your shit ideas and stop pushing you forwards, wrongly! Haters are going to throw stones at you anyway, whatever you do, and they're going to find ways of annoying you (for anything and everything = pathetic) ! Sometimes they pretend to be happy for you too (fake) !

Wonderful things are coming and the next albums will exceed all expectations and crush the competition (even if that was never the aim)! The music and vocals parts I prepare for you (and the orchestrations etc...) will exceed all conventional scapes !

*Once again I'm self taught like Hans Zimmer and others (without music theory learning like him) and compose all by ear (with a great team around)! Some idiots don't understand (or are jealous) like it's the case for Hans Zimmer (some elitists don't support that and want only music theory) ! Let them mind their own business! When you play music you're a musician and for me the most important are the emotions and the passion ! Don't listen their bullshit !

New WormHoleDeath Website

20/12/2023 The New WormHoleDeath Website is here ! We sign very good artists/Bands around the world ! We have offices in Los Angeles (USA), Tokyo (Japan), Firenze (Italy) and worldwide distribution/promotion ! I wait your messages here: ! A part of the Team here ! Huge announcements are coming (big responsibilities for me in the coming years Etc...) !

Art is my Passion !


Art is my Passion ! Breaking codes is my reality ! Breaking some arseholes too (as you now know ahah)! My future projects will always be in tune and ahead of their time! There are those who will love it (like Far From Home) and those who will hate it ! Do what you like before All and Fuck the rest ! All my projects will be completely different and will surpass their predecessors ! I'll never let myself be judged by morons (their reality is not mine) ! You're not in my head and you don’t know my state of mind ! A new Era is coming ! Union of All Origins against the culture of Domination (Scourge of humanity = Remember the past wars and see the actual ones)! The Future is here !

Next Albums 2026


Max Enix / Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light Albums (2026) will blow Far From Home (one of the best Albums of the year for some who have listened it) away on every count (except the numbers of the guests or real orchestra) ! Epic songs/Radio songs, transcendent music and vocal lines, Deep emotions etc... There are some big (and unexpected) surprises in store for you ! I've outdone myself ! Never heard before ! Have a great Sunday !

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. Serves as a reminder that our ability to think creatively and see beyond the constraints of our current reality is an essential ingredient for human progress." ,,, “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” ,,, "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots" and “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.” Albert Einstein (Ahead of his time) !

Festivals to come


Sport Area ! Work Hard (before the Festivals to come) !

Far From Home / Album of the year 2023


Some great news for the Far From Home double Album today! My first real Max Enix album for now ! For those who have listen it !

*Rowan G Tepper (Layered Reality Production USA) and Lily Wardzala ! Far From Home Best Album of the Year 2023 ! It's a rare three-way tie for Album of the Year between:
Max Enix's magnum opus, "Far From Home"
Temperance's "Hermitage: Daruma's Eyes Part II"
Katatonia's "Sky Void of Stars"
[It's no coincidence that all three feature at least one person who was on stage as part of Ayreon this September in Tilburg]

*Michael Prado Fernandez (The dark Melody 9.7/10 South America webzine) / "Such an amazing album ! My favorite one in Progressive music from this year."

*Fab Borré (Nawak Posse FR) this morning with the top french artist ! I am Number 5 in front of Mass Hysteria but he said that there was not really specific ranking !

*New order from Rafael (Spain) yesterday with this comment: "I did not know your music and it's a real discovery and one of the best new music I have listened to in the last years." Many people wrote this to me ! It's an honor !

*I am already in the top 100 of the year = 71 in front of some of the biggest bands here: / Josh Rundquist (Heavy Debriefings) and like he said (it could be number 1 or 11 or 50 for some it's all depends of the tastes but definitely in the top Albums of the year) !

Thanks a lot All <3 More ranking and lots of others things/surprises to come ! I'm working very hard on upcoming big festivals, shows and future Albums, projects, collaborations ETC.... The Future is Here !



People against people... Country against country... You're waging war on our souls... Just stay away from me! Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm song! Listen here: ! We must protect the innocent from the predators clutches (jokers) that roam our streets! Those who invert/manipulate the TRUTH! Before the APOCALYPSE! They'll NEVER win, and they'll have to answer to (divine) JUSTICE ! They'll be called up one by one and will cry like children! 

Devin Townsend Path


That's what some people said about the Genius Devin Townsend (my favorite artist of all time) at the beginning of his career, when he'd already released 6 albums and was around 30 years old ;) Misunderstood by the mass like many artists who break the codes! That takes times always ! Full Article here:

"But beyond these aspects - which are very personal, it has to be said - it's above all the impression that this guy is still too little known, and particularly in France, that encourages me to introduce him here. It is customary to say of certain artists that their talent will only be recognised after their death. But Devin Townsend is young, and there's no question of waiting until he's gone ad patres to give him the praise he deserves and encourage people to discover his music.

Admittedly, the Canadian singer-multi-instrumentalist-composer-producer (all that!!) is anything but an ordinary artist. He's a madman. Yes... he's a madman in the genial sense of the word. He's also a workaholic, releasing albums at a rate that defies belief." Etc...

Santa Claus / Far From Home


Hello guys, Santa Claus has a special message for you! Thank you so much !

"Hello it's Santa, for this Christmas you can buy to your children, parents and friends the Max Enix double album entitled "Far From Home" as well as its orchestral version! A very nice Christmas present that I'll deliver in time if the reindeer are fast enough of course (especially Rudolph). Oh Oh! " 

*Of course if you prefer you can also order the New Jul Album (French Rap = Certainly better for some) !



Max Enix / Far From Home / Double Album / 2h40
Some reviews here (Shared Again) ! One of the Albums of the year for some ! Thanks for All ! A better world is possible

Video clips on Youtube you can watch / Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm: , Far From Home (Orchestral): , City of Mortals: , Beyond my Blood: , Tears of Earth: , The Broken Face: ETC...
Full Albums with exclusive Images/Videos (2h39) : , Orchestral full Albums with exclusive sounds FX (2h43): ETC...

100/100 TheMetalMag ! "A living dream we all need. A worldwide collaboration of artists spreading love using music the strongest way to spread the biggest message the world needs right now. A masterpiece to own without hesitation ! Human beings are destroying this beautiful world we are living in. Music is the peace of mind and helps fly away from this madness. Added to an orchestra team, it elevate the usual albums you are used to listen to. Sometimes closed to a movie soundtrack, each track has its own life. You are embarked into a world of imagination spilling beauty and happiness expressing what the world is going through at the moment."

10/10 by Metal Zenith (USA):

10/10 Frenzy Fire and Metal Gods TV (UK) ! And Majestic, magnificent, meandering and moving. For the entire two hours and forty minutes, 'Far From Home' is a captivating and engaging slab of grandeur - definitely not an anthemic driving album!
'Far From Home' has something for every one, whether you're a fan of Dream Theater, Opeth, Nightwish, Katatonia, Pink Floyd, Freddie Mercury, or David Bowie. And as an added bonus, there's gonna be an "orchestral version" of the album released later this year! As if 'Far From Home' couldn't get any better - yes it will!
Overall, an extraordinary and elegant journey of atmospheric symphonic rock and metal, and so much more.

10/10 by Onsnieuws (Holland):

4.9 Stars on 5 Music Existence (US) !
It is truly a work of Art."

9,7/10 The Dark Melody:
"By God, it is not possible for people to overlook a work so well done! My question is whether Max will be able to surpass what has been achieved with this monument so full of art , since the level of quality is something that exceeds all conventional limits on a full scale."
Album Of the Year for now 

18/20 by Metal Integral (Fr): Le projet le plus ambitieux de l'histoire du metal français ?

Solid MASTERPIECE by Rock Era Magazine (Egypt):

MASTERPIECE by Metal1on1 (USA):

ASTONISHING by Adriconelrock (Es):

MASTERPIECE Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag) / "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music." 

MASTERPIECE Brutally Delicious (US): « It's been a long time since I've heard anything at all like this ! It's a true and Grandiose undertaking /

CHEF D'OEUVRE by Ahasverus Cornelius (Fr) / "Monumental/Magistral Mieux qu'un opéra métal, au-delà des productions qu'on nous présente habituellement sous cette bannière, Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Le résultat global est proprement impressionnant, réalisé sans temps mort ni fausse note. " Max Enix artiste du mois de Juin 2023 !

MASTERPIECE Orkus Magazin (De): Far From Home is called as Epic Cinematic Masterpiece! "Far From Home" is like a varied adventure, so that the double album, which does not shy away from pieces of more than 10 minutes, should be enjoyed from beginning to end. 

MASTERPIECE / Black Night Radio: "Probably one of the best Metal albums of 2023, from Mr Max Enix. A Great Masterpiece "

MASTERPIECE Pete rock news and views / Max Enix’s “Far From Home” is a remarkable release that transcends the boundaries of musical genres, offering listeners an immersive and profound experience that stretches over two captivating discs. Enix’s prowess as a singer-songwriter, composer, and producer shines brilliantly in this ambitious double album. Enix’s ability to seamlessly blend these diverse elements is a testament to his compositional prowess and artistic vision. Whether you are a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a musical odyssey that defies expectations, “Far From Home” is a must-listen experience that leaves a lasting impression.

TOUR DE FORCE ! Big Bang Magazine (FR)/
Never before... A musical project brought together so many different forces, and Far From Home is nothing short of titanic.
The vocal duets are seductive, and Max Enix does magnificently well in the midst of these exceptional singers, where fury and lyricism battle it out.
Somewhere between Hans Zimmer and Devin Townsend. Far From Home reveals its highly cinematic potential.
Unique and exceptional character of Far From Home, a veritable river rock opera driven by the talent and ambition of a single man, who deserves to be saluted for his extraordinary tour de force. The self-sacrifice of an artist at the service of his work.

MASTERPIECE ! Rocker United (Local stage worldwide) <3
“Far From Home” rewards a unique musical experience that is almost incomparable to any other release I can think of.
"Far From Home" is a monumental achievement that showcases Max Enix's remarkable musical talents and his ability to craft a diverse and emotionally resonant body of work.
This album is a breath-taking journey through sound, with each track offering a unique and immersive experience.
Max Enix and his collaborators have created a masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on fans of progressive music and anyone seeking a profound and transformative musical adventure.
"Far From Home" is an epic odyssey that invites listeners to explore the boundless possibilities of contemporary music.

9/10 World Of Metal TV / A real treasure for fan of progressive music where Max Enix shows his Enormous talent !

4,5/5 ! (Hungary) ! Excerpt: In conclusion, „Far From Home” is an extraordinary musical odyssey that invites listeners to explore its sonic wonderland. Max Enix’s innovative composition and fusion of different styles create an immersive and profound experience that defies expectations. Whether you’re a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a unique musical journey, „Far From Home” is a must-listen masterpiece that leaves an indelible and lasting impression. This album is a testament to the boundless potential of contemporary music and a remarkable addition to the world of music.

8.5/10 Mariskal Rock (Es) The Multifaceted metal Genius/ definitely elevates the composer as one of the most important creative minds, no longer on the international metal scene, but on any music label that self-respect:

8.5/10 Rock Garage (De)
Excerpt: The use of male and female vocals alone brings a lot to the table, and as far as the songs are concerned, they already offer a lot of variety with their suspense arcs and both tempo and heaviness changes.
The orchestral version is what it says, the songs were recorded in orchestral style and are reminiscent of the soundtrack of the Schwarzenegger film "Conan".
In conclusion, a varied work with many twists and intelligent compositions. The entire album is worth a listen.

84% Excellent Review by Via Nocturna (Portugal) !

8,3/10 by Profil Prog (Canada):

Josh Rundquist (Heavy Debriefings USA): Far From Home is one of the Best Album of the month (June) ! Awesome Review (nl) ! Excerpt: Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned.

8/10 Metal Digest (Greek):

Heavy HQ (Us) The scale of the album does feel like a Devin Townsend and Hans Zimmer hybrid.

8/10 Saitenkult (De): This year's monumental work of progressive rock and progressive metal comes from Max Enix, bears the concise title 'Far From Home' and captivates for other 160minutes !

8/10 AWESOME Review ! SoundMagnet (De) ? "Densely packed Cineastic Progressive Metal with orchestral violence. In addition to the vocals of Max Enix himself, who does a great job and is quiet varied, the female vocals are sung by Elise Wachbar and cut an equally good figure. For fans of symphonic metal with cinematic means and a lot of mass and class, Max Enix has a musical feast in store. "

10/15 by Betreutesproggen (De):

80/100 Rock Overdose (Greece) !
Max Enix's "Far From Home" is a magical musical journey, a musical adventure full of surprises. As a songwriter, composer and producer, Enix shows off his extraordinary talent by creating an ambitious double album that perfectly combines many different genres into a single body of work.
"Far From Home" is a work that transcends and breaks the boundaries between musical genres, presenting a work with a truly fresh sound and inspiring ideas that is definitely worth a listen.

8/10 METAL HAMMER GREECE ! Passion is the beginning and the end of Far From Home. Passion for Art without limits, for unbridled creation and the elevation of man as a being and not as a consumer product.  Listen to it again and again and you will constantly discover something new.
"An extremely talented artist, one of those who doesn't just do calculations and measurements with the eyes on the number of sales, but dedicated himself soul and body to his Art.  Max Enix brings out his innermost soul, both musically and lyrically, in a way that you cannot resist and what he tells us is indicative of what it happens in his mind." 

8/10 ROCK HARD GREECE AWESOME! "The overall result is a triumph for Max Enix, who succeeded in creating something remarkable, something that fans of progressive music, but also those who like their sounds adventurous and provocative, will appreciate above all. He who takes risks and dares wins in the end."

7.8/10 by Music Connection Magazine (Uk)

RockHard Italy AWESOME review by Emanuele Biani, DPRP (Holland) AWESOME Words, Rocknytt (Swe), Radio Erdorin (Fr), This is Rock (Es), PowerPlay Magazine / The genuine emotion Enix has for his music is clear to pick up in his vocals. I can't say I loved them , but there's no doubt he has talent. Enix should be proud of his achievement; this is a monumental project he's put together, and he should be applauded for the sheer effort it must have taken.

Awesome Rockallica (Greece). Far From Home is a project that take risks and wins. This is a double Album that Highlights Max Enix's ability as a composer and artist. It is a musical journey that transcends the boundaries of musical genres. Far From Home is one of those Albums that is worth listening to without a second thought..."

Masterpiece/Awesome/Brillant by some listeners (world), advices and Many Others...

Metal Alliance Mag / An ambition that exceeds the boundaries of the imaginable! The highest spheres of symphonic and European metal (Opeth, Ayreon, Therion...)! Max and Elise make a fine vocal duo. Max's multiple nuances and Elise's soft, charming timbre are a perfect match. Max's own performance on Beyond my Blood, where he embodies several characters through the nuances of his voice - and through his acting in the video clip - delivering a dialogue with himself full of expressiveness and emotion.
Emotion is the very essence of what Max Enix and co are trying to convey with Far From Home, and it's present at every moment, filled with passion and heart.
Listening to Far From Home, there's no doubt that it's an extraordinary album, in the first sense of the word, in terms of its ambitions, which go beyond boundaries rarely reached, and in terms of the musical journey it invites listeners to take part in. Just imagine what a feat it must have been at every level (logistical, financial, writing, musical arrangement...)!
As well as the practical aspects, it's also the more abstract ones that make Far From Home stand out from the crowd, because of the immensity of the heart and soul that went into it. Far From Home finds added strength in its ability to rediscover itself with each new listen, allowing it to improve like a fine wine.

Lots of others to come...

Top 100 Albums of the year : 71/100 in front of some of the biggest names ! ETC...

The FUTURE is Here and will exceed all expectations !


Hello, I could release a very good quality album (in various genres) every month without any worries (I work very quickly)! But that doesn't make any sense in terms of content, because if you want to make your mark on history and offer truly accomplished and memorable albums over the long term, that takes time (to fine-tune all the details, come up with highly innovative ideas, surround yourself with a high-performance team, etc.)! Otherwise it's a rip-off or takes people for idiots ! Not my Vision ! Of course there are some exceptions for cinema Etc...

That's why I created and composed the entire Far From Home project (universally acclaimed) under Max Enix, which you can listen to everywhere (Constellia:Secret Garden as a co-composition was just a rough draft of the future) !

And that's why the next 2 Max Enix albums "Beauty in Darkness" and "Ocean Of Light" (2026) will be even better in every way, more polished, transcendent, complementary, completely unexpected in the Avant garde and very much in tune with the times! I need total freedom to create! Always with a fantastic Team around !

The same will apply to future projects and Albums, which will be set in very different and opposed universes to previous ones, like Devin Townsend, Michael Jackson, David Bowie or Hans Zimmer for example (precursor/Innovator) but in the modern Era ! Fusion of genres with a cinematic approach almost every time ! I just sometimes feel like I'm way ahead of my time (Not always understood by some people) In this upside-down/Fake society of constant intellectual/emotional/spiritual regression where people only think of themselves and don't talk to each other anymore (or only for their interests) ! We have to broke the system (governated by some idiots) that's going round in circles ! I am Light Years Away ! Once again I'm not here to be like everyone else (Not just another Clone among Millions) and that's what bothers some (closed minded) people ! I'm not here to please everyone and I prefer to keep my own personality ! I'm not going to join the ranks just to please them or to look like them (My vision of profit is not theirs) !

This vision (selfishness/miserliness/robbery... in one way or an other) has been leading us to disaster for hundreds of years! It's about time we changed our social model for a better world more Unite but the thirst for power is always the sinews of territorial wars and divisions ! They don't understand (They have not evolved in their narrow minds) ! They think they can control everything with money, but it's just some pieces of papers ! They think they know Best, wrongly and some even like to trap others (using futilities, your past, some words without telling you the COMPLETE story and what they have ask/said or data manipulation to give them reason when they are wrong so that they are happy uhuhuh ) ! That suits them (some alliances especially in France = you know this beautiful country with beautiful landscapes/Gastronomy etc... but the country with the most abandoned animals in the world, unacceptable spillages/Violence in the streets and around perpetrated by mediocre minds (and the young generations are drenched with bloodshot eyes), where the justice don't do the job to protect the innocents and some womens, with jealous people who don't support when people have talent, money (social classes wars) and invent stories to block them Etc...)! Everywhere... Some are very funny (they don't know it ahah or maybe they like their idiocy = Direction Asylum ) and they joke on others in the same time (what a paradox of non-sense and one other exemple of the human stupidity and some fake people)! The same mistakes over and over again (Corruption everywhere) and some people follow the bullshit  ! I'm not a puppet and from one day to the next I can stop something if it doesn't suit me (even if I've invested)! Nothing can be taken for granted with me ! I follow my path, not those of the jokers ! And I hope you too because if not, the end of our Era is very near ! I put money on my projects to create a better world and a new society , a new exemple for the next generations (do some stupid people understand that) ?

I prefer to work on studio albums or music for films/games etc... but there are some very big and professional festivals coming up (2024/2025) with a very strong line-up as you can see on a previous post (we will play and sing with some of the biggest names in the world actually like Epica, Sonata Arctica, Dimmu Borgir, SepticFlesh etc... Rock/Metal and others scenes... ! You will be able to hear our strong, emotional and powerful vocals), concerts, Tours in 2026 at the latest and lots of other surprises (Cinema, collaborations...)! Huge Announcements soon !

Not to mention the big responsibilities that await me for Carlo Bellotti Publishing (WormHoleDeath, Epictronic, Warner, Netflix Etc...) over the next few years (Plans to be announced gradually)! Reality is better than the net (never forgot that) ! Reality is True (Be careful who you believe around, there are serpents everywhere) !

The Future is here and it will exceed all expectations! It's a Promise !

Plan for the Future !


With hair slicked back again! Lots of things are coming... Business Plan with the labels WormHoleDeath, Epictronic, Carlo Bellotti publishing for the Future ! I'm already head Of A&R and sign Bands/Artists and will have important/crucial function in the next years ! In the artistic fields = Max Enix Albums, Collaborations, Festivals/Live Shows, Cinema Etc... Too ! Thanks a Lot for the support !

Top 100 Albums of the year


Max Enix / Far From Home is In Heavy debriefings' top 100 albums of the year! 71st out of 100, ahead of Riverside, Scar Symmetry, Enslaved, Obituary, Beyond the Black, Oblivion protocol Etc... Many thanks Josh Rundquist ! As Josh said: "Your favourite album of the year could be at number 96, 72, 33, 12, or 1." You won't know unless you give it a fair chance. More rankings coming up! and 



MAX ENIX / FAR FROM HOME / THE MOVIE IS HERE (2h40) ! You can watch the internationally acclaimed double Album, masterpiece and future classic now (with the lyrics/credits and beautiful videos) ! Link here ! Orchestral version in the coming days too ! Awesome and big festivals with fantastic line up, videos Etc... Next years ! Lots of surprises and Big Announcements soon (Projects...) ! Have a Good Sunday and good listening/viewing ! story in the 48pages booklet (with narrative too...not here on the videos) ! Orchestral version here: 

And you can watch on youtube or the Max Enix website exclusive and official epic video clip too for the songs :
*Far From Home (orchestral version):
*City of mortals:
*Angels of the Apocalyptic storm:
*Beyond my Blood:
*Tears of Earth:
*The Broken Face:
*Many Interviews Etc...

Bandcamp to listen/buy the Max Enix / Far From Home Full double Album and the Orchestral triple Albums : ! All the digital plateforms too !
*Listen/buy Constellia: Secret Garden here too:


Arcturus: Sham Mirrors / Album Reference


Avant Garde Masterpiece ! One of the reference for the Future (Vocals...) even if my artistic world is Unique and more accessible ! You will see that in the upcoming Max Enix Albums ! My vocals will be 10 times more varied than in Far From Home with many vocal ranges based on the orchestral songs (I will almost be the only singer this time) ! More instrumental passages too ! I need total creative Freedom on every areas and I don't want anyone to hold me back ! I'll be pushing the boundaries from albums to albums (projects to projects) every time! It s a promise !

Beauty in Darkness / Ocean of Light


The next 2 Max Enix albums, "Beauty in Darkness" and "Ocean of Light", to be released in 2026, will be Behemoths! Original versions (2h39) and orchestral versions (2h45) in all again! I've finished the compositions ! Without an orchestra this time, but with massive orchestrations and backing vocals (choirs) by Thomas Kubler! Very few guests this time! These albums will surpass Far From Home (Music, Vocals, Emotions, Depths...)! I will share progressively excerpts of my compositions (demo) ! See in the comments for now ! Epic/long compositions and others short/radio format too! More instrumental passages ! Lots of others things, project announcements, festivals/shows and stuff will come before ! I'm a million miles away from some people/artists/narrow minds... ! Transcendence is coming! Not sure you are ready for this...

New Interview KickAss Forever


My Interview for KICKASS FOREVER is here ! Have a great day ! Thanks John Erigo ! Eyes to the future !

Excerpt: Which bands and artists influenced your music? Which music genres do you play?
I can play and compose all kinds of music because I compose and play everything by ear and I have listen lots of music in my life already so it’s pretty simple and straightforward for me! I’m lucky and I work very fast! I’m self-taught like Hans Zimmer or Danny Elfman and my way of composing is quite similar to theirs! I base my compositions on a very filmic approach! You can feel that on Far From Home and on future albums! I’m a huge fan of Devin Townsend, Pain of Salvation, Shining, Opeth, Evergrey, Rhapsody, Vanden Plas, Therion , Akira Yamaoka and Hans Zimmer, for example! But I want to explore unknown worlds and keep my own artistic universe, my own sound above all, and constantly surprise people! Always creating new things, experimenting, surprising and offering unexpected surprises.

100/100 Max Enix / Far From Home


100/100 New Max Enix / Far From Home Review by TheMetalMag ! Thanks a Lot Franck Michaud for your time and words !

"A living dream we all need. A worldwide collaboration of artists spreading love using music the strongest way to spread the biggest message the world needs right now. A masterpiece to own without hesitation ! Human beings are destroying this beautiful world we are living in. Music is the peace of mind and helps fly away from this madness. Added to an orchestra team, it elevate the usual albums you are used to listen to. Sometimes closed to a movie soundtrack, each track has its own life. You are embarked into a world of imagination spilling beauty and happiness expressing what the world is going through at the moment."

Find your path to the Light


Lots of things are coming ! Stay true to yourself, find your path to the light and Take care !

Listen Far From Home and Far From Home orchestral here:

Far From home orchestral video clip here:

Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm:

City of Mortals: And others on The WormHoledeath channel like Tears of Earth, The Broken Face, Beyond my Blood, The End of an Era Etc...

Autumn 2026: "Beauty in Darkness" Album
Autumn 2026: "Ocean of Light" Album
2 transcendent Albums that will surpass Far From Home in terms of Emotions and depth (transcendental music, vocals etc...) ! Raw demo here exclusively before new elements/orchestrations/choirs/instruments...) !
Beautiful short songs (radio) and transcendent Epic long ones too ! Find your way to the light and beauty of things ! *Excerpts on Facebook...

Max Enix / Far From Home / New Review


4,5/5 ! Max Enix / Far From Home / New Review (Hungary) ! Excerpt: In conclusion, „Far From Home” is an extraordinary musical odyssey that invites listeners to explore its sonic wonderland. Max Enix’s innovative composition and fusion of different styles create an immersive and profound experience that defies expectations. Whether you’re a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a unique musical journey, „Far From Home” is a must-listen masterpiece that leaves an indelible and lasting impression. This album is a testament to the boundless potential of contemporary music and a remarkable addition to the world of music.

*And believe me... The goal is to go even further in the next albums to come in 2026: "Beauty in Darkness" and "Ocean of Light" ! I promise you that it will be the case on every points (Music, Vocals, Emotions, Depth Etc...) !!!

Max Enix Line Up Festivals 2024/2025


Max Enix / Live / Here's the line-up for the many big European festivals (we will play with some of the biggest names in the world) to come in 2024 and 2025, as well as the tours to be planned (Europe of course and the US, UK, Asia and the rest of the world in 2026 and not only rock/metal scene)! Videos to come !

Max Enix: Vocals
Paula Teles: Vocals
Patrice Guers (Rhapsody): Bass
Olivier Lapauze (Heavenly): Guitars
Shad Mae (Devoid): Guitars (to be confirmed soon)
Piwee Pierre Emmanuel desfray (Heavenly): Drums and orchestral programming

Some superb musicians (including some famous Rhapsody performers) and excellent female singers are ready to fill in on certain dates if needed (it will be the case on certain countries already = to be announced in time) !

Everything will be professional and transcendent! Big announcements coming very soon! And many things/surprises (Collaborations, Albums, Projects, Music Industry, Cinema Etc...) !

The FUTURE is Here ! Eyes to the FUTURE !



Max Enix videos here: Far From Home orchestral version: , City of Mortals: , Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm: , Beyond my Blood, Tears of Earth, The Broken Face Etc...

Ps: You won't see any child murders or others disgusting atrocities perpetrated by some evil, ignorant/lost/sectarian or mediocre/stupid/immature souls (wrong way)! Unhealthy Satanic groupuscules/networks and the enemies of truth... Fuck you ! Only the hope of a better world filled with Love, innocence, peace, respect, justice, freedom, kindness and Union of good souls ! Be an exemple for the future generations, not a fucking parasite !

Projects to come


Hello Everyone ! Some news below (for the months/years to come) 

*Max Enix FB Fan page:  and personal Facebook: 

*You can listen the Far From Home Albums (Original and orchestral) here:

*Major festivals around the world have already been signed up for 2024 and 2025 (Main stage) ! We'll be playing with some of the best bands/artists around (Epica...)! A big US tour will be organized at the end of 2026 with lots of concerts (maybe before already in Europe)! Everything will be professional, very powerful and emotional and you'll be able to find me with an exceptional female singer as well as extraordinary musicians who are renowned or famous in the music industry (line up to be announced soon) ! It's going to be an epic and transcendental journey! Sing with us ?? I will announce each festivals and the famous artists/ Big Bands (headliners) that goes with progressively !

*I compose and write actually (On Keyboards, Piano, strings ETC...) 2 transcendent Albums that will be released in autumn 2026 at the latest / Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light / Complementary and very different! One Hard/Apocalyptic/Dark/Mysterious/Enigmatic with lots of beauty too (Darkness) and one very Calm/Beautiful/Bright/Poetic/Romantic with ascents too (Light), with short songs and others long, deep, spiritual, esoteric, mystic and epic ! Always very filmic and Avant Garde (ahead of his time) !!! Never heard/seen before ! Less guests and No orchestra this time but bombastic orchestrations and choirs ! Thomas Kubler is already working on the first orchestrations actually ! This time I will sing directly on the orchestrations and acoustic elements (more emotional and impactful) and we will integrate the others instruments after ! 

*Epic collaborations/proposals will see the light of day progressively (vocals, composition, cinema, soundtrack, Albums and many surprises...) !

*Others Far From Home reviews, Interviews, articles, TV Shows and others to come... Many Video clips are on the WormHoleDeath channel already (Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm/ City of mortals/ Beyond my Blood/Tears of Earth/The Broken face...), many interviews too on youtube , many AWESOME Far From Home reviews on the net ETC...

*As head of A&R WormHoleDeath and A&R Epictronic I will sign lots of fantastic Bands again (already sign lots of FANTASTIC ones) ! More serious things in the music industry too !

*Humanitarian/Spiritual work in Africa and others countries in the Future between others... I'm ALWAYS here to HELP GOOD people ! Not the others !!!

*Lots of surprises to come! Thank you for all your support over the years! Thanks to the BEAUTIFUL SOULS around me ! LOVE

*Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok too Etc...

*Stay true to yourself !
Eyes to the FUTURE !

Youtube Views


Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm song:
15000 views and 1000 likes for this song on youtube already (via WormHoleDeath Records) ! 22000 views and 1500 likes for City of mortals etc... 5600 followers on my Max Enix fan page and it grows every days ! Thanks for All and it's only the very beginning of GREAT things to come in diverse areas...

*Links here:

***Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm:

***City of Mortals:



You can still listen to the Rhapsody albums like Power of the Dragonflame or watch Lord of the Rings, but I'd advise you to listen to the Far From Home Epic Albums here instead (more actual/modern): ! And don't forget! Like Gandalf, always watch out for the dragon...

Budapest Symphony Orchestra


Photo taken 2 years Ago in Hungary ! Budapest Symphony Orchestra ! Thomas Kubler (orchestrator/arranger), François Rousselot (conductor) and me (Composer/music, singer, lyricist, artistic director...) ! The Far From home trio since the beginning ! The Far From Home Orchestral Albums can be heard here already: and on all the digital plateforms Friday ! Have a great day



*THE TIME HAS COME ! You can listen Now already on Bandcamp the orchestral Albums (3CDS)! Tomorrow the Far From Home epic video clip of 26min (10AM France time) ! Thanks for the support

*MAX ENIX / FAR FROM HOME /  The Orchestral Version (3CDS) with exclusive FX sounds will come on October 27th 2023
A totally different listening experience than the original (more movie oriented ! The basis of my work) ! Listen the songs here:

Far From Home double Album = 18euros
Far From Home Orchestral (3CDS) = 18euros
Purchase of the 2 = 32euros (special price)

-Picture by Thomas Ewerhard

*Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag) / MASTERPIECE "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music."

*8.5/10 Rock Garage (De)
The orchestral version is what it says, the songs were recorded in orchestral style and are reminiscent of the soundtrack of the Schwarzenegger film "Conan".
In conclusion, a varied work with many twists and intelligent compositions. The entire album is worth a listen.

*Finish note, if one wants to go deeper within the music, grab some headphones (I suggest this to capture the atmosphere of the piece), turn off all modern devices, and find that right moment to drift away and relax with the orchestral version of “Far From Home,” which was recorded with the “Budapest Symphony Orchestra” will offer a unique sound and atmosphere—much more epic, emotional, engaged and complex/hard songs this time than before.

*DPRP: Its synchronously offered orchestral version, available separately or as a package deal with the release described above, adds a whole new view and complementary experience. It was recorded with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra and contains a completely instrumental, immaculate performance of the total concept, with exclusive sound effects and choirs that narrate the story. Recognisable through recurring melodies and themes, it offers unique transformed sounds and atmospheres. The serene breeze of Angels Of The Apocalyptic Storm is a striking example, which will delight those in favour of film scoring composers likes John Williams, Hans Zimmer, and Philip Glass. Awesome Review (nl) ! Excerpt: Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned.

*Far From Home Orchestral (October 27th 2023) curated and produced by Max Enix

Max Enix: Music, Artistic director, Story...

Thomas Kubler: Additional arrangements, Orchestrator
François Rousselot : Conductor

Vikram Shankar: Piano
Derek Sherinian: Piano on tracks 2 and 13
Laurene Tellenaria: Harp on track 14

Mixed by David Castillo at Studio Grondahl, Stockholm, Sweden
Mastered by Tony Lindgren at Fascination street studios, Orebro, Sweden Orchestra recording: Budapest Symphony orchestra, Hungary
Booklet Illustrations/Conception/Artwork by Thomas Ewerhard

*Till then...

*You Can Listen & Buy 
Max Enix / Far From Home / Double Album (2h40) with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Many Famous Guests and many surprises here:

-A few words about my new album from sites worldwide:

*10/10 by Metal Zenith (USA):

*10/10 Frenzy Fire and Metal Gods TV (UK): "Majestic, magnificent, meandering and moving. For the entire two hours and forty minutes, 'Far From Home' is a captivating and engaging slab of grandeur - definitely not an anthemic driving album!
'Far From Home' has something for every one, whether you're a fan of Dream Theater, Opeth, Nightwish, Katatonia, Pink Floyd, Freddie Mercury, or David Bowie. And as an added bonus, there's gonna be an "orchestral version" of the album released later this year! As if 'Far From Home' couldn't get any better - yes it will!
Overall, an extraordinary and elegant journey of atmospheric symphonic rock and metal, and so much more."

*10/10 by Onsnieuws (Holland): "The album is a big 10. It’s just one of a kind and very special. And the only thing I can advise you is listen to the album. And not one time, but listen several times. And you will find out new things every time you listen to it. With your headphones on I gives you the ones in a lifetime experience."

*4.9 Stars on 5 Music Existence (US): "It is truly a work of art."

*9,7/10 The Dark Melody: "By God, it is not possible for people to overlook a work so well done! My question is whether Max will be able to surpass what has been achieved with this monument so full of art , since the level of quality is something that exceeds all conventional limits on a full scale."

*18/20 by Metal Integral (Fr): "The most ambitious project in the history of French metal?"

*Solid MASTERPIECE by Rock Era Magazine (Egypt): "Far From Home with both versions is an extremely enjoyable ride, Max Enix took his time in polishing and perfecting every detail making every moment count, creating a solid masterpiece of an album that’ll get him and the listener on the same wavelength emotionally and musically."

*MASTERPIECE by Metal1on1 (USA): “A Universe of Epic, emotional & Engaging Musical Journey”

*ASTONISHING by Adriconelrock (Es): "You immerse yourself in a world of fantasy, mysticism and perfect relaxation to enjoy well-constructed music from its foundations."

*MASTERPIECE Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag): "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music."

*MASTERPIECE Brutally Delicious (US): "It's been a long time since I've heard anything at all like this ! It's a true and Grandiose undertaking."

*CHEF D'OEUVRE by Ahasverus Cornelius (Fr): "Monumental/Magistral Mieux qu'un opéra métal, au-delà des productions qu'on nous présente habituellement sous cette bannière, Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Le résultat global est proprement impressionnant, réalisé sans temps mort ni fausse note. " Max Enix artiste du mois de Juin 2023!"

*MASTERPIECE Orkus Magazin (De): "Far From Home is called as Epic Cinematic Masterpiece! "Far From Home" is like a varied adventure, so that the double album, which does not shy away from pieces of more than 10 minutes, should be enjoyed from beginning to end."

*MASTERPIECE / Black Night Radio: "Probably one of the best Metal albums of 2023, from Mr Max Enix. A Great Masterpiece."

*MASTERPIECE Pete rock news and views: "Max Enix’s “Far From Home” is a remarkable release that transcends the boundaries of musical genres, offering listeners an immersive and profound experience that stretches over two captivating discs. Enix’s prowess as a singer-songwriter, composer, and producer shines brilliantly in this ambitious double album. Enix’s ability to seamlessly blend these diverse elements is a testament to his compositional prowess and artistic vision. Whether you are a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a musical odyssey that defies expectations, “Far From Home” is a must-listen experience that leaves a lasting impression."

*TOUR DE FORCE ! Big Bang Magazine (FR): "Never before... A musical project brought together so many different forces, and Far From Home is nothing short of titanic.
The vocal duets are seductive, and Max Enix does magnificently well in the midst of these exceptional singers, where fury and lyricism battle it out.
Somewhere between Hans Zimmer and Devin Townsend. Far From Home reveals its highly cinematic potential.
Unique and exceptional character of Far From Home, a veritable river rock opera driven by the talent and ambition of a single man, who deserves to be saluted for his extraordinary tour de force. The self-sacrifice of an artist at the service of his work."

*MASTERPIECE ! Rocker United (Local stage worldwide): "“Far From Home” rewards a unique musical experience that is almost incomparable to any other release I can think of.
"Far From Home" is a monumental achievement that showcases Max Enix's remarkable musical talents and his ability to craft a diverse and emotionally resonant body of work.
This album is a breath-taking journey through sound, with each track offering a unique and immersive experience.
Max Enix and his collaborators have created a masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on fans of progressive music and anyone seeking a profound and transformative musical adventure.
"Far From Home" is an epic odyssey that invites listeners to explore the boundless possibilities of contemporary music."

*9/10 World Of Metal TV: "A real treasure for fan of progressive music where Max Enix shows his Enormous talent!"

*8.5/10 Mariskal Rock (Es): "The Multifaceted metal Genius/ definitely elevates the composer as one of the most important creative minds, no longer on the international metal scene, but on any music label that self-respect."

*8.5/10 Rock Garage (De): Excerpt: "The use of male and female vocals alone brings a lot to the table, and as far as the songs are concerned, they already offer a lot of variety with their suspense arcs and both tempo and heaviness changes.
The orchestral version is what it says, the songs were recorded in orchestral style and are reminiscent of the soundtrack of the Schwarzenegger film "Conan".
In conclusion, a varied work with many twists and intelligent compositions. The entire album is worth a listen."

*84% Excellent Review by Via Nocturna (Portugal): "I was thrown into the idea of this album by Max Enix, Far From Home: with three hours of music, an endless list of guests, with the Bupapest Symphony Orchestra leading a set of gigantic songs and with the most unexpected twists and turns. Far From Home is an album that revisits various musical scenes, some of them outside the metal spectrum, such as some passages of hip hop, jazz or new age. A creative and instrumental richness (with a highlight for the sensational piano textures) always accompanied by symphonic, orchestral and choral elements, for all the vocal diversity imprinted by a group of vocalists, each one as its own record."

*8,3/10 by Profil Prog (Canada): "A titanic work with inevitable redundancies on the titles, their lengths and structures which should not be synthesized too quickly; we talk about the beauty of life, faith, the human condition, we talk about a rock opera fresco whose last flowing title should be listened to first to help you understand the musical structure of this French artist extraordinary."

*Josh Rundquist (Heavy Debriefings USA): "Far From Home is one of the Best Album of the month (June)"

*Awesome Review (nl) Excerpt: "Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned."

*8/10 Metal Digest (Greek): " ‘Far From Home’ is an opportunity for you and your “everything” friend to embark on a wondrous journey of choral arrangements, multiple vocalists of every stripe, ripping guitars, and multicultural inflections."

*Heavy HQ (Us): "The scale of the album does feel like a Devin Townsend and Hans Zimmer hybrid."

*8/10 Saitenkult (De): "This year's monumental work of progressive rock and progressive metal comes from Max Enix, bears the concise title 'Far From Home' and captivates for other 160minutes!"

*8/10 AWESOME Review ! SoundMagnet (De): "Densely packed Cineastic Progressive Metal with orchestral violence. In addition to the vocals of Max Enix himself, who does a great job and is quiet varied, the female vocals are sung by Elise Wachbar and cut an equally good figure. For fans of symphonic metal with cinematic means and a lot of mass and class, Max Enix has a musical feast in store."

*10/15 by Betreutesproggen (De): "If you look at the album purely musically, fans of concept albums in the style of symphonic prog metal will quickly feel at home here. There are countless beautiful melodies, wonderful orchestral arrangements and outstanding vocal parts."

*80/100 Rock Overdose (Greece): "Max Enix's "Far From Home" is a magical musical journey, a musical adventure full of surprises. As a songwriter, composer and producer, Enix shows off his extraordinary talent by creating an ambitious double album that perfectly combines many different genres into a single body of work.
"Far From Home" is a work that transcends and breaks the boundaries between musical genres, presenting a work with a truly fresh sound and inspiring ideas that is definitely worth a listen."

*8/10 METAL HAMMER GREECE: "Passion is the beginning and the end of Far From Home. Passion for Art without limits, for unbridled creation and the elevation of man as a being and not as a consumer product. Listen to it again and again and you will constantly discover something new.
"An extremely talented artist, one of those who doesn't just do calculations and measurements with the eyes on the number of sales, but dedicated himself soul and body to his Art. Max Enix brings out his innermost soul, both musically and lyrically, in a way that you cannot resist and what he tells us is indicative of what it happens in his mind."

*8/10 ROCK HARD GREECE AWESOME! "The overall result is a triumph for Max Enix, who succeeded in creating something remarkable, something that fans of progressive music, but also those who like their sounds adventurous and provocative, will appreciate above all. He who takes risks and dares wins in the end."

*PowerPlay Magazine: "The genuine emotion Enix has for his music is clear to pick up in his vocals. I can't say I loved them , but there's no doubt he has talent. Enix should be proud of his achievement; this is a monumental project he's put together, and he should be applauded for the sheer effort it must have taken."

*Awesome Rockallica (Greece). Far From Home is a project that take risks and wins. This is a double Album that Highlights Max Enix's ability as a composer and artist. It is a musical journey that transcends the boundaries of musical genres. Far From Home is one of those Albums that is worth listening to without a second thought..."

*7.8/10 by Music Connection Magazine (Uk)

*RockHard Italy AWESOME review by Emanuele Biani, DPRP (Holland) AWESOME Words, Rocknytt (Swe), Radio Erdorin (Fr), This is Rock (Es)

*Masterpiece/Awesome/Brillant by some listeners (world), advices and Many Others...

*Metal Alliance Mag / An ambition that exceeds the boundaries of the imaginable! The highest spheres of symphonic and European metal (Opeth, Ayreon, Therion...)! Max and Elise make a fine vocal duo. Max's multiple nuances and Elise's soft, charming timbre are a perfect match. Max's own performance on Beyond my Blood, where he embodies several characters through the nuances of his voice - and through his acting in the video clip - delivering a dialogue with himself full of expressiveness and emotion.
Emotion is the very essence of what Max Enix and co are trying to convey with Far From Home, and it's present at every moment, filled with passion and heart.
Listening to Far From Home, there's no doubt that it's an extraordinary album, in the first sense of the word, in terms of its ambitions, which go beyond boundaries rarely reached, and in terms of the musical journey it invites listeners to take part in. Just imagine what a feat it must have been at every level (logistical, financial, writing, musical arrangement...)!
As well as the practical aspects, it's also the more abstract ones that make Far From Home stand out from the crowd, because of the immensity of the heart and soul that went into it. Far From Home finds added strength in its ability to rediscover itself with each new listen, allowing it to improve like a fine wine.

Lots of others to come..."

Thanks for your support

#MaxEnix #NewAlbum #FarFromHome #OutNow #OrchestralVersion #ComingSoon #Wormholedeath #ProgressiveMetal #AlternativeRock #Music #Composer #Singer #Artist

*Note: Some people destroy beautiful things, beautiful souls and good hearts ! Evil is everywhere (Your closest friends sometimes) ! There must be an End to all this ! Light and darkness united against the bad souls ! Beauty and Love will replace mediocrity and Ugliness ! The lost souls will be save ! It's time to stop creating stupid divisions with politics, religions, futilities and move towards spirituality and a common goal (UNION # CORRUPTION)! Be mature and stop your bullshit (We are on the same boat and we have to Love each other) ! PEACE # WAR ! No time to loose ! For the future generations and their equilibrium (for our childrens) ! Restore the TRUTH in this upside down society ! HOPE is here !



Thursday October 27th the Far From Home Orchestral Albums (3 CDS) will be released ! In the same time you will see one of the most beautiful video clips ever made for the last epic song of 26 min called "Far From Home" (my favorite song on the Albums and my most ambitious work to date) !

This video clip was made by an Israeli artist (DPMX Web) ! No news from him since the new war has begun ! To see like a movie from the beginning to the end (very emotional) ! Can’t wait to share this video clip to the world (Orchestral and Original versions) !

The message on it is very strong and spiritual ! For a world in Peace and Unite after the chaos ! A world full of beauty, colors and Joy ! To counter the Wars/the Horror/the Hate (WRONG WAY) waged by some mediocre humans since the beginning of our era (tragedy of our time) ! Some people want wars, others want PEACE and JUSTICE ! And you ? The Origins Union ! New Hope for a Better world and for the future generations ! The goal of my projects ! LOVE and FREEDOM in this Upside down society

*More pictures in the comments ! I hope that people will come to realize through this project how bad, fake, jealous and nasty some humans can be around.

World Of Metal TV Interview

19/10/2023 World Of Metal TV Interview with a special surprise in the end (In this Forgotten Paradise song A capella) ! Thanks a Lot for All

Facebook 5000 Followers


5000 Followers on my Max Enix Fan page: ! It grows every day ! Thanks a lot for the support ! HUGE things are coming on many areas (Music, Albums, Festivals-shows-Tour, Collaborations, Cinema, ART, Business, Music industry Etc...) ! Eyes to the Future

Vocals sessions


Vocals recordings sessions for Far From Home 2 years ago ! Metal Line (CZ) interview to come: "I have to say that you have a really powerful voice! How do you manage to sing with a voice like this? Do you have any secret that you want to share with us?" ! My answer in the comments !

Max Enix: "Thanks a lot for the compliments! I don't know, I'm always trying to push the boundaries and bring out what's deep inside me! My grandmother was a famous opera singer before the Second World War and sometimes sang « La traviata » or other difficult works! I'm constantly trying to innovate... After all, I think it's a natural gift, even if you have to work constantly, and I thank the Universe for that!"

On stage (festivals, venues...) all will be professional and it's going to be explosive! Can't wait ! It will be filmed in front of the crowd ! See Ya 

*See my precedent post with Milo Lee my scenic/vocal coach too on Facebook ! For some fuckers/haters that piss me off (especially in France), spread bullshit, corrupt and the idiots who foolishly follow! FUCK YOU ! I know who I am Fuckers 



Max Enix / Far From Home / Double Album
Thanks for All (Everyone) !

*10/10 by Metal Zenith (USA):

*10/10 Frenzy Fire and Metal Gods TV (UK) ! And Majestic, magnificent, meandering and moving. For the entire two hours and forty minutes, 'Far From Home' is a captivating and engaging slab of grandeur - definitely not an anthemic driving album!
'Far From Home' has something for every one, whether you're a fan of Dream Theater, Opeth, Nightwish, Katatonia, Pink Floyd, Freddie Mercury, or David Bowie. And as an added bonus, there's gonna be an "orchestral version" of the album released later this year! As if 'Far From Home' couldn't get any better - yes it will!
Overall, an extraordinary and elegant journey of atmospheric symphonic rock and metal, and so much more.

*10/10 by Onsnieuws (Holland):

*4.9 Stars on 5 Music Existence (US) !
It is truly a work of Art."

*9,7/10 The Dark Melody:
"By God, it is not possible for people to overlook a work so well done! My question is whether Max will be able to surpass what has been achieved with this monument so full of art , since the level of quality is something that exceeds all conventional limits on a full scale."
Album Of the Year for now

*18/20 by Metal Integral (Fr):

*Solid MASTERPIECE by Rock Era Magazine (Egypt):

*MASTERPIECE by Metal1on1 (USA):

*ASTONISHING by Adriconelrock (Es):

*MASTERPIECE Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag) / "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music." ?

*MASTERPIECE Brutally Delicious (US): « It's been a long time since I've heard anything at all like this ! It's a true and Grandiose undertaking /

*CHEF D'OEUVRE by Ahasverus Cornelius (Fr) / "Monumental/Magistral Mieux qu'un opéra métal, au-delà des productions qu'on nous présente habituellement sous cette bannière, Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Le résultat global est proprement impressionnant, réalisé sans temps mort ni fausse note. " Max Enix artiste du mois de Juin 2023 !

*MASTERPIECE Orkus Magazin (De): Far From Home is called as Epic Cinematic Masterpiece! "Far From Home" is like a varied adventure, so that the double album, which does not shy away from pieces of more than 10 minutes, should be enjoyed from beginning to end.

*MASTERPIECE / Black Night Radio: "Probably one of the best Metal albums of 2023, from Mr Max Enix. A Great Masterpiece"

*MASTERPIECE Pete rock news and views / Max Enix’s “Far From Home” is a remarkable release that transcends the boundaries of musical genres, offering listeners an immersive and profound experience that stretches over two captivating discs. Enix’s prowess as a singer-songwriter, composer, and producer shines brilliantly in this ambitious double album. Enix’s ability to seamlessly blend these diverse elements is a testament to his compositional prowess and artistic vision. Whether you are a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a musical odyssey that defies expectations, “Far From Home” is a must-listen experience that leaves a lasting impression.

*TOUR DE FORCE ! Big Bang Magazine (FR)/
Never before... A musical project brought together so many different forces, and Far From Home is nothing short of titanic.
The vocal duets are seductive, and Max Enix does magnificently well in the midst of these exceptional singers, where fury and lyricism battle it out.
Somewhere between Hans Zimmer and Devin Townsend. Far From Home reveals its highly cinematic potential.
Unique and exceptional character of Far From Home, a veritable river rock opera driven by the talent and ambition of a single man, who deserves to be saluted for his extraordinary tour de force. The self-sacrifice of an artist at the service of his work.

*MASTERPIECE ! Rocker United (Local stage worldwide) <3
“Far From Home” rewards a unique musical experience that is almost incomparable to any other release I can think of.
"Far From Home" is a monumental achievement that showcases Max Enix's remarkable musical talents and his ability to craft a diverse and emotionally resonant body of work.
This album is a breath-taking journey through sound, with each track offering a unique and immersive experience.
Max Enix and his collaborators have created a masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on fans of progressive music and anyone seeking a profound and transformative musical adventure.
"Far From Home" is an epic odyssey that invites listeners to explore the boundless possibilities of contemporary music.

*9/10 World Of Metal TV / A real treasure for fan of progressive music where Max Enix shows his Enormous talent !

*8.5/10 Mariskal Rock (Es) The Multifaceted metal Genius/ definitely elevates the composer as one of the most important creative minds, no longer on the international metal scene, but on any music label that self-respect:

*8.5/10 Rock Garage (De)
Excerpt: The use of male and female vocals alone brings a lot to the table, and as far as the songs are concerned, they already offer a lot of variety with their suspense arcs and both tempo and heaviness changes.
The orchestral version is what it says, the songs were recorded in orchestral style and are reminiscent of the soundtrack of the Schwarzenegger film "Conan".
In conclusion, a varied work with many twists and intelligent compositions. The entire album is worth a listen.

*84% Excellent Review by Via Nocturna (Portugal) !

*8,3/10 by Profil Prog (Canada):

*Josh Rundquist (Heavy Debriefings USA): Far From Home is one of the Best Album of the month (June) ! Awesome Review (nl) ! Excerpt: Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned.

*8/10 Metal Digest (Greek):

*Heavy HQ (Us) The scale of the album does feel like a Devin Townsend and Hans Zimmer hybrid.

*8/10 Saitenkult (De): This year's monumental work of progressive rock and progressive metal comes from Max Enix, bears the concise title 'Far From Home' and captivates for other 160minutes !

*8/10 AWESOME Review ! SoundMagnet (De) "Densely packed Cineastic Progressive Metal with orchestral violence. In addition to the vocals of Max Enix himself, who does a great job and is quiet varied, the female vocals are sung by Elise Wachbar and cut an equally good figure. For fans of symphonic metal with cinematic means and a lot of mass and class, Max Enix has a musical feast in store. "

*10/15 by Betreutesproggen (De):

*80/100 Rock Overdose (Greece) !
Max Enix's "Far From Home" is a magical musical journey, a musical adventure full of surprises. As a songwriter, composer and producer, Enix shows off his extraordinary talent by creating an ambitious double album that perfectly combines many different genres into a single body of work.
"Far From Home" is a work that transcends and breaks the boundaries between musical genres, presenting a work with a truly fresh sound and inspiring ideas that is definitely worth a listen.

*8/10 METAL HAMMER GREECE ! Passion is the beginning and the end of Far From Home. Passion for Art without limits, for unbridled creation and the elevation of man as a being and not as a consumer product. Listen to it again and again and you will constantly discover something new.
"An extremely talented artist, one of those who doesn't just do calculations and measurements with the eyes on the number of sales, but dedicated himself soul and body to his Art. Max Enix brings out his innermost soul, both musically and lyrically, in a way that you cannot resist and what he tells us is indicative of what it happens in his mind."

*8/10 ROCK HARD GREECE AWESOME! "The overall result is a triumph for Max Enix, who succeeded in creating something remarkable, something that fans of progressive music, but also those who like their sounds adventurous and provocative, will appreciate above all. He who takes risks and dares wins in the end."

*7.8/10 by Music Connection Magazine (Uk)

*RockHard Italy AWESOME review by Emanuele Biani, DPRP (Holland) AWESOME Words, Rocknytt (Swe), Radio Erdorin (Fr), This is Rock (Es), PowerPlay Magazine / The genuine emotion Enix has for his music is clear to pick up in his vocals. I can't say I loved them , but there's no doubt he has talent. Enix should be proud of his achievement; this is a monumental project he's put together, and he should be applauded for the sheer effort it must have taken.

*Awesome Rockallica (Greece). Far From Home is a project that take risks and wins. This is a double Album that Highlights Max Enix's ability as a composer and artist. It is a musical journey that transcends the boundaries of musical genres. Far From Home is one of those Albums that is worth listening to without a second thought..."

*Masterpiece/Awesome/Brillant by some listeners (world), advices and Many Others...

*Metal Alliance Mag / An ambition that exceeds the boundaries of the imaginable! The highest spheres of symphonic and European metal (Opeth, Ayreon, Therion...)! Max and Elise make a fine vocal duo. Max's multiple nuances and Elise's soft, charming timbre are a perfect match. Max's own performance on Beyond my Blood, where he embodies several characters through the nuances of his voice - and through his acting in the video clip - delivering a dialogue with himself full of expressiveness and emotion.
Emotion is the very essence of what Max Enix and co are trying to convey with Far From Home, and it's present at every moment, filled with passion and heart.
Listening to Far From Home, there's no doubt that it's an extraordinary album, in the first sense of the word, in terms of its ambitions, which go beyond boundaries rarely reached, and in terms of the musical journey it invites listeners to take part in. Just imagine what a feat it must have been at every level (logistical, financial, writing, musical arrangement...)!
As well as the practical aspects, it's also the more abstract ones that make Far From Home stand out from the crowd, because of the immensity of the heart and soul that went into it. Far From Home finds added strength in its ability to rediscover itself with each new listen, allowing it to improve like a fine wine.

?Lots of others to come...

Eyes of Truth


The Eyes of Truth in this fake world ! Mirror of the soul ! 
Professional festivals/shows/Albums/stuff to come ! It will be very powerful and transcendent ! For the next generations and a world in Peace... Eyes to the Future ! M... 

Max Enix: Beauty in Darkness (2026)
Max Enix: Ocean of Light  (2026)
Max Enix: Far From Home Orchestral (2023)
Max Enix: Far From Home (2023)
Constellia: Secret Garden (2019)

Far From Home for Halloween


Don't forget to add the Far From Home double Album to your Halloween shopping list! Thanks !

Message and Albums


No more wars Fuckers !!! Get out of the unhealthy wheel imposed by this fake and upside-down society directed by some mediocre/toxic humans (domination, corruption, manipulation, power abuse, I don't care/divide & conquer attitudes...) since the dawn of our Era (eternal repetition) ! 

*Max Enix: Beauty in Darkness (2026)
*Max Enix: Ocean of Light (2026)
*Max Enix: Far From Home Orchestral (2023)
*Max Enix: Far From Home (2023)
*Constellia: Secret Garden (2019)



I don't have a predefined genre! I'm not film music! I'm not metal/rock! I'm not world/new Age! I'm not jazz! I'm not hip hop! I'm not electro/tech! I'm not classical music or variety Etc... I'm ALL THAT, I'm MUSIC and ART and you'll see it in my future artistic projects! I'm not a sectarian/closed-minded one, a clone and I'm broadening new horizons and perspectives... Like artists like David Bowie, Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury, Devin Townsend, Elton John, Mike Patton, Steven Wilson Etc... Like it or not (understand it or not) it's not my fucking problem (the door is open)! I'm a precursor/innovator and I go forward ! HUGE things are coming ! Eyes to the Future

Rock Hard Greece


8/10 ROCK HARD GREECE AWESOME! "The overall result is a triumph for Max Enix, who succeeded in creating something remarkable, something that fans of progressive music, but also those who like their sounds adventurous and provocative, will appreciate above all. He who takes risks and dares wins in the end."

Max Enix / Far From Home / Orchestral Version


Max Enix / Far From Home / Orchestral Version with exclusive Sounds FX (3CDS) / 2h45 of music / Budapest Symphony Orchestra / Release date: October 27th 2023 / Listen 4 songs already here:

Fireworks magazine: Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music."

Rock garage: "The orchestral version is what it says, the songs were recorded in orchestral style and are reminiscent of the soundtrack of the Schwarzenegger film "Conan".
In conclusion, a varied work with many twists and intelligent compositions. The entire album is worth a listen."

DPRP: Recognisable through recurring melodies and themes, it offers unique transformed sounds and atmospheres. The serene breeze of Angels Of The Apocalyptic Storm is a striking example, which will delight those in favour of film scoring composers likes John Williams, Hans Zimmer, and Philip Glass.

Beauty in Darkness and Ocean of Light Albums


I’ve finished the basis of the compositions (demos) for the 2 new Albums "Beauty in Darkness" and "Ocean of Light" to be released in autumn 2026 (at the latest) ! And all I can tell you is that in terms of power, deepness and emotions... It goes much much further than Far From Home, believe me ! The 2 albums combined will be the same length as Far From Home 2h40 but with some short songs this time and some (very) epic ones (21 songs # 14) ! Complementary and transcendent ! You'll also find the hardest/tortured song I've ever written ! Beyond words and Avant Garde !



Thank you from the bottom of my heart ! <3 There are almost 4000 people following me on my Max Enix fan page: Some post reached 10 or 17K sometimes ! I do it alone ! And it's growing every day ! Big surprises are coming ! The Future is Here ! Stay tuned


04/10/2023 Hi Everyone you can watch the Greek Interview (TV WAR / MAD TV) with Hakos Pervanidis here ! Thanks for your support and Thanks for all again Hakos !
TV WAR: "Explore the debut album, out via Wormholedeath, of Max Enix a multi-instrumentalist turned composer, as we unravel the magic behind his musical journey. Discover the genius behind the music and join us on this captivating ride into Max Enix's world of sound."


Beauty in Darkness (2026) and Ocean of Light (2026)


Autumn 2026: "Beauty in Darkness" Album
Autumn 2026: "Ocean of Light" Album
2 transcendent Albums that will surpass Far From Home in terms of Emotions (music, vocals etc...) ! Raw demo (audio) on Facebook exclusively before new elements/orchestrations/choirs/instruments...) ????



My friends, incredible news! I have been interviewed by Hakos Pervanidis a famous Greek TV presenter and my interview will be broadcast on TV War (Mad TV) Sunday and will be visible to everyone on the Greek channel! I'll share the link ! I'd love to live in this country in the Future (Greek people in general are Amazing and there are some wonderful landscapes) ! Have a nice day and long live Greece...

Simple Interview by Lollypops


Thanks Vinyl Lollipops and Laura Williams for this simple but cool Interview

What genre of music do you consider Max Enix to be?

Max Enix:
My musical and artistic universe is unique! It's a fusion of genres! You've got a progressive rock/metal and film music base, then a whole range of genres are mixed in, including jazz, hip hop, new age, world music, variety, classical music, ETC. Power/progressive/symphonic music! Somewhere between Devin Townsend and Hans Zimmer, if you like! Here's what this double album / Max Enix: Far From Home sounds like.

What’s the ultimate direction for your band?

Max Enix:
The aim of this project is to revolutionise the world of music and come up with something different! There's no point in copying everyone else! You have to keep your own vision and your own personality! Too much music sounds the same these days! I think we need to innovate, as artists like Devin Townsend, Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Freddie Mercury, Mike Patton, Elton John, Lady Gaga and many others have done!

How would you describe your music-making process?

Max Enix:
I usually write the story first if it's a concept album, then the music like on Far From Home, but it all depends! At the moment I'm working on 2 albums and compose first before writing the lyrics afterwards! It varies! Then, like Hans Zimmer (also self-taught without any formal background/training = See Google for more informations), I call in an orchestrator who takes my compositions! Then the musicians interpret or arrange their parts etc. before I incorporate the vocals, ETC.

Why call the band “Max Enix?”

Max Enix:
Max Enix is my stage name! Enix is a contraction of PhoEnix! The phoenix that rises from its ashes! It symbolises renewal and the fact that we're constantly innovating and coming up with very different things! In my opinion, creativity is more important than knowledge, because creativity is infinite and allows you to explore many unknown territories (As Einstein said) !

What should fans expect to experience at a show?

Max Enix:
A number of major festivals are already signed up! The shows are going to be transcendent, with exceptional musicians! You'll find me singing with a female singer too! Everything will be professional and work to the latest detail! There will be plenty of surprises in store.

Typical question here. Who has influenced you the most via music?

Max Enix:
Without hesitation: Devin Townsend first and then some artists like Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Hans Zimmer, Freddie Mercury, Elton John, Daniel Gildenlow (Pain of Salvation), Niklas Kvarforth (Shining), Tom Englund (Evergrey), Andy Kuntz (Vanden Plas), Dream Theater, and ETC.

How can fans and future fans locate, listen to and buy your music?

Max Enix:
You can listen to and buy my music on my Bandcamp page: Max Enix (Far From Home) as well as on all the download platforms! Aural Music too, Amazon, and ETC.

Is there anything else you would like your fans to know?

Max Enix:
I'd like to thank everyone who takes the time to listen to my music and I hope from the bottom of my heart that you enjoy it. I've got lots of surprises in store for them in the months/years to come.

What is coming up next for Max Enix?

Max Enix:
The orchestral version of Far From Home (3CDS) with exclusive FX sounds will arrive on the 27th of October, 2023 around Halloween! Then a bundle will be released at the end of the year with the original version and the orchestral version (5CDS) for the festive season! I'm currently composing 2 large, complementary and transcendent albums (Light and Darkness) which will be released in Autumn 2026! They'll include short songs (classics) and some more epic ones! A storm of emotion that I want to be even more emotional and powerful than Far From Home! Eyes to the Future.

Laura Williams
Vinyl Lollipops
All Rights Reserved.



Max Enix : Light and Darkness 2 different Albums (Autumn 2026) ! I'm currently composing 2 transcendent, complementary and very different Albums! One gothic, dark, hard, mysterious and enigmatic (Darkness) and the other one poetic and luminous (Light)! Yin and Yang ! Not definitive names ! They'll surpass by far the work done on Far From Home in terms of emotion and others for sure !

Short songs (radio) sometimes (far more easy to compose) and long epic ones of course too ! A magnificent/Wonderful and inhabited work of ART ! Never heard before! 2 albums that will leave a lasting impression! Everything will be transcendent (Music, Vocals, Videos, Atmosphere...) ! It will represent dreams and nightmares!

I'm a precursor, not a follower once again ! I'm a million miles away from what's being done actually and what looks the same! I don't want to be like everyone else. It's a choice! No matter what some people say (lies/jealousy) ! It's not my problem, it's theirs (Tell them to mind their Arses/Business) ! They will NEVER had my VISION and my FREEDOM of thoughts ! Prepare yourself for the unexpected...

*Max Enix : Far From Home Orchestral 3CDS (2023) with exclusive FX sounds will come October 27th 2023

*Max Enix : Far From Home double Album (2023)

*Constellia: Secret Garden Album (2019)



The BIGGEST FESTIVALS in the world have put their trust in us/me to play (2024/2025/2026...) ! 10 HUGE festivals already signed up ! We'll be playing with some of the BIGGEST NAMES in the world ! Promoter, festival-goer... I am eternally grateful for the opportunities you offer! It's UNBELIEVABLE ! A DREAM come true ! More news soon ! See you on stage !



Back to work ! I wish you all the best 

I've got some big announcements coming up in the next few months! The orchestral version of Far From Home (3CDS) will arrive on 27 October 2023 with exclusive FX sounds and beautiful video clips! A totally different listening experience from the original (the basis of my work)! Listen 3 songs already here:

Major festivals around the world have already been signed up for 2024 and 2025 (Main stage) ! We'll be playing with the very best bands/artists around! A big tour will be organized at the end of 2025/2026 with lots of concerts! Thanks for the trust ! Everything will be professional, very powerful and emotional and you'll be able to find me with an exceptional female singer as well as extraordinary musicians who are renowned or famous in the music industry (to be announced in a near Future) ! It's going to be an epic and transcendental journey! Sing with us ! I will announce each festivals and the famous artists/ Big Bands (headliners) that goes with progressively !

I compose and write actually (Keyboards, Piano, strings, guitars, rythmic indications, effects, choirs, vocals, lyrics etc...) 2 transcendent Albums that will be released in autumn 2026 / Light and Darkness / Complementary and very different! One very Hard/Apocalyptic/Dark/Mysterious/Enigmatic with lots of beauty too (Darkness) and one very Calm/Beautiful/Bright/Poetic/Romantic with ascents too (Light), with short songs and others long, deep, spiritual, esoteric, mystic and epic ! Always very filmic and Avant Garde (ahead of his time) !!! Never heard/seen before !

My artistic Universe will always stay UNIQUE and DIFFERENT ! I'm a million miles AWAY ! I'm not here to do the same as others (it is time that some people understand that) ! I am not a fucking clone/product who follow all the rules ! I have my OWN VISION ! I don't sell my Ass easily or to everyone ! I'll never be the one to fall in line! I'll disobey when necessary and I don't have an image to maintain (True # Fake) ! Even if some people hate me for it! I'm not here to please everyone and I'm very selective! I just do what I love the most (like it or not it's not my problem) ! I'm not here to impressed others ! Respect others work and methodology is the key ! I will ALWAYS say what I have in mind (like it or not) ! I am not a sheep who follows the mass ! The most important is to keep our personality, follow our instinct and be FREE in what we do in this conditioned/corrupted world ;) Otherwise art has no meaning ! Otherwise it's not True ART ! Those who give us some stupid lessons can go to hell (even if I listen the good advices) ! No one has to tell us how to behave! Otherwise it's control ! It's going to their heads ! Our lives are in OUR OWN HANDS ! NOBODY has to decide for us otherwise it's Manipulation (or domination or abuse of power) ! It's OUR CHOICES, not those of the others ! FUCK the rest ! FUCK competition ! FREEDOM 

Epic collaborations/proposals will see the light of day (vocals, composition, cinema, Albums...) Etc...

Others Far From Home double Album reviews, Interviews, articles, TV Shows and others to come... Listen and buy here (Lyrics too aside each songs, wonderful reviews already...): ! Many Video clips are on the WormHoleDeath channel (Beyond my Blood/City of Mortals/Tears of Earth/Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm/The Broken face...) , many interviews on youtube , many AWESOME Far From Home reviews on the net ETC...

As head of A&R WormHoleDeath and A&R Epictronic I will sign lots of fantastic Bands again !

Humanitarian/Spiritual work in Africa and others countries in the Future between others... I'm ALWAYS here to HELP GOOD people ! Not the others !!! JUSTICE 

Lots of surprises to come! Thank you for all your support over the years! Thanks to the BEAUTIFUL SOULS around me ! LOVE 

Not the others (Jokers, Big liars/mythomaniacs, cowards, assholes alliances, some fucking elitists, Dumb lecturers, Control freaks, Big Cheaters/scammers/hackers ETC...) ! I don't want to see them ! Who do they think they are ? I AM MAX ENIX, 37 YEARS OLD AND I FUCK THEM ALL with my INNOCENT AND IMMORTAL SOUL 

Max Enix Fan Page: , Principal Facebook page: or Instagram, Twitter ETC... 

Stay true to yourself !
Eyes to the Future



Countdown the days...

*MAX ENIX / FAR FROM HOME / The Orchestral Version (3CDS) with exclusive FX sounds will come on October 27th 2023
A totally different listening experience than the original (more movie oriented ! The basis of my work) ! Listen 3 songs already here:

*Picture by Thomas Ewerhard 

*Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag) / MASTERPIECE "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music."

*8.5/10 Rock Garage (De)
The orchestral version is what it says, the songs were recorded in orchestral style and are reminiscent of the soundtrack of the Schwarzenegger film "Conan".
In conclusion, a varied work with many twists and intelligent compositions. The entire album is worth a listen.

*Finish note, if one wants to go deeper within the music, grab some headphones (I suggest this to capture the atmosphere of the piece), turn off all modern devices, and find that right moment to drift away and relax with the orchestral version of “Far From Home,” which was recorded with the “Budapest Symphony Orchestra” will offer a unique sound and atmosphere—much more epic, emotional, engaged and complex/hard songs this time than before.

*DPRP: Its synchronously offered orchestral version, available separately or as a package deal with the release described above, adds a whole new view and complementary experience. It was recorded with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra and contains a completely instrumental, immaculate performance of the total concept, with exclusive sound effects and choirs that narrate the story. Recognisable through recurring melodies and themes, it offers unique transformed sounds and atmospheres. The serene breeze of Angels Of The Apocalyptic Storm is a striking example, which will delight those in favour of film scoring composers likes John Williams, Hans Zimmer, and Philip Glass. Awesome Review (nl) ! Excerpt: Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned.

*Far From Home Orchestral (October 27th 2023) curated and produced by Max Enix

Max Enix: Music, Artistic director, Story...

Thomas Kubler: Additional arrangements, Orchestrator
François Rousselot : Conductor

Vikram Shankar: Piano
Derek Sherinian: Piano on tracks 2 and 13
Laurene Tellenaria: Harp on track 14

Mixed by David Castillo at Studio Grondahl, Stockholm, Sweden
Mastered by Tony Lindgren at Fascination street studios, Orebro, Sweden Orchestra recording: Budapest Symphony orchestra, Hungary
Booklet Illustrations/Conception/Artwork by Thomas Ewerhard

*Till then...

*You Can Listen & Buy 
Max Enix / Far From Home / Double Album (2h40) with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Many Famous Guests and many surprises here:

***A few words about my new album from sites worldwide:

*10/10 by Metal Zenith (USA):

*10/10 Frenzy Fire and Metal Gods TV (UK): "Majestic, magnificent, meandering and moving. For the entire two hours and forty minutes, 'Far From Home' is a captivating and engaging slab of grandeur - definitely not an anthemic driving album!
'Far From Home' has something for every one, whether you're a fan of Dream Theater, Opeth, Nightwish, Katatonia, Pink Floyd, Freddie Mercury, or David Bowie. And as an added bonus, there's gonna be an "orchestral version" of the album released later this year! As if 'Far From Home' couldn't get any better - yes it will!
Overall, an extraordinary and elegant journey of atmospheric symphonic rock and metal, and so much more."

*10/10 by Onsnieuws (Holland): "The album is a big 10. It’s just one of a kind and very special. And the only thing I can advise you is listen to the album. And not one time, but listen several times. And you will find out new things every time you listen to it. With your headphones on I gives you the ones in a lifetime experience."

*4.9 Stars on 5 Music Existence (US): "It is truly a work of art."

*9,7/10 The Dark Melody: "By God, it is not possible for people to overlook a work so well done! My question is whether Max will be able to surpass what has been achieved with this monument so full of art , since the level of quality is something that exceeds all conventional limits on a full scale."

*18/20 by Metal Integral (Fr): "The most ambitious project in the history of French metal?"

*Solid MASTERPIECE by Rock Era Magazine (Egypt): "Far From Home with both versions is an extremely enjoyable ride, Max Enix took his time in polishing and perfecting every detail making every moment count, creating a solid masterpiece of an album that’ll get him and the listener on the same wavelength emotionally and musically."

*MASTERPIECE by Metal1on1 (USA): “A Universe of Epic, emotional & Engaging Musical Journey”

*ASTONISHING by Adriconelrock (Es): "You immerse yourself in a world of fantasy, mysticism and perfect relaxation to enjoy well-constructed music from its foundations."

*MASTERPIECE Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag): "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music."

*MASTERPIECE Brutally Delicious (US): "It's been a long time since I've heard anything at all like this ! It's a true and Grandiose undertaking."

*CHEF D'OEUVRE by Ahasverus Cornelius (Fr): "Monumental/Magistral Mieux qu'un opéra métal, au-delà des productions qu'on nous présente habituellement sous cette bannière, Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Le résultat global est proprement impressionnant, réalisé sans temps mort ni fausse note. " Max Enix artiste du mois de Juin 2023!"

*MASTERPIECE Orkus Magazin (De): "Far From Home is called as Epic Cinematic Masterpiece! "Far From Home" is like a varied adventure, so that the double album, which does not shy away from pieces of more than 10 minutes, should be enjoyed from beginning to end."

*MASTERPIECE / Black Night Radio: "Probably one of the best Metal albums of 2023, from Mr Max Enix. A Great Masterpiece."

*MASTERPIECE Pete rock news and views: "Max Enix’s “Far From Home” is a remarkable release that transcends the boundaries of musical genres, offering listeners an immersive and profound experience that stretches over two captivating discs. Enix’s prowess as a singer-songwriter, composer, and producer shines brilliantly in this ambitious double album. Enix’s ability to seamlessly blend these diverse elements is a testament to his compositional prowess and artistic vision. Whether you are a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a musical odyssey that defies expectations, “Far From Home” is a must-listen experience that leaves a lasting impression."

*TOUR DE FORCE ! Big Bang Magazine (FR): "Never before... A musical project brought together so many different forces, and Far From Home is nothing short of titanic.
The vocal duets are seductive, and Max Enix does magnificently well in the midst of these exceptional singers, where fury and lyricism battle it out.
Somewhere between Hans Zimmer and Devin Townsend. Far From Home reveals its highly cinematic potential.
Unique and exceptional character of Far From Home, a veritable river rock opera driven by the talent and ambition of a single man, who deserves to be saluted for his extraordinary tour de force. The self-sacrifice of an artist at the service of his work."

*MASTERPIECE ! Rocker United (Local stage worldwide): "“Far From Home” rewards a unique musical experience that is almost incomparable to any other release I can think of.
"Far From Home" is a monumental achievement that showcases Max Enix's remarkable musical talents and his ability to craft a diverse and emotionally resonant body of work.
This album is a breath-taking journey through sound, with each track offering a unique and immersive experience.
Max Enix and his collaborators have created a masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on fans of progressive music and anyone seeking a profound and transformative musical adventure.
"Far From Home" is an epic odyssey that invites listeners to explore the boundless possibilities of contemporary music."

*9/10 World Of Metal TV: "A real treasure for fan of progressive music where Max Enix shows his Enormous talent!"

*8.5/10 Mariskal Rock (Es): "The Multifaceted metal Genius/ definitely elevates the composer as one of the most important creative minds, no longer on the international metal scene, but on any music label that self-respect."

*8.5/10 Rock Garage (De): Excerpt: "The use of male and female vocals alone brings a lot to the table, and as far as the songs are concerned, they already offer a lot of variety with their suspense arcs and both tempo and heaviness changes.
The orchestral version is what it says, the songs were recorded in orchestral style and are reminiscent of the soundtrack of the Schwarzenegger film "Conan".
In conclusion, a varied work with many twists and intelligent compositions. The entire album is worth a listen."

*84% Excellent Review by Via Nocturna (Portugal): "I was thrown into the idea of this album by Max Enix, Far From Home: with three hours of music, an endless list of guests, with the Bupapest Symphony Orchestra leading a set of gigantic songs and with the most unexpected twists and turns. Far From Home is an album that revisits various musical scenes, some of them outside the metal spectrum, such as some passages of hip hop, jazz or new age. A creative and instrumental richness (with a highlight for the sensational piano textures) always accompanied by symphonic, orchestral and choral elements, for all the vocal diversity imprinted by a group of vocalists, each one as its own record."

*8,3/10 by Profil Prog (Canada): "A titanic work with inevitable redundancies on the titles, their lengths and structures which should not be synthesized too quickly; we talk about the beauty of life, faith, the human condition, we talk about a rock opera fresco whose last flowing title should be listened to first to help you understand the musical structure of this French artist extraordinary."

*Josh Rundquist (Heavy Debriefings USA): "Far From Home is one of the Best Album of the month (June)"

*Awesome Review (nl) Excerpt: "Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned."

*8/10 Metal Digest (Greek): " ‘Far From Home’ is an opportunity for you and your “everything” friend to embark on a wondrous journey of choral arrangements, multiple vocalists of every stripe, ripping guitars, and multicultural inflections."

*Heavy HQ (Us): "The scale of the album does feel like a Devin Townsend and Hans Zimmer hybrid."

*8/10 Saitenkult (De): "This year's monumental work of progressive rock and progressive metal comes from Max Enix, bears the concise title 'Far From Home' and captivates for other 160minutes!"

*8/10 AWESOME Review ! SoundMagnet (De): "Densely packed Cineastic Progressive Metal with orchestral violence. In addition to the vocals of Max Enix himself, who does a great job and is quiet varied, the female vocals are sung by Elise Wachbar and cut an equally good figure. For fans of symphonic metal with cinematic means and a lot of mass and class, Max Enix has a musical feast in store."

*10/15 by Betreutesproggen (De): "If you look at the album purely musically, fans of concept albums in the style of symphonic prog metal will quickly feel at home here. There are countless beautiful melodies, wonderful orchestral arrangements and outstanding vocal parts."

*80/100 Rock Overdose (Greece): "Max Enix's "Far From Home" is a magical musical journey, a musical adventure full of surprises. As a songwriter, composer and producer, Enix shows off his extraordinary talent by creating an ambitious double album that perfectly combines many different genres into a single body of work.
"Far From Home" is a work that transcends and breaks the boundaries between musical genres, presenting a work with a truly fresh sound and inspiring ideas that is definitely worth a listen."

*8/10 METAL HAMMER GREECE: "Passion is the beginning and the end of Far From Home. Passion for Art without limits, for unbridled creation and the elevation of man as a being and not as a consumer product. Listen to it again and again and you will constantly discover something new.
"An extremely talented artist, one of those who doesn't just do calculations and measurements with the eyes on the number of sales, but dedicated himself soul and body to his Art. Max Enix brings out his innermost soul, both musically and lyrically, in a way that you cannot resist and what he tells us is indicative of what it happens in his mind."

*PowerPlay Magazine: "The genuine emotion Enix has for his music is clear to pick up in his vocals. I can't say I loved them , but there's no doubt he has talent. Enix should be proud of his achievement; this is a monumental project he's put together, and he should be applauded for the sheer effort it must have taken."

*7.8/10 by Music Connection Magazine (Uk)

*RockHard Italy AWESOME review by Emanuele Biani, DPRP (Holland) AWESOME Words, Rocknytt (Swe), Radio Erdorin (Fr), This is Rock (Es)

*Masterpiece/Awesome/Brillant by some listeners (world), advices and Many others…

*Lots of others to come..."

Thanks for your support

#DeepVolumeToMaxEnix ??

#MaxEnix #NewAlbum #FarFromHome #OutNow #OrchestralVersion #ComingSoon #Wormholedeath #ProgressiveMetal #AlternativeRock #Music #Composer #Singer #Artist

*Note: Some people destroy beautiful things, beautiful souls and good hearts ! Evil is everywhere (Your closest friends sometimes) ! There must be an End to all this ! Light and darkness united against the bad souls ! Beauty and Love will replace mediocrity and Ugliness ! The lost souls will be save ! It's time to stop creating stupid divisions with politics, religions, futilities and move towards spirituality and a common goal (UNION # CORRUPTION)! Be mature and stop your bullshit (We are on the same boat and we have to Love each other) ! PEACE # WAR ! No time to loose with some idiots who don't understand anything or are envious ! For the future generations and their equilibrium (for our childrens) ! Restore the TRUTH in this upside down society ! HOPE is here !

Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, Facebook...


In case you don't know it, I'm on Instagram, Twitter & TikTok ! Recently !

Facebook Fan Page:
Facebook Principal Page:

Stay tuned... Cause more is yet to come! Thanks for All 

#MaxEnix #Follow



Max Enix / Far From Home / Orchestral Version (3CDS) with exclusive FX Sounds to be released October 27th 2023 ! 3 Songs can be heard already on Bandcamp: (more movie oriented and the basis for my Far From Home work) !

Far From Home Original version (2CDS) listen and buy here:

Not definitive cover here ! Thanks for the support 

*Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag) / Review excerpt about the orchestral one too: "Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music." 

*Far From Home Orchestral (October 27th 2023) curated and produced by Max Enix

Max Enix: Music, Artistic director, Story...

Thomas Kubler: Additional arrangements, Orchestrator
François Rousselot : Conductor

Vikram Shankar: Piano
Derek Sherinian on tracks 2 and 13

Mixed by David Castillo at Studio Grondahl, Stockholm, Sweden
Mastered by Tony Lindgren at Fascination street studios, Orebro, Sweden
Orchestra recording: Budapest Symphony orchestra, Hungary
Booklet Illustrations/Conception/Artwork by Thomas Ewerhard

Olivier Chevalier: Sound design

9,7/10 The Dark Melody and 9/10 World of Metal TV



Thanks from the Bottom of my Heart to Michael Prado (@thedarkmelodyweb) for this AWESOME Max Enix / Far From Home review !

"By God, it is not possible for people to overlook a work so well done! My question is whether Max will be able to surpass what has been achieved with this monument so full of art , since the level of quality is something that exceeds all conventional limits on a full scale."

Album Of the Year for him for now

You Can Listen & Buy 
Max Enix / Far From Home / Double Album (2h40) with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Many Famous Guests and many surprises here: !

The orchestral version (3CDs) with exclusive sounds FX will come on October 27th 2023!

Thanks for your support 

 #DeepVolumeToMaxEnix ??

#MaxEnixReview #TheDarkMelody #MichaelPrado #NewAlbum #FarFromHome #OutNow #Wormholedeath #ProgressiveMetal #AlternativeRock #Music #Composer #Singer #Artist 

* And an other one 9/10 from World of Metal TV (Video) ! Max Enix / Far From Home Review ! Thanks a Lot !
Excerpt: A real treasure for fan of progressive music where Max Enix shows his Enormous talent !

Listen and Buy here:



Listen and Buy the Max Enix: Far From Home double Album (2h40 with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra, 48pages Booklet, Many famous guests and others) here: ?? Thanks for All <3

***Wonderful Reviews already :
-10/10 by Metal Zenith (USA):
-10/10 Frenzy Fire and Metal Gods TV (UK) ! And Majestic, magnificent, meandering and moving. For the entire two hours and forty minutes, 'Far From Home' is a captivating and engaging slab of grandeur - definitely not an anthemic driving album!
'Far From Home' has something for every one, whether you're a fan of Dream Theater, Opeth, Nightwish, Katatonia, Pink Floyd, Freddie Mercury, or David Bowie. And as an added bonus, there's gonna be an "orchestral version" of the album released later this year! As if 'Far From Home' couldn't get any better - yes it will!
Overall, an extraordinary and elegant journey of atmospheric symphonic rock and metal, and so much more.
-10/10 by Onsnieuws (Holland):
-4.9 Stars on 5 Music Existence (US) !
It is truly a work of Art."
-9,7/10 The Dark Melody:
"By God, it is not possible for people to overlook a work so well done! My question is whether Max will be able to surpass what has been achieved with this monument so full of art , since the level of quality is something that exceeds all conventional limits on a full scale." Album Of the Year for now 
-18/20 by Metal Integral (Fr):
-Solid MASTERPIECE by Rock Era Magazine (Egypt):
-MASTERPIECE by Metal1on1 (USA):
-ASTONISHING by Adriconelrock (Es):
-MASTERPIECE Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag) / "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music." 
-MASTERPIECE Brutally Delicious (US): « It's been a long time since I've heard anything at all like this ! It's a true and Grandiose undertaking /
-CHEF D'OEUVRE by Ahasverus Cornelius (Fr) / "Monumental/Magistral Mieux qu'un opéra métal, au-delà des productions qu'on nous présente habituellement sous cette bannière, Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Le résultat global est proprement impressionnant, réalisé sans temps mort ni fausse note. " Max Enix artiste du mois de Juin 2023 !
-MASTERPIECE Orkus Magazin (De): Far From Home is called as Epic Cinematic Masterpiece! "Far From Home" is like a varied adventure, so that the double album, which does not shy away from pieces of more than 10 minutes, should be enjoyed from beginning to end.
-MASTERPIECE / Black Night Radio: "Probably one of the best Metal albums of 2023, from Mr Max Enix. A Great Masterpiece"
-MASTERPIECE Pete rock news and views / Max Enix’s “Far From Home” is a remarkable release that transcends the boundaries of musical genres, offering listeners an immersive and profound experience that stretches over two captivating discs. Enix’s prowess as a singer-songwriter, composer, and producer shines brilliantly in this ambitious double album. Enix’s ability to seamlessly blend these diverse elements is a testament to his compositional prowess and artistic vision. Whether you are a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a musical odyssey that defies expectations, “Far From Home” is a must-listen experience that leaves a lasting impression.
-TOUR DE FORCE ! Big Bang Magazine (FR)/
Never before... A musical project brought together so many different forces, and Far From Home is nothing short of titanic.
The vocal duets are seductive, and Max Enix does magnificently well in the midst of these exceptional singers, where fury and lyricism battle it out.
Somewhere between Hans Zimmer and Devin Townsend. Far From Home reveals its highly cinematic potential.
Unique and exceptional character of Far From Home, a veritable river rock opera driven by the talent and ambition of a single man, who deserves to be saluted for his extraordinary tour de force. The self-sacrifice of an artist at the service of his work.
-MASTERPIECE ! Rocker United (Local stage worldwide)
“Far From Home” rewards a unique musical experience that is almost incomparable to any other release I can think of.
"Far From Home" is a monumental achievement that showcases Max Enix's remarkable musical talents and his ability to craft a diverse and emotionally resonant body of work.
This album is a breath-taking journey through sound, with each track offering a unique and immersive experience.
Max Enix and his collaborators have created a masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on fans of progressive music and anyone seeking a profound and transformative musical adventure.
"Far From Home" is an epic odyssey that invites listeners to explore the boundless possibilities of contemporary music.
-9/10 World Of Metal TV / A real treasure for fan of progressive music where Max Enix shows his Enormous talent !
-8.5/10 Mariskal Rock (Es) The Multifaceted metal Genius/ definitely elevates the composer as one of the most important creative minds, no longer on the international metal scene, but on any music label that self-respect:
-8.5/10 Rock Garage (De)
Excerpt: The use of male and female vocals alone brings a lot to the table, and as far as the songs are concerned, they already offer a lot of variety with their suspense arcs and both tempo and heaviness changes.
The orchestral version is what it says, the songs were recorded in orchestral style and are reminiscent of the soundtrack of the Schwarzenegger film "Conan".
In conclusion, a varied work with many twists and intelligent compositions. The entire album is worth a listen.
-84% Excellent Review by Via Nocturna (Portugal) !
-8,3/10 by Profil Prog (Canada):
-Josh Rundquist (Heavy Debriefings USA): Far From Home is one of the Best Album of the month (June) !
- Awesome Review (nl) ! Excerpt: Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned.
-8/10 Metal Digest (Greek):
-Heavy HQ (Us) The scale of the album does feel like a Devin Townsend and Hans Zimmer hybrid.
-8/10 Saitenkult (De): This year's monumental work of progressive rock and progressive metal comes from Max Enix, bears the concise title 'Far From Home' and captivates for other 160minutes !
-8/10 AWESOME Review ! SoundMagnet (De) "Densely packed Cineastic Progressive Metal with orchestral violence. In addition to the vocals of Max Enix himself, who does a great job and is quiet varied, the female vocals are sung by Elise Wachbar and cut an equally good figure. For fans of symphonic metal with cinematic means and a lot of mass and class, Max Enix has a musical feast in store. "
-10/15 by Betreutesproggen (De):
-80/100 Rock Overdose (Greece) !
Max Enix's "Far From Home" is a magical musical journey, a musical adventure full of surprises. As a songwriter, composer and producer, Enix shows off his extraordinary talent by creating an ambitious double album that perfectly combines many different genres into a single body of work.
"Far From Home" is a work that transcends and breaks the boundaries between musical genres, presenting a work with a truly fresh sound and inspiring ideas that is definitely worth a listen.
-8/10 METAL HAMMER GREECE ! Passion is the beginning and the end of Far From Home. Passion for Art without limits, for unbridled creation and the elevation of man as a being and not as a consumer product. Listen to it again and again and you will constantly discover something new.
"An extremely talented artist, one of those who doesn't just do calculations and measurements with the eyes on the number of sales, but dedicated himself soul and body to his Art. Max Enix brings out his innermost soul, both musically and lyrically, in a way that you cannot resist and what he tells us is indicative of what it happens in his mind."
-7.8/10 by Music Connection Magazine (Uk)
-RockHard Italy AWESOME review by Emanuele Biani, DPRP (Holland) AWESOME Words, Rocknytt (Swe), Radio Erdorin (Fr), This is Rock (Es), PowerPlay Magazine / The genuine emotion Enix has for his music is clear to pick up in his vocals. I can't say I loved them , but there's no doubt he has talent. Enix should be proud of his achievement; this is a monumental project he's put together, and he should be applauded for the sheer effort it must have taken.
-Masterpiece/Awesome/Brillant by some listeners (world), advices and Many others…
-Lots of others to come...

*Interviews here:

-Ever Metal (Uk):
-Onsnieuws (Nl):
-Profil prog (Can):
-Metal Digest (Greek):
-Rock Era magazine (Egypt):
-Savage Ladies of Metal (US Video):
-Red death media (Uk video):
-Music Existence (Us video):
-Metal is the law (De Video):
-Metal Head Forever Mag (Us Video):
-Metal Alliance Mag (Suisse Video):
-Team Brutal (Portugal Video):
-Between many others in some magazines like Fireworks Magazine, This is rock, RockHard Italy, Legacy, Mariskal, La heavy rock, Orkus, Dejected, Metal Hammer Greece, Rock Hard Greece...
- Rockallica (Greece) !
-Others to come...

Fireworks Magazine


Thanks Again to the Fireworks Magazine Team (Biggest UK Mag) for all (Max Enix: Far From Home Review, Interview, Advertising...) in the new Issue 103 Summer ! One of the longest Album review in the magazine, if not the longest !  Orchestral version (3CDS with Exclusive sounds FX) will come October 27th 2023

Review excerpt: "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music."



Max Enix / Far From Home / Double Album recommended by Carsten Schulz !

Thanks my friend ! Listen and buy here:

Interview by Claudia Filippa


An other video interview with Claudia Filipa from Portugal ! Thanks a lot for this Awesome Interview (your first one) ! It's an honor to be part of it ! Interview Recorded 2 months ago so not very actual ! Don't pay attention to my head (very tired at this moment ahah) ! Have a great week end ! Max

Interview Max Enix by Jake Kussmaul


Excellent Interview with Jake Kussmaul (Music Existence USA) ! We talk about Music, but also about the world, the society, the wickedness of some people, the beauty of things, the hope Etc... Thanks a Lot Jake for your Kindness !  Watch here if you want:

4.9 stars on 5 Music Existence


Max Enix / Far From Home / NEW AWESOME REVIEW / 4.9 Stars on 5 by Jake Kussmaul (Music Existence US) ! Thanks a Lot ? Video Interview with him tonight too !

"Overall, Far From Home succeeds in creating a profound, pertinent, and immersive experience. The album’s sound is balanced and clear, making each vignette to the concept – through all its demonstrable complexities – easy to follow along with. It is truly a work of Art."

Listen and buy here:



New AWESOME review in the Orkus Magazin (Germany) ! Thanks a Lot Claudia Zinn-Zinnenburg !

Far From Home is called as Epic Cinematic MASTERPIECE ! "Far From Home" is like a varied adventure, so that the double album, which does not shy away from pieces of more than 10 minutes, should be enjoyed from beginning to end.

Listen and buy here:

New interview in the Orkus Magazin (Germany) too !

Traduction (From German) and complete interview:

Orkus: "Far from Home" is such an overwhelming listening experience that I'm speechless at first. Many thanks for that! How did this concept album come about in the first place?

Thank you so much for your words! I'm glad to hear that it was an overwhelming experience! Right from the start of my career I wanted to make an impact with an orchestra and very emotional compositions! That didn't happen on the first Constellia: Secret Garden album, which had a simpler format! After the release of this album in 2019, I settled down at home and really wanted to make my mark and try to create a work of art on my own at home (the covid period having helped with this)! So I wrote the story I'd had in my head for a while, then sat down in front of my keyboard/piano and the ideas flowed!

O: You don't shy away from really long pieces either. Did you have any reservations at the beginning or was it clear that some compositions simply need a lot of space to sound and work?

Initially I hadn't planned to make a double album with so many epic songs, but I let myself be guided by the story and the emotions! In the end, I created around 3 hours of music and had to make choices to fit it into a double album! The orchestral version with exclusive FX sounds will be released on 27th October and will be slightly longer than the original 3CD version! The compositions actually needed more space to tell the story! The next Albums will be singles ones (normally) and will include more traditional , beautiful and emotional songs, instrumental ones and of course epic songs too! I'm thinking of ending each album with a very epic composition from now on! To be continued...

O: The orchestra is also "real". Why was that important to you, while nowadays it is much easier to achieve similar (but of course not the same!) effects electronically?

I really wanted to make an impact with an orchestra and I honestly think that adds an extra emotional impact! Just the thought of having dozens of musicians playing your music is pretty thrilling! And the choirs too! After that it's true that nowadays we can get very similar sounds electronically and massively which are also splendid and are enough! I don't know yet whether the next albums will feature an orchestra or not! But clearly for film music or games among other things... The Budapest Symphony Orchestra will once again be called upon and recommended everywhere!

O: The cover image is as versatile as the album itself. What is the idea behind it?

It's a cover that symbolises yin and yang in its own way! City and nature! Day and night! The telluric and the cosmic! The magic ! A certain balance is sought in this cover! The divine and materialism, flora and fauna, destruction and environmental problems! A sort of synthesis of what the Earth can give us! Spirituality, the sacred, Love, Peace and War, Freedom! The chaos embodied by meteorites and nuclear weapons! The miracle and mysticism of the eclipse! The mediocrity and beauty of things! The flight of the bird, the flight of the soul to a more distant place! The gradual exit from the human condition... The different elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air...)! Dark matter, dark energy! Hell and Heaven! The confrontation of our emotions... It's very universal!

O: How did you come up with the title "Far from Home" – and how did you developed the composition with the same name?
I think more “epic” is not possible!

Far From Home came quite naturally! It symbolises the unknown, the Adventure... It's as if we were embarking on a very long epic film like The Lord of the Rings! The aim is to lose all sense of time! A deep journey into the torments and beauty of the soul, the senses, the infinity! The final 26-minute composition represents the end of the story, which is a kind of time loop. Where has the main character gone at the end? There's hope... Everything fitted together very naturally to suit the story! This final composition has been split into several parts and I've tried to create a coherent whole... You can always make it more epic, but it's true that I've tried to create a final journey that's memorable and unforgettable! I hope you'll feel it ;)

O: What does "Home" mean to you personally?

The word home is universal! The Earth is our home, just like other planets, just like the galaxies and the Universe! Houses were built and shaped by humans, and then society followed. Civilisations have replaced each other one after the other! The house is our secret garden, our inner peace and it opens the doors to our heart and soul! The house has no roof, no religions, no rules! It teaches us to live in harmony and peace with each other… Everyone is different and the aliens too !

O: What would you say are three albums that have shaped you personally?

It's really hard to choose - there's just too much to choose from! I'd say Devin Townsend: Ocean Machine, Pain of Salvation: The perfect Element and Dream Theater: Scenes from a memory! The last album that stood out for me was Dodheimsgard: Black medium current! Already a future classic for me!

O: And last but not least: How did the founding of Max Enix come about in the first place?

Enix is a contraction of Phoenix! The phoenix that rises from the ashes! Yes, I've been through a lot in my life and I've had to refocus on a lot of things to try and find my equilibrium ! The phoenix is therefore appropriate and I plan to release an album under this name in the future which will represent my story and my journey as well as that of millions of people who will be able to recognise themselves (in what form is to be defined)! Thanks for all the support !

Bodybuilding for Tour 2024/2025


Max Enix Far From Home Tour 2024/2025! Intensive preparation for the many professional festivals and concerts taking place in Europe and around the world (Dates/Places announcement around September/October 2023)! After several months of training/bodybuilding I've already lost 5kg (95kg now) and the muscle strengthening is having an effect every day! Important for the stage and to feel as good as possible in your body (even if Spirit and Soul are what's most important)! Take care 



Here's my summer Headquarters (Cellar of the house) for working, singing, composing etc..., hopefully with some nice cold drinks (it's too hot outside) ! Maybe a delicious mint syrup ! Lots of copies of Far From Home to sign (autograph) and send by post tomorrow to the 4 corners of the globe ! Excellent bands to sign too ! Gradually setting up a recording studio too ! Have a great day and a lovely holiday! As for me, I work first and foremost... 

This is Rock Mag


Thanks a lot for the good Review : This is Rock mag ! Being  between Porcupine Tree, The Mars Volta and The smashing Pumpkins Bands is always great <3 The next albums will only have 1 or 2 very epic songs maximum normally ! For this one it was to mark the occasion ;) 

Max Enix / Far From Home Awesome reviews from now (those who really take the time to listen and understand the whole work many times):

-10/10 by Metal Zenith (USA):
-8.5/10 Mariskal Rock (Es) The Multifaceted metal Genius/ definitely elevates the composer as one of the most important creative minds, no longer on the international metal scene, but on any music label that self-respect:
-18/20 by Metal Integral (Fr):
-Solid Masterpiece by Rock Era Magazine (Egypt):
-A Big 10/10 by Onsnieuws (Holland):
-8,3/10 by Profil Prog (Canada):
-7.8/10 by Music Connection Magazine (Uk)
-Masterpiece by Metal1on1 (USA):
-10/15 by Betreutesproggen (De):
-Astonishing by Adriconelrock (Es):
-Masterpiece/Awesome/Brillant by some listeners (world) and Many Many others and others to come...
-8/10 Metal Digest (Greek):
-Heavy HQ (US) The scale of the album does feel like a Devin Townsend and Hans Zimmer hybrid.
-8/10 Saitenkult (De): This year's monumental work of progressive rock and progressive metal comes from Max Enix, bears the concise title 'Far From Home' and captivates for other 160minutes !
-MASTERPIECE by Fireworks Magazine (UK) the biggest UK Magazine / Sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future.
-Brutally Delicious (US) : Awesome Audio review  / It's been a long time since I've heard anything at all like this ! It's a true and Grandiose undertaking / 
-RockHard Italy AWESOME review by Emanuele Biani, DPRP (Holland) AWESOME Words, Rocknytt (Swe), Radio Erdorin (Fr) between others...
-Masterpiece by Ahasverus Cornelius (Fr) / "Monumental/Magistral Mieux qu'un opéra métal, au-delà des productions qu'on nous présente habituellement sous cette bannière, Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Le résultat global est proprement impressionnant, réalisé sans temps mort ni fausse note. " 
-Josh Rundquist (Heavy Debriefings USA): Far From Home is one of the Best Album of the month ! And Ahasverus Cornelius (Fr): Max Enix artist of the month !
Excellent Review (84%) by Via Nocturna (Portugal) ! But I'm french and not Italian ! And no programmed drums on this record it's a mistake because it's Leo Margarit from Pain Of Salvation who have made brilliantly the different drums parts on the double Album ! 
-Lots of others to come...

A&R Epictronic too


A&R Epictronic (music company more Electronic Rock, Indie rock and New Wave/Dark Wave oriented) now too : and Head of A&R WormHoleDeath Records (Label oriented Metal/Rock and Sub-genres) since may 2023: ! Artist at WormHoleDeath of course too since many months now... Thanks Carlo (Carlo Bellotti publishing) and Natascia Pribac for the trust ! Excellent Team and awesome results together 

Approved by Nilou the Dog


Far From Home is approved by Nilou The Dog ??? ?? 

Spread your tongues


Spread your tongues my friends and don't forgot to smile and joke in this crazy world ! At future shows/festivals in 2024 I want to see everyone sticking their tongues out ! I'll be looking in the crowd ! For the Hord ! #MaxEnix #farfromhome #tour2024

Max Enix / City Of Mortals / Video Clip Here


Max Enix / City Of Mortals / Transcendent and cinematic video clip (10minutes) is here: ! Taken From the Max Enix double Concept Album "Far From Home" (2h40 with the Budapest symphony orchestra, many famous guests, 48pages booklet...) ! To listen and buy here: !

Max Enix "City of Mortals" is an epic and very filmic video clip of 10minutes in 3D (Unreal Engine) made By Lucas Bastian ! With Toby Driver (Maudlin of the well, Kayo Dot...) who sing with Elise Wachbar and me (Max Enix) !

This song is against Corruption, Abuse/thirst of power in these streets, in this society ! Can you see the riots in the streets? The fragility and vulnerability of the human condition? The corruption, the violence, the wars, the adversity, the poverty, the stupidity, the inequality, the fake news, the data manipulations, the innocent/delicate souls destroyed and on and on ?

*Thanks from the bottom of my heart to Lucas Bastian director of this Awesome video clip and the team around ! I recommend it to everyone ! heart

*Thanks to the musicians and singers who appear on this composition namely Thomas Kubler, François Rousselot, Toby driver (Maudlin of the well/Kayo Dot...), Elise Wachbar, Leo Margarit, Vikram Shankar, Jean Jacques Moréac, Xavier Boscher... Those who helped when necessary Hugo Williame and Victor Monteriggioni. And of course the magnificent Budapest Symphony Orchestra and its director by Peter Kovacs that I highly recommend!

*Thanks to David Castillo (Studio Grondahl) for the wonderful mix and all his team around (Thomas Plec Johansson, Eduardo Belchior...) as well as Tony Lindgren (Fascination street studios) for the mastering!

*Thanks to Wormholedeath (Label) and all the team/family around namely Carlo Bellotti (label director), Natascia Pribac, Carla Predan, Heidi Holm, Agrita Damarovska, Coy Iacono, Kishimoto Masa , Gabe zane etc...

*Thanks to all the friends, musicians, artists, people around the world who support me since the beginning and the newcomers !

*Sorry if I forget some people but without you all this would not have been the same...

***Far From Home (2023) curated and produced by Max Enix

Max Enix: Music, Vocals, Artistic director, Lyrics/story...

Thomas Kubler: Additional arrangements, Orchestrator
François Rousselot: Conductor

Leo Margarit: Drums
Vikram Shankar: Piano/Keyboards
Jean-Jacques Moréac: Bass
Xavier Boscher: Guitars
Elise Wachbar: Vocals

Mixed by David Castillo at Studio Grondahl, Stockholm, Sweden
Mastered by Tony Lindgren at Fascination street studios, Orebro, Sweden
Max Enix and Elise Wachbar Vocals recorded in the Studio Pangos (Marc Krauth), Russ, France
Orchestra recording: Budapest Symphony orchestra, Hungary
Booklet Illustrations/Conception/Artwork by Thomas Ewerhard
Logo by Niklas Sundin

*See you soon for new adventures in unknown lands! PEACE heart Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Eyes to the Future!



Merci du fond du coeur à Ahasverus Cornelius pour cette fabuleuse chronique de Far From Home et ses mots absolument extraordinaires et élogieux !

Extrait " Quand Metal rime avec Monumental... Ambitieux, titanesque, pharaonique, sont des mots qui reviennent volontiers dans les chroniques de ce double album. C'est qu'on est admiratif devant ce qu'a dû nécessiter la conduite de ce projet et on salue la prouesse de Max Enix, parvenu à un résultat extraordinaire dans un délai très court. C'est donc d'abord à son ambition et à sa capacité à conduire ce projet de titan que nous rendons hommage, parce qu'il faut être totalement fou ou inconscient pour mettre en oeuvre un tel chantier, et complètement génial pour le mener à bien de la sorte. Mieux qu'un opéra métal, au-delà des productions qu'on nous présente habituellement sous cette bannière, Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Le résultat global est proprement impressionnant, réalisé sans temps mort ni fausse note. « Far From Home » a ainsi quelque chose de magistral et s'impose en référence à plusieurs titres : son ampleur, son casting, sa réalisation.



Thanks a Lot for the support on my Max Enix Fan Page here : ! For this publication I have put 200euros (for 7 days) to have more visibility on Facebook and the result is here: more than 1400 likes in 3 days and it's more and more each days) ! The project is popular for all kind of public and the goal is reached ! Youtube links too in the commentary (grow and grow) ! THANKS A LOT for the support ! Lots of things are coming and Big surprises soon ! Eyes to the Future 



Max Enix / Far From Home / Double Concept Album with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra and Many Famous Guests ! Listen and buy here on Bandcamp: , on All the digital platforms and Aural Music... Professional Shows/Tours and lots of surprises are coming (Goodies, video clips, orchestral Albums...) !

*Wonderful Reviews already !
-10/10 by Metal Zenith (USA):
-8.5/10 Mariskal Rock (The Multifaceted metal Genius/ definitely elevates the composer as one of the most important creative minds, no longer on the international metal scene, but on any music label that self-respect:
-18/20 by Metal Integral (Fr):
-Solid Masterpiece by Rock Era Magazine (Egypt):
-10/10 by Onsnieuws :
-8,3/10 by Profil Prog (Canada):
-7.8/10 by Music Connection Magazine
-Masterpiece by Metal1on1 (USA):
-10/15 by Betreutesproggen:
-Astonishing by Adriconelrock (Es):
-Masterpiece/Awesome by some listeners (world) and Many Many others and others to come...
-8/10 Metal Digest:
-Heavy HQ The scale of the album does feel like a Devin Townsend and Hans Zimmer hybrid.
-8/10 Saitenkult : This year's monumental work of progressive rock and progressive metal comes from Max Enix, bears the concise title 'Far From Home' and captivates for other 160minutes !
-MASTERPIECE by Fireworks Magazine the biggest UK Magazine / Sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future.
-RockHard Italy AWESOME review by Emanuele Biani, DPRP AWESOME Words, Rocknytt, Radio Erdorin between others...
-Lots of others to come...

Thanks a Lot for the support...



Max Enix / Far From Home / Colossal Review on the biggest UK Magazine in the world called Fireworks Magazine <3 Thanks a Lot to Graeme Wright, Dave Cockett, Bruce Mee for that ! Glad you like it ALL ! I wait my hard copy now ! Interview in the magazine too !

Review excerpt: "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music."

*The orchestral versions (3CDS) with exclusive sounds FX more soundtrack oriented will come in Autumn normally... Very emotional and deep ! Movie will come maybe in a near Future...

***I'd love to see more reviews/interviews in France (my country) too ! I have principally international reviews/Interviews ! But no one is a prophet in his own country apparently (CF Gojira) ! And some french people boycott me and I don't know why but it's like that ! In France they don't like success, people who win money, have big ambitions, communicate/play differently and some are envious (so they invente things and create dramas to put themselves forward, they try to destroy your reputation , trap you, manipulate others with fake smiles/intentions, abuse of your kindness and put you aside) ! Some are big mythomaniac sharks too with fake appearences (to mislead and invert things) ! I don't know what they have in mind but the innocents people remains innocents ! I love my country, the beautiful landscapes, gastronomy and all but some mentalities are very strange and incomprehensible ! All the successful/famous french people will tell you the same (Tony Parker, David Ginola, David guetta...) and we have to go forward ! French people have problems with money and jealousy and it's not the same on other countries even if some humans are what they are (want to dominate areas and divide and conquer = Thirst/Abuse of power or skills...) ! But that's why we need to go international ! It's sad but like that heart Everyone is different ! PEACE 

Mariskal Review 8.5/10


Thanks a lot to Mariskal Rock the bigger rock magazine/Webzine in Spain and David Esteban for this Awesome Review and your words

Excerpt (EN): The multifaceted metal Genius Max Enix returns in style thanks to the publication of a new Album, which, maintaining each and every one of the hallmarks that he already demonstrated in his previous work, Constellia: Secret Garden (2019), now surprises due to the greater depth and complexity of a magnanimous and colossal conceptual creation collected in the format of a double LP that definitely elevates the composer as one of the most important creative minds, no longer on the international metal scene, but on any music label that self-respect.

An Absolutely cathedral Album. It is complex and dense. A unique piece that is recommended to taste calmly and calmly to ensure a truly excellent trip."


An Other Fantastic review here 8/10 with wonderful words ! Thanks a lot Saitenkult (DE) and Michael Haifl 

Excerpt: "Already in the band CONSTELLIA and on the 2019 album 'Secret Garden' Max Enix could prove his compositional skills, but with his own studio album 'Far From Home' he surpasses all previous products. The work is more epic and complex, more emotional and cinematic.

In the spirit of his idols such as Hans Zimmer, he builds up a cinematic sound picture that he lets blossom in progressive rock and progressive metal with tiny detours into the extremes.

This year's monumental work of progressive rock and progressive metal comes from Max Enix, bears the concise title 'Far From Home' and captivates for other 160minutes ! Forgotten are all the rock and metal operas with their numerous players, the gigantic master line-up Max Enix brings up. "



MAX ENIX / FAR FROM HOME DOUBLE ALBUM (2h40) IS NOW OUT ! You can Listen it on all the digital plateforms (Spotify...) and here on the Bandcamp page: Good Listening...

*Lots of things are coming (Video clips, goodies, shows/Tours, movie, collaborations, Albums...) / Orchestral versions with exclusive sounds FX (3CDS) soon...



4 More Awesome Reviews today

*A Big 10/10 by Harrie Haas (Onsnieuws.Blog) here: with an interview too here:

*10/15 by with Awesome Words on it here: Just one point / For me Niklas Kvarforth have made an Awesome Job on Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm

*7.8/10 overview of 3 tracks only on Music connection magazine (not a metal magazine but more in a pop/Rn'b or indie rock) and a complete review of the double Album from them soon. Articles in the commentary !

*3,5/5 Rocknytt by Martin Nygren / For my Vocals some will love/like it, some less on some parts but it's a question of tastes and I respect that ;) And my voice is evolving every day ! It will be very professional and transcendent for concerts/shows and the future... I worked hard for it ! And I'll be constantly adding new variations, tessituras and will perfect my pronunciation... The Avant Garde is the way of the Alien ;)

*3,5/5 Heavy Music HQ by Dalton Husher. The scale of the album does feel like a Devin Townsend and Hans Zimmer hybrid. Each and every song has several moments where it feels like it could end but then it picks back up with a sudden burst of energy to keep you going. No one track feels like a slog nor do they sound the same. It is a unique listen from start to end and one where each listen is a different experience. =

Lots of others to come ! Thanks A Lot for the support...


02/06/2023 After the 10/10 by Metal Zenith here is a New Max Enix: Far From Home Review ! Thanks a Lot Rock Era Magazine and Hazem Mahani From Egypt for this wonderful review and for your words 

Excerpt: "Far From Home with both versions is an extremely enjoyable ride, Max Enix took his time in polishing and perfecting every detail making every moment count, creating a solid masterpiece of an album that’ll get him and the listener on the same wavelength emotionally and musically. Looking forward to more from Max Enix."
Here is the Max Enix Interview ! I wish you a great Day ????? 

New Max Enix BandCamp


Max Enix / Far From Home / Double Concept Album / June 9th 2023 / The New Bandcamp Page is ready ! You can listen the songs Beyond my Blood and The Broken Face already on it ! Lots of things are coming... Stay Tuned and Thanks for your support since the beginning ! Eyes to the Future !

Fireworks Magazine


Fireworks Magazine June 15TH 2023 Interview Max Enix and Review Far From Home

Head of A&R


Heartfelt Thanks to Carlo, Natascia and all the WormHoleDeath Family/Team for the trust since the beginning ! Thanks for this article ! Great things are coming with WormHoleDeath records in many ways (Artists/Bands signature in the world as Head of A&R, Artistic projects under Max Enix, Collaborations, Movies, Transcendental shows, Many surprises and Far more...) ! Stay tuned...

"We are proud to announce that French eclectic and ultra-talented singer Max Enix is now the new Head of A&R at Wormholedeath. After having signed his licensing deal with Wormholedeath, Max has shown so much interest in the label’s structure and activities, to the point that he visited us to get to know the company’s board face-to-face. He has been driving for 5–6 hours just to meet us. When he offered us his support as a worker, we could not refuse, and we have given him the most important task that has been vacant for a few weeks. From now on, Max will be responsible for signing the new bands and will report directly to Carlo Bellotti and Natascia Pribac. Furthermore, the A&R team is expanding even more with the addition of Carla Predan to the role of A&R. Carla will report directly to Max Enix in the near future. To contact Max, email" Article here:

Eyes to the Future !


Max Enix / Far From Home / Double Concept Album / Release date: June 9th 2023 / Music Connection Magazine Advertising to come in the June issue ! Thanks 

Many reviews and some interviews are coming soon (Music connection magazine, Mariskal, La heavy magazine, This is rock, Metal Hammer, Fireworks magazine, Orkus magazine, Big Bang magazine, Rockhard, Metal temple, Metal digest, Metalheadsforevermagazine, Metal alliance, Progressive rock journal, metal nuovo, Ragebreed magazine , Team brutal, The beat magazine, Nawakposse , sonic seducer magazine, red death media, Bretreutes proggen, ahasverus, Rocknytt and dozens of others (professional, independent, blog...) ! Too many to mention and to remember ! Thanks to them 

For the moment only very very positive feedback and more (between 7 and 10 out of 10) on some magazines (rock hard italy, Profilprog, Metal integral, radio erdorin, DPRP, Metal 1on1 the seven sins of metal review, some blogs called it already as masterpiece) ! Awesome preview of reviews to come too already ! For the listeners in general it’s even more ! Thanks a lot to them 

Just one exception from a reviewer ! This one listened to the album quickly without understanding the story and the whole ! He didn't notice that all the musicians and protagonists were professionals ! Notably some famous artists present in the double Album who are, for me, some of the best in the world today !

But everyone has their own taste and I respect that ! It's not pure metal here, it's not sectarian but a fusion of genres (Cinematic and symphonic before all) ! Very eclectic ! It’s not for everyone but for the open minded people who wants NEW sensations (Avant Garde) ! EPIC ! The goal is that it will appeal to those who listen to metal/ rock music, soundtracks but also to those who listen to all other kinds of music (Jazz, Variety, Hip Hop/Rap, World/New Age, classic...) ! The story is very deep about the world we are living in ! The aim is to offer something unique, never done before! So Like it or not, understand it or not but if you don't like this kind of music and listen and like only extreme metal or others no need to review it please ;) It's for fans of Devin Townsend, Hans Zimmer, Pain of Salvation, Dream Theater, Pink Floyd, Opeth, Therion, David Bowie, Queen, Anathema and others but with a Universe of its own !

Thanks to everyone ! The feedback are so Awesome and positive for the moment and I hope it will continue like this for now on and the Future !  Lots of things are coming , The Far From Home double Album, The orchestral version with exclusive sounds FX later, Others awesome video clips, Some goodies, Fantastic Collaborations (vocals and music), Movies, Transcendental and professional shows (vocals, sound, lights, images...), Others projects under the Max Enix name of course (completely different from each other), Many surprises and I can't wait to let you discover all that ! Take care my friends and Thanks for the support since the beginning ! 

18/20 Far From Home


18/20 ! Merci du fond du coeur à Metal Integral et à Thierry François (Alias Pumpkin-T) pour cette magnifique chronique de Far From Home ! 18 et des mots extraordinaires !

"Le projet le plus ambitieux de l’histoire du metal français ? /
Le genre musical de Far From Home est simple à étiqueter : « symphonic prog metal ». Toutefois son style multiforme est une gageure à qualifier car il s’agit d’une mosaïque d’ambiances qui agissent comme autant de pixels sur un écran plasma. Ce terme d’écran renvoyant d’ailleurs à l’indiscutable dimension cinématique de l’œuvre. Si je me risquais à une définition un peu plus précise, je dirais que Far From Home est une épopée symphonique écrite dans un registre de metal progressif aux modalités oscillant entre musique classique et modern metal. Et, si j’osais une comparaison, je dirais avoir affaire à une sorte d’AVANTASIA dans laquelle la composante hard et heavy a été remplacée par un metal beaucoup plus contemporain. Les multiples thèmes se succèdent et alternent entre saillies épiques et mouvements romantiques. L’instrumentation est très fluide, capable de passer en une minute de la mélancolie d’un duo violoncelle-piano à un blast beat riffé sans que je prenne conscience de la transition. Après plusieurs écoutes, j’ai cru comprendre que les splendides voix claires (judicieusement étalonnées de rock à lyriques) jouaient sur mon cerveau le rôle des manches du prestidigitateur qui détournent le regard de l’action. Je prends conscience en écoutant cet album qu’à bien des égards la musique est une magie subordonnée à la dextérité des musiciens et à l’astuce du compositeur-illusionniste, toutes deux capables de me balader jusqu’aux fameux effets waouh ! Effets qui ne manquent pas tout au long de cet album, tant et si bien que je renonce à en citer un seul.

Certes, je me devais de saluer l’extraordinaire tour de force que représente l’élaboration de cet album, mais que ceci ne masque pas la qualité d’une œuvre à la hauteur des efforts déployés. Bravo Max et bravo au collectif !"

Beyond my Blood Lyrics


Max Enix / Beyond my Blood / Epic video clip (12min) made by Blue Mount films can be seen here:
Far From Home double Album release date: June 9th 2023 

I share the lyrics of this song (and part of the story) with you today:

« I am.... I am... I am... I am... »

Max Enix:
I wake up this morning
Events scrolling in my mind 
Questions I ask myself all the time 
The existence of human kind
In my bed, still lying
I get up to my thoughts, rumbling

Max Enix:
In the hallway, I'm wandering
The face in the mirror seems aging
From the work and the breaking
Through the window, the sunrays piercing 
« Or at least trying... »

Mahdi Khemakhem:
In this fake world
Appearance is the king
Shootdown your inner voice
Just look fresh and clean
And keep that face smiling
There's a need 

Together: for a sign and a waiting

Mahdi Khemakhem: Emotion’s labyrinth Are haunting me « all day »
Max Enix: The meaning is still far away... You feel the most alive
Mahdi Khemakhem: When I'm bound to die Emotions in storm
Since the day I was born
Max Enix: And then on...
And until you die
It will stick to your skin
Together: A miracle of being Alive
 « I see... I see... I see... I see... (echo) »

Mahdi Khemakhem:
Escape at all cost
But there's still a price to pay 
Our resources are thin
And so thick is our skin
So unique each part can be 
But The whole thing is fragile 
No matter the time
Since Life is a curved line

Max Enix:
I'm here and you're there... Mirrors everywhere
The reflection is strange 
Just enough to derange My sleep...
To the sounds of footsteps

Mahdi Khemakhem:
The gleam in your stares
Make us all look alike
When we wake from a crash Beware...
Tears of sadness and joys intertwined 

Together: Flowing from everywhere...

Mahdi Khemakhem: Emotion’s labyrinth Are haunting me « all day »
Max Enix: The meaning is still far away... You feel the most alive
Mahdi Khemakhem: When I'm bound to die Emotions in storm
Since the day I was born
Max Enix: And then on...
And until you die
It will stick to your skin
Together: A miracle of being Alive
Elise Wachbar:
On our lips as inside the brain
Our features blend outside again
Waters flowing out of our skin
From the pores, evaporating
On dangerous ground, your feet are freezing 
External events rise, controlling

« The use of bones and limbs and skin 
Reproduction can't be the only meaning 
While our thoughts and souls are forging 
The weak revealed on our nerve endings »

Max Enix:
Our teeth will fall with age or kicking 
Like withered flowers or... burnt victims 
Coagulation, petrifying
The liquid life that flows 

« Far inside
I draw from my resource 
The meanders of our souls Connected to all
Invisible world behind Vivid although it hides
In cortexes of ours »

Max Enix:
Creations of the mind
A color and a verse
An image and a pulse
That's sent beyond this curse 
Back to the Universe

« I’m an unhinged puppet That desperingly inarticulate »

Max Enix:
In directions unknown 
The river that has flown 
Inside the veins of mine 
Red as the darkest wine

Max Enix: The ground under my feet
Elise wachbar: The sweat that pearls on me 
Max Enix: Evolution was meant to be
Elise wachbar: From dawns of time to you... 
Max Enix and Elise Wachbar: and Me

Valou Besson nix, Agathe Mouchy Capone, Michael and Valentin: Psychedelic Vocals

Solo made by Stéphan Forté

« And we are just a passage 
The one of our age
I'll stop the time
For you to see
Get out of line
Condition's fine
For my story
And in a distant dimension 
Far from this condition
We may evolve
Find ways to be Perspectives open
For those who see
But is it only
possible now?
With demons screaming from every sides
By dint of learning 
By dint of falling Lesson in a living form of believing
I know you're fighting 
You've always been Against the monsters you hold within
Lost in the abyss
The youth will be
Forbidden to bliss
As you will see
But it has always been so 
Behind light there's a shadow 
If appearance's a goal
Our fate shall be a fall With silhouettes deformed
Even the soul transformed »

Mahdi Khemakhem:
Broken facades and mirrors
Broken shapes and valours
You fear there's nowhere to go now 
But deep inside you hear a vow
It's time once and for all
To be a slave, to be a slave no more

« As life is flashing back
A light darker than black Obscurity that lacks
This fundamental spark
The Cosmos shall provide 
The places where we hide 
With strenght that is renewed 
Apathy we refuse
Our honour is at stake
The meaning of life is there for you to take »

Mahdi Khemakhem: Emotion’s labyrinth Are haunting me « all day »
Max Enix: The meaning is still far away... You feel the most alive
Mahdi Khemakhem: When I'm bound to die Emotions in storm
Since the day I was born
Max Enix: And then on...
And until you die
It will stick to your skin
Together: A miracle of being Alive

Max Enix:
Is this a paradise?
Is infinity finite?
A miracle of Nature 
Boundless and multicoloured
Emotions are transformed 
New entities are formed

« Watch the smile that now appears 
Innocent souls travel to meet
On this unbreakable summit »

Max Enix:
Can you hear the sound?
Can you feel the vibes?
Can you know the transformation? 
Recognize a face that shines?
Together: The Signs

« Emotions are there to overcome 
The eyes open when a love is born 
Senses to heal
Moments to dream
Connect and change 
Think of our pains 
Moments to leave 
Moments to live 
Moments to greave 
Moments to breathe 
Your choice is yours Here is your force »
« Still conscious of this world? 
Our bodies shall return 
Forever, ever and ever
Back to this good old Earth »

Max Enix:
Morning light, and we're gathered again 
The spring reign is soon to begin
Our skins, of different colours
Shine in an fragile splendour
In this ocean of men
Softness is back again
Is it the end of pain?
At least we smile again
 « Feet buried in the sand 
Waves provide soft caress 
It's time to heal and bless 
The ones caught in distress 
To love in consciousness 
Purpose of existence
Now love in all its forms Reinstaured as the norm »

Elise wachbar:
There's no more time to waste 
After the war has raged
We have died every day
Now end the disarray

« We don't want this anymore »
Our instincts cannot take control 
Let's take it back, let's make it grow »

Max Enix:
The love that's burns inside us all 
Compassion is the way
For those who are led astray
And for the years to come
We pray to overcome

« The ways of selfishness 
That led us to our death »

Mahdi Khemakhem:
Values are to rise 
Consciousness is the path 
Consciousness is the path (x 3)

« Journeys
Shall take very far 
The door is still ajar »

Max Enix:
The wind blows in my ears 
There's nothing left to fear 
Time passes and I sigh 
The world biding its time
Max Enix:
Drawing lines in the sand 
Like on the palms of hands 
Destiny I construct 
Symphony I conduct

« 50 years have passed...
Ethan is 85 now.
Throughout his life, he has seen all: the beauty, the wild, the horror, the sublime, the intimate, the fragile...
Near the porch of his ranch, he tries to rest, watching his horses run... His thoughts confused.
He can't help but think of this announcement, posted everywhere:
"The storm of the century is coming"
Some say it announces the arrival of some meteorite... But who knows?..."Are we to be finally destroyed? Are we the new dinosaurs?..." A bitter laugh escapes him...
Anyway, he doesn't fear death anymore... he's ready, and has been for a long time now...
But not everyone is... for sure... »

Lyrics by Max Enix 

Have a nice day

Video Clip / The Broken Face here


Max Enix "The Broken Face" is an epic and very filmic video clip of 13minutes in anime made By Dronicon Films (Bloudengaztia wolfgang...) ! With Marcela Bovio (Stream of Passion, Ayreon, Dark horse white horse...) who sing with me (Max Enix) and Michael Romeo (Symphony X, Solo...) as guests (vocals and guitars) ! Michael Romeo have made 2 awesome epic solo on this song (in the middle and in the end) !

This song is against free/gratuitous violence on womens (feminicides), childrens (infanticides), some mens and others in this upside down society. Against rape and abuses ! The tragedy of our time must end ! The real culprits are here... Those who want to take the blame for their actions and point the finger at others (Inversion) ! The truth Always wins in the end against the oppressors, executioners and torturers who reverse things, manipulate others and want to put themselves forward wrongly (real monsters) !

*Thanks from the bottom of my heart to Bloudengaztia Wolfgang (Dronicon Films) who did a remarkable job in the realization and direction of this clip and the team around ! I recommend it to everyone !

*Thanks to the musicians and singers who appear on this composition namely Thomas Kubler, François Rousselot, Elise Wachbar, Leo Margarit, Vikram Shankar, Jean Jacques Moréac, Xavier Boscher... Those who helped when necessary Hugo Williame and Victor Monteriggioni. And of course the magnificent Budapest Symphony Orchestra conducted by Peter Kovacs that I highly recommend!

*Thanks to the guests present on this track namely Marcela Bovio (Stream of Passion, Ayreon, Dark horse white horse...) and Michael Romeo (Symphony X) ! AWESOME JOB !

*Thanks to David Castillo (Studio Grondahl) for the wonderful mix and all his team around (Thomas Plec Johansson, Eduardo Belchior...) as well as Tony Lindgren (Fascination street studios) for the mastering!

*Thanks to Wormholedeath (Label) and all the team/family around namely Carlo Bellotti (label director), Natascia Pribac, Carla Predan, Heidi Holm, Agrita Damarovska, Coy Iacono, Kishimoto Masa...

*Thanks to all the friends, musicians, artists, people around the world who support me since the beginning!

*Sorry if I forget some people but without you all this would not have been the same...

***Far From Home (2023) curated and produced by Max Enix

Max Enix: Music, Vocals, Artistic director, Lyrics/story...

Thomas Kubler: Additional arrangements, Orchestrator
François Rousselot: Conductor

Leo Margarit: Drums
Vikram Shankar: Piano/Keyboards
Jean-Jacques Moréac: Bass
Xavier Boscher: Guitars
Elise Wachbar: Vocals

Mixed by David Castillo at Studio Grondahl, Stockholm, Sweden
Mastered by Tony Lindgren at Fascination street studios, Orebro, Sweden
Vocals recorded in the Studio Pangos (Marc Krauth), Russ, France
Orchestra recording: Budapest Symphony orchestra, Hungary
Booklet Illustrations/Conception/Artwork by Thomas Ewerhard
Logo by Niklas Sundin

*See you soon for new adventures in unknown lands! PEACE heart Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Eyes to the Future!

Max Enix / Far From Home / Double Album / Release date: June 9th 2023

Preorder Max Enix Far From Home


Max Enix / Far From Home / Double concept Album (2h37) with the Budapest symphony orchestra and many famous Guests / A future classic / A real movie / June 9th 2023 / You can preorder the physical version (digipack with beautiful 48pages booklet) here: 18,00 € tax incl ! Digital version on Amazon and others plateforms ! Thanks for your support... Eyes to the Future ! 

Rock Hard Italy


Thanks Rock Hard Italy, Emanuele Biani and Pippo Marino for this interview in italian ! Far From Home double Album Release date: June 9th 2023 !

"Max Enix / The Unstoppable Energy / Far From Home a monumental work. It is in fact a work of no less than two and a half hours, full of guests, orchestrations and with an ambitious story. Enthusiastic and profundly convinced of his goddesses. My goal from now on is to revolutionise the music world."

PREORDER Far From Home


Max Enix / Far From Home / Double Concept Album (approximatively 2h40) with the Budapest symphony orchestra and many famous guests / Digipack with 48 pages Booklet / A real Movie and a future classic / Release date: June 9th 2023 / For fans of Devin Townsend, Hans Zimmer, David Bowie but with a Universe of its own ! EPIC and UNIQUE ! Preorder the physical version here (12euros EXTRA price for a few days) : Thanks for your support and take care ! See Ya...

Video Clip / Beyond My Blood Here


Max Enix / Beyond my Blood Epic video clip is here and on some youtube channels (WormHoleDeath Label, Radial by the Orchard Sony...) too ! Ready ? Enjoy ! Taken From the Max Enix double Album "Far From Home" to come June 9th 2023 ! Link to see the video clip: 

Preorder the physical version here (12euros EXTRA price for a few days) : 
***EN: Max Enix "Beyond my Blood" is an epic and very filmic video clip of 12minutes which was shot in the beautiful castle Burrus in Alsace (France) and in Brittany near the sea !

This clip is about the human condition and the different emotions attached to it ! The importance in the end is to try to exceed its limits and to leave gradually this condition which enchain us! Connect to your spirit and your soul before anything else!

In this clip I play 2 characters who confront each other:

1) A character in office clothes in which everyone can recognize himself! This character works every day and dreams of another life, less formatted, less conditioned and especially less stressful ... He is fed up with the routine and would like to do something else (especially art) but he resigns himself to it! A character who ends up being tormented by his demons that try to abuse him, to mistreat him internally, to make him crack, to make him explode and that gradually leads him into madness! He is on the verge of burnout and worse starts to distort reality! Another life calls him elsewhere and he has strange visions...

2) The possessed character dressed in black who torments the other character from a distance and vampires his energies! Figure, in part, of the nightmare of his childhood! He sends him signals, pushes him to his limits! He tries to make him explode and uses him as a kind of puppet that he mistreats at a distance...

Fusion of the 2 characters in the end finally and there is only one left, appeased, serene, who has made peace with his demons! The 2 characters are finally one and the same person! The so-called demonic character was in fact his shadow part that tested him and tried to make him understand that he could not continue like that! In the end, he taught him positive messages to make him change and bring him to the light! A kind of echo of his past that is now buried! There are always other possible ways... ! Everything is not black and white but black and white! From there is born the equilibrium ! In this new stage of his life (dimension), the horizon is luminous and he is surrounded by different characters (all from different origins) who are with him! A kind of paradise where people are free, help each other, live in peace and look at the same horizon with Love! A lot of meaning behind all this! Towards the Union of the people and the general appeasement in this dangerous and unjust world! From sorrow to joy, from pain to healing in one way or another but light always emanates at the end of the tunnel! Whatever we do, whatever we live, it is important to always keep the hope of a better future! From the shadows to the light and the healing of your soul heart

*Thanks again from the bottom of my heart to Mathieu Buchholzer (Blue Mount Films) who did a remarkable job in the realization and direction of this clip as well as to all his team around : Mariam, Nino Bld, Kévin Hubert, Lionel Bleyer, Olivier chevalier... !

*Thank you also to the various extras who are on the clip namely my girlfriend Valou Besson Nix and Lyo Gomis, Isabelle le Ménahèze, Lucia Caballero Mendoza, Mael Nouvel, Nicolas Dekeyser, Doriane chastenet, Didier Romanetto ...

*Thank you to Myriam Bassa, Frank Hansel and their family who opened the doors of their beautiful castle!

*Thank you of course to the musicians and singers who appear on this composition namely Thomas Kubler, François Rousselot, Elise Wachbar, Leo Margarit, Vikram Shankar, Jean Jacques Moréac, Xavier Boscher... Those who helped when necessary Hugo Williame and Victor Monteriggioni. And of course the magnificent Budapest Symphony Orchestra conducted by Peter Kovacs that I highly recommend! Thanks to the guests present on this track namely Mahdi Khemakhem (Carthagods), Stephan Forté (Adagio), Agathe mouchy Capone and her friends!

*Thanks to David Castillo (Studio Grondahl) for the wonderful mix and all his team around (Thomas Plec Johansson, Eduardo Belchior...) as well as Tony Lindgren (Fascination street studios) for the mastering!

*Thanks to Wormholedeath (Label) and all the team around namely Carlo Bellotti (label director), Natascia Pribac, Carla Predan, Heidi Holm, Agrita Damarovska, Coy Iacono, Kishimoto Masa...

*Thanks to all the friends, musicians, artists, people around the world who support me since the beginning!

*Special mention to the ghosts of the castle who never stopped haunting us during the shooting and to the many marine animals who are present on the clip at the end but hidden by the sea ??

*Sorry if I forget some people but without you all this would not have been the same...

*Far From Home (2023) curated and produced by Max Enix

Max Enix: Music, Vocals, Artistic director, Lyrics/story...

Thomas Kubler: Additional arrangements, Orchestrator
François Rousselot: Conductor

Leo Margarit: Drums
Vikram Shankar: Piano/Keyboards
Jean-Jacques Moréac: Bass
Xavier Boscher: Guitars
Elise Wachbar: Vocals

Mixed by David Castillo at Studio Grondahl, Stockholm, Sweden
Mastered by Tony Lindgren at Fascination street studios, Orebro, Sweden
Vocals recorded in the Studio Pangos (Marc Krauth), Russ, France
Orchestra recording: Budapest Symphony orchestra, Hungary
Booklet Illustrations/Conception/Artwork by Thomas Ewerhard
Logo by Niklas Sundin
Max Enix photos: Milo Lee

GUESTS here: Mahdi Khemakhem (Carthagods): Some vocals, Stephan Forté: Guitar solo, Agathe Mouchy Capone and her friends: Psychedelic vocals

*See you soon for new adventures in unknown lands! PEACE heart Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Eyes to the Future! ????

Max Enix / Far From Home / Double Album / June 9th 2023

PREORDERS / Max Enix / Far From Home


Max Enix / Far From Home / Double Album / June 9th 2023
More to come / Stay tuned and Thanks for your support !
It is thanks to you that the project is a true success 
The most important is that you take lots of pleasure by listening it ! Understand it or not ! PASSION and ART before all ! The rest doesn't matter ! 

Youtube Links (to see the video clips): 

Aural Music group: 



Thanks a lot to Alain Massard and Gérald Halwey ( for this new Far From Home review and interview in french ! 8.3/10 ! 

Link for the review:

Link for the interview:

Interview by Dejected


New Interview / Thanks a Lot Gabriel Zane (Dejected from USA) <3

Excerpt / Before starting to compose this double album I didn't have a well defined style in mind ! I wanted above all to be carried by the story I had written (the scenario). I conceived the compositions like a film music with keyboard (strings mainly) and piano (alternating) then and thought of the elements which could well be interwoven with all that by giving indications or not (choruses, percussions, rhythmics, colors, songs, sounds FX...)! In the end I knew that it would be a meeting between film music and rock/metal but incorporating many other aspects from where the fusion of genres (Jazz, world/New Age, Hip Hop, variety, opera etc. ...)! Once the orchestrations were finished, all the instrumental parts were finalized as well as the final vocal lines (guests and mine)... So I could really realize the style of the music. I will say that it is an unclassifiable style where everyone will be able to find its account. A new genre or at least a new approach. Some said "epic power progressive rock/metal opera" but I would say that it is above all very symphonic, deep, emotional and melodic. Music that touches the soul!

More on the link:

Interview This is Rock


Thanks again "This is Rock" Magazine from Spain and Bloody Bunny for the interview ! Review and others to come...

*Full Interview here (translated) with some questions asked which are not in the magazine with my answers. "Symphonic rock and metal along with soundtracks fed his soul and creativity, developing it until he released the double album "Far From Home", which will be released on 9 June."

1) More than an LP, this album is an experience in itself. And it has a large length ! How does one begin to shape such a work ?

Max Enix: This work was shaped by observing the world we live in first ! Like a bird, a narrator or an external being ! It's a life experience ! It represents both the beauty of the things that surround us (fauna and flora, elements, the Universe, spirituality...) but also the harmful behaviours of the human being (thirst/abuse of power, domination, fanaticism, conditioning…) ! All these elements gave birth to a desire in me to make things change in this society which turns too often in circles and thus to create an upsetting work which breaks the codes. The aim is to leave universal messages and to unite people around the same cause. The story I wrote started from there and the music followed naturally... I tried to put all my heart, mind and soul into it.

2) It’s a concept album. What’s behind the ‘Far From Home’ stories?

Max Enix: Far From Home represents the earthly existence and all that surrounds it ! The actions of human beings ! The oppositions, the different points of view ! In a spiritual way too. The yin and the yang. Not everything is white, not everything is black. We must try to find a balance and constantly try to go beyond our condition. Gradually leave this human condition that shackles us to aspire to deeper and more cosmic interactions. To keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground, for our personal equilibrium. It is a kind of journey of the soul. I'll let you discover the story in time and a 48-page booklet will accompany the release of the double album to be released on June 9th 2023. The Album starts in prehistory with the tragedy that decimated the dinosaurs (meteorite). After that, the vegetation rebuilt itself progressively before arriving in our time. The story therefore takes place mainly in our time. A new tragedy similar to the extinction of the dinosaurs is foreseen at the end (meteorite preceded by the storm of the century). There is an apocalyptic and prophetic sense behind this. The representation of the meteorite could also be replaced by an atomic bomb or other for example (very topical with the current conflicts). It all depends on how you want to portray it. How will they prepare for this and how will it all end ? Is the end of humanity near ? Is a miracle possible ? Are there other connections in the universe (black or worm holes) ? I'll let you discover all this in the double album that I advise you to listen to on headphones with the booklet in your hands ! The story may be transposed to the cinema as well (+ film music) but all things in their own time !

3) It looks like a symphonic metal album to start with, but nothing further. We have a lot of prog, blast beats, very dark parts, avant garde, other devilishly heavy… How do you define this album for those who have been able to hear it yet?

Max Enix: I think everyone has to make their own opinion when listening to this double album. Some will find elements that others will not and so on. This album is above all intended for lovers of MUSIC. There is certainly a ROCK base and METAL anchored in our time and FILM MUSIC... But it goes further than that with elements of world/new age, jazz, opera, variety, hip hop etc... The genres are merged and all this is very avant-garde and very EPIC (never heard before) even if some references can resurface like Devin Townsend, Hans Zimmer... It must be seen as a new genre (Alien). Pink Floyd marked its era for example by experimenting and proposing things never heard before. Like David Bowie, Michael Jackson, The Beatles between others. And the goal here in 2023 is to do the same with this project and the future ones which will always be anchored in a modern and futuristic approach. In that sense I consider myself more of a precursor.

4) There are very varied songs but it all sounds very compact. How do you work that homogeneity?

Max Enix: I tried to give very different colours to each track, but the whole thing follows naturally. One composition is attached to the other and so on so that the whole is as coherent and compact as possible. The aim is that you can listen to the whole thing (about 2h36) without getting bored! And even more so... that you want to go back to it. The end of the double album encourages you to start listening again, as if the Earth were regenerating itself again, unceasingly... One civilization replacing another and so on. And then other perspectives open up. The triple orchestral album (Bonus) is another approach of the story with exclusive FX sounds that allow to understand the story from another point of view. When I write a story, a screenplay... I think of the music as a film and so the homogeneity is very natural! A film is unfolding before your eyes...

5) Some songs are very long, up to 26 minutes, but the listening is very pleasant. Aren’t you a bit afraid that the length might scare off new listeners?

Max Enix: Glad to hear that the listening is very enjoyable ^^ Offering such EPIC compositions on this project is a big risk indeed ! Some listeners may not be ready for it but I think if they think of it as a movie, it will be very natural for them and something completely new for their hears. I'm not trying to be like everyone else, but to offer a unique experience and have the listeners come away stunned. The goal here is that people who are not used to this kind of music can have a lot of fun listening too and not be saturated with too much loud sounds. To leave some quiet periods and then let the horses run at the right moment and so on, like a rollercoaster or a storm of emotions. Like the real life in fact. Let the listening be exciting and always full of surprises. That's the goal. I prefer complexity to simplicity even if the aim is to make difficult things simple! Future albums, which will all be very different from each other, will certainly not be as long but there will almost always be a story and a concept behind it. The orchestral version recorded with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra will be present later to satisfy other listeners who prefer complete quiet and lighter sounds.

6) Throughout the album we have the Budapest Symphony Orchestra. How do you start working with them on this album?

Max Enix: First of all I have composed and thought this double album at home in every details ! Then I contacted François Rousselot, a very good French conductor who put me in contact with a superb orchestrator: Thomas Kubler. He took all my compositions and orchestrated them before giving the scores to the conductor François Rousselot who called upon the Budapest Symphony Orchestra conducted by Peter Kovacs. Everyone did a remarkable job, especially the musicians of the orchestra. I highly recommend this orchestra which is one of the best in the world!

7) If we look at the collaboration section, I think it’s one of the biggest dream teams I’ve ever seen. Did you create the songs with these voices already in your mind?

Max Enix: I didn't create the songs with these voices in mind. It's by doing all the vocal lines at home and listening to the final result that the idea came to bring more variety to the whole so the result will be even more surprising. The first guest I thought of was Roy Khan (Kamelot/Conception) but he couldn't at that time as well as Floor Jensen (Nightwish) too busy during this period ! So I started by contacting Tom Englund from Evergrey who gave me his agreement after a long negotiation, then Andy Kuntz from Vanden Plas, Marcela Bovio from Stream of Passion/Ayreon and so on... Each time I found places that could fit for a singer or musician and it didn't stop ! They took the vocal lines that I had imagined and adapted them to their own feelings. I even had to leave out some fantastic artists in the end like Russel Allen (Symphony X's singer), Marty Friedman (Megadeth's guitarist), George Kollias (Nile's drummer), Dianne Von Giersbergen (Xandria...), Karl Sanders (Nile's guitarist), Ayreon's Arjen Lucassen (who couldn't make it at the last moment) and many others... But I will call them on other albums ! They were all very nice ! On the future albums there will not be so many guests !

8)) Some of my favorite musicians are here, like Marcela Bovio, David Readman or Dan Swäno. What’s it like working with so many people at this level?

Max Enix: It was a dream to be able to collaborate with them! Every time the answers were favorable I was amazed ! It's such an extraordinary feeling to think that such famous people in the musical sphere with such a background are interested in my project, love the compositions and trust me ! They did a remarkable work and I am very grateful to them because it is also thanks to them that this double album is a success.

9) Of all the collaborations, was there one that had a special meaning for you, that you were particularly excited about?

Max Enix: All the collaborations excited me in the same way because they all succeeded in transcribing what I wanted. I have to admit that Fabio Lione from Rhapsody made his effect because I started to listen to symphonic music with the album Symphony of the enchanted Lands from Rhapsody which for me remains an absolute reference in the genre as well as V from Symphony X or Vovin from Therion. Rhapsody is all my youth and it was my favorite band when I was younger (I think of Rain of a thousand Flames or Power of the Dragonflame too which made me shiver every time, especially thanks to Fabio's voice which managed to retranscribe incredible emotions) ! It was magic even if I evolved a lot afterwards in various genres. Andy Kuntz from Vanden Plas too (I think back to the Far Off grace album and the song I don't miss you for example or Abydos) ! Tom Englund from Evergrey too of course that I discovered with Recreation Day ! David Readman with Adagio ! These 4 artists in particular rocked my youth ! But I'm not going to mention everyone and they are all AMAZING ! If I have called them in the project it's because they hold an important place in my heart anyway and they are all great ! Special mention for Michael One twenty who is a very talented and complete artist (more in hip hop and fusion) and who did a wonderful job! A collaboration with him should come in a near future but that's another story !

10) I know you’re working on the visual aspect of the album, creating videos. I’ve seen some advances. Could you tell us about them?

Max Enix: So I worked on the visual aspect from afar because I gave directives, writings or sketches to the illustrators or directors of video clips in relation to what I really wanted (in particular the front and back cover of the double Album, the other illustrations, the vision of the video clips...) ! In that sense I remain the artistic director of the whole ! But I didn't create any video ! I called for specific directors. One with a video clip shot in the Burrus castle and in Brittany: Mathieu Buchholzer (Blue mount films) ! In this one I play a possessed character between others (Human condition). An other for an animated video clip: Bloudengaztia wolfgang (Dronicon films) and one other who take care of two video clips in 3D with the Unreal Engine: Lucas Bastian ! In one of them I play a character too ! Fantastic directors who did a great job ! The videos you could see for the moment on my pages were created by a superb Israeli artist = DPMX Studios/Designers ! He is working on the video illustration of the whole double album (original and orchestral version) and the result is absolutely amazing (especially the last composition of the double album of 26min with breathtaking images) ! An artist that I recommend to you and who makes many illustrations in parallel (Tshirts, flyers...) for excellent costs !

11) You have announced the recording of a concert during the tour for the release of a blu ray/dvd. And it will be spectacular! Would you tell us something about this show?

Max Enix: At the moment I am mobilizing a very solid line up with professional musicians for the future concerts to come ! Some of the musicians from the double album will be present and others as well. There will be a professional woman singer who will support me on vocals ! Everything will be the most professional and worked possible (Stage play, musicians, vocals, light, sounds...) ! I am a perfectionist and I worked a lot to make everything as perfect as possible ! That said, it requires a lot of work and a titanic set up. The concerts will be announced as soon as possible! As for the tour I think it will be in 2024 if possible in Asia or in the USA but it could very well be in Europe, in South America, in Australia or elsewhere... We will see but things will be announced in due time ! And yes a special concert will be organized during which we will film the entire performance for a Blu Ray/DVD release ! More than 3 hours of show where we will play the whole double album ! It's a challenge but I'll do everything to make it happen and yes everything will be set up to make it as spectacular as possible

12) The songs are complex, and I’m surprised to read that you’re self-taught. Don’t you have any kind of musical academic background?

Max Enix: So yeah, as incredible as it may seem, I have no formal musical training and I am self-taught just like Hans Zimmer (I recommend you to read his articles about that) or Danny Elfman among many others... I work in the same way as them ! It is not always well seen by some elites but all roads lead to Rome as they say ! I compose according to the emotions I feel and what comes from me, from my soul above all. I know how to transcribe things according to the lyrics, the story or others. It's very spontaneous and natural for me and I don't need to force it. Then by dint of composing and working things became more professional. It's a lot of work but it's worth it in the end ! I have never stopped working for more than 20 years but despite hundreds of improvisations, bands in which I was present on vocals and a previous album under Constellia: Secret Garden (successful but totally different and less ambitious) I had never dared to launch into such projects ! But better late than never as they say :) I waited for the right moment !
For singing, it's different because I was trained in a choir when I was young and after the release of my first album I took singing lessons with a renowned vocal coach: Milo Lee who did master classes in the USA among others and who helped me to gain confidence in myself. Thanks to him I reached a professional level. Of course all this project would not have been possible without the extraordinary talent of the musicians who accompany me on this double album. I think once again of Thomas Kubler who took my compositions and orchestrated them, and of the virtuoso musicians who are Leo Margarit (Pain of Salvation...) on drums, Vikram Shankar (Silent Skies...) on piano, Jean Jacques Moréac (Misanthrope...) on bass and Xavier Boscher (Ex-Misanthrope/Solo...) on guitars, among others! They did a marvelous job and respected what I wished and the elements that I had given to them (notably the many piano parts). I am eternally grateful to them and the result would not have been the same without them. And important thing... I respect everyone's methodology and I would like it to be the same for others (it's not always the case) !

For my projects, compositions, lyrics, stories, vocals parts, ideas and others... I also base my existence on very deep spiritual and emotional connections and according to me everything is guided by an elsewhere ! It's inexplicable but The universe is so vast and infinite ! Everything is a question of practice, of mental age, of innate, of inscriptions, of programming, of connections, of dimensions... I have my own way of proceeding, of working and reasoning ! Unique ! It is not always well understood ! But it's the magic and mystery behind it !

The double album Far From Home will be released on June 9th 2023 under Max Enix and I hope with all of my heart that you will like it ! Many surprises are coming (video clips, goodies, collaborations, future projects...) ! Thanks for reading this interview until the end and see you soon on stage and elsewhere (unexplored and unknown places) ! The Future is Here ! PEACE

Review Rock Hard Italia


Max Enix / Far From Home / June 9th 2023 / Cool Review of the double Album in the RockHard Italia (April 2023) ! Interview in the next Rock Hard issue (May 2023) ! Thanks Emanuele Biani (Chief journalist of Rock Hard) !

For the moment there are 2 categories of reviewers for this double Album:
1) Those who listen the double Album once or twice (I understand them because of the time it takes) and review it favourably...
2) Those who listen to the double Album several times with the booklet (take the time to understand the story and all the details) and also the full orchestral version and review it very very favourably and more !

No review under 7/10 for the moment (It varies Between 7 and 10 out of 10) ! Lots of things are coming (video clips...) and some big surprises in a near Future ! Stay tuned ! The Future is Here !

Thanks to all of you.

*It: Quando si intraprende un viaggio di 2 ore e 40 minuti, il rischio di ritrovarsi abbastanza lontano da casa in effetti è alto, ma fortunamente all'iperattivo Max non mancano coraggio e creatività. Far From Home è un lavoro gigantesco che utilizza il metal progressivo come exclusivo punto di partenza nella sua commistione, talvolta ai limiti della coerenza stilistica, con praticamente qualsiasi altro genere musicale. Il ricco catalogo degli ospiti, comprendente Fabio Lione, Michael Romeo, Derek Sherinian, Damian wilson, Marcela Bovio e Dan Swano, oltre al supporto classico della Budapest symphony orchestra, per certi versi agevola e forse giustifica un senso di smarrimento quasi fisiologico, nell'economia di tracce che spesso superano i 10 minuti di durata e diventano addirittura 26 nella title track. Lo sforzo in termini compositivi e produttivi di Enix è stato senza dubbio titanico e richiederà altrettanta volontà da parte dell'ascoltatore per essere assimilato. Tuttavia, mettendo la testa fuori dalla tana di una soggettività spacciata per presunta autorevolezza, ci renderemmo conto dell'esistenza di un pubblico molto vasto (quello di Arjen Anthony Lucassen ad esempio) e per nulla arrendevole, anche e soprattutto nei confronti di album impregnativi come questo.

*En (Deepl traduction): When embarking on a journey of 2 hours and 40 minutes, the risk of finding oneself quite far from home is indeed high, but fortunately the hyperactive Max does not lack courage and creativity. Far From Home is a gigantic work that uses progressive metal as an exclusive starting point in its admixture, sometimes bordering on stylistic coherence, with practically any other musical genre. The rich catalogue of guests, including Fabio Lione, Michael Romeo, Derek Sherinian, Damian wilson, Marcela Bovio and Dan Swano, in addition to the classical support of the Budapest symphony orchestra, in some ways facilitates and perhaps justifies an almost physiological sense of bewilderment in the economy of tracks that often exceed 10 minutes in length and become as much as 26 in the title track. The effort in terms of composition and production by Enix was undoubtedly titanic and will require just as much will on the part of the listener to be assimilated. However, if we put our heads out of the den of subjectivity passed off as presumed authority, we would realise that there is a very large audience (that of Arjen Anthony Lucassen for example) and not at all surrendered, even and especially towards impregnative albums like this one.



Your attacks, your blockades, your stupid games/alliances and others will not work against me/us ! The divine sees all and some will fall <3 ??? 

#FarFromHome #MaxEnix #DoubleConceptAlbum #june9th2023 #Music #Composer #Singer #Frontman #Lyrics #Story #Artisticdirector #Musician #Songwriter #Producer #actor #manager #AwesomeMusicians #AwesomeEngineers #AwesomeGuests #filmscore #orchestral #fusion #avantgarde #ProgressiveRock #symphonicmetal #jazz #worldmusic #opera #Progressivemetal #NewAge #Experimental #Slam #Emotions #Shivers #Art  #future #tour2024 #showmustgoon #epic #Stormofemotions #apocalypse #apocalypseangels #divine #divineguidance 



Thanks a lot Kris Marsden for this beautiful review !

Review Excerpt: "As one continues their musical journey -a musical journey that is epic, grand, powerful, unique and magical and something different, fresh -again special and truly will capture the listener’s ears, heart and soul—simultaneously, as I was inking this review, I was so lost and transfixed with this release and with this feeling that “Far From Home” is a release where this whole thing should be played without skipping any tracks, a release to find that right moment, sit back and chill and let this musical spectrum flow through your ears and speakers.

A Universe of epic, emotional & engaging Musical Journey ”
At the same time, “Far From Home” is delivered and provided by impressive and skilled (all wrapped professionally/sophisticated arrangements) craftsmanship, musicianship and showmanship, and not just Max but a handful of guests that gives the listener this masterpiece that consists of incredible music, instrumentation, lyrics, story-concept that’s all well-executed, beautifully score and composed -where each composition/characteristics are convenient to place at the right moment. Thus, giving the listener this “Music is art, and art should know no boundaries” of Avant Garde never heard before fusion that consists of awe-inspiring multi-verse of instrumentation artistry of (technical/complex) guitar and drum work that utilises various tones, tempos, atmosphere, moods, virtuoso riffs/multi-cords, rhythms, melodic passages, various drum beats/fills and patterns, vocal work consists of multiple tones, ranges, and clean male/female singing/operatic sections. In contrast, one will find other elements within the musical spectrum/instrumental and vocals (pulls the music together!), which included progressive-symphonic-post rock/metal, film scores/sound effects with diverse aspects of world/New Age, Hip hop, Jazz, international variety and others.

A compelling and astonishing result -with a magical spark of beauty, epic, grand, bold and breathless sensation. At the same time, the Orchestral version of “Far From Home” hit me and transported me away to somewhere tranquil and the loss of time… truly the second part is unique and breathtakingly beautiful. Take a moment to listen to both versions—simultaneously, the piano work gives me that “Freddie Mercury” and sometimes, sections of the music (within the songs) give that (German acts) “Helloween/Gamma Ray” vibe -spine-chilling sensation."

New REVIEW / Far From Home


Max Enix / Far From Home / New REVIEW after the wonderful opinions received already ! Some words here and full article link below:

"Max Enix, the name you know! Well, probably not, but if epic conceptual symphonic prog/power-metal from the likes of Ayreon, Rhapsody, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Nightwish and Avantasia rank amongst your favourites then Max Enix is surely a name you'll need to remember from now on.

Those already acquainted with Enix (compositions, vocals, artistic director, lyrics) through his masked incarnation Constellia from a few years back, might be well surprised with this new and highly ambitious project. It shows a completely different face to the one presented on Secret Garden. And a lengthy difference at that! For Far From Home amounts to over 2.5 hours of breathtakingly diverse and sublimely orchestrated, brilliantly executed prog-metal, that will appeal to fans of Angra, Stratovarius, Sonata Arctica, Devin Townsend, Dragonforce and many of the names that follow.

As first impressions go, the gorgeous artwork that accompanies the impressive package is, in one word, sublime. Next to beautiful narrative-enhancing drawings by Thomas Ewerhard, this includes all the song lyrics with corresponding performers mentioned. Elaborations on the storyline between these lyrics outline Enix's story. Even with only the digital version at hand, it is very attractive. I reckon that upon release in its various physical forms (which will be the 9th of June this year), this will be breathtaking.

Aided by various orchestrated layers and arrangements by conductor Thomas Kubler, these amazingly talented and technically amazing musicians undeniably make Far From Home an interesting, overwhelming, and at times ravishingly astounding album with plenty of musical highlights. And surprises! For next to the mix of bombastic prog-metal, interspersed with quiet, more symphonic passages, it also features opera, ambient, exploding musical extravaganza and many creative movements filled with endless melodies. Bear in mind that all this, including rap-vocals takes place in the daringly complex opening duo of The End Of An Era and Tears Of Earth. And to think a gargantuan buffet fit for kings is still to come!

Amidst all the various successful mood/tempo changes, odd time signature, different alternating atmospheres, instrumental prowess and elegantly laced symphonic melodies, most of them flowing seamlessly, it's especially Boscher's guitar that shines with excellent solo eruptions, closely followed by Shankar on keys and piano, who is definitely having a field day or two. The same can be stated for the tight drum deliveries by Margarit, who next to his subtlety and finesse regularly shows his muscular dexterity.

Its synchronously offered orchestral version, available separately or as a package deal with the release described above, adds a whole new view and complementary experience. It was recorded with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra and contains a completely instrumental, immaculate performance of the total concept, with exclusive sound effects and choirs that narrate the story. Recognisable through recurring melodies and themes, it offers unique transformed sounds and atmospheres. The serene breeze of Angels Of The Apocalyptic Storm is a striking example, which will delight those in favour of film scoring composers likes John Williams, Hans Zimmer, and Philip Glass. Two and a half hours of enchanting classical inspired cinematic music is however well beyond my concentration limits and after time I do feel my attention indeed wanders off.

Overall, Enix clearly shows an upward trend in compositional strength with Far From Home compared to Constellia's efforts. Vocally, I'm not overly convinced yet, but I do applaud the time, care and effort that's gone into this monumental project so far. With announcements made of upcoming vinyl versions, live stage productions for a future DVD/Bluray releases, and an array of epic video clips to further deepen Enix's message about beauty of life and various weaknesses buried within our humanity, his efforts look far from over. All for the better, for altogether he has crafted an unforgettable monumental effort that is fully worth discovering!" End of the words !

Of course it's depends on everyone's tastes and especially if some like music in a modern, avant garde way or more traditional way ! Here we are far more in the first avant garde/modern way ! I respect all the opinions ! In this double album my voice is a thread that leads to the different guests voices and others ! I have imagined all the vocal lines for the guests and me ! In future albums there will be less guests and therefore more variations of voices by my side but I have already tried to do a lot here ;) The feedback on my voice are really great in general and I'm very grateful to that but it depends on the tastes of course and understanding of the whole (especially for a 2h40 double album) ! Everything will be professional (studio, live...) and the shows promise to be transcendent ! The Future will be Epic and very surprising and challenging

There will already be reviews/interviews and articles of Far From Home before the press plan in May 2023 with the Label Wormholedeath !

Thanks a Lot to DPRP and Jan Buddenberg for this review !
Full review here:

*Thomas Kubler is the orchestrator and François Rousselot the conductor ! And in the precedent one under Constellia I was co-composer and not the principal composer ! Error in the review ! Here now for Far From Home it's different since the beginning ;)

The storm of emotions is coming (June 9th 2023) and first video clip beginning of may 2023 ! Lots of things are coming ! Stay tuned

The Future is Here !


Max Enix / Far From Home double Album is coming (June 9th 2023) and many surprises too ! Each album/project will be completely different from each other ! Just like Devin Townsend, David Bowie or Hans Zimmer for exemple ! Always at the forefront (Avant Garde) ! I'm not here to do things like everyone else and reuse the same codes indefinitely ! The fusion of genres will always be the trademark with modern sounds and anchored in the era of time ! UNIQUE !
Stay tuned...

The future is here !



Max Enix / Far From Home / Spring 2023
BIG NEWS very Soon ! LABEL ANNOUNCEMENT finally and worldwide distribution and Promotion (Release date of the double Album, Video clips, Reviews, Interviews, Goodies, Radio, Press, Collaborations, shows/Tour and many surprises...) ! I have signed a contract. All will be professional on every areas (everything has been worked for) ! The storm of emotions is coming ! Ready to rock the world ! Stay Tuned / Have a nice day

#FarFromHome #MaxEnix #DoubleConceptAlbum #spring2023 #Music #Composer #Singer #Frontman #Lyrics #Story #Artisticdirector #Musician #Songwriter #Producer #actor #manager #AwesomeMusicians #AwesomeEngineers #AwesomeGuests #filmscore #orchestral #fusion #avantgarde #ProgressiveRock #symphonicmetal #jazz #worldmusic #opera #Progressivemetal #NewAge #Experimental #Slam #Emotions #Shivers #Art #future #tour2023 #showmustgoon #epic #Stormofemotions

City of Mortals Video Clip


Max Enix / Far From Home / Spring 2023
City of Mortals Video clip / To come soon...
That materialize Free Violence in these streets, in this crazy society and wrong people behind it (serpents in disguise) who are dragging the world down ! Against corruption, Fake news, disinformations, data manipulation... Things can no longer continue like this and we must put an END to this ! We have to build a brighter Future for the next generations with LOVE ! OPEN YOUR EYES and STOP following idiots who make the world go backwards ! EVOLUTION # REGRESSION ! WAKE UP ! Stay tuned !

#FarFromHome #MaxEnix #DoubleConceptAlbum #spring2023 #Music #Composer #Singer #Frontman #Lyrics #Story #Artisticdirector #Musician #Songwriter #Producer #actor #manager #AwesomeMusicians #AwesomeEngineers #AwesomeGuests #filmscore #orchestral #fusion #avantgarde #ProgressiveRock #symphonicmetal #jazz #worldmusic #opera #Progressivemetal #NewAge #Experimental #Slam #Emotions #Shivers #Art #future #Tour2023 #showmustgoon #epic #StormOfEmotions

A rollercoaster/storm of emotions !


Max Enix / Far From Home double concept Album will be a rollercoaster/storm of emotions and Far more ! Forget everything you have heard/seen before ! Name of the Label this month, release date and then big promotion around the world and all that goes with finally ! All will be professional on every points (Studio and Live) ! And remember I'm not here to copy others but to make music history ! I have my own artistic Universe/Vision definitively ! Stay Tuned !

#FarFromHome #MaxEnix #DoubleConceptAlbum #spring2023 #Music #Composer #Singer #Frontman #Lyrics #Story #Artisticdirector #Musician #Songwriter #Producer #actor #manager #AwesomeMusicians #AwesomeEngineers #AwesomeGuests #filmscore #orchestral #fusion #avantgarde #ProgressiveRock #symphonicmetal #jazz #worldmusic #opera #Progressivemetal #NewAge #Experimental #Slam #Emotions #Shivers #Art #future #Tour2023 #showmustgoon #epic #Stormofemotions

*"Hope for the Future Generations and a World in Peace" / Wonderful Illustration by Thomas Ewerhard ! 




"Trying to review this album is like trying to review a skyscraper; it doesn't care; it just keeps going! And let me be absolutely clear those are words of praise. Monstruous, Monumental. Let's just say that Far From Home is so good that I've listened to it 8 times since he shared it with us last week. It gets better with each time. It's the one album that I consider to be "perfect, I think yours may be the first -out of the more than 8,000 I've heard in the last 5 years . It gets better with each time. Since I'm in "techie-mode" now, I'll translate my praise into a number: that comparison means your is in the top 0.0119% of all the albums I've heard since the beginning of 2018. The voices are impressive. Already in my top Albums of 2023 ! A Future classic !" Between many outstanding feedback in the world !

*"Never heard since David Bowie, Pink Floyd... There is one in a million like you ! Completely in tune with our times ! An earthquake ! A double album that will change the face of the world"

"I have checked your album "Far From Home" and wow... I have been blown away. These songs are absolutely killer...
Where to start...well for sure from the part where I say that I love it. It’s absolutely great, Symphonic and Technical but in a catchy way and tuneful.

It is very difficult to find precise influences, because the conceptual level of the compositions ranges between various stylistic strands, keeping in a very precise way, centred and very focused on a certain Symphonic Prog with a Metal vein. The project has a lot of personality, thanks also to a fluid writing and an absolutely convincing execution. The double album has no weak points thanks to unquestionable compositional skills. This is the decisive union that gives you a unique stylistic imprint that always maintains a high maturity and intensity. The songs as well as the project itself have their own specific identity that is extremely personal. The vocal work is awesome as well as all the instrumental parts. Guitars, orchestrations, keyboards and rhythm section are powerful and they do a great job in the composition and arrangements. An epic project full of quality ideas, lyrics and sounds are highly researched and original. I haven't listened to a record of this sound matrix for a long time.

There’s quite a lot of variation in the songs but it sounds like a solid album and doesn’t sound like a compilation....This means that you are really mature songwriting-wise. The level of the album is always high, (from the beginning to the end) and there are no boring or low moments. I think that your style and sound are quite original. A combination of many, ranging from Symphonic Prog to Technical and more Metal influences, but I can’t relate you to any other act in particular and this is a great point, this means that you sound unique. Professional production, recordings and mix....Well done, I really like your product! We can absolutely talk further."


#FarFromHome #MaxEnix #DoubleConceptAlbum #spring2023 #Music #Composer #Singer #Frontman #Lyrics #Story #Artisticdirector #Musician #Songwriter #Producer #actor #manager #AwesomeMusicians #AwesomeEngineers #AwesomeGuests #filmscore #orchestral #fusion #avantgarde #ProgressiveRock #symphonicmetal #jazz #worldmusic #opera #Progressivemetal #NewAge #Experimental #Slam #Emotions #Shivers #Art #future #Tour2023 #showmustgoon #epic #Stormofemotions

*Wonderful illustrations by Thomas Ewerhard !

City of Mortals Video Clip


Max Enix / Far From Home / Spring 2023
City of Mortals Video clip / Against Fake news, disinformations, alliances behind, gratuitous violence and others... We will restore the truth in this corrupted, conditioned and acid society build by jokers that goes in the wrong way ! Some deserve a good punishment ! JUSTICE for the Innocents ! Big announcement in the next few days ! Stay tuned !

#FarFromHome #MaxEnix #DoubleConceptAlbum #spring2023 #Music #Composer #Singer #Frontman #Lyrics #Story #Artisticdirector #Musician #Songwriter #Producer #actor #manager #AwesomeMusicians #AwesomeEngineers #AwesomeGuests #filmscore #orchestral #fusion #avantgarde #ProgressiveRock #symphonicmetal #jazz #worldmusic #opera #Progressivemetal #NewAge #Experimental #Slam #Emotions #Shivers #Art #future #Tour2023 #showmustgoon #epic #StormOfEmotions

The storm is coming


Far From Home "The Storm of Emotions" is coming (Spring 2023) ! Release date and many things soon !
Many thanks to Bloudengaztia Wolfgang (Dronicon Films) for the great picture !

Far From Home / Professional Advices


*Max Enix / Far From Home / Double Album / Spring 2023
Lots of things are coming (Awesome Video Clips/ Release date/ Reviews/ Interviews/ Goodies/ Shows and many surprises...) !
Double Album 2h40 + Triple Orchestral Album with exclusive sounds FX 2h45) / Transcendental and professional Shows-Concerts (Vocals, Stage performances, Images, Sounds, Lights...) !
Never seen/heard before ! Avant Garde, Art ! Stay Tuned...

*Professional Advice: "I have checked your album "Far From Home" and wow... I have been blown away. These songs are absolutely killer...
Where to start...well for sure from the part where I say that I love it. It’s absolutely great, Symphonic and Technical but in a catchy way and tuneful.

It is very difficult to find precise influences, because the conceptual level of the compositions ranges between various stylistic strands, keeping in a very precise way, centred and very focused on a certain Symphonic Prog with a Metal vein. The project has a lot of personality, thanks also to a fluid writing and an absolutely convincing execution. The double album has no weak points thanks to unquestionable compositional skills. This is the decisive union that gives you a unique stylistic imprint that always maintains a high maturity and intensity. The songs as well as the project itself have their own specific identity that is extremely personal. The vocal work is awesome as well as all the instrumental parts. Guitars, orchestrations, keyboards and rhythm section are powerful and they do a great job in the composition and arrangements. An epic project full of quality ideas, lyrics and sounds are highly researched and original. I haven't listened to a record of this sound matrix for a long time.

There’s quite a lot of variation in the songs but it sounds like a solid album and doesn’t sound like a compilation....This means that you are really mature songwriting-wise. The level of the album is always high, (from the beginning to the end) and there are no boring or low moments. I think that your style and sound are quite original. A combination of many, ranging from Symphonic Prog to Technical and more Metal influences, but I can’t relate you to any other act in particular and this is a great point, this means that you sound unique. Professional production, recordings and mix....Well done, I really like your product! We can absolutely talk further. Completely in tune with the times"

*"Not seen since David Bowie !"
"Trying to review this album is like trying to review a skyscraper; it doesn't care; it just keeps going! And let me be absolutely clear those are words of praise. Monstruous, Monumental. Let's just say that Far From Home is so good that I've listened to it 8 times since he shared it with us last week. It gets better with each time. It's the one album that I consider to be "perfect, I think yours may be the first -out of the more than 8,000 I've heard in the last 5 years . It gets better with each time. Since I'm in "techie-mode" now, I'll translate my praise into a number: that comparison means your is in the top 0.0119% of all the albums I've heard since the beginning of 2018. The voices are impressive. A Future classic !"

*This concept album will be completely in tune with today’s world and what might happen, the consequences to come... It will deal with the beauty of Life..., the human condition, will be turned towards spirituality and will also denounce the human stupidity on certain points and the actions not to be reproduced any more (the corruption, the conditioning, the oppression, the tyranny, the exploitation, the forced work, the domination, the law of « do or die », the religious fanaticism, the divisions, the violence, the blindness, the fake news, data use, the I don't care attitudes etc...) !

*Max Enix "Far From Home" is a fusion of progressive-symphonic-post rock/metal , filmscore with diverse elements of world/New Age, Hip hop, Jazz, international variety and others (Avant Garde) !

The Future is Here !

The Future is Coming !


Max Enix "FAR FROM HOME" 2023 / The Future is Coming !
Forget everything you know and have heard/seen before !
We are not here to pretend (like many) and follow the same codes again and again ! Understand it or not !
Stay Tuned... 

City of Mortals Clip


Max Enix / City of Mortals / Far From Home (Spring 2023)
Epic video clip to come / With Unreal Engine (3D)
This video clip will be ready end of January / Release date: soon

In this Violent and Fake Society ! Song against corruption, power abuse, fake news, free violence, inequalities and others in our our streets... I will play a crazy and possessed character with a gun too ! It will be scary ! Pushing the limits ! Those who don't know me personally will soon get to know me! I'm not here to make jokes and it's time some people understood that ! I'm nice and kind in general but I see and feel things, I take it upon myself when necessary but when I explode, I explode ! My patience has limits ! And you mustn't get in my way at that moment, believe me ! In Life and Death so don't play with me or you will bitterly regret it ! Violent people are ridiculous ! I'm here to counter the shit we see in this crazy world and put the jerks in their stupid place ! This society cannot continue like this, it's time for things to change and stop being stupid sheep who follow the worst idiots ! Stop the blindness ! Stop being manipulated by assholes and stay true to yourself ! JUSTICE !!! WAKE UP !!!

Thanks to all the Team and especially Lucas Bastian ! 

In this city where vices reign
Throw your guns away
Down the road of disarray

#FarFromHome #MaxEnix #DoubleConceptAlbum #spring2023 #Music #Composer #Singer #Frontman #Lyrics #Story #Artisticdirector #Musician #Songwriter #Producer #AwesomeMusicians #AwesomeEngineers #AwesomeGuests #filmscore #orchestral #fusion #avantgarde #ProgressiveRock #symphonicmetal #jazz #worldmusic #opera #Progressivemetal #NewAge #Experimental #Slam #Emotions #Shivers #Art #future #Tour2023 #showmustgoon #epic

Max Enix / Far From Home / To Come


Forget everything you know or have heard/seen before !
Max Enix / Far From Home / Double Album
Release Date: Spring 2023 / Stay Tuned
A unique Vision / A new Era is coming !

Name of the Label (international) very soon and after that Reviews, Interviews, Goodies, Video clips, lots of things and many surprises around the world... ! Stay tuned  ? 

#FarFromHome #MaxEnix #DoubleConceptAlbum #spring2023 #Music #Composer #Singer #Frontman #Lyrics #Story #Artisticdirector #Musician #Songwriter #Producer #AwesomeMusicians #AwesomeEngineers #AwesomeGuests #filmscore #orchestral #fusion #avantgarde #ProgressiveRock #symphonicmetal #jazz #worldmusic #opera #Progressivemetal #NewAge #Experimental #Slam #Emotions #Shivers #Art #future #Tour2023 #showmustgoon #epic

Fantastic Team


Big Thanks to Thomas Kubler (Orchestrator and additional arrangements), Vikram Shankar (Piano/Keyboards), Leo Margarit (Drums), Jean Jacques Moréac (Bass) and Xavier Boscher (Guitars) for the AWESOME work on the Max Enix "FAR FROM HOME" double Album ! The result would not have been the same without you and your fantastic skills !

Thanks to everyone involved on the project too and the many guests... Fantastic team work !

*Team for Far From Home (between others):

Max Enix: Music, Vocals, Artistic director, Actor, Lyrics/story...

Thomas Kubler: Additional arrangements, Orchestrator
Leo Margarit: Drums
Vikram Shankar: Piano/Keyboards
Jean-Jacques Moréac: Bass
Xavier Boscher: Guitars (Studio only)

Elise Wachbar: Vocals (Studio only)
François Rousselot: Conductor (only for Far From Home)

David Castillo: Mix
Tony Lindgren: Mastering

Important to know that Vikram Shankar has written additional piano parts to some songs and of course all the fantastic musicians has written their own parts (Bass, Guitars, drums, piano by following the music I have written (Piano/keyboards, strings...), the orchestrations by Thomas Kubler and some rythmic indications I have given to them or not with their own way of playing) !

Vocal and Instrumental Guests:
*Andy Kuntz (Vanden Plas/Abydos/Last paradise Lost...) = Vocals
*Tom Englund (Evergrey, Silent Skies, Redemption...) = Vocals
*Devon Graves (Psychotic Waltz , Dead Soul Tribe , The shadow theory ...) = Vocals (+Flute and others maybe)
*Fabio Lione (Rhapsody, Angra, Turilli/Rhapsody, Vision Divine...) = Vocals
*David Readman (Adagio, Pink Cream 69, Solo Stuff...) = Vocals
*Marcela Bovio (Stream of Passion, Dark horse White horse, Ayreon, Mayan...)
*Farhad (Zink) Hossain (Shumaun...) = Vocals
*Mahdi MK Khemakhem (Carthagods...) = Vocals
*Laurent Lunoir (Öxxö Xööx, Rïcïnn...) = Vocals
*David Fremberg (Andromeda, Reggae Kiss...) = Vocals
*Michael Herrington (OneTwenty) = Vocals
*Kobi Farhi ( Orphaned Land...) = Vocals
*Damian Wilson (Solo stuff, Threshold, Arena...) = Vocals
*Toby Driver (Solo, Maudlin of the well, Kayo Dot, Alora Crucible...) = Vocals
*Jon Pyres (Threads of Fate, Solo...) = Vocals
*Carsten Lizard-Schulz (Devoid, Lazarus Dream, Solo stuff) = Vocals
*Angèle Macabiès (Solo Stuff, Cover...) = Vocals
*Johanna Red (Solo stuff, Cover...) = Vocals
*Mody Ptd (Kriteria, Save'n retry...) = Vocals
*Heather Findlay (Mostly Autumn, Odin Dragonfly, Solo Stuff...) = Vocals
*Niklas Kvarforth (Shining, Solo stuff...) = Vocals
*Dan Swano (Nightingale, Edge of Sanity, Solo Stuff, Katatonia, Star One...) = Vocals
*Benjamin Guerry (The Great Old Ones...) = Vocals/Guitars
*Stéphan Forté (Adagio, Solo Stuff...) = Vocals
*Derek Sherinian (Solo stuff, Dream Theater, Planet X, Sons of Apollo, Black country communion...) = Piano
*Mattias Ekhlund (Freak Kitchen, Solo...) = Guitars
*Michael Romeo (Symphony X, Solo...) = Guitars
*Per Nilsson (Scar Symmetry , Meshuggah ...) = Guitars
*Saout Mael/Shad Mae (Devoid, Shadyon, Digiments...) = Guitars
*Timo Somers (Carthagods, Delain, Harrow Haze, Star One...) = Guitars
*Laurene TelennAria (Orkhys...) = Vocals + Harp
*Luciana Lys (Constellia, Nightwish Tribute, Solo Stuff...) = Vocals
*Sébastien Dubail (Constellia, Bagfed...) = Guitars
*Valou Besson Nix, Agathe Mouchy Capone, Michael and Valentin = Strange vocal sounds/effects

Sound designer: Olivier chevalier (orchestral Version)

Max Enix / Far From Home / To Come


Far From Home (2023), the future Albums very different from each other and all attached to them... will be transcendental and revolutionary for sure!
Just like the concerts/shows which will be professional on all levels (vocals, musicians, lights-sounds etc...) wonderful and breathtaking!
Everything has been worked for and will be in the smallest details!
The high level does not forgive and everything will have to be close to perfection!
The goal is for you to be constantly amazed in everything that comes out of it and there will be many surprises!
The Future is here and beyond the music!

#FarFromHome #MaxEnix #DoubleConceptAlbum #spring2023 #Music #Composer #Singer #Frontman #Lyrics #Story #Artisticdirector #Musician #Songwriter #Producer #AwesomeMusicians #AwesomeEngineers #AwesomeGuests #filmscore #orchestral #fusion #avantgarde #ProgressiveRock #symphonicmetal #jazz #worldmusic #opera #Progressivemetal #NewAge #Experimental #Slam #Emotions #Shivers #Art #future #Tour2023 #showmustgoon #epic

Max Enix / Far From Home / Spring 2023


Max Enix / Far From Home / Double Album
Release date: Spring 2023

Lots of things are coming ! Label name and after that... Release date of the double Album (original and orchestral) with beautiful digipack/Booklet..., Video clips, Reviews, Interviews, playthrough, Goodies with wonderful illustrations and original things, movies, collaborations (vocals and others) as guest, film score, music games, US reality show (TV), Epic Shows/Tour with professional vocals, musicians..., DVD Live with the whole double Album played, A wide variety of albums very very different from each others (concept album in general or not, movie oriented with strong story in general, epic or not, more metal or not, hard or calm, with orchestra or not, with (famous) guests or not, with engaged lyrics or not...), many other things/surprises... !

Endless ideas in different ways... All will be transcendent, revolutionary, visionary and very professionnal !

Thanks for the support



The Future is Here !

FIGHT the many corruptors and the enemies of truth who wants to divide and conquer (Those rabid dogs sniffing each other's asses, covering themselves, wanting to put themselves forward to keep you out of their corrupted circles and wanting to be right at all costs and to destroy you from behind... like in the old days) !

Together we will win and succeed against the oppressors , the big liars and they will be condemned forever in one way or another (Justice) ! I am not here to please idiots who don't understand anything ! FUCK YOU stupid Bastards !

Beyond my Blood Epic video clip


Max Enix / Far From Home (2023) / Double Concept Album
Beyond my Blood song / Epic video clip / New Illustrations here
Release date: Very Soon !

I will play different characters on it... A possessed one in a mansion who mistreats (from a distance) an other character (his double who is fed up with his job and wants a different life) like a puppet in a parallel world.
The end will be surprising with the fusion of the 2 principal characters and the Union of people/ Different Origins and social classes. Beyond the Human Condition !

Video Excerpt:

#FarFromHome #MaxEnix #DoubleConceptAlbum #spring2023 #Music #Composer #Singer #Frontman #Lyrics #Story #Artisticdirector #Musician #Songwriter #Producer #AwesomeMusicians #AwesomeEngineers #AwesomeGuests #filmscore #orchestral #fusion #avantgarde #ProgressiveRock #symphonicmetal #jazz #worldmusic #opera #Progressivemetal #NewAge #Experimental #Slam #Emotions #Shivers #Art #future #Tour2023 #showmustgoon #epic

Tears of Earth Epic video clip


Max Enix: "Tears of Earth" Video Clip
First illustrations here / Very Raw for the moment !
Release date: Soon / Stay Tuned
Max Enix "Far From Home" (2023)

In this ambitious Video clip (3D with Unreal Engine) you will see the beauty of nature, the elements together, the cosmos, the Earth and the planets/galaxies around, the space conquest, the creation and some very enigmatic and mysterious things ! View from above embodied by other intelligences beyond humans... Against the humans who wants to destroy the environment with machines, unnecessary wars, domination, stupid trivialities and others that leads to chaos...

Max Enix "Far From Home" is not "metal" ! It's a fusion of progressive-symphonic rock/metal , filmscore with diverse elements of world/New Age, Hip hop, Jazz, International variety and others (Avant Garde never heard before) ! For Fans of Devin Townsend, Dream Theater, Hans Zimmer, Pain of Salvation, Opeth, Ayreon, Enigma, Era, Therion, Nightwish, Rhapsody, Pink Floyd, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Arcturus and many many others...
But with a Universe of its own ! Beyond music and words !

#FarFromHome #MaxEnix #DoubleConceptAlbum #Music #Composer #Singer #Frontman #Lyrics #Story #Artisticdirector #Musician #Songwriter #Producer #AwesomeMusicians #AwesomeEngineers #AwesomeGuests #filmscore #orchestral #fusion #avantgarde #ProgressiveRock #symphonicmetal #jazz #worldmusic #opera #Progressivemetal #NewAge #Experimental #Slam #Emotions #Shivers #Art #future #Tour2023 #showmustgoon #epic 

The Broken Face video clip


Max Enix / The Broken Face / Far From Home (2023)
Epic video clip to come / Anime / With Marcela Bovio (guest)

This is the world we are living in ! Wake Up ! See the news (TV) !
This epic video clip is against killings, free violence, violation of human rights, rape, bullies, abandonments, abuse of power... perpetrated against womens, childs, some mens, animals and others... ! Thousands and Thousands of deaths, agressions and others every year due to domestic violence, rape and others.
Executioners and perpetrators who accuse others in order to make themselves feel less guilty about their actions !
Video excerpt:

#FarFromHome #MaxEnix #DoubleConceptAlbum #spring2023 #Music #Composer #Singer #Frontman #Lyrics #Story #Artisticdirector #Musician #Songwriter #Producer #AwesomeMusicians #AwesomeEngineers #AwesomeGuests #filmscore #orchestral #fusion #avantgarde #ProgressiveRock #symphonicmetal #jazz #worldmusic #opera #Progressivemetal #NewAge #Experimental #Slam #Emotions #Shivers #Art #future #Tour2023 #showmustgoon #epic

City Of Mortals Video Clip to come


Max Enix / City of Mortals / Far From Home (2023)
Epic video clip to come / With Unreal Engine (3D)

This is the world we are living in ! Wake Up !
Song against corruption, power abuse, fake news, free violence, inequalities and others in our society/our streets...
It's time for things to change... It's time for true Justice for All !
All together for a brighter and better Future against the oppressors and the hateful people in one way or another (those who pull the strings of these massacres) ! STOP !
It's time to Unite for Peace and Freedom !

#FarFromHome #MaxEnix #DoubleConceptAlbum #spring2023 #Music #Composer #Singer #Frontman #Lyrics #Story #Artisticdirector #Musician #Songwriter #Producer #AwesomeMusicians #AwesomeEngineers #AwesomeGuests #filmscore #orchestral #fusion #avantgarde #ProgressiveRock #symphonicmetal #jazz #worldmusic #opera #Progressivemetal #NewAge #Experimental #Slam #Emotions #Shivers #Art #future #Tour2023 #showmustgoon #epic

Many Surprises


*Max Enix / Far From Home / Spring 2023
Release date: soon / Video clip: soon / Name of the Label: Very soon

*"Beyond my Blood" epic video clip / I will play different characters on it... A possessed one in a mansion who mistreats (from a distance) an other character (his double) like a puppet in a parallel world.
The end will be surprising with the fusion of the 2 principal characters and the Union of people/ Different Origins and social classes.
Beyond the Human Condition !
Video Excerpt:

*"The Broken Face" epic video clip/ This epic video clip (in anime) is against killings, free violence, violation of human rights, rape, bullies, abandonments, abuse of power... perpetrated against womens, childs, some mens and others... ! Thousands and Thousands of deaths, agressions, traumas every year due to domestic violence, rape and others. Video excerpt:

* "City of Mortals" epic video clip (3D with Unreal Engine) will be against corruption, Power Abuse, Fake news and others in our society.... An alternative version will be made too with some strong images in a more horrific way.

* "Tears of Earth" epic video clip / In this ambitious Video clip (3D with Unreal Engine) you will see the beauty of nature, the elements together, the cosmos, the Earth and the planets/galaxies around, the space conquest, the creation and some very enigmatic and mysterious things ! View from above embodied by other intelligences beyond humans... Against the humans who wants to destroy the environment with machines, unnecessary wars, domination, stupid trivialities and others that leads to chaos...

* The End of an Era (intro) with beautiful and strong images of the evolution/extinction/acceleration of time.

*"Far From Home" the last epic song (26min) will be a real movie in front of your eyes... Materializing the world we are living in and all the emotions/.

*The whole "Far From Home" double Album (2h40) will be illustrated with lyrics and Enigmatic/mysterious/Avant Garde images behind (shadows puppets, Chinese shades...) !

*Live/concerts video clips will be made for the following songs "Prayer of the Gods" and "Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm" normally during the release party of this epic double Album. The complete "Far From Home" double Album will be played during these shows (Live DVD/Blu Ray later). All will be professionnal (Vocals, Musicians, Images, Lights, Stage play...) !

*2 totally different listening experiences (Original and Orchestral) :
*Digipack Original Double Album Version with 48pages Booklet. 2h39 of Music.
*Digipack Orchestral Version (3CDS with exclusive sounds FX). 2h45 of Music.
*Digipack Original double Album Version with 48pages Booklet and Digipack Orchestral Version (3CDS with exclusive sounds FX) = All in a Slipcase (5CDS). 5h25 of Music.

* Max Enix "Far From Home" will be one of the best and most ambitious double Album ever made. All has been worked for in every details !
*Around 36 famous guests on it (Kobi Farhi, Fabio Lione, Andy Kuntz, Tom Englund, Marcela Bovio, Damian Wilson, Niklas Kvarforth, David readman, Devon Graves, Heather Findlay, Dan Swano, Derek Sherinian , Timo Somers, Per Nilsson, Mattias Ekhlund, Michael Romeo, Carsten Lizard schulz, Toby driver, Michael Herrington and many others you can see on my page (cover picture...) !
*Mix by David Castillo (studio Grondahl) and mastering by Tony Lindgren (Fascination street studio) / Awesome sound on it

* "Trying to review this album is like trying to review a skyscraper; it doesn't care; it just keeps going! And let me be absolutely clear those are words of praise. Monstruous, Monumental. Let's just say that Far From Home is so good that I've listened to it 8 times since he shared it with us last week. It gets better with each time. It's the one album that I consider to be "perfect, I think yours may be the first -out of the more than 8,000 I've heard in the last 5 years . It gets better with each time. Since I'm in "techie-mode" now, I'll translate my praise into a number: that comparison means your is in the top 0.0119% of all the albums I've heard since the beginning of 2018. The voices are impressive. A Future classic !" Between many outstanding feedback in the world !

*Max Enix "Far From Home" is not "metal" ! It's a fusion of progressive-symphonic rock/metal , filmscore with diverse elements of world/New Age, Hip hop, Jazz, international variety and others (Avant Garde never heard before) ! For Fans of Devin Townsend, Dream Theater, Hans Zimmer, Pain of Salvation, Opeth, Ayreon, Enigma, Era, Therion, Nightwish, Rhapsody, Pink Floyd, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Arcturus and many many others...
But with a Universe of its own ! Beyond music and words !

*Lots of other things are coming... Reviews, Interviews, Goodies with wonderful illustrations and original things, movies, collaborations (vocals and others) as guest, film score, games music, US reality show (TV), Epic Shows/Tour, A wide variety of albums very very different from each others (concept album in general or not, movie oriented with strong story in general, epic or not, more metal or not, with orchestra or not, with (famous) guests or not, with engaged lyrics or not...), many surprises... ! Endless ideas in different ways...

#FarFromHome #MaxEnix #DoubleConceptAlbum #Music #Composer #Singer #Frontman #Lyrics #Story #Artisticdirector #Musician #Songwriter #Producer #AwesomeMusicians #AwesomeEngineers #AwesomeGuests #filmscore #orchestral #fusion #avantgarde #ProgressiveRock #symphonicmetal #jazz #worldmusic #opera #Progressivemetal #NewAge #Experimental #Slam #Emotions #Shivers #Art #future #Tour2023 #showmustgoon #epic

All will be transcendent and revolutionary ! Thanks for your support ! Have a nice day and stay tuned :)

Beyond my Blood Video Clip Soon


Max Enix: Beyond my Blood Video Clip
Some illustrations here
Release date: soon / Stay Tuned
Max Enix "Far From Home" (2023)

In this Video clip I will play different characters... A possessed one in a mansion who mistreats (from a distance) an other character (his double) like a puppet in a parallel world.
The end will be surprising with the fusion of the 2 principal characters and the Union of people/ Different Origins and social classes.
Beyond the Human Condition !

Video Excerpt:

#FarFromHome #MaxEnix #DoubleConceptAlbum #Music #Composer #Singer #Frontman #Lyrics #Story #Artisticdirector #Musician #Songwriter #Producer #AwesomeMusicians #AwesomeEngineers #AwesomeGuests #filmscore #orchestral #fusion #avantgarde #ProgressiveRock #symphonicmetal #jazz #worldmusic #opera #Progressivemetal #NewAge #Experimental #Slam #Emotions #Shivers #Art #future #Tour2023 #showmustgoon #epic

A Future Classic / Far From Home


Max Enix / Far From Home
One of the Best Double Album ever released !
Release date, Reviews, Interviews, Video clips, Goodies and many things... : Soon

"Trying to review this album is like trying to review a skyscraper; it doesn't care; it just keeps going! And let me be absolutely clear those are words of praise. Monstruous, Monumental. Let's just say that Far From Home is so good that I've listened to it 8 times since he shared it with us last week. It gets better with each time. It's the one album that I consider to be "perfect, I think yours may be the first -out of the more than 8,000 I've heard in the last 5 years . It gets better with each time. Since I'm in "techie-mode" now, I'll translate my praise into a number: that comparison means your is in the top 0.0119% of all the albums I've heard since the beginning of 2018. The voices are impressive. A Future classic !" Between many outstanding feedback in the world !

#FarFromHome #MaxEnix #DoubleConceptAlbum #Music #Composer #Singer #Frontman #Lyrics #Story #Artisticdirector #Musician #Songwriter #Producer #AwesomeMusicians #AwesomeEngineers #AwesomeGuests #filmscore #orchestral #fusion #avantgarde #ProgressiveRock #symphonicmetal #jazz #worldmusic #opera #Progressivemetal #NewAge #Experimental #Slam #Emotions #Shivers #Art #future #Tour2023 #showmustgoon #epic

The Attack is Imminent !


Max Enix / Far From Home / Double Album 2h40
With the Budapest Symphony Orchestra, many famous guests, strong story and lots of things / Release date : Soon
The Attack is Imminent ! Stay Tuned

Audio excerpts in the video section (original and orchestral version). Exemple (orchestral) :

For Fans of Devin Townsend, Hans Zimmer, Ayreon, Opeth, Dream Theater, David Bowie, Therion, Nightwish, Pink Floyd, Pain of Salvation and many others... But with a Universe of its own. Epic Progressive Power Metal/rock Opera (and far more with elements of world/New Age, Hip Hop, Jazz...)

Link of the Max Enix Fan Page (if you want to like the page):

#FarFromHome #MaxEnix #DoubleConceptAlbum #Music #Composer #Singer #Frontman #Lyrics #Story #Artisticdirector #Musician #Songwriter #Producer #AwesomeMusicians #AwesomeEngineers #AwesomeGuests #filmscore #orchestral #fusion #avantgarde #ProgressiveRock #symphonicmetal #jazz #worldmusic #opera #Progressivemetal #NewAge #Experimental #Slam #Emotions #Shivers #Art #future #Tour2023 #showmustgoon #epic

Max Enix Work


I will always say the truth Now (If I'm right or if I'm wrong) in every Areas (people always say stupid things (to put themselves forward) so I restore the Truth in EVERYTHING (Don't hesitate to question me ! I'm true # Fake) ! Some people want to sideline me because they're jealous of my talent, creativity etc... It's the world we are living in (So they create Alliances of Liars that covered each others Etc...)! So Shared Again for those who want to understand my work methodology ! For some elitist assholes (who try to piss me off) ! You are starting to get on my nerves !!!! You already given me enough troubles !!!! Respect others' work and methodology or go away !!!! Take care of your own ass/business/projects !!!! Thanks for understanding !

"Max Enix / Far From Home /
I have composed everything by ear this time (the whole double Album 2h39) but thanks to Victor Monteriggioni (copyist) and of course Thomas Kubler (orchestrator/Additional arrangements) who have worked on the papers scores !
The papers scores were important for François rousselot (conductor of the Budapest symphony orchestra this time) ! It could have been another conductor !

No I'm not a music theory expert like many... I have my own methodology like Hans Zimmer (Self-taught without formal education = See post in the commentary section) and many others and I know how to call on the right people to accompany me on my artistic adventures) ! I have my OWN vision for the whole and it will be the case for all my projects (except collaborations) !

If the label is Ok... I will publish all my compositions (instrumental demos) of the upcoming Albums (Far From Home 2h39...) when it's time after the release (piano, keyboards, choirs, strings parts for orchestrations, some instrumental indications and others...) before Thomas Kubler reproduced my compositions and made the orchestrations, additional arrangements. And before recording of the orchestra ! !!

For the vocals... I have imagine all the vocals parts but Important to know that once the orchestrations/orchestra parts were received... I had to create some new Vocals parts... So some vocals parts were rethought, create and elaborate at home (those of the guests made before in general) and only after recorded and then transformed sometimes in the studio (if necessary).

For the Future it will be different because I will create all the vocals lines on the final orchestrations first (without orchestra) and then the rythmic elements etc... will be incorporated after !

Actually I plan the vocals for live performances with my vocal/scenic coach (Alone on stage and I will sing my parts and some of the the guests) ! The shows/Concert will be transcendent and professional without a doubt on every points (professional musicians, vocals, lights, sounds and many surprises) !

Just to make things clear and tell you the truth with all these liars/friends around (that cover themselves for interests) I have worked with or not ! It can end very badly if I hear false informations from people I have worked with and trusted. People who want to put themselves forward.

Musical world is more than a jungle with so many envious people. It's my project and my ideas before all ! Even if it's a team work too of course and I'm very grateful of the others work ! They have made FANTASTIC Things and the result will not be the same without them (The Budapest Symphony orchestra has transcend the whole of course) ! Nobody can said the contrary except in case of bad faith ! Some can say what they want... I still know what I did !

Emotions are the most important things for me in Art !

Far From Home (2023) curated, composed and produced by Max Enix

Team for the Double Album "Far From Home":

Max Enix: Music, Vocals, Artistic director, Actor, Lyrics/story...

Thomas Kubler: Additional arrangements, Orchestrator

Leo Margarit: Drums
Vikram Shankar: Piano/Keyboards
Jean-Jacques Moréac: Bass
Xavier Boscher: Guitars (only studio)
Elise Wachbar: Vocals (Studio)

David Castillo: Mix
Tony Lindgren: Mastering

François Rousselot : Conductor

Milo Lee: Vocal and scenic coach, photographer, Residence supervisor...

And the Future only Me (Composition, vocals, lyrics...), Thomas Kubler (orchestrations), Xavier Boscher on Guitars and maybe Jean Jacques Moreac (Bass) ! The rest will be programed ! A few guests this time ! The same for the live (Alone with sound/Lights Engineers...) !

I have written Many piano parts already before Vikram come in the project but Important to know that Vikram Shankar has reproduced/expanded and then written some additional piano parts to some songs (Derek Sherinian on 2 songs too) and of course all the fantastic musicians has written their own parts and transcend the whole (Bass, Guitars, drums, piano by following the music I have written (Piano/keyboards, strings...), the orchestrations and some indications I have given to them or not with their own way of playing) ! AWESOME Work !

A Big Thanks too to Peter Kovacs director of the Budapest symphony orchestra and all the fantastic musicians of the Budapest Symphony orchestra

*More in the commentary section below...

*For Constellia: "Secret Garden" which was a much less ambitious album, it was very different because I worked with another composer (co-composition). I had composed the themes and some passages on the synth/piano and he the rest ! He has take my piano/synth parts, has reproduced them for all songs and then create other parts/effects ! I was of course in charge of the artistic direction, lyrics, vocals, I had created most of the vocal lines (3/4)... etc !!!" All was based on my vocals lines and things added after ! Very different than now and the future !

The truth will be restored in the interviews and others !!!

Hans Zimmer Methodology: "Hans Zimmer's career has been marked by an unorthodox approach to music and film scoring and part of this lies, he thinks, in his lack of formal training. "I have no technique and I have no formal education, so the only thing I know how to write about is something that's inside of me." : Full Article: 

*EN: Forum/Hans Zimmer Way of working: I have to disagree with Christopher Smith. This is what I often hear at my music college too. I don’t like that attitude of an elite who don’t credit non-formal trained musicians or composers. Thats just rubbish and kind of jealous.

I’m not working for Hans but I know one who has and want to defend him because he deserves what he accomplished.

First, Hans writes a suite for every film at the beginning and does it totally on his own. This is then rehearsed together with the director to show Hans’ ideas about the mood of the film and will serve as a basic tune toolbox later on. It contains basically the theme of the score. All harmonies, sounds and arrangements of the suite will be “re-used” as a template for filler and underlying music. These music parts are usually composed by his co-composers and this has little to do with his ability as a composer but to deliver an incredibly big production in a very short time and to free him from “boring” tasks to be able to concentrate on the major parts of the score. - Hans never got fired from a scoring gig - the deadline thing is one reason why. Btw. other composers also have assistants who work on their scores. Hans has just more…He also works incredible hours and literally lives the film during his scoring work. He is a master at perceiving a story and capturing the feel and atmosphere of a film. This is actually THE ability a film composer must have. He is a genius in that regard.

Hans on not reading music… He can read music of course but is maybe just not as fast as a trained musician. Also sight reading might not be his strength, he reads MIDI rolls like no one else. The jealous composer can say what he wants. This is a skill and its one most classical trained composers most likely do not have. Deal with it.

Hans’ music is powered by simplicity with innovative sound design which serves the picture unbelievable good. And that is the job! Yes, his scores are no Williams tunes. But there is already a Williams. There is also a Newman and an Elfmann - you get the picture….Hans is just another kind of signature. He manages to get gigs and the movies he scored become usually hits. That speaks for him too.

And no composer orchestrates the whole score by themselves. Even John Williams writes his scores just on the piano and pass the raw piano score to his orchestrator. To claim Hans is not a real composer because he cannot orchestrate on paper is bollocks. In fact, he started the whole MIDI orchestration thing. In other words, he already orchestrates while writing the score. Just not on paper. Ok, maybe he makes some voice leading mistakes when things get complex but the orchestrater will rule that out later on - thats his job. But again, even the likes of Williams has got own orchestrators. So come on, give him what he deserves.

"Ne faites la compétition avec personne, chacun son chemin, chacun son histoire. Le vrai challenge est dans le miroir..."

On ne parle pas de sport (compétitions sportives) ou autres ici mais de comportements dans la vie de tous les jours ! Certains veulent se mettre en avant alors qu'ils font 10 fois moins que vous sur vos propres projets (par exemple) ! Ils sont envieux de votre talent et de votre créativité ! Il serai temps de stopper les gamineries, les conneries et de remettre les pendules à l'heure, surtout quand on sait réellement qui fait quoi et qu'on a la conscience tranquille par rapport à ca.  N'inversons pas les choses ! Mais certains se pensent encore et toujours au dessus des autres, de par des statuts, des compétences ou autres, à tord bien trop souvent car la créativité ne s'achète pas (on a ou on a pas tout comme l'intelligence d'ailleurs) ! Ils usent de leurs influences pour manipuler (ou se lecher le cul les uns les autres) et c 'est très très décevant, voir même écoeurant ! Ca leur monte à la tête (il faudrait qu'ils redescendent d'un étage et balayent devant leurs portes) ! Chacun son chemin, sa méthodologie et ses projets (que certains arrêtent de s'accaparer le projet des autres, à tord et ferment leurs gueules une bonne fois pour toute) ! Ras le bol des guerres d'égos !

Pour informations... Au tout début du projet "Far From Home" j'étais seul et j'ai composé l'intégralité du double Album (2h40) à la maison en 6 mois (à l'oreille avec ma propre méthodologie) au clavier (strings...)/piano et j'ai proposé, en parallèle, des indications instrumentales (rythmiques et autres), des choeurs etc... (j'ai gardé toutes les demos) ! Thomas Kubler a repris (repiqué) mes compositions intégralement et les a orchestrées puis Hugo Williame y a incorporé les rythmiques.

Exemple méthodologie:

Pour Constellia: "Secret Garden" qui était un album bien moins ambitieux, c'était très différent car travaillé avec un autre compositeur (co-composition). J'avais composé les thèmes et certains passages au synthé/piano et lui le reste, j' étais à la direction artistique, paroles, chant, j'avais crée la majorité des lignes vocales... etc ! Il vous dira ce qui l'arrange

Max Enix "Far From Home" est beaucoup beaucoup plus ambitieux, travaillé et j'ai voulu le composer intégralement à la maison avant les orchestrations puis l'enregistrement de l'orchestre à Budapest (les partitions ont été transcrites par Victor Monteriggioni qui est le copiste) et avant que les musiciens n'ajoutent leurs parties respectives (que j'ai validé, demandé de refaire différemment ou pas) qui leur appartiennent bien entendu (Vikram Shankar a d'ailleurs composé quelques parties piano supplémentaires que je n'avais pas composé tout comme Derek Sherinian sur 2 compositions) ! Ils ont fait un travail remarquable ! J'ai aussi crée toutes les lignes vocales, les miennes et celles des guests que j'ai remodifié ensuite en fonction des orchestrations et de l'orchestre si nécessaire (certaines modifications ont été effectuées en studio sur des recommandations aussi), j'ai écris toutes les paroles et suis le directeur artistique de l'ensemble entres autres (acteur dans clips, croquis de certains dessins, idées etc...) !

Pour les concerts (la scène) il y aura des musiciens professionnels bien entendu, je serai au chant (atteint un niveau professionnel maintenant suite au travail répété/acharné, avec mon coach vocal/scénique de renommé, comme vous pourrez le voir en studio d'ailleurs) et il y aura une chanteuse professionnelle qui m'épaulera !

Video Clip to come / Lucas Bastian


Max Enix/Far From Home/Release date soon

Lucas Bastian is working on the "City of Mortals" video (with Unreal Engine) ! Here are some exclusive images. I'll be soon integrated on some shots in an alley...

With Far From Home...
Forget everything you know!
You can't imagine what's coming !

More news soon... Stay tuned ! 

Signature with Label in the coming weeks


Max Enix "Far From Home" with the Budapest symphony orchestra, epic songs and famous guests !
Release date, video clips and many other things soon...
Definitive Signature with a Label in the coming weeks !
Negotiations in progress... Stay tuned 

Video Clip Beyond my Blood to come


Max Enix "Beyond my Blood" Epic Video clip !
I will play on it a possessed character who will face his emotions, his demons in a mansion... From Darkness to Light.
The Finale will be surprising beside the sea. Towards the Union of peoples and origins...
Release date soon

The Future come


Max Enix "Far From Home" will be a revolutionary/ transcendental double concept Album and a complete movie too !
Already some very good proposals (Musical Labels) but I will wait the Best offer before signature in September normally... I have preferences !
Release date soon. Stay tuned

*I am currently composing many other albums for the future (completely different and innovative that unite people). The Future is Here !



Max Enix "Far From Home" New Pictures
Double Concept Album / Release date soon
Through the Eyes of Angels... Soul sorting has begun...
The Evil, Abusive Lies, Free Violence and Corruption will Fall my friends !
Divine Justice 

The Future is Here


The Future is Here

To come


Max Enix "Far From Home" Double Concept Album
Release date: Soon
After Signature with Label in September

You can't really imagine what will happen!
Forget everything you have ever seen or heard !

Video Clips


Max Enix: Far From Home will be one of the Best double Album ever made ! Everything on it has been worked on to ! In phase with the society we live in ! Everything will be possessed with very deep emotions ! 

By purchasing "Far From Home" (Release date between Autumn 2022 and Spring 2023) You'll get a lot for your money (Wonderful Music, Awesome vocals, Famous guests, Original and orchestral version with the Budapest symphony orchestra/choirs for more than 5hours of music, Booklet 48pages with beautiful illustrations, Deep Lyrics/Story and many more...)
By supporting "Far From Home" you will have Fantastic goodies too, Awesome Video clips, Transcendent Live shows...
Never seen before !

Reviews/Interviews and lots of things soon after signature with the Label. I wait Answers and will choose the best offer !

Here some new illustrations of the video clips to come ! 

Video Clips Illustrations


As you probably know... In addition to the planned video clips (studio and live with different realisators)... The full "Far From Home" double album (2h40) will be illustrated (video) by a wonderful Israeli artist : DPMX Web !

So here are some new images (from the video clips). Original and orchestral versions. Blade Runner Vibes on it (Avant Garde in any case) ! This will materialise the world we are living in (this will represent the story and lyrics I have wrote) ! A complete Movie !

See you soon !

*Lots of things to buy in his shop too (Beautiful Tshirts and many others...) if you want !

Video clips and Messages



Some new Pictures of the epic video clips to come.

Again... I am a precursor and I am not a clone like many ! I'm not here to please everyone and I won't follow the same society codes repeated over and over again even if I listen to good advices ! I won't submit, I will never pretend like many and remain myself. I will remain inhabited in all I do.

I will overcome the prevailing corruption and achieve my goals one way or another and the result will be amazing (some will fall) ! Be sure of this ! Be ready (or not) for things you have never seen or heard before !

Many don't understand me (because not in the same spiritual dimension), some are not ready for that (not disconnected enough from reality and society) and will put infinite pressure to block me !

But the majority will be ready because the world we live in must change profoundly and cannot continue like this in any cases (wars, climate, viruses, mind-numbing music and mentalities, free violence, hatred, bloody nasty people and many more...) ! We can't continue like this. It is a question of common sense and intelligence ! And you all know that (everyone can see it) ! Things have to change in this world turning upside down and Only fools don't want to change. We need to review our priorities and goes to the essential ! There is still time...

I am here to propose an alternative with this double album... Whether you like it or not... Whether you like me or not ! It's not my problem because the goal is elsewhere...

In any case the whole thing (music, vocals, story/lyrics, video clips, concept, shows...) will be revolutionary and transcendent !

Future Albums, artistic projects too (Avant Garde)...

Lots of things are coming soon...
Stay tuned



Max Enix "Far From Home" Booklet, layers and illustrations made by Thomas Ewerhard ! AWESOME Job !

Release date soon

*Digipack Original Double Album Version with 48pages Booklet
*Digipack Orchestral Version (3CDS with exclusive sounds FX)
*Digipack Original double Album Version with 48pages Booklet and Digipack Orchestral Version (3CDS with exclusive sounds FX) = All in a Slipcase (5CDS)

2 totally different listening experiences / 2 visions that complement each others and are necessary for the understanding of the whole work. So I encourage you to take the slipcase version with the whole stuff.
1 euro (by purchase the ultimate version) will be donated to an association (for animals or humans rights... To see in time) !

Vinyls of the 2 versions (Original and orchestral) too are planned... 4 vinyls normally per version.

Concept Album with elaborate story and lyrics (around 2h40 of music for each versions) with the Budapest symphony orchestra and dozens of famous guests.

This concept album will be completely in tune with today’s world and what might happen, the consequences to come... It will deal with the beauty of Life..., the human condition, will be turned towards spirituality and will also denounce the human stupidity on certain points and the actions not to be reproduced any more (the corruption, the conditioning, the oppression, the tyranny, the exploitation of data and people, the forced work, Bullying, the law of « do or die », the religious fanaticism, the divisions, the violence, the blindness, the I don't care attitudes etc...).
Some people will try to block (feel targeted) but the majority will be on my side !
The fight has only just begun. The attack is imminent. This society can no longer function like this ! Together !

Preorder and goodies when the first clip is coming in September normally ! More to come soon...

Official Tracklist Original Double Album:

CD 1
1 The End of An Era 4.12min
2 Tears of Earth 7.49min
3 City of Mortals 10.16min
4 Prayer of the Gods 10.32min
5 In this Forgotten Paradise 13.49min
6 An Illusional Kiss 9.45min
7 The Dark and Bright Tunnel 11.31min
8 The Forsaken Ocean 12.04min
Length = 1h 19min and 58sec

9 Childhood Emotions 3.21min
10 The Broken Face 13.15min
11 Beyond my Blood 11.40min
12 Mirrors of Time 11.16min
13 Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm 13.34min
14 Far From Home 26.38min
Length: 1h 19min and 44sec

Official Tracklist Orchestral with exclusive sounds FX :

CD 1
1 The End of An Era 4.20min
2 Tears of Earth 8.10min
3 City of Mortals 10.30min
4 Prayer of the Gods 10.52min
5 In this Forgotten Paradise 14.04min
Length: 47min and 49sec

6 An Illusional Kiss 9.46min
7 The Dark and Bright Tunnel 11.41min
8 The Forsaken Ocean 12.47min
9 Childhood Emotions 3.39min
10 The Broken Face 13.16min
11 Beyond my Blood 11.48min
12 Mirrors of Time 11.34min
Length: 1h14min and 13sec

13 Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm 13.40min
14 Far From Home 27.14min
Length: 40min and 51sec

Niklas Sundin: Max Enix Logo

"Far From Home" is for for Fans of Devin Townsend, Dream Theater, Pain of Salvation, Hans Zimmer, Opeth, Therion, Nightwish, SepticFlesh, Rhapsody, Ayreon, Tool, Pink Floyd, Genesis, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Dimmu Borgir, Anathema, Arcturus, Vanden Plas, Evergrey, Mastodon, Era, Enigma and many many others...

Good Holidays to everyone

Hans Zimmer Methodology


Hans Zimmer "How to Be a composer with no technic and no formal education" !

Fantastic article for the legendary academy -award winning composer of over 150 films (self-taught like me) Hans Zimmer's career has been marked by an unorthodox approach to music and film scoring and part of this lies, he thinks, in his lack of formal training.

"I have no technique and I have no formal education, so the only thing I know how to write about is something that's inside of me.

Being a self-taught musician, with no formal training, Zimmer said that everything he writes comes from a personal place, "and Chris knows this, and he is very crafty and taps into that."

Zimmer said that, as a composer, not having a formal background in music helped him because, "I'm never going to fall prey to using words that are incomprehensible to a director, like 'allegro'....It's about the story, and you know, how do we tell the story."

The same background as me (Max Enix) and you will see that in the "Far From Home" Double Album to come !

A lot of people probably want to piss him off or have pissed him off because of that ! But they are simply jealous of his success and his abilities ! His success they can't take away and he is one of the best composers of all time for me !

Talent or not... Emotions or not... With or without formal education ! There are 2 visions but Stop wars with that too
"Les diplômes s'obtiennent, l'intelligence (émotionnelle) pas! " Michel H.A. Patin / On a ou pas.

In conclusion... Be different and cultivate your own way, your own personality and fuck the rest !

*Forum/Hans Zimmer Way of working: I have to disagree with Christopher Smith. This is what I often hear at my music college too. I don’t like that attitude of an elite who don’t credit non-formal trained musicians or composers. Thats just rubbish and kind of jealous.
I’m not working for Hans but I know one who has and want to defend him because he deserves what he accomplished.
First, Hans writes a suite for every film at the beginning and does it totally on his own. This is then rehearsed together with the director to show Hans’ ideas about the mood of the film and will serve as a basic tune toolbox later on. It contains basically the theme of the score. All harmonies, sounds and arrangements of the suite will be “re-used” as a template for filler and underlying music. These music parts are usually composed by his co-composers and this has little to do with his ability as a composer but to deliver an incredibly big production in a very short time and to free him from “boring” tasks to be able to concentrate on the major parts of the score. - Hans never got fired from a scoring gig - the deadline thing is one reason why. Btw. other composers also have assistants who work on their scores. Hans has just more…He also works incredible hours and literally lives the film during his scoring work. He is a master at perceiving a story and capturing the feel and atmosphere of a film. This is actually THE ability a film composer must have. He is a genius in that regard.
Hans on not reading music… He can read music of course but is maybe just not as fast as a trained musician. Also sight reading might not be his strength, he reads MIDI rolls like no one else. The jealous composer can say what he wants. This is a skill and its one most classical trained composers most likely do not have. Deal with it.
Hans’ music is powered by simplicity with innovative sound design which serves the picture unbelievable good. And that is the job! Yes, his scores are no Williams tunes. But there is already a Williams. There is also a Newman and an Elfmann - you get the picture….Hans is just another kind of signature. He manages to get gigs and the movies he scored become usually hits. That speaks for him too.
And no composer orchestrates the whole score by themselves. Even John Williams writes his scores just on the piano and pass the raw piano score to his orchestrator. To claim Hans is not a real composer because he cannot orchestrate on paper is bollocks. In fact, he started the whole MIDI orchestration thing. In other words, he already orchestrates while writing the score. Just not on paper. Ok, maybe he makes some voice leading mistakes when things get complex but the orchestrater will rule that out later on - thats his job. But again, even the likes of Williams has got own orchestrators. So come on, give him what he deserves.

Video Clips to come



The whole double Album (2h39) will be illustrated by a Fantastic israeli artist (Daniel from DPMX Web) ! Here some illustrations of his work for the intro "The End of an Era" ! Important to understand the whole story (script) I have wrote. Original versions and orchestral versions will be illustrated.

*Pictures of the 4 epic video clips soon:
-One made by Mathieu Buchholzer (Blue mount films) where I play a tormented and possessed character in a mansion.
-Two made by Lucas Bastian in 3D with Unreal Engine.
-One in anime made by Bloudengaztia Wolfgang (Dronicon films).
Release date between September and October 2022 normally.

*Two Live video clips will be made too during the Far From Home release party (end of the year)... The entire double album will be played. DVD Live later (2023 with the tour/shows) !

*I'm starting to compose the next albums too... All very different and unexpected/surprising. Concept Album or not !

Lots of things are coming... Stay tuned my friends

Far From Home Mastering Done


Max Enix / Far From Home Mastering is done ! Thanks a lot Tony Lindgren (Fascination street studios) for the beautiful work too !

The name of the label will be announced very soon ! Release date too...

Reviews, interviews, Goodies, Videos Clips (very elaborated) will follow quickly... All the songs of the Albums will be illustrate (videos) by a fantastic israeli artist too.
Many surprises to come... Stay tuned

Thomas Ewerhard have made Wonderful illustrations and is currently finalising the beautiful booklet (24pages minimum).

Concert dates and tour dates very soon too !

Max Enix / Far From Home / Concept Album with elaborate story and lyrics

*Original Double Album/CD Version
*Digipack with original double Album/ CD Version and Orchestral Version with exclusive sounds FX included (3CDS)

2 totally different listening experiences / 2 visions that complement each others and are necessary for the understanding of the whole work. So I encourage you to take the digipack version.
1 euro (by purchase the digipack) will be donated to an association (maybe Spa, wwf for Animals or others... To see in time) !

Vinyls of the 2 versions (Original and orchestral) too are planned...

Preorder and goodies when the first clip is coming in August normally ! More to come soon...

Official Tracklist Original Double Album:

CD 1
1 The End of An Era 4.12min
2 Tears of Earth 7.49min
3 City of Mortals 10.16min
4 Prayer of the Gods 10.32min
5 In this Forgotten Paradise 13.49min
6 An Illusional Kiss 9.45min
7 The Dark and Bright Tunnel 11.31min
8 The Forsaken Ocean 12.04min
Length = 1h 19min and 58sec

9 Childhood Emotions 3.21min
10 The Broken Face 13.15min
11 Beyond my Blood 11.40min
12 Mirrors of Time 11.16min
13 Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm 13.34min
14 Far From Home 26.38min
Length: 1h 19min and 44sec

Official Tracklist Orchestral with exclusive sounds FX (Digipack):

CD 1
1 The End of An Era 4.20min
2 Tears of Earth 8.10min
3 City of Mortals 10.30min
4 Prayer of the Gods 10.52min
5 In this Forgotten Paradise 14.04min
Length: 47min and 49sec

6 An Illusional Kiss 9.46min
7 The Dark and Bright Tunnel 11.41min
8 The Forsaken Ocean 12.47min
9 Childhood Emotions 3.39min
10 The Broken Face 13.16min
11 Beyond my Blood 11.48min
12 Mirrors of Time 11.34min
Length: 1h14min and 13sec

13 Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm 13.40min
14 Far From Home 27.14min
Length: 40min and 51sec

Thanks for All

Max Enix Far From Home


*Listen and buy the Max Enix / Far From Home double Album (with the Budapest Symphony orchestra, 48pages booklet, many famous guests and surprises...) here and on all the digital plateforms (and Aural music webstore):

*Wonderful Review already !
-10/10 by Metal Zenith (USA):
-8.5/10 Mariskal Rock (Es) The Multifaceted metal Genius/ definitely elevates the composer as one of the most important creative minds, no longer on the international metal scene, but on any music label that self-respect:
-18/20 by Metal Integral (Fr):
-Solid Masterpiece by Rock Era Magazine (Egypt):
-A Big 10/10 by Onsnieuws (Holland):
-8,3/10 by Profil Prog (Canada):
-7.8/10 by Music Connection Magazine (Uk)
-Masterpiece by Metal1on1 (USA):
-10/15 by Betreutesproggen (De):
-Astonishing by Adriconelrock (Es):
-8/10 Metal Digest (Greek): 
-Masterpiece/Awesome/Brillant by some listeners (world) and Many Many others and others to come...
-Heavy HQ (Us) The scale of the album does feel like a Devin Townsend and Hans Zimmer hybrid.
-8/10 Saitenkult (De): This year's monumental work of progressive rock and progressive metal comes from Max Enix, bears the concise title 'Far From Home' and captivates for other 160minutes !
-Fireworks Magazine (The Biggest UK Mag) / MASTERPIECE "The whole venture be extremely rewarding ! You will requiere patience and multiple listens before the album reveals all of its secrets, but if you have the time to do so you will discover a record that is deeply affecting. Moving on the orchestral version of the Album. The rearranged versions of these songs sound like the greatest version of a Hans Zimmer or Howard Shore soundtrack from a film that you've never seen and they are richly rewarded in their own right. Sweeping and Epic. I would not be surprised if the composer was hired to produce the music for big Hollywood Blockbusters in the very near future. If there was a remake of "Lawrence of Arabia" , Enix would be the man I'd ask to do the music." ?
-Brutally Delicious (US): Awesome Audio review / It's been a long time since I've heard anything at all like this ! It's a true and Grandiose undertaking /
-RockHard Italy AWESOME review by Emanuele Biani, DPRP (Holland) AWESOME Words, Rocknytt (Swe), Radio Erdorin (Fr), This is Rock (Es), PowerPlay Magazine / The genuine emotion Enix has for his music is clear to pick up in his vocals. I can't say I loved them , but there's no doubt he has talent. Enix should be proud of his achievement; this is a monumental project he's put together, and he should be applauded for the sheer effort it must have taken. Between others...
-Masterpiece by Ahasverus Cornelius (Fr) / "Monumental/Magistral Mieux qu'un opéra métal, au-delà des productions qu'on nous présente habituellement sous cette bannière, Max Enix réalise ici une véritable symphonie, une oeuvre hors-normes qui tient aussi bien du métal progressif que de la musique classique. Le résultat global est proprement impressionnant, réalisé sans temps mort ni fausse note. "
-Josh Rundquist (Heavy Debriefings USA): Far From Home is one of the Best Album of the month ! And Ahasverus Cornelius (Fr): Max Enix artist of the month !
Excellent Review (84%) by Via Nocturna (Portugal) ! But I'm french and not Italian ! And no programmed drums on this record it's a mistake because it's Leo Margarit from Pain Of Salvation who have made brilliantly the different drums parts on the double Album !
-Orkus Magazin (De): Far From Home is called as Epic Cinematic MASTERPIECE ! "Far From Home" is like a varied adventure, so that the double album, which does not shy away from pieces of more than 10 minutes, should be enjoyed from beginning to end.
-AWESOME REVIEW / 4.9 Stars on 5 Music Existence (US) !
It is truly a work of Art."
-AWESOME Review 8/10 ! SoundMagnet (De) ! "Densely packed Cineastic Progressive Metal with orchestral violence. In addition to the vocals of Max Enix himself, who does a great job and is quiet varied, the female vocals are sung by Elise Wachbar and cut an equally good figure. For fans of symphonic metal with cinematic means and a lot of mass and class, Max Enix has a musical feast in store. "
- Awesome Review (nl) ! Excerpt: Try to imagine a mix of Jeff Wayne's War Of The World, Hans Zimmer's film music, the prog rock of Dream Theater and the sound of Ayreon and you will get an idea of what to expect on this album. Max's powerful and sensitive vocals along the double Album. Far From Home by Max Enix is a very impressive concept album and an album that should easily find a place in the collection of every progmetal fan! The very beautifully designed textbook should also be mentioned.
-Rock Overdose (Greece) 80/100
Max Enix's "Far From Home" is a magical musical journey, a musical adventure full of surprises. As a songwriter, composer and producer, Enix shows off his extraordinary talent by creating an ambitious double album that perfectly combines many different genres into a single body of work.
"Far From Home" is a work that transcends and breaks the boundaries between musical genres, presenting a work with a truly fresh sound and inspiring ideas that is definitely worth a listen.
-Black Night Radio: "Probably one of the best Metal albums of 2023, from Mr Max Enix. A Great Masterpiece
-Pete rock news and views / MASTERPIECE / Max Enix’s “Far From Home” is a remarkable release that transcends the boundaries of musical genres, offering listeners an immersive and profound experience that stretches over two captivating discs. Enix’s prowess as a singer-songwriter, composer, and producer shines brilliantly in this ambitious double album. Enix’s ability to seamlessly blend these diverse elements is a testament to his compositional prowess and artistic vision. Whether you are a fan of progressive metal, symphonic orchestration, or simply crave a musical odyssey that defies expectations, “Far From Home” is a must-listen experience that leaves a lasting impression.
-?? 9,7/10  The Dark Melody: 
"By God, it is not possible for people to overlook a work so well done! My question is whether Max will be able to surpass what has been achieved with this monument so full of art , since the level of quality is something that exceeds all conventional limits on a full scale."
?? Album Of the Year for now 
-9/10 World Of Metal TV / A real treasure for fan of progressive music where Max Enix shows his Enormous talent !
-Big Bang Magazine (FR)/ Tour de Force !
Never before... A musical project brought together so many different forces, and Far From Home is nothing short of titanic.
The vocal duets are seductive, and Max Enix does magnificently well in the midst of these exceptional singers, where fury and lyricism battle it out.
Somewhere between Hans Zimmer and Devin Townsend. Far From Home reveals its highly cinematic potential.
Unique and exceptional character of Far From Home, a veritable river rock opera driven by the talent and ambition of a single man, who deserves to be saluted for his extraordinary tour de force. The self-sacrifice of an artist at the service of his work.
-MASTERPIECE ! Rocker United (Local stage worldwide) <3
“Far From Home” rewards a unique musical experience that is almost incomparable to any other release I can think of.
"Far From Home" is a monumental achievement that showcases Max Enix's remarkable musical talents and his ability to craft a diverse and emotionally resonant body of work.
This album is a breath-taking journey through sound, with each track offering a unique and immersive experience.
Max Enix and his collaborators have created a masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on fans of progressive music and anyone seeking a profound and transformative musical adventure.
"Far From Home" is an epic odyssey that invites listeners to explore the boundless possibilities of contemporary music.
-8.5/10 Rock Garage (De)
Excerpt: The use of male and female vocals alone brings a lot to the table, and as far as the songs are concerned, they already offer a lot of variety with their suspense arcs and both tempo and heaviness changes.
The orchestral version is what it says, the songs were recorded in orchestral style and are reminiscent of the soundtrack of the Schwarzenegger film "Conan".
In conclusion, a varied work with many twists and intelligent compositions. The entire album is worth a listen.
-METAL HAMMER GREECE 8/10 Passion is the beginning and the end of Far From Home. Passion for Art without limits, for unbridled creation and the elevation of man as a being and not as a consumer product. ?? Listen to it again and again and you will constantly discover something new.
"An extremely talented artist, one of those who doesn't just do calculations and measurements with the eyes on the number of sales, but dedicated himself soul and body to his Art. ?? Max Enix brings out his innermost soul, both musically and lyrically, in a way that you cannot resist and what he tells us is indicative of what it happens in his mind." ?
-10/10 Frenzy Fire and Metal Gods TV (UK) ! And Majestic, magnificent, meandering and moving. For the entire two hours and forty minutes, 'Far From Home' is a captivating and engaging slab of grandeur - definitely not an anthemic driving album!
'Far From Home' has something for every one, whether you're a fan of Dream Theater, Opeth, Nightwish, Katatonia, Pink Floyd, Freddie Mercury, or David Bowie. And as an added bonus, there's gonna be an "orchestral version" of the album released later this year! As if 'Far From Home' couldn't get any better - yes it will!
Overall, an extraordinary and elegant journey of atmospheric symphonic rock and metal, and so much more.
-Lots of others to come...

*Far From Home (2023) curated and composed by Max Enix

Far From Home is :

Max Enix: Music, Vocals, Artistic director, Actor, Lyrics/story...

Thomas Kubler: Additional arrangements, Orchestrator
François Rousselot : Conductor

Leo Margarit: Drums
Vikram Shankar: Piano/Keyboards
Jean-Jacques Moréac: Bass
Xavier Boscher: Guitars
Elise Wachbar: Vocals

David Castillo: Mix
Tony Lindgren: Master
Excellent Sound /

Milo Lee: Vocal and scenic coach, photographer, Residence supervisor...

*Important to know that Vikram Shankar have written additional piano parts to some songs and of course all the fantastic musicians have written their own parts by following the music I have written (Piano/keyboards, strings etc...), the orchestrations by Thomas Kubler and some rythmic indications I have given to them (or not) with their own way of playing ! The drums parts were already written before too and Leo Margarit have adapt them !


*Link of the Max Enix Fan Page (if you want to like the page):

*Max Enix "FAR FROM HOME" Cover
Label: Wormholedeath (attached to warner chappell music/warner, aural music group, orchard/sony...) ! Website:

Max Enix / Beyond my Blood / Epic Video Clip / Watch here:

Max Enix / The Broken Face / Epic Video Clip / Watch Here:

*Max Enix / Far From Home
One of the Best and most Ambitious Double Album ever made ! A colossus ! Expect things you've never heard / see before !

*"Trying to review this album is like trying to review a skyscraper; it doesn't care; it just keeps going! And let me be absolutely clear those are words of praise. Monstruous, Monumental. Let's just say that Far From Home is so good that I've listened to it 8 times since he shared it with us last week. It gets better with each time. It's the one album that I consider to be "perfect, I think yours may be the first -out of the more than 8,000 I've heard in the last 5 years . It gets better with each time. Since I'm in "techie-mode" now, I'll translate my praise into a number: that comparison means your is in the top 0.0119% of all the albums I've heard since the beginning of 2018. The voices are impressive. Already in the top Albums of 2023 ! A Future classic !" Between many outstanding feedback in the world !

*"Never heard since David Bowie, Pink Floyd... There is one in a million like you ! Completely in tune with our times ! An earthquake ! A double album that will change the face of the world"

*"As one continues their musical journey -a musical journey that is epic, grand, powerful, unique and magical and something different, fresh -again special and truly will capture the listener’s ears, heart and soul—simultaneously, as I was inking this review, I was so lost and transfixed with this release and with this feeling that “Far From Home” is a release where this whole thing should be played without skipping any tracks, a release to find that right moment, sit back and chill and let this musical spectrum flow through your ears and speakers.

A Universe of epic, emotional & engaging Musical Journey ”
At the same time, “Far From Home” is delivered and provided by impressive and skilled (all wrapped professionally/sophisticated arrangements) craftsmanship, musicianship and showmanship, and not just Max but a handful of guests that gives the listener this masterpiece that consists of incredible music, instrumentation, lyrics, story-concept that’s all well-executed, beautifully score and composed -where each composition/characteristics are convenient to place at the right moment. Thus, giving the listener this “Music is art, and art should know no boundaries” of Avant Garde never heard before fusion that consists of awe-inspiring multi-verse of instrumentation artistry of (technical/complex) guitar and drum work that utilises various tones, tempos, atmosphere, moods, virtuoso riffs/multi-cords, rhythms, melodic passages, various drum beats/fills and patterns, vocal work consists of multiple tones, ranges, and clean male/female singing/operatic sections. In contrast, one will find other elements within the musical spectrum/instrumental and vocals (pulls the music together!), which included progressive-symphonic-post rock/metal, film scores/sound effects with diverse aspects of world/New Age, Hip hop, Jazz, international variety and others.

A compelling and astonishing result -with a magical spark of beauty, epic, grand, bold and breathless sensation. At the same time, the Orchestral version of “Far From Home” hit me and transported me away to somewhere tranquil and the loss of time… truly the second part is unique and breathtakingly beautiful. Take a moment to listen to both versions—simultaneously, the piano work gives me that “Freddie Mercury” and sometimes, sections of the music (within the songs) give that (German acts) “Helloween/Gamma Ray” vibe -spine-chilling sensation."

*"I have checked your album "Far From Home" and wow... I have been blown away. These songs are absolutely killer...
Where to start...well for sure from the part where I say that I love it. It’s absolutely great, Symphonic and Technical but in a catchy way and tuneful.

It is very difficult to find precise influences, because the conceptual level of the compositions ranges between various stylistic strands, keeping in a very precise way, centred and very focused on a certain Symphonic Prog with a Metal vein. The project has a lot of personality, thanks also to a fluid writing and an absolutely convincing execution. The double album has no weak points thanks to unquestionable compositional skills. This is the decisive union that gives you a unique stylistic imprint that always maintains a high maturity and intensity. The songs as well as the project itself have their own specific identity that is extremely personal. The vocal work is awesome as well as all the instrumental parts. Guitars, orchestrations, keyboards and rhythm section are powerful and they do a great job in the composition and arrangements. An epic project full of quality ideas, lyrics and sounds are highly researched and original. I haven't listened to a record of this sound matrix for a long time.

There’s quite a lot of variation in the songs but it sounds like a solid album and doesn’t sound like a compilation....This means that you are really mature songwriting-wise. The level of the album is always high, (from the beginning to the end) and there are no boring or low moments. I think that your style and sound are quite original. A combination of many, ranging from Symphonic Prog to Technical and more Metal influences, but I can’t relate you to any other act in particular and this is a great point, this means that you sound unique. Professional production, recordings and mix....Well done, I really like your product! We can absolutely talk further."

Max Enix "Far From Home" is a fusion of progressive-symphonic-post rock/metal , filmscore with diverse elements of world/New Age, Hip hop, Jazz, international variety and others (Avant Garde never heard before) ! For Fans of Devin Townsend, Dream Theater, Hans Zimmer, Pain of Salvation, Opeth, Ayreon, Enigma, Era, Therion, Nightwish, Rhapsody, Pink Floyd, Anathema, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Katatonia, Empyrium, Arcturus, Marillion and many many others But with a Universe of its own (Beyond music and words) ! EPIC AND UNIQUE ! Stay tuned <3

I consider myself as a precursor like many artists in the world and the goal is to change some aspects of this society ! I have my Own Vision ! Staying humble in what you do is the key !

*This concept album will be completely in tune with today’s world and what might happen, the consequences to come... It will deal with the beauty of Life..., the human condition, will be turned towards spirituality and will also denounce the human stupidity on certain points and the actions not to be reproduced any more (the corruption, the conditioning, the oppression, sick communautarism, indoctrination, thirst and abuse of power, abusive interests, the tyranny, the exploitation, the forced work, the domination, the law of « do or die », the religious fanaticism, mythomania, the poisoned thrones of bastards, the divisions, the violence, the fake news, data use, the blindness, the I don't care attitudes etc...)

*I hope that people will come to realize through this project how bad, fake and nasty some humans can be around.

*2 totally different listening experiences (Original and Orchestral) :
*Digipack Original Double Album Version with 48pages Booklet. 2h39 of Music.
*Digipack Orchestral Version (3CDS with exclusive sounds FX). 2h45 of Music. End of the year...
*Digipack Original double Album Version with 48pages Booklet and Digipack Orchestral Version (3CDS with exclusive sounds FX) = All in a Slipcase (5CDS). 5h25 of Music.

*2 totally different listening experiences / 2 visions that complement each others and are necessary for the understanding of the whole work. So I encourage you to take the slipcase version with the whole stuff.
1 euro (by purchase the ultimate bundle version) will be donated to an association (for animals or humans rights...To see in time) !

*EPIC and cinematic/symphonic music for fans of Devin Townsend, Hans Zimmer, Dream Theater, Opeth, Ayreon... For fans of MUSIC ! But with a Universe on its own !
This project is made to please all listeners whatever their music genre and even if the main base is Rock/Metal as well as film music ! There are elements for everyone (Jazz, World/New Age, Hip Hop...) !

*Vinyls of the 2 versions (Original and orchestral) too are planned... 4 vinyls normally per version.

*Official Tracklist Original Double Album:

CD 1
1 The End of An Era 4.12min
2 Tears of Earth 7.49min
3 City of Mortals 10.16min
4 Prayer of the Gods 10.32min
5 In this Forgotten Paradise 13.49min
6 An Illusional Kiss 9.45min
7 The Dark and Bright Tunnel 11.31min
8 The Forsaken Ocean 12.04min
Length = 1h 19min and 58sec

9 Childhood Emotions 3.21min
10 The Broken Face 13.15min
11 Beyond my Blood 11.40min
12 Mirrors of Time 11.16min
13 Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm 13.34min
14 Far From Home 26.38min
Length: 1h 19min and 44sec

*Official Tracklist Orchestral with exclusive sounds FX :

CD 1
1 The End of An Era 4.20min
2 Tears of Earth 8.10min
3 City of Mortals 10.30min
4 Prayer of the Gods 10.52min
5 In this Forgotten Paradise 14.04min
Length: 47min and 49sec

6 An Illusional Kiss 9.46min
7 The Dark and Bright Tunnel 11.41min
8 The Forsaken Ocean 12.47min
9 Childhood Emotions 3.39min
10 The Broken Face 13.16min
11 Beyond my Blood 11.48min
12 Mirrors of Time 11.34min
Length: 1h14min and 13sec

13 Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm 13.40min
14 Far From Home 27.14min
Length: 40min and 51sec

*Very epic compositions this time, but it will be very different from one album to another.

*Concept Album with elaborate story and lyrics (around 2h40 of music for each versions)

*Dream Theater (leader of the progressive rock/metal scene) won a Grammy Awards for a 10min epic composition called "The Alien" ahead of Gojira, Deftones, Rob Zombie, Mastodon...! Very epic and long songs are their trademark so it's a very good moment for epic songs like these ones (Hans Zimmer or others).

*Beautiful Illustration here by Thomas Ewerhard. Thomas have made Wonderful illustrations and is currently finalizing the beautiful booklet.
Niklas Sundin: Max Enix Logo

*This double album recorded with the Budapest symphony orchestra will offer a unique sound and atmosphere and will mix different genres (film score, progressive , post and symphonic rock/metal, world music/new age, Jazz, international variety, hip hop among other sounds...
With much more Epic, Emotional, engaged and complex/hard songs this time than before.

*This universe is one of a kind:
modern, futuristic,
hard, avant-garde, but also poetic, mysterious, romantic, enigmatic...
Day and Night/ From the shadows to the light

*I have composed all this album alone, by myself this time on keyboard (strings...), piano among others (12 long tracks including the last one of 26min and 2 intros CD 1 and CD 2. There will be different video clips...

*No I'm not a music theory expert like many... I have my own methodology like Hans Zimmer and many others and I know how to call on the right people to accompany me on my artistic adventures ! My artistic universe is wide and unique ! Emotions are the most important things for me in Art ! But some people don't understand that... And beware of people who want to put themselves forward, wrongly and cover themselves (envious because they don't have your talent and who take you for idiots, that they are ! Fuck them! ) ! Protect your world ?

*"City of Mortals" epic video clip (3D with Unreal Engine) will be against corruption, Power Abuse, Fake news and others in our society.... An alternative version will be made too with some strong images in a more horrific and Avant garde way. In July 2023...

*"Tears of Earth" epic video clip / In this ambitious Video clip (3D with Unreal Engine) you will see the beauty of nature, the elements together, the cosmos, the Earth and the planets/galaxies around, the space conquest, the creation and some very enigmatic and mysterious things ! View from above embodied by other intelligences beyond humans... Against the humans who wants to destroy the environment with machines, unnecessary wars, domination, stupid trivialities and others that leads to chaos... In August 2023

*The whole "Far From Home" double Album (2h40) will be illustrated with lyrics and Enigmatic/mysterious/Avant Garde images behind (shadows puppets, Chinese shades...) !

*Live/concerts video clips will be made for the following songs "Prayer of the Gods" and "Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm" normally during the release party of this epic double Album. The complete "Far From Home" double Album will be played during these shows (Live DVD/Blu Ray later). All will be professionnal (Vocals, Musicians, Images, Lights, Stage play...) !

*I am self-taught like many composers (Hans Zimmer, Danny Elfman and others...), singer and artists and write everything by ear.

*I promise you some sophisticated arrangements, concerning the vocal lines, the lyrics, the whole story, the videos... STUDIO and LIVE (Everyone will be more than ready) ! Fantastic shows/concerts are coming with transcendent and professional vocals, musicianship and others...
Transcendent albums, video clips, shows/concerts (vocals, musicians, stage performance, images, lights, sounds...) are coming ! Everything is thought-out down to the very last detail ! Everything must be close to perfection ! I will not tolerate anything less than that !

*I have decided to remove the mask for the future... The mask is only a signature now

*This is the real face of the project that I want from the beginning.

*This double Album is a Big step forward compared to everything I have ever made and released before on every points (Music, Vocals, Lyrics, Story...) ! The best album I've ever released by far.

*Vocal and Instrumental Guests:
*Andy Kuntz (Vanden Plas/Abydos/Last paradise Lost...) = Vocals
*Tom Englund (Evergrey, Silent Skies, Redemption...) = Vocals
*Devon Graves (Psychotic Waltz , Dead Soul Tribe , The shadow theory ...) = Vocals (+Flute and others maybe)
*Fabio Lione (Rhapsody, Angra, Turilli/Rhapsody, Vision Divine...) = Vocals
*David Readman (Adagio, Pink Cream 69, Solo Stuff...) = Vocals
*Marcela Bovio (Stream of Passion, Dark horse White horse, Ayreon, Mayan...)
*Farhad (Zink) Hossain (Shumaun...) = Vocals
*Mahdi MK Khemakhem (Carthagods...) = Vocals
*Laurent Lunoir (Öxxö Xööx, Rïcïnn...) = Vocals
*David Fremberg (Andromeda, Reggae Kiss...) = Vocals
*Michael Herrington (OneTwenty) = Vocals
*Kobi Farhi ( Orphaned Land...) = Vocals
*Damian Wilson (Solo stuff, Threshold, Arena...) = Vocals
*Toby Driver (Solo, Maudlin of the well, Kayo Dot, Alora Crucible...) = Vocals
*Jon Pyres (Threads of Fate, Solo...) = Vocals
*Carsten Lizard-Schulz (Devoid, Lazarus Dream, Solo stuff) = Vocals
*Angèle Macabiès (Solo Stuff, Cover...) = Vocals
*Johanna Red (Solo stuff, Cover...) = Vocals
*Mody Ptd (Kriteria, Save'n retry...) = Vocals
*Heather Findlay (Mostly Autumn, Odin Dragonfly, Solo Stuff...) = Vocals
*Niklas Kvarforth (Shining, Solo stuff...) = Vocals
*Dan Swano (Nightingale, Edge of Sanity, Solo Stuff, Katatonia, Star One...) = Vocals
*Benjamin Guerry (The Great Old Ones...) = Vocals/Guitars
*Stéphan Forté (Adagio, Solo Stuff...) = Vocals
*Derek Sherinian (Solo stuff, Dream Theater, Planet X, Sons of Apollo, Black country communion...) = Piano
*Mattias Ekhlund (Freak Kitchen, Solo...) = Guitars
*Michael Romeo (Symphony X, Solo...) = Guitars
*Per Nilsson (Scar Symmetry , Meshuggah ...) = Guitars
*Saout Mael/Shad Mae (Devoid, Shadyon, Digiments...) = Guitars
*Timo Somers (Carthagods, Delain, Harrow Haze, Star One...) = Guitars
*Laurene TelennAria (Orkhys...) = Vocals + Harp
*Luciana Lys (Constellia, Nightwish Tribute, Solo Stuff...) = Vocals
*Sébastien Dubail (Constellia, Bagfed...) = Guitars
*Valou Besson Nix, Agathe Mouchy Capone, Michael and Valentin = Strange vocal sounds/effects
And others to come...

*** Lots of others was OK (after discussions) to be on it (HUGE names) but no more place in the end or they have others things to come at the moment finally :

Marty Friedman (Megadeth) George Kollias (Nile) Russel Allen (Symphony X) Arjen Lucassen (Ayreon) James Labrie (Dream Theater) Set Siro (Septic Flesh) Krister Linder Mick Moss (Antimatter) Dominique Leonneti (Lazuli) Ida Haukland (Triosphere) Giancarlo Erra (Nosound) Kjetil Nordhus (Green carnation) Christofer Johnson (Therion) Dianne Von Giersbergen Floor Jensen (Nightwish) Katai Tamas (Thy catafalque), Karl Sanders (Nile), Yusaf Parvez (Dodheimsgard), Even contact Jonathan Davis from Korn ahah but no answers from him ;) ETC...

All that will be for the Future and it will be Fantastic to collaborate with Clint Boge (The butterfly effects), Neurotech, some female/male singers BETWEEN OTHERS !

Lots of possibilities but in the next ones there will be less guests (One female singer, Few guests and me (Max Enix) in general ! Some HUGE names will come for the future Festivals and others (Lots of things are coming) ! Stay Tuned

*Video clip realisators:
*Mathieu Buchholzer/Blue mount films
*Lucas Bastian (3D Clip with Unreal...)
*Bloudengaztia Wolfgang/Dronicon Films (Anime)
*DPMX Web : Illustration of The whole double Album and others...

*Sound designer: Olivier chevalier (orchestral Version)

*New Max Enix Website (preorder...) made my Bertrand Mauler with Design by Noelle Guillot : Website:

The musicians are doing a huge, monstrous job (instrumental arrangements)

*It's a real pleasure to work with them because they understand exactly what I want and we are on the same page. It's not always the case, and I feel lucky for that.

*I will publish all my compositions (instrumental demos) of the upcoming Albums (Far From Home 2h35...) when it's time after the release (piano, keyboards, choirs, strings parts for orchestrations, some instrumental indications and others...) ! Once the orchestrations were received... All the vocal parts were rethought and elaborated at home (including those of the guests) and recorded and then transformed sometimes in the studio (if necessary).


*A unique sound and atmosphere... Never heard before !

-Constellia (name before Max Enix Project with mask only on this project) clips to see (here on the Facebook videos). I wanted a radio format for the songs on this Album:

-Bandcamp link and other plateforms to listen the first album "SECRET GARDEN", see the album booklet and read the lyrics:

*Lots of things are coming ! Video clips, Reviews, press, Interviews, playthrough, Goodies with wonderful illustrations and original things, radio, movies, collaborations (vocals and others) as guest, film score, music games, US reality show (TV), Epic Shows/Tour with professional vocals, musicians..., DVD Live with the whole double Album played, A wide variety of albums very very different from each others (concept album in general or not, movie oriented with strong story in general, epic or not, more metal or not, hard or calm, with orchestra or not, with (famous) guests or not, with engaged lyrics or not...), many other things/surprises... !

#FarFromHome #MaxEnix #DoubleConceptAlbum #june9th2023 #Music #Composer #Singer #Frontman #Lyrics #Story #Artisticdirector #Musician #Songwriter #Producer #actor #manager #AwesomeMusicians #AwesomeEngineers #AwesomeGuests #filmscore #orchestral #fusion #avantgarde #ProgressiveRock #symphonicmetal #jazz #worldmusic #opera #Progressivemetal #NewAge #Experimental #Slam #Emotions #Shivers #Art #future #tour2024 #showmustgoon #epic #Stormofemotions #apocalypse #apocalypseangels #divine #divineguidance

*All will be transcendent, visionary, revolutionary and very professional ! Thanks for the support !

*The Future is Here ! Angels, Blow your trumpets and be ready ! Apocalypse is coming...

Thanks for All


*EN: Heartfelt thanks to David Castillo (Studio Gröndahl/Fascination street studios) and all his team who supported him (Linus Corneliusson, Thomas Plec Johansson, Eduardo Belchior... ) for the extraordinary mix work on the Max Enix "Far From Home" double album to come in Autumn 2022 (normally) ! It transcends everything... Phenomenal ! David Castillo is an exceptional sound engineer and it's really hard to work on a project like this one !

More than 5h20 of mix with the original double Album (2h39) and the triple bonus Album (orchestra, piano, sounds FX only of about 2h45) for the people who will buy the digipack version. 2 completely different and deep listenings.

The mastering will normally be finalized by Tony Lindgren (Fascination street studios) before July 10th...

Reviews, Interviews soon...

The booklet will contain beautiful illustrations, the complete story/script (very sophisticated lyrics) and many surprises. The important thing is that you get what you pay for !

4 fantastic video clips are planned (one of which I play an important and inhabited role as an actor, possessed in a mansion) as well as 1 or 2 live ones and all the compositions of the double album will be illustrated in video and images by an amazing Israeli artist I will tell you about soon. Powerful images and videos about the world (and not only) that will leave a mark ! Avant Garde

The goodies will follow with some nice original surprises too...

Label announcement very soon !

The shows and the tours will be announced soon and everything will be worked on in the smallest details to be sure that the result will be the best possible. I promise you that everything will be transcendent (vocals, instrumental parts, images, lights, sounds, stage play...) ! We will play the whole double album on stage (2h39) ! A real rock opera that will break the established codes in a spiritual way. The divine guides those who believe !

Never heard and never seen before! Together let's make music history my friends and change the musical landscape for a better world !

Intro reviews


Max Enix : Far From Home - Double Concept Album (Autumn 2022) / Already great reviews on the intro "The End of an Era" (Final version before the mix) ! People (very) recognized in the field among others. In this kind of music or not. Thanks to all those who have listened and gave me feedback or not ! The mix and mastering will transcend the whole. For the moment the great majority like it so I am happy but Of course it's a matter of taste too and some people don't like or will not like some aspects too ! Freedom and respect !

Some Intro Reviews (original version # Orchestral version):

*Sounds very monumental, dramatic and highly professional!... it's more relevant now than ever....

*Sounds excellent and love how powerful the vocals are! "

*Wow! That was incredible! Quite the journey! Loved all of the layers but especially the vocals and keyboards.

*Wow killer man.... love it

*I love it it's brilliant , you have a great voice.

*Nice job already with this pre-mix, it's going to be a Dantesque album!

*"I can hear influences of Pink floyd, Porcupine tree and Nightwish.its nice "

*Oh man, this is great! Big and beautiful Job

*Ooo damn this is really cool / Epic! This sounds massive

*very very cool stuff man

*This is AMAZING!!! I'm in love

*This is cool! Nice voice work.

*Definitely sounds interesting - goes into various realms -

*I like the intro / Has some Tool vibes to it...

*It looks very interesting, thank you. I like tribal sounds mixed with metal.

*Great music! I really love it

*Thank you for the wonderful music??

*Very powerful it made me feel thousands of emotions and it's really an excellent job...

*There's a lot of work behind it, it's a promise for the album. We can feel that there is a lot of work on your album, don't give up !

*Hi Max, impressive the means deployed for your album !

*It sounds great, the atmospheres are really excellent.

*Sounds really impressive

*This intro is crazy

*Wow! Really very interesting!

*Entre, les voix doublées, la voix féminine, ta voix en solo, le ping pong voix (masculine-féminine), la guitare solo mélodique (très fort) qui accompagne le chant avec des mini solos (qui sont techniquement très fort),
la multitude d'instruments qui se mélangent très bien à mon sens.
C'est du bon boulot et c'est prometteur.
Un côté Dream Theater dans certaines parties (en moins bourrin).
Tout ceci est très "orchestral", je ne sais pas si c'est ce qui est recherché. J'ai eu plaisir à écouter cette intro, vous avez tous un sacré niveau !

*This is absolutely amazing!
Fantastic work and writing, incredible man!!!
Very epic sounding,

*Great job Max, very good music with many elements I loved the background piano.

**And many many others... Very Good / Excellent/Great/Amazing/Love the music and vocals... Track sounds really really cool... Very Awesome/Wonderful music/ J'aime Beaucoup/ Magnifique.../Thank you for wonderful message and music/Powerful stuff...

This is in addition to the wonderful opinions I got from the people involved in the double album (Guests...) who qualified some compositions as masterpieces (even when it was far from the definitive version) ! Thank you from the bottom of my heart 

The reviews of the complete double album, among others, are coming very soon... Thanks to all the musicians and others involved in this project, Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy the full story and all !

Karl Sanders words


The Legendary Karl Sanders (Nile Band/US) have listen the "Angels of the Apocalyptic Storm" song and here is his answer (private message): "HI Max,  yes I downloaded the stereo file and gave a listen. What an epic masterpiece. Wow."

What an honour coming from a guy like him ! Thanks for your message Karl and can't wait to share this epic song with you all and the whole "Far From Home" double Album !

Incredible feedback from the other guests on all the songs of the double album too. It's going to be epic ! Thanks for All 

Max Enix Line Up Now, Studio, Live and Future


Team for the Double Album "Far From Home" , Studio, Live (one line up for tour/festivals and an other for some shows) and Future:

Max Enix: Music, Composer/Songwriter (keyboards/Piano/Strings/Base for orchestrations/Vocal lines...), Vocals/Choirs, Concept, Artistic director, Producer, Manager, Lyrics/Story...

Drums: Leo Margarit (Pain of Salvation)
Guitars: Xavier Boscher (Ex-Misanthrope, Solo Albums) / Replaced by 2 professionals and famous guitarists for Live
Bass: Jean-Jacques Moreac (Misanthrope)
Piano/keyboards: Vikram Shankar (Silent Skies, Redemption...)

Elise Wachbar: Vocals/Choirs (Studio)
Angèle Macabiès : Vocals/Choirs (Live)
Thomas Kubler: Orchestrations and some arrangements
(Transposition of my music/keyboards/strings/piano parts for orchestra)
Francois Rousselot: Conductor of the Budapest Orchestra (60 musicians and 40 choirs)
Hugo Williame: Programmed drums

David Castillo: Mix
Tony Lindgren: Mastering
Marc Krauth: Some vocals sound recording

Important to know that Vikram Shankar has written additional piano parts to some songs and of course all the fantastic musicians has written their own parts (Bass, Guitars, drums, piano by following the music and some indications (or not) with their own way of playing) !

Vocal and Instrumental Guests:
*Andy Kuntz (Vanden Plas/Abydos/Last paradise Lost...) = Vocals
*Tom Englund (Evergrey, Silent Skies, Redemption...) = Vocals
*Devon Graves (Psychotic Waltz, Dead Soul Tribe...) = Vocals (+Flute and others maybe)
*Fabio Lione (Rhapsody, Angra, Turilli/Lione Rhapsody, Vision Divine...) = Vocals
*David Readman (Adagio, Pink Cream 69, Solo Stuff...) = Vocals
*Marcela Bovio (Stream of Passion, Dark horse White horse, Ayreon, Mayan...)
*Farhad (Zink) Hossain (Shumaun...) = Vocals
*Mahdi MK Khemakhem (Carthagods...) = Vocals
*Laurent Lunoir (Öxxö Xööx, Rïcïnn...) = Vocals
*David Fremberg (Andromeda, Reggae Kiss...) = Vocals
*Michael Herrington (OneTwenty...) = Vocals
*Kobi Farhi (Orphaned Land...) = Vocals
*Damian Wilson (Solo stuff, Threshold, Arena...) = Vocals
*Toby Driver (Solo, Maudlin of the well, Kayo Dot, Alora Crucible...) = Vocals
*Jon Pyres (Threads of Fate, Solo...) = Vocals
*Carsten Lizard-Schulz (Devoid, Lazarus Dream, Solo stuff) = Vocals
*Angèle Macabiès (Solo stuff, Cover...) = Vocals
*Johanna Red (Solo Stuff, Cover...) = Vocals
*Mody Ptd (Kriteria, Save'n retry...) = Vocals
*Heather Findlay (Mostly Autumn, Odin Dragonfly, Solo Stuff...) = Vocals
*Niklas Kvarforth (Shining, Solo Stuff...) = Vocals
*Dan Swano (Nightingale, Edge of Sanity, Solo Stuff, Katatonia, Star One...) = Vocals
*Benjamin Guerry (The Great Old Ones...) = Vocals/Guitars
*Stéphan Forté (Adagio, Solo Stuff...) = Guitars
*Derek Sherinian (Solo stuff, Dream Theater, Planet X, Sons of Apollo, Black country communion...) = Piano
*Mattias Ekhlund (Freak Kitchen, Solo...) = Guitars
*Michael Romeo (Symphony X, Solo...) = Guitars
*Per Nilsson (Scar Symmetry, Meshuggah...) = Guitars
*Shad Mae/Saout Mael (Devoid, Shadyon, Digiments...) = Guitars
*Timo Somers (Carthagods, Delain, Harrow Haze, Star One...) = Guitars
*Laurene TelennAria (Orkhys...) = Vocals + Harp
*Luciana Lys (Constellia, Nightwish Tribute, Solo Stuff...) = Vocals
*Sébastien Dubail (Constellia, Bagfed...) = Guitars
*Valou Besson Nix, Agathe Mouchy Capone, Michael and Valentin = Strange vocal sounds/effects
And others to come...

Milo Lee: Vocal and scenic coach, photograph, Residency supervision...
Thomas Ewerhard: Illustrations...

Video clip realisators:
Mathieu Buchholzer/Blue mount films
Lucas Bastian (3D Clip with Unreal...)
Bloudengaztia Wolfgang/Dronicon Films (Anime)

Sound Designer: Olivier Chevalier


Medley 1 here:
Medley 2 here :

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